The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-08-06, Page 9Iv, 11— , in ds h - ed ng rs. a np a • bY )rs. 1 WEP"INESPAY,- AVGU4T lb, le, NI Wifiriatt#31 4171011/WiWr:AFAKWIAIIIIIIIWZr. • •4rOr.rmorterkri••••xi..4,•itr;:•..1.4,1,10r , • , • " LUCK.10,W: SiN'rINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • 1 , • KINGSBRIDGE • Afr. and Mrs. Baerta and twins, Xi% and Mrs. jos,.tioinbardo, Mr. aadMrs, Art De -Baker, Mrs. Vio- * let Austin, Mr. and Mrs. Al Sut- ter and family of IDetrOit were week -end guests with Mr. and MTS.Cyr Austin. . , Miss Reta Forbes and two irienda frOnl. Detroit ar0 With Mrs. f..oUis Hogan. and, lam- •• • M. and Mrs. Raymond Austin, Ar411 ,and Marlene of Tor- onto,, Mr. and Mrs, Len Woodley and-Slary Darlene of Malton, Mr. and Mrs. H, Mcnard and sons, Bobby and. Danny of Belleville, spent the week -end at the Clifton Austin home. Miss , Florence LaMbertus of Hamilton.' and Mr.. Seignqr Guelph are visiting .with.Mr,.and Mrs. H. Lambertus. • • 4.• .;.• • Mr. and Mrs. Chris Moerbeck and three children and Mrs. Ken- neth Bee f Toronto spent, the week -end with,the 'Leo Moerbeckfamily.. • f. , 1 Mr. and Mrs. :r?,, M.. Ryan and family of Detroit,' Miss Ida Gres - pap, ,Miss Mary Gunzik and, Miss, Olga Di Francesco of London Were' guests at the Walter Clare • home 9ver the week -end. Rev.;. Father. Moss of London :was a• visitor t the•RectorY; and = 4. I , .4. • lot th- on ith nd .to ou.' 'OU" ne. nir" an, 0- 9 . wher...".71m "r4 alsj. with his. parents, Mr. and. /Vire. J. C. Moss at their cottage. here during the past week. The Very, Rev. Gerard Van Vynckt, of 'Yorktown, Sask., is' a guest at the Rectory' with hie brother, Rev.' H. Van Vynekt, enroute to Europe for the election of the Superior Gen- eial and his council, • . Mr, Robert .Howard purchased the -farm of the late.Jos. Buckley whichwas sold by public. auction , ,P=Piim/ile`o PAGE FIVE.' last Monday event* for the -sum of $11,000, and we .win be very happy to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Howard to this neighborhOod. Mr. and • Mrs. Jack Berry and son of Goderich, Mrs. .gd• John- ston of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. • Schtiurman and family "itif Lpn- don, Mr...and MrS.,Ray:. Murphy of Toronto, .Mrs. Lalonde and family .of .Sarnia, Mr. and, Mrs., . Clarence • Doherty of, Toronto, were, other hohdaY,visitors here. • ' • • 40 4 =' • •4 r ade." as of • ast,- 691C • det nay • .deri ,••• )an., that. vite now im- Mat (de - ?out .the • ,and ainc: 1, ;a ons- ould vOte:. now and ap. )ugh ' • h• 1' . • . • . , . 47, • h • • e . • . ••, • , . • . • • • . . ' 1 . 0. . 1 1. What'is the Canada conversion' Loan of 1953? It is an offer, to replace all unmatured• 34, wartime Victory Bonds with new .5 -year. 41/2% Canada Con- version Bonds. (Other bonds of shorter term, bearing interest rates of 41/4%, 334% and 3% are also available.) 2. :Why is: the .Covernment makinglhis conversion Offer?' In" order :To reorganize the .national debtori° a longer cterm basis and thus• reduce the volume of Government.. refinancing over the next few .Srears. There is widespread public' and .business agreement that .this. is a. sensible. idea and will help protect the soundness of the adian dollar. '• • •,. • • 2. , . 3. • . • . . . • • , , What Interesi, will I receive on the new bonds?. On the '25 -year' bonds the interest rate is 41/2%—this. is $9% greater than the old Victory Bond rate. The ,crease on tile 14 -year and 'the 7 -year honds (is . substantial, • ". • , x. • . • 6. What will be the total of my cask adjustment? • , . • . i .. It will depend on the type of exchange. For example, a • ' ' - • $500 8th Victory Bond exchanged for a $500 Conversion Bond - paying 41/2% will give yon '$8.75 m. cash int- .! .. , mediately. This includes earned interest. - i ., 1 . .:. -. - 7. Does this offer apply to Canada Savings Bonds and otherGovernment of Canada Bonds? . - . • . No. This offer is limited to unmatured wartime Victory , Loan Bonds only..., . • • • , • • • • 8. VVhat.steps' should I take if,rarn away from.home on . • . vacation and wish to take advantage of this offer? You should write immediately to your bank, investrhent dealer, stockbroker, trust or loan company, requesting literature and application forms. , • . tr . ▪ small? , .9. 'Does it matter tbat the "Victory Bond - I hold is very. 4. a Victory Bond .holder, .I.be. reqUired to maim any additional payment? •• • , . . , No.. On the contrary, you will receive . an itrilheditzte1 cash adjustmentEv. t. . • . . . .• . . 5, Do I have:to convert my Victor* ponds?' . YOuMak if ydu wish, hold your Victory Bonds until, matunty and on the .due date you will be paid their full face value The Conversion Loan offer is open only ." to Victory Bond holders, and the "right" 'to convert gives Victory Bonds,a special value until the offer eXpires. This is because _there are many/ people trying tobuy. them in order to invest in the new bbncls.. r • er yholde r of aVict B ory ond even th ough t he a ount • ..held may be only •$50,' should take advantage of this offer. t ts in his best interests as well as in the best interests of Canada. , . •, •• • 1 •. 104 How long is this offer Open? • Until SepteMber 15, 1958;.; but it ig to your advantage'. to convert :as quickly as possible and have the benefit of the immediate cash adjustment. • • • • • 11. Where tan I e7Lchang, My' Victory Bonds? At any bank, investment• dealer; trust Or loan company, • or throughyour stockbrOker;: '• , : . • • , • • • . • • . „ ' h • • • ' ' . 1 1 • 1,1 • • • • 1 • • " • ' ••• • .'....• •:, • • •: •••, • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • 4v:.. • • • , • .• • •• •!1' t • (,• • t • ." • • 'Or • • 1 • • • '1 • • .• • „ • ' , .• • A 't 4••• • 7 Og • %. = . • , • • •