The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-08-06, Page 51.. I 1. • j r ' 4 741 ,„ .• ' Or! • • • • • • ' • , -Year ..ln'IA.OVance•--:$.1.004'.-Extra •tro- 1,14CKNOW-, ONTARIb W.ED,NESIDAY AUGUST 0, 1958 TW.g1411t FA,GE PREMIERFROST SENT GREETINGS . The following telekram from the Ontario PriMe ,MikiiSter'waS •-• read at the ',opening .per'emionieS .on Saturday by Centennial Sec= •Jf.taStuart Collyek• It had been received by J W Joynt, honor..4rY Presicieht: am, pleased to eXtentl, the congratulations and-%heSt wishes of the people of Ontario to. tbQ ••• citizens of Lucknow on the. .hap1: py occasion of the community's 100th birthday: The festivities I am sure will be. second 'to none I • • . Former Princii5al Was armly Welcome s rITO7V ried Out in the great, 'tradition, Of, your Scottish ancestOrs. On- tario can be justly proud of the cOntributionS tria.deto Our. peon- orpic't cultural • and social life by' Oininunities such. as Lucknow,' It has been .the people .Of villages itich as this that , form rnuch "of. strengtli'of our great ProV- • Vince arid , country.,•• Without the, harU work and sacrifices of • the• pioneers and, their succeeding generations„ our country.. .poiild •.• never have attained•the stature it•bas,today; I. am •,sure that' if it was possible lot "be with 'you 'tbday, ,the founder of Luck7 now, ' Mr.• .Jame s SOrrierVille,. would; as I am, be justly pleased •• and. proud of the progress, made. .this village during the last century May it cOntinue. • . • .. 'Leslie M. .Frost, , ,Prime Minister Of Ontario..• • T,OM:ROSS. WAS, HERE,, • NEARS c,ESTirtrRy.. MARK • Tori Ross, still tall -straight • and stately • despite his 97. • • years, ;was One Of .the early. •- . arrival§ for; ,the :Lucknow Centennial, although he was .: persuaded by his relatives to, lave his parlor pipes at .horrie in Toronto for fear his •enthusiasm forthe...skirl of :.•the.pibroeh'night .cai.lse him to .overtax •his Strength, He is justly proud., of :the: fact that lie doesri't require :glass es, has a thick thatch of White •hair, and- .nO't ; a pain or an ache, although- troubled' a . lit - tie .with dizziness. . , • Toixi.had•a "seat of honor" .g.near . the platform' on High; land Day ' Saturday, along O With. his bcisOm friend, NeilO ' VIdeCallurn. MANY VISITED' THE,' :BEATTY ;LADDER,. FACTORY'. .. • • There • Was, , a grand turnout fOr the "Back,:To-Schoor cere- monies--; on Saturday 'Morning.: Some were late, naturally, .but. everyone.. -Was: there because they wanted to: be. , • Was. an ...oPportunitY. tci.'meet• --fornier--Telassmates., and-----teaphers- 'arid to visit :the school'. on :the: hill .Where iany learned itheir 3R's.. It -Proved' to: be all of. that. Some 400 Signed 'the school reg- ister and probably half as. many more didn't. get "around' to it" in the, eXcitement of 'meeting old •friends. _ Pictured aboVe: ire 'four: of the participant's which The. Sentinel Cameraman .was ableJO Left t�; right is Alex W. Smith,,.program. .chairman and a'.pUblic „school 'in, spector • now resident at Oen Sound; Dotipe of .Port Credit, principal 'of• the Lucknow Public School some two score years ago,;' Miss. Helen -L. Thomp- son, or the .Public School staff and convenor the "Back,Tio., Sehool" prOgrarn; Andrew M. Thompson, public school princi- pal, at 13owinaiville, :who brought greetings .,ori, behalf. Of former Pupils. . • , ' .• —Sentinel Photo MET:'ON CORNER: WHERE O , THEY PARTED 4.4, YEARS:AGO, • , • ; Mary, Smith . and Mary -IVlac- Lean were boSonr'sfriends. back in public' school days in Luck - now .i, Their . friendship ..was otear•-• .fully Severed: °a long'time .ago,• as • they • bade farewell at- , the Methodist ,(United) Church 'cor- ner . Mary Smith was on her Way to the station and Mary MacLean sad/y. turned .her footsteps.•th -her• . home. just east Of the, Village • During 'the Centennial , they met again for the first time in 42 years, and •orithe same , . cor- ner where -they, parted over two [score: Years' ago. . • • ' Ineidentally, as a sort of ; anti clitnak tO hk hunian intereSt• Not Ar. 'AccI.dent Or Banged. • .Fender, ••...Police Earn 4' • ' • • , . ••• . The Centennial. celebration was gins, and he wished :to :aCknow- aecident-free' and ahnost as 'free le'dge the assistance in 'traffic of any. "incidents" It was an control received: from Fire Chief amazing record, and • did • -George Whitby and 'members of not ;receive rePortsof as: much the Brigade. Also, he had a as a banged fender., : ,mighty : goOd ' Word. to • say r- for. Speaking of the'Police,: they Jimmy Boyle, and his Valuable are .receiving. high ..praise from and willine'assistanee with the the people of the Village and sound truck. ' • the entire populace of this Place. In fact, all the way through which. was-27sWelled..'ten,fold at everybody was -happy, and Com- . times during, the four days. . plimentary of the handling and A four -man corps from the organization of the Centennial Kitchener • Detachment •arrived : there wasn't a word of bickering here on Fridayafternoon and or dissatisfaction reached our a a i *Of i ih ears': it was SiMply UnbeiieVablel day until the final. stragglers had Pretty ,rnuch,. disappeared .by 4.00 ori, Tues ay. mor in . .- The force waSo. under - vection senor officer ' Jack Open haus hel i dicall story,, Ma .s! smith thairied , a h d busy t me tng t and. cl Per . eabh day at . the. Beatty 'Ladder 'Brown" and Mary MacLean Factory, found Many .ViSitors married a...`131aci,.'..*.• • , : dropping:. • to a ou d -and ' , oo • r n • . marvel at what they Saw, as thiS , • plant. :reaches - a Point of final .tenevation and fuli Proadticti"on.. R": lAristoW, plant .:Manager, and plant employees shOWed the Visitors the ••ladder:. making, pro.-: cess, %and. :the .surprisingly aurnber of rnachineS...involved their . manufaettire..' •••• To many Who 'remember it, and worked ;in it, as: the ••"old furni- ture. ,fabtorY", was a, partic- • 111arly-: intereStlirellitilt—''" • • • ' FILL yACANCiEV . „ . ON'tOUNciL 0. - Two, vacancies that'have. fisted fer,•sorne time on, the Luck - NO Village 'Council were filled last we,k with 'the appointrnerit• of Hic Treleaven- and M; Sanderson: 'At -a brief sessiOn they signed' tlicdeclaration of,offic6 and were invtisted by Clerk, g Agn;_m' totipeillors'TreleaVen arid ban- derson 'wereappointed'•by Coun- clito fill the unexpired ,portion, •of.'the,,year '1058, They Will fill vaeancies tatised by. the "reigila- Samuel'the dith' ,SherWood arid of VV: Webster, Mr Tr1eavn served, on the Board 'a •number . of yeti go 111i%: Sandersori is a tieWctilter to the 1a1 *unittipai field; SUSPEND SENTINEL . • PUBLICATION ,:TWO WEEKS . Holidays will start at The. Sentinel Office this week and that we. mai have a' couple . of, weeks to relaX a, bit,. there will be no issue of the paper . en August 13th or 20th:, . • The next issue of The Sen- tinel. 'will. be Wednesday, •- "August' 27th.• ' initting, to Publish:, the Cdn•-• tennial registration. list in. subsequent editions. , • • . BORN r HENDERSON—in Wingham Hos- pital On Saturday, • August 2nd, 1959, to Mr.: 'and: •MrS.-' janies 01CONtsiOR SHOW MADE BIG HIT O It seemed that every Centen- nial event was a. highlight. The ,.. Billy"' •O'Connor' show certainly was •arid the arena was packed on. Saturday nigto , hear . and warmiyandaprvrild.ucrkitehepseeti oStramraS of moT'e;., than had been,predieted; and riot only • • '• did the O'Connor c4st demon- strate that, they are • highly tal- ented performers, but are "real' ' pole: •They entered into the spirit of the -Centennial and 'were „ girls", and fully appreciated' the .. friendly greeting •of the crowd, . . and the warm reception of their host and hoSteSs, Mr. and. Mrs. • George Joynt, who .versonally ,entertained the cast:.• •. • Three other .spectacular .vaude- • ville acts were weaved into the . O'Connor •program, to 'make it • . simply a "terrific •show".• There • was Gloria Peebles , with her trained animais act, the keppo Trio in acrobaticbalancino ano. an "Elvis. PreSley" type •guitar strummer and songster. 0 A "wide -vision" stage was' built in the arena; where the .,asphalt • , floor; hockey cushion and dress- ing 'rooms sparkled with 'a , new coat of aluminim paint; ,81:tecia1'•:.. lighting effects were used to, en-, hance •.the show, t, sponsored by Coca Cola of Canada, Limited. Reeve George ,Joynt, responsible for "booking!" the show./intro- duced Mr. O'Connor .and -the , cast . • :,. r, . • • •0 • a • . • • • irLepresed:to them, on. behalf • • • • Of the ,audience :and citizens' of this community . a very, hearty 'thank you" - .• Members of the troupe iribitid- ed: "Bubbling" Billy O'Connor, • singer .and pianist; Sylvia Mur phy,' SOngStreSs, • who later left , for a 'New -. York ; engagement, • ' • O aoe'y. Hollingsworth,: dancer; The Hansen Sisters (Florence . and Andrea) .violinists, who recently,..; Completed. a tour with Guy Lom- bardo's band; ;Pat Doyle,- Irish comedian' • and :members .': of the O'Connor band, Doug -MaCLeOd, ,Kenny Gui, Jackie. Richardson - and:Vie Centro. They do not 'nor- . mally play. for dancing, but they did ,on this occasion and "beat out` ;the rhythm": as they further': • entered 0 into ,the,.spifit and thusiasm Of the delighted Cen- tennial - crowd. Mr. and Mrs., 'Gary Cooper of • the McCann-EricksOn Advertis ing.,Agency, which handles Coca- Cola advertising were .pfesentfor, the occasiOn", and were guests of Mr., and 'Mrs. .Taynt,:, ' IVON THE.. STEPLADDER, Hodins' 0 P P His associates Henderson Cif Lucknow, a dati,- • With program number' 2923, '0 0..George , Erririgton of Dungannon were Robert 'Scott,' 'Ron Dubrick• ghter. and .Bruce • Crew. •• was the, . winner of • the Beatty- This . • fourSorne. taine` in, • for much.' praise in their handling. of the;,crowds and the Mainthin ing • of order. •.There ,didn't seen' to be a belligerent. person in the throng; ; .tilt,. on ,the. other hand, the od...thingL..01 say about, their Lucknow recep- • Oen...They .were. never 'received FORMER ASHFIELDITE WON $1000 BOND . • , • Winner Of the '1000 bond :the Centennial lucky. ticket draw was Earl, Sherwood of R.R. ,5, dpclerich, and form-, • The draw Was made at the Centennial •ball. on -Monday betterthan here, said Jack Hod- • night. , • • ladder. It was presented •tO him • •, • .on Monday nfght.by W. L. ;Kenzie, I -• The prize,. syn;boiia of the first 0 00 O ladder,. produced bY• the Beatty . • Ladder factory in LticknoW, PUrchaged by the employees it carne..Off•-thd. prOd11041ne,•-•-•,,,4•• June, 'and was presented -AO ' • • the Centennial Committee, . ' ,• ... , . . . ' fr asSurely Lucknow's Finest ur The Jur tiocv pent enni 1 itim story. but. the 'einorie•s :of O th6s6 four clayS• ' lonct6ieeven thani the • ..• • ..altn6A .unbelievable, undngs •who crOwdett: thiS, Senor' ;town fnr and 'happy Itiour,s; Memory will dim as. to the trite enormity of these throngs, but .the camera wiiF have baptureci them .for I•so'S.... • terity, , • . • ..Out, while memory •nothing can 'erase the deep and abiding )py and pleasure. of this hotrieCOMingand it brining tOgettier. Of Old , • . „ „riot as:4 this way again"., ink it all was a sPirit, a Sept- . friends, sone of whorn the fondest hOpeS, •O NO 'matter how strenuous.. 00 and exhauStin4 „were • dciightfilJdays and nights, all; • 't99.•oon it Wawss'ending ancV O irne.nt—tliat' something ''\i.rith- in the , hearts and Minds 'nf peeple. that werds cannot ex- preAS... The handlap the ; ,with it came the heart tugs smiles,., :the reMi Aseenting, • and those ''Itanp - in - the - the 'fellowships and fitiallv ,thrbat",, partings.' Fr Auld • Ling Syne" \Sas hexer had' ; Such significance. • Word s Inadequate .‘ • It , was more • than enter- tainment or celebration . it. was .originally 'planned, it was a homecoming ari1 proved to bethat far bond' the lingering partingiand the • nostalgia of if all, are thing .that no journalist ,Ciant O relate. • • Tuesdaycarne the calin•and Abe' reflection of,it all — and io there were but • 'telt it ..,•had been ..Lucknow's tineat '`..41.1oul•". 1. • LEFT •TTIESIDA, ON 'VEAR'. LONG WORLD TOUR, • • • MiSSMargaret Macniarmid drd .a friend from Wiridsor leftLon.. n airport .'6n Tuesday, on ;filo' -• first leg 6f :a year's trip. .around • the world, by air. - Their. Journey started w,egtWar. to v‘anoottr and then :across the •Pacific ; Honolulu • and •Ilawaii,.They,Plah th ,visit -countries as Japart./Pdia, Africa, iSteW Zealand, several turopean leountries • andthe tititish. Isles,' Miss Macrilarrnia is a sister: of . Mrs. Walter MacIcentie, Of, thwn,, , Margaret recently completed 40 years in the teaching profeSsior4 • thirty-fiVe years Of. which , she spent in WindSor.. • " . r • . r . . .. . . ' : r .1. ' n 4 " -.111111iiall1111, WM/ iitilitiitt=1/0 •i • •