The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-07-23, Page 24scENTERICAL SPECIAL',. THE LUCKNOW SENNINF.L, . LUCKNOW, ONTARIO' �ntenn'ral Snowba.l le ='ree ltkp • 10, lfttt si s. it sts 00 Inches The Lucknow Centennial; once • it. got rolling, just snowballed to .enthusiasm -arousing proportions;' • never' dreamed of.The Climax: comes this week-end. `he ,spark, was touched off on. October 2nd, , 1957, when the ' Sentinel- ran. a two column.. front page, spreadcaptioned: "Village Centennial is next year, what will be.', done' about it?" In.- the January " 1st issue, by prose . and poem, former residents added =their :voice, Reeve George • Joynt'• pointed out the ; matter would be: brought up ''at the first Meeting of the 1958 Council; It' was, ,;and Coun cil •, backed the `venture with a $1000' guarantee:`' „In the meantime a "Letter, to•' e 'rurta _ .._.. 's Centennial pressure. A . public -Imeetingg was. 'called !for' January •••17th,; when Harvey Linklater. •o f Kincardine spoke to; the, gathering on conducting such a, • celebration:., The Meeting. 'set' Civic, Holiday. week -end for the "do" and named Cameron . Mac- Donald, .Morgan' 'Hendersons and Oainpbell Thompson ;to work. .., with., Reeve ' Joynt and the sec- retary ° of the. meeting, Stuart. Collyer, as a striking committee. H. D ,"Bud" Thompson was re. ;quested by : Reeve, Joynt to take:, over the general chairmanship of the Centennial, . and the :striking committee; became in effect the Executive Committee, Commit- .tee" chairmen were.." appointed, • charged With: the responsibility of each department retivi ty' has 'continued to roll ever since, axd,':score upon'score.' • of meetings have since ;been held. Due credit can ; never be paid to • many ":who : have worked ':untir, n. ingly•:"and: unceasingly- through • out the past six',: Months. f Receive 'ubl�ity ICINGSBRIDGE Ms. and Mrs. Jos. T-'40mbardo of 1Detroit visited with Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Austin last week. During the past weeic• Thos. O'Neill, Mr.: Sohn O'Neill;. Mary Ellen, Edward and PeggY ,visited -with relatives in Toronto. daughter Christine, " Miss Olga •bury 'were guests -at the Frank Sullivan hOnie -bet Week. r. Jas. Kelly, Mrs, Kelly 'and eon ot s.udbuty are now 'Visiting Mi§s Patricia Otonnor -hot= idaying, in Detroit with relatiVes Miss Mary Sheridan rs'Of Tor: onto and her aunt, Miss Miller of HainiltOn.are holidaying here.. Mr. and Mre. Jack Berry and son' of Goderich, visited with 'the Jack, 'Agert family last 'week - Publieity To No, End ' sFeeling,, the. _responsibility • of having "stirred this thing up /, The Sentinel went to work to > publicize it. By actuali measurement up- to . last week, The Sentinel has pub- lished 1180 inches i;4. free pub- licity, or approximately 9440 lines, which couldn't 13e/purchas- ed at a • "reader rate" •for less than $600, and at a 10e rate of 1.0c; would run "clbserl to $1000. • 'This Mass of publicity ran to . over 60,000 words, an'd no con- ., sideration is given to, this :32. - page ' Centennial special,' which wotild more than double the: Included in that Publicity'.has been the free publication of the list of doners, who • had contrib- uted up ' to the week -end close During the Centennial very - one is requested to registerres,, idents of the community as . visitors. Registration ead-• -quarters are in the Public Lib- ' rary at the Town Hall, where rest room faciilties will also be available,' Local ,folk are. urged - to register - as goon as poesible ,after registration opens. SEE BY SENTIN IN TEARS BYEOONE THAT on April 15t1; 1916," Abe joining j. G. Arrastrong's drug „BlitzsteiresTdrygoode store a_ THAT. ow Deee.rior 18th, 1896; ' Webster arid 'Andrew: tOok over Thomas Young's impleinerit agency. arid he went to Walk-. 'THAT': according tO an' item Lin ' stated that the firsts Motor ear ' 'WE7NESDAY ;4114.4X 3Qih,;, 1958; visitin•g with Mrs. Edward Foley and- family. family of London' are bUilding their neW cottage here during their vacation,' ,Dr. and Mrs. Kasper of Detroit are vacationing at •the home of Mr.'. John O'Connor (the 'O'Con- nor:homestead) ;for the .thonth of Other week -end. Visitors here ten the .make,,,:rfer, or owne.r.., ere. Mr and Mrs, Jos. MurPhY s the Ba.rik of tHamilt9n Stratiord,rMr. J. C., Keane of branch in Lncknow. waS open- Stratford, Mrs. Nora Shiflett of THAT the, •Ch°.n Friends 16d' troit, Miss Betty Lou Vaiella of was 'organized:here in Sell'ern" London, Miss krances•Gilinore of THAT in June 1891, bus opera - Mr.' 'and' Mrs. Terenee Nichol- ' tor Peter' McLaren, improyed. son of -Chicago visite/a with, their his serviee by' purchasing a "plush" 12 -passenger bus (horse drawn 'of course) ara cost ,a THAT Rodger Cain of Cain City, Kansas, died suddenly in '414Y of 1887 'He 'Was a brothen'of he Best ressed - '`(este.ryear ,.:iC.Qntests ....• . . Though, crippled by r puma- tisr,n, that has prevented him, fr.om playing his bagpipes for' some fourteen years, Neil. Mae, Callum of town Still retains his• deep ferverfor:things Scettieh and in a wheel chair close hy wher€ going On, Arid he'll. hav0 on- dolAsbt RECALLS ARRIVAL HERE niece, -Mrs:. Don Frayne• and: ily: and with Mrs'. Dwyer ‘• ddring ;the past ,Week. has just cornleted:her studies at University of .TOrorito,:before ginning her .position op- the! staff of Elinira High sSchool for the third year,, -is Ow Visiting with ger was. one of the first settlers , , in that'part of Kansas and Cain' Mrs. Gene Frayne and fainily 'City was :nal.2.01ec_l_ after him. s wthirnthmhyer-PlarsatY*fleeek7.atuftrenreda wheoemwes. r of Steele Cs. Murdoch, OW•!‘e first stone •irbason, • • In the' tkei itself lay much. of the pleasUre Of the long ''d 's Outing; : and. -the Woods With the sound of their a§ theY followed the trail. he! Original IVIurcloch home WaS What is nbw Gordon Kirklaficl's .• Harvey Hall. of Detroit to reflect On her arrival' in Lucknow lowing• the war froth. her native .. Scotland. She. was among the' Sheilla recalls,, •WaS Strang,. er in a strange land, bUt net for • Tong, as the great kindriesS Of feel at home. I • 'remember .e§peciallY the.. night I arrived; tired and serneWhat aPprel-xerisive as to what life Might shave An Store for me in thiS new land,. When. the 'music of the bagpipes. reached My. ear§ and So •rnany Mrs, Ball cenelud.e§ an, inter, esting letter With 'the •ScOttish VANCOUVERITES LEAVING FOR 'THE CENTENNIAL Thanks for' the ' kind invitation pleaied to attend and see all the old:. friende, -but it will be im- poesible this year. However...We hope ,to go in the near future.; My sister and her husband, are leaving here next 'Monday to go tos`LUcknOw and I believe' Mr. and Mrs. Towle, also of •Vancou., ver, will .be there for the .cele - Under separate coVer I am. ,sending you a copy of the Cen-, tennial edition Of the Vancouver 'Province. L thought it Wburd be celebrating British Colurnbia.'s centennial , thanking yous,again for. the kind Among Aest Pressed Scots' • They lived -in LubknoW for couple. of years,. before. rnovi to the arni, returning tos.,1 :Village' .sOme Sixteen years .a ‘Neil , also followed the ,cern( rheumatic, affliction,: forced, to quit'Work and so stiffened Oay hie •Mr. 'and Mrs. Jack McConville I Here Neil is pictUred in his returned to their hOme in Tor-. .yeunger days in full regalia' that onto after. a two' weeke visit at -.dubbed him aS one of the best the. Clifton_ Austin home. dressed 'Scots of his.,time• . Mrs. D. Mdore of . A.lgoriac,1 Neil "picked" 'up the pipes him - 'of Detroitreturned to their home after two weeks visit with the O'Neill* family. • Rev: H. Van' Vynck baptized the infant daughter of Mr.' and Mrs. EUgent Frayne "Marianne Elizabeth" with Dr. and Mrs. Gil:. Rev. Father Clark; C.R.; "sang -the 16.30 a.M. Mass here on Sim - clay, as 'Rev. H..Vari Vynckt celebrant f of the Solemn ',High nias§ Marking' the silver jubilee of Brien parigh, . John 0: Dalton,,Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dalton, -Mrs., M Lierman also attended, :Mrs: Albert Alton 'had: as. \Tip - from Ildertoti,. Mrs. Rose, 'Mrs, Carrie:1\41.S, Sarah Needham and Miss' Barbara Needharn, BORN NICHOLSON'—in Hanover Heat: pital On Monday, jUly 26th to Mr. 'and Mr§, NiesholsOn self and became one . of the. original members of thelucknOw Pipe 13and which was organized fifty years ago, this past spring, He and Earl (Jder McCoy are the only two surviving members Over 44. years ago_...Neil mar- ried Elizabeth MacInto§h, daugh- reeting' From Mackay•Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Formosa: The , Scholastics of,Huronia Mr. Kenneth Cameron, lege are in charge of the King§„, 'Chairman,. Invitations Committee Lucknow bridge float for. the Lucknow centennial, and c'onducted a meet- ing .of :the parisk men on Sunday, afternobn to. ake final arrange-, Ments.for the Success a our an- nual garden party whiCh, will be Van VYrickt and the- people bf Dear Kenneth: Mille .,Failthe" letter announcing. the centenary. celebrations; Alig-s ,has jiist delivered it,:,, and s'tis ,gosbil"--finiaaie—thealiffetrriatibir. lit garden party and ail CoMmUnity oeeasionbut. We . Must bes.ebn-,- ,.ReV. Michael Daltorwif*WdocIS:.• happy tef haves such refreshing • Walkerton w„ore Sundgy iiiitors days me may hear yo r songs, with 'Mit; da Mrs'. ,Lambertils. 'Songs echoed aerOSS the world:. s 'and: "Happy BirthdaY TO You", ""For • family of London were Sunday family here., A:C.2 Bmberlin, Who has Auld Lang.' Syne; My ,Dear ' and "Praise* God &bin. Whom 'All Blessings Plow", • s In this land of ancient culture' ...Jour adopted ,hbirie'landbirth, days are great events. They mark .the, passing. periedS of life. with 'soaltirig, every New ,Year'S.Day cross •The is a mass birthday Making et person in the .nation a full y birthdays. of important hotiseli members proVide the setting. tholight indeed May prsOide best, "best' wistie" to the Lu now Cgritenaiy; "May the' cornip oratiOni. from ,beginning to..+ —in the streets and in ihe.sa tuariesf -as also the:'hornes, Hugh 'AleXander Here Frain 'Illinois five 'children of Carbondale, are liolidating at the 'Beach anticipating' the C6ritenrii* AgricilltUre, As a, son. of the • PAY rniniste'r of agriduttur0 Alberta at the'timc Oif dc Gainble) of Toronto Slid to the:Centennials, and says, like to attentl. in the ineal best of Wee: