The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-07-23, Page 23lth, 1.958.. �IIes• Western re. Elg id of 18 Yn,ars. Sin Were:' lees It* id rnl.lsk,T �. k.for as •. nstrong's Geo the 54ry3i1 vhick; he actnt to.• quant; in stock,: e -elected. Thomas •ee've..of . on, and 'w • • WE.DNEB,DA,,Y, ;MY ;8Oth:, 1958; • ' Family Of Is Settled Jn Kinloss 10 ' ;Jam .e 's• • Alexander MacLe who will be 88 years of age du r iv the Lueknow' C n t . � e. t'ennial, the author' of this "family tre The MacLeod' 'family came Kinloss;: -four 'years,, before Lu. now was founded. THE' MACLEOD ,QF RASSAX Norman MacLeod was •born the Island ,of Rassay, 1_,Sxna�ii land°.off the We's„t coat of Sc land, between the Isle. of Sk • and. the mainland. His son 'John. was born the • THE , LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW , ye go od, W. Whitfield; who. is at. present :. r- living in Chicago,' he. married •is m red e". to c Erva Gassell of K • incardne, Ont. They have a: family of four' boys and one girl'. (Mary) ' Mrs ' . l% White' c>'f Chicago. A daughter 'Mary . died in Toronto when she wasabou ten years old and is buried •there. on ,Jame . Alexander a is 'MacLeod bin Augusts 2 , 1870; married Eu- ye phemia Mary MacDonald; daugh- • pcompetition-against • . shot •„ ut all comers:.. n• Mr.; Stewart doesn't ., recall the exact distance on that oc- •casion, . btit in.' his heydey • he .• 'could' put the :15 -pound shot • from 42. to 45 • feet.' • He lias a Pro ram, C w -.-,,.-'lie •va ues, • of he Cal ,donian Games of 1827•:. The a Mission SHOT-PUT CHAMP OF 1910, 14 TAR1O Charles Stewart of Regina is visiting, at the old,:home at St. Helens, The Centennial revives memories. of the 1910. reunion at which he won the in the year of 17.85, . he emigrat to Canada with his family in the year 1839 and 'settled in Prince Edward Island, where he died in 1849,, at ,White 'Sands or ,Murray Harbour. and was buried 'in • dd ter of Alexander MacDonald, arid.., 25c for adutts, bir4S .under. re Mary Stuart -of Kinloss; Ontario. ten, ,l:Oc, grandstand lOc extra. Phemie died in 'Fort William on and Highlanders ' in costume ed. March 6, 1939 and: is buried in free. ire or: bridges ,.them to number )Jy those d D. C.• s dquble. • Dynt had ;e arid •'. and ,Mr. improve 'r'Works.. '. oted`; _the `• MLA' for and'.ou-r aroused let6r.thine to .James itinel for reply; r.`• to ' hear �reiace: to. pukrlisher.' y grand you : re- ty fa.ther; n,the .ald •our, kind •' furnish 'a.7 nem ny, re, ather a away. y ,e: young, s of:'the now, azid' : . . aer• he Paper' till. bears 'Mel ohn d the Ile-. Tan:eouvec.. ` h in ;.1940 : emb'er •of: brat after h.' Shore. g the,. the',paper s }evie wa.s, also: egislature,'.., years: ri 'father by .:my: ter in 'On= father's ourse be,pt. The:, -esent my':: me• busy, 'lay .r.�ay , '• ping field. r --letter �-u i(e the 'oP- ou and all 1a :'and pia• Bryan., .- (ItTTI1)• rt i•ved• a 'Mrs; ;lint, are Ni r;..'.. 1� ,enii fl 61 former : he f ,, cr of Jim s. ' them sev= With '' 'gag d they. are . w'ith. the opened uP, nth �etrci. w Cul • A5 Hors, • South/ Kinloss Cemetery. They spent all their married life in Ft. William;. She' was, very 'interested in the welfare�'of St'; Andrews Presbyterian :Church, Fort. . Wil- His wife, • 'Margaret MacLean (daughter. of Malcolm) was. born in Rassay in the year 1787, and was killed by a train near Luck - now, Ontario, -iri October 1876 and' is buried' in South Kinloss Cem- etery. •The . family .consisted •of • four boys and' ,four .girls, Cather-. ine, , Alexander, Donald;'.. Jessie,' ,Sarah, Malcolm, 'lames, Annie. James • MacLeod .emigrated from the . Island Of Rassay, Scotland, to Prince ;Edward ,; Island;: Canada with 'his parents, . brothers _and •. sisters in the year'1839:; 'He. left' Prince, Edward Island . .in July • 1853, : and after spending 'a few 'Months' in Oxford• County came . up to .the Queens Bush�and took .up 700 acres .of land . in the. Twp. of Kinloss, county. . of, Bruce, •' fo'r. himself :and other• members of ,his family: "He moved ',up there .the ,following. spring :'and located- on, Ldt 7, Con, ;,5; ;Kinloss; where he.. died in April 1.918 and Is. buried fn''.South Kinloss Cemetery. Jas:' MacLeod was ' one, --.'a the irst councillors in Kinloss Townhip,. was•also collector for the:'Twp.. and assessor for texi years, `•he was also ' one': of the License Co mmission r • • e s for' •3oti h Bruce ..for eight. years He'" w a 'very. °:.activ .e member of the .West. Bruce Liberal. 'Association .:being` vice • residen . president for '�a' number; of 'years He was' a • Pres .terian - : by in relig�' .; . On, November 6, ,;1`861- he mar- ried lVI'ary MacLennan of Cape. Breton,,: Nova Scotia, daughter., of Malcolm'McLennan. of the ::Island_ of . • .Lewis, Scotland: She died •March .28th, .1874, and'•:was. bu:r. led .in South Kinloss Cemetery; leaving, 'a family. of • four, i'r1s .and'. _ two''�a o' ' b s� Sarah . J ' �'e g y an Dol=, ina, 'Mar are and ' g t,,Mary, •,Jarries Alexander and" Malcolm, .Orf Fel ruary' 18; .1&79' he married•:Chris= tina MacI iris, -daughter of Mar= tin: Maelnnes. and . Isabell ` Camp- bell of the Isle of Skye, Scotland. She; died ;in the year,. 1923' and. is buried. in South..Kinloss: Cern='. etery leavin . a • family'of . three ,..g re boys and t• wo girls -'John ,Donald; Alexander _:Martin Isabell,Chris-, tie` `Ann',. Alexander„.. • �Sarah;Jane MacLeod' born July Y. 2; 1863, ;married' Richard S. Has- • lam of Toronto and had a faun- ilY `•'of five-, bo Vis, three ':. died at boy S, early age. - Edward was :killed 'in the first world war' • and.' 'is buried' in Prance. William'is.,mar- ried' •:a ' d • is at present:living 'irr. arid, Sarah, Jane and Dick Haslarn; both- • died : iri T 'r. . •. • o onto.. and. are boned • there. Dolina .MacLeod born April 2, .1865 married • Sohn '. Beaton of M:ooserrgss, ' Man:. ` )36th.' died in fort' .W.Miam and are buried • n -Port. Arthur de etery, ' . ,'Mar ga e t Mao born. April 22nd, 1867,' marr%,ed Win; J. Steen of ,flat Portage` (now'' Kenora), both arc :, . i... dead sand are • buried m Ca•1.gal{Y, Alberta. `They 'left •• famio1y 'o f negirlLaura andtWo boys, William and Thomas..' Mary MacLeod; born August 8; • 1872, married Frederick. W. Whit- field in, Fort William: in'1897; he' died there in' the fall of 1900 and is buried `n p t. ,. ort Arthur Cem- etery, She Minnie Whitfield died in Chicago ,in 4920 and is buried' there,leaving one on Frederick; School . 'and `missionary • society: She ;also --took •a great .interest ,in the work of the; Rebecca degree of :' Oddfello'wship of which she was a ,P.D.D.p. arid seer-etary of Greenstorie' Rebecca Lodge, Fort William; for a 'number ,of years; She was appointed ;Grand Chap lain 'of .the, Jurisdiction of Orit- ario in the ,year.. 1937 •'but' 'died before being installed. James A MacLeod is at".present living in •Kiniess:,Township' near' :Lucknow after ,spending •over, fifty years in Fort Williaip; where. he was city alderman for . three, years, : and president df.' the Fort William Liberal Association for four con-. secutive years: He ,was first pre-. sidei t• of • the' Twin . Cities .Bruee • • ,STREET A • CENTNNIAL' SPECIAL Nears- a - Toronto Police • NI'embersof th'e Toronto • Police , Force;:. some nine strong; 'yvih Per - forth .feats of strength and skill in the .Caledonian Park on Sat- rk; Organized. Force Pipe Band. urday, which will, be •r• eniiniscent of The Gane for which Lucknow ' was at one :time internationally - famous. •Store windows ' along Main Street • are being` used to convert "the drag" into 'a ,picture gallery of. old-time photos' Only the stores:on the south side of: the street are being used because it is ' feared that. the: '?sunny side" windows might fade: some of the pictures; • which in - many cases are valued :"heirlooms". Miss •.Ada 'Webster assisted 'by her sister,..Hazel Webster, • and' Mrs:. Russell Robertson, have 'done a . tremendous amount of . work' in. compiling,; mounting , and documentin"g the pictures which will be, we are sure; most,inter=' esting and nostalgic to Centen- nial visitors and local residenuts alike', Old Boys Reunion and prominent • With 'merchants ' requested 'to in Oddfellowsh;p . for • about fifty: keep on. ;their window lights; ;we years can well,- imagine .there, - Will.. be. a pretty steady. lineup ,of •plc ture viewers, 'day and night. ,For. their preservation ' the ' .pictures' are' "behind; glass" : in • the.' wind- ows. • `Malcolm •MacLeod; born March 12;' 1874, went west to Manitoba in'. lies early .`manhood. ' He • hoine steaded and. • farmed • near Glad- stone; Manitoba and carie back to the old home in: -.Kinloss. in 1937 ••and , died in Wingham Hos- pital He .was-' unmarried,, and - is buried in 'South Kinloss Cemet-' er ' Y • John .Donald, MacLeod, born 'December 10,' .1879, died'. on: the old homestead; Lot •.7,. Con.•,5 ,Kinloss, on' April•••9 .1954 ;and is buried in South 'Kinloss; Cenet-, ery; He was ,unmarried" • '' • of• remembrance, • Alexander MacLeod, born June • 30," 1884,: is at present living 'in London*, Ontario, ' ,I e : Married "L "Helen Stephenson of Ferra. Haute, Ind., :U.S.A. •They have ',one' son. James Alexander. MacLeod: living in Detroit;. Michigan. PH E -NUPTIAL • : HONORS : Prior taller* marriage, R Mrs: ;J•' g� C:. Drennan was the., recipient of • •THOMAS::ROSS • ,a ;n " umkier Their . of nascehan heir � ' resence`.•`he • Miscellaneous show-, p re will hav� ers, and. thes :e ' principal :.'and' p cial, sa nifa¢ance• and:a lz , p 1 . d staff ! g ,p : rt;lcu- of Wol�lcroft ub'lic s�h larl so for Thomas: . p c o01, Branti y f Ross;:of Par - ford, of which" she was a• -' onto,;and : a "native of •'Lan si . mem . ..Langside; ber, presented':' hef ,kith :''a ..:gift who: was 98. years ';'.of age ' last • Christmas Day: Wordi'from Tor- onto in June was that, althou h g Ire :was: not keeping too well, "he • .ho d a . peo be with us all"; THE PIONEER 'FATHERS Mr Ross, a tall powerful man, and every : inch •a :�S Down t Y cot, was ' a he last of they t ail r. s they camp etitor at• The ; • � p Ganies'a aanst are bearing b InDonald Danne. a' solemn .and''"lessenin '' line , Martin ,Macleod born : Noverri-' -._ e- . g .e' Tom ,_left• the'farm-`a. - -- - : • � Thr-ough� the uailey. of death, they - t-.Langsde- bet '15,•1886' :is ,'at present living , . to where he: ill returns) are' fareing i . t ,_ ) In in C k ica o:.' • Mart " is. unmarried. .,•:. .:.. •. ; h, g 1. 890 : and - pine ne the ..'.Tor. W i th f"d �,onto nd divine e Police:,F'orce, with which 'he was associated until his retirement in 192.4, ' He organized' the : •Police' Force Pipe Band in 4912. He 'attended' school at Lang; side, first in 'a log .scho'ol- built,. • in 1865 A • frame ;school was built in 1874 at a cost of $56b, and this 'wasrepIaced . by the • brick School. Isabelle •-MacLeod.• born • Nov- a co•n i' ence• firm a ember • .10,•` '1881, married Bert Ba'in., son; of •`Roderick Bain and Isabelle liessi.ck".of Kinloss .Twp:; IWith. every 'white head . that• These pioneer fathers are:passing I O•FFER ' The• last of• MAJQR a glorious Zine::. MEDICAL, : PLAN Brue bunt ..T r o C Their mei' Y h was n Bruce County • then they 'moved •to London} where, 'they are .:at .present: They have: a' farnily of: .three daughters: arid. one son. •One' boy '(James MacLeoct Bain) died in 'his• infancy" and. is buried Greenhill; Cemetery: ' 'Catheiine Bain.. married d - E . ward Brock: They live'on'.a farm west. of'Londen and have•a fam-' .ily of Sour girls ,:.and one boy Christirn4''',Bain )(Mts. Robert •Shillington • has on'e; dati'ghter, Diane; They live, in.Lonclon, Ont. - Janet -Bain. ---(•Mi .-.-eruy-ii--Col: 1e ')' has ,'tw'o,'s ris,'Douglas and Richard: They 'live,. 'in London, Ontario. :. ' '•'• N'ei1.,Bai.n married and at:pres . i 1 ; h 's.'three. cit' living. in �1ltrm:iltoi , a. Soil:;; • Christine: Ain 'Muer-cad', born �� 6;8Ga' ( ..r`(';;('lti `112ar•• h 2 : 1 4a 1 ,g in Lu know. She, .a :ui'r i1di ied, .. ;; . yy; V l�S';J A,i1:E ti PASSES,: •JAMt.� � I� FINDLATB1, Ja:1irs, at"•the North-wesi:c..rn 1H16spital, `I'or'oiito,• on F rid, `v. July .25, 1958, 4arnes Findlater', 2005 Eglinton beloved ° husband' of Josephine Van Norrnart, ,brother of William, of Detroit, and' f sigh : of London Oris, Service' Was opt ' Monday - at 10 arm- Tnterri'ient. Bnandon Cem= eteryr. Belgrawr•'e,.Oritr ' • • • • F' sinking , 'Where the wo' • rk a lifetime' is don •_ : .. e We ' are losin old::. threads ds the•,linking• • Of traditional days •that • ar. Y e gone,. Those days when the . l" Y Y the .aid t 'foundations' Fore the airs . wliiich' t� g their child ren have won Ther e is never 'a ze her Soft : sighing Where the" ' rimeval IS forest' held swaY> There is .never: a . patriarch dying, But: a story is passing away Of the'pioneers who built for , the future In 'the' labour r� and stress of their: •ciS • cl. f 'Fliottah'.'i}r cabin * they built in the .cic.*aririg 1s x�(' ;ghost fi •m :the,years'. that are.Past, ;• And the. last pioneer 'fathers are nearing r .That valley_ we 'come c me .to at, last;: o an,•hea ,•, W ca r their soft Voice in. .the gloaming*: 'We. left this for YOU, Down the , ' years • Each one :ofrt'a. • Wen it owith h*aid. Yes, even With .sorrow arid tears" Author Unkno'uitn, ship ' The Huron Ca-operative/Medi- cal, Services announces they have been• •designated': as the : official collector; , for the :Government Hospital ..Plan on '.behalf ` of the rural • people in Huron `.County Members: and our •mem .•wh' . b o. are ,self• - employed or otherwise not sub= jest to the•mandatory regulation's of the .Ontarie. I-1ospital Services Com nissio:n Commen `i 's" c ng January uary' 'lst;1909,.: your present • hospital plan ex- p pireS but: '�_a ou_,e ,bein:�' register-' ed and; if .you- so desire by payi ing your pr em.iun-is you Tray con• tinue in the ,goverhinent's .new Ontario Hospital Insurance Plan, If you pay Your premiums, Mr, Reit°Irwin, secretary -treasurer of the Go -op,' Can supply you` with the official certificate' from• the: ;governti ent entitling 'ou to thei:i benefits iii the standard Wards. of •O tarie.S. approved hosp'ital's.' A'•.ewimproved Sur ica l' Plan;.paying Surgeon's claims ac - .‘Cording to,•the general Scale' .re- commended by the Ontario Ved=: real Association "is now available., ui° .. .. o -o... The dal°ectoirs ,of H on C p eratve Medical Services, are of ` ferirt _ ' a niaj or medical plan, g ef- fective., January 1,1959, to pro- tect. ro-tect•you a ain'catastro: h'ie' g P., medical e�tpenses; not. related ,to standard ward hos' ital care. . p • •in ' 1900. Thomas Bess was bo'r"n at Langsi'de, on Christmas ;bay 1860':: His.:".father .'died when he'was •only an . infant. After' his,: Moth- er's :re-Marriage'.to Thos. ;' Mac - ,Iver of :Lucknbw,•Torii lived' with .. his aunt and .uncle; Mr, arid Mrs. Sandy Ross of Lan side where , g.., he grew. to Manhood. He, was a stalwart' young lad 'a 'and in •his early: teens went, to work ed lumberStrong camps where. he ,farthe" r' develo 'his • A s. • ng phys%�ue: • . He'.competed `'iri. the Caledonian , , Games,, :tossing' the 'caber. and,. "• putting the shot ,and' for two: years in. succession,;'1889 and 1899::: :was • Huron -Bruce ch'arnpion. In 1.883 he was Married to Jean 'Mary.. Davidson who had • Davidson, come. to :the: • .Langside district froth Scotland :with her. parents- when 11 . years 'Of age. They had t•wo daughters, .Elizabeth (Mrs, Alex J: Murray) and :Mary -T.. Ross. • `'.7rn'''1890 Thos. -toss"eine' the •' J d , Toronto .;Police Force . on `which.'' • he, served., until his retirenient at the ;age. of 63. While `on the force-, oRss drove one of the old;'.., house:. drawn : ainbUlances 'and: aater•operated the first 'Motorized' police ambulance: ' • .• • While on the. iorce he coini.. et-. ed .10,# tial, :Scottish Gaines an c, thc`:l'oliec Gaines . each year: '..' • Mr,,'Ross'o.rga1iized the Toronto,:: Poi' ice Pipe Band . by. tea'clYtn•g , . • evetyr:n'iember how' to lay. the. institiiient" He• still, enjoys plays ilii; his little set of Parlour Pipes', A long-time.'member•' of Park= • dale: Presbyterian Church, :Mr:, .Rot, has been'an elder for many years, ,He' also, is a life member Of' o.' : Toronto Gaelic Society and'• ' attends all their meetin;s..•'. • • Your Subscription 'PAM?`