The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-07-23, Page 16CENTENNIAL APNCIATa, . . • 71M, PiCKNOW SENTINEL,. WC4CTIQW,, ONTARIO • 1 I . . )00404.1"71,013•41:!.). . . : Oil La) :COMING E*1 K,NTS 1 ANDREW,LANE1 ricivic. =,........-----..._77-7.7.----4..;__'The annual AndreW-Lane - W1-.-'-'7 --"."--.... •—"7.-..., /lie will be held on Siniday, Aug:- . • .- -•uSt ' 3rcl at- 3.00, p.m.. Con 'Alex .--.1,_ h7,-- -- '-. , ' ' . 7 ' • . -,--;-- - ' Andrew'slawn, Lucknow. All the 1.daY. .110,13;.. $A1,47,-.100 bussteel grain, CARPEN:t!Ii. and Repair . Work ,relatives who possibly can 4,/.. ' tank Apply to Bur.tOri.,C011inst of all types • • Call at Lucknow urged to attend; to., make this ' . 11,V1 •I!‘eE4' ." • , ..'4.4, 3, Itipley, phone 5,r-3, Wood Specialties or contact Hob a memorable- reuniOn• Program, . ,Wirigham and :-District School 7 :Fon AtEr.-,. 11•pigs, eig--htweelcs Catno Pheli'., Phone Dungannon 68- Piet:lie lttriell•: ..- „ r-,1 . • • '' • . .,, ' for Retarded Children will open • 208-r -31,• '.. .• : • , ' .:•• pRDPBRTIES" FOR 'SALE, - 'LORANGE. SERVICE - . ' . Old. 0„ ordPif:Wall, phone LucknoNAr ' . ' _ • ., - . • ; • . September 1.5th.„ Interested, part... , .., ,. , • An :O.L. service for :Huron . ,..,,.., , ', ' ' .' ies please 'contact William Coll,, Lt4vieciary. f-rit stand, Summer .cottages along, Lake and Bruce Lodges 'will held,at mg' 1""Yr'e, pumle; vv rc)xt°r' ,'•57.... , --77------a-faiii--•,-7,45-0/Epentz, Iiuron;L-,....;......„...,-,,,,....,„...„...............__.:„.....„.:,::..„2,..„-,•!the,..,.• .LuCknow Public .$611601 r'8' .. - •';'' land, ho? •,..7-r.41.4. Dungannon : • Far.ins close to LucliriOW,.. 100 grourids on Sunday, August ..3rd,- ' . , ' ' .' ' '.' •'::-.7.' 'acres ..witli 'excePtiOnallY •goOd- at ;8.30' P.M. Guest sPeaker, Rev. APPLICATIONS IC 1ct#'ISALtEL-89.2b.tialiell, grain box:. buildings, only -$9,500;„,100 :acres, _Sernpel, :of ' Xgmon.dVille;,, All .,, ,,sealed....., applicatiOni,-. Marked ' with shoOt, can be •Used, on either With ' builditigs; onlY $5,50. .. L.0.4. rnernberS` Visiting" the Cen7 'Application, will be received by or wagon • trailer . Charles Ander- John BosVeld, realtor, Goder- -tennial. are in'vited to attend. ' . the undersigned on or before on, R. li, 41410.10w. .' ' ' Igh; saleshien,.',4°seph McCannell, ' - ' '' ' ,4,00 p'..rn. on Saturday, August. __.-. SeafOrth.,.- and. Angela Bosveld, : • N°FFAT gEuNI°N 2nd 1.958, for • the office, of Road' , FOR SALE—lovely home with ,Goderich',..f, 7 ' * '.Th'e :annual Moffat reunion . Superintendent for the Township all conveniences. R. B., Quence, . • - ' - . ' ..wifil be held at the home of Mrs. . . • • LiicknOW.. ' . .. • .• , • , . TEACHER WANTED • , - Chas 'Steel R.R.3 Teeswater on of Kinloss ,4t a .rate' 0- -.Pa...., of 1 .,._. lir _ ,. . racr..s,,a., . . . • ' ' ' 4.1..,„,,,,, c.c„.•',.. ' per hour, with an allowance * ' ' and District School for Retarded ved at noon. Please .bring .1 • • , • WEDNESDAY, JULY 3041, 19 NOTICE LIBRARY cLosED. Due to Centennial 1egiStr4)0.011 being conducted in the Library 'at...the Town Hall, the. Library wjfl be closed for the exchange of bookS Saturday arid Mon - • KINLc).11H faMilY Visited. a few day.s in Ki carding a nvvWdie. tih.mr ;:.1caEktile;oesys7ilsleeiri 0 f family of.Detroit spent.the we end, with relatives here. Mr.. and NOS. Ellwood lfo ghiensre-aailitdenC4dianrgy aolfaTinQI:il°yntr°eLiwnie, At the- home of Mr. and 1\1 191' aMrric. ja(inhdlsiVItQrris...; "W al,dg ')Sy of Toronto on relativ here •during the week. a: Mrs, Gertrude: :Walsh, of 'Ki rd t theefi 11e4P:M.14ea:.1.1e7..re.'Lane 'of Toronto' visited with 'the La famiijes Miss MhaPrriee. Schnel'ler Mr, and Mrs. Stanley '',Jahnst e 'dgi _arividxf.aranriidlYmarts..1:4monaduOrnic. of LOricion,Mrteff,-MISes 'Ed Atte.,4 at' ,the Rest-A-Vhile Lodge' 'Bruce Beach. . Miss ',Lenore Slessor,•of Man iS holidaying with Miss Evel Nicholson.. ; • Relatives.' from her• e' attended reception for the •former M Doris, Trefford who was marri recently..• . • Rev. Benson Cox, Mr; and M Wm. Cox attended the Cox fa. ily reunion at.Goderieh on S, Urclay., . • ICOngratulatioris to Mr:Deng Smith on being the, hicky w. 'her of: a 195&Chevrolet ear... received it 'at:the' Canadian N, ionel 'Recreation Association nivel at Stratford. • Mrs. Wm. Wail return:6cl to home of Mr. and ,Mrs. Jack Sol •rnacher where she is being cal joining LucknoW on the south. - , • , , ',, • ' basket. , • . , ',.; ' ' 'd°wutriy. Applicants.transportation ii,i. hwehrl eesp. 07in_ This property .ealsi be inspected sCehpiltdermebri.et.DI5u.tiAesp; itioca.ticoonmamtnenbcee• ,...,........7........7.,........, any. time. Harry Anderson, R. 2, sible for all records and returns 1... , in August 26. Write James' H. SEPTIC TANKS, cess pools, etc. required by the Highways De-* Liicknow. . • • • Kinkead; Goderich, stating clual-, 'pumped and cleaned With mod- partment and Municipal Council. FOR SALE -7-• 7 -foot Cockshutt • binder, tilt, control at front, tWo • spare knives, extra 'canvas, $100.• •S., Shiells, 'phone Ripley 13-r-17: •'' TransPortatior. •Contract, - ) * R. 2, Holyrood; Ontario., __ . _ wanted by .*-est. wawirrg,gb Fort sALE—several hied, milk- , . H1BELPOr WeivAerr olrepat'..7-ain r'eahl3PaVaeragnierei'l drawallSuPehilsoo lfrAomrea; tenders to School Sec- Let, 'us . install one of these or' - int machine's of various makes. , MEAT FOR . SALE .. , Good beef for sale ' by the .., and Pleasant: for full time 'wait7. tion 14, now Closed, attending S. 1a new lAro.b1s in your .barn °n' quarter, Beef killed on premises S.••No. l2. This ,takei. in- the Bee.- trial- Prices given' without ' °.13-• inipectecl .bY -the Department of ress w.ork: APply hi 'person, IVIay- , • ' - r, - --- - -- • • - • attending'No 12 S S. Tenders:to PPaisleY 114-r-4. ' ' lings: Custoni butchering a spec_ WANTEL, — . used windmills, , . --,' • - • - •'spec- pumps ,arid ;jump jacks. Irving be in hands of secretary hot lat.- .- •Ip4scoNAI.. • ialtY. - ., . ' :. • • , ' Rayilard Ackert Holyrood • Keyes, 'Glamis; •phone Paisley. er than August .9th' ' . • ' ' ' WOMEN' Gain - 'phone 24-30,, Ripley • . - 11.4_r_4. .. , , • . W. A. Stewart, secretary, • SKINNY MEN, ' • • - - - • . Dungannon; Ontario 5, , 5 lbs., new pep.,Try strex _. •T - NOTIC TO 'CREDITORS . AUCTION -SERVICE • ' appetite• • • 4.--... -. because of impaired by, -In the Estate of vviniam uleorge .... ..,..„,, ifications. ' ern equ'Pment' All work guar- J. R.' LANE; Clerk, anteed. Louis Blake R '2 Brus- Township Kinloss, WANTED sels, .Phone 42-r-6 Brussels: . -lair Restaurant 'n • ligation. Irving ICeyes • Glamis, 'Health. , Choice Hereford year-, • croft children and all others ow •CIISTOM COMBINING ;.+- .:1,i.ob • . ; per acre, custom , swathing- $1, 0 . .. per .,:acre ; new.. cninbine. :Phone' , . Allan MaeIntYre . lack ofiron, .6 -da 'get- Webster; deceased • • ..' . ,,:Licensed Audtioneer : ed?" size.Costs.: little, . Or buy ALL PERSONS having claims Don ParriSh; .:82-r--6 Dungannon , . . . . or Jack FarriPh 236 Lucknow' :LucknoW—Phone, 10-r-24 Ripley economy' size and 'save 75c. All against • the . Estate of „William . . ' . • / , , „ druggists.. . :- .• , • George Webster, of the V1117 . OLD ,HORSES, WANTED • , ,-,FOR: SALE -3 -burner gas stove I . . • • „,,..,. " ' '. • age ' of. Lucknow' in the 'County . .• :,,, , ..,. . .., ... _,.Old 'horses ,wanted at .31/2e. per ,‘ '•: -. .....'.- on''stand rind gas washer, .eirrioSt1 ,W•41,11cd,..m• , •• col. Bruce, Clerk,. deceased, who .113; :dead cattle at'.value. If dead, :. Li've, poultry,; to prices at the , died on Or about the 29th day new, and gas 'itAn. Elmer Reavie, -,phone at . once to Gilbert Bros. farm'. Phone cdllect. BrOwn. Bro- of May; '1958, are .herby .noti ‘'4 ' R.R. 6, LucknoW. " ' . *Mink Ranch, phone collect God- thers, ,181-w,. Kincardine, 1 fiec1 to senfi full , particulars of, 14OE' T6E414.' T'L- 44.°13n1 apartment. erieh 1483J4 ...or l'Iji" ..... - ...' ; ,...; ;. • ' ' '' • their claims to. the -undersigned NOTICE ' . 1 '' :‘ .&. IN INSEMINATION SERVICE ,. . , . •--:--, .. . ,•__ I'.... etriori on or'before the 15th with. hath.` APplY to: Mr's. p,, ?7: . Leeder:.Corrier, Havelock and Wil- •• For , artificial insemination ser-- THE CORPORATION OF THE .' day of August 1958, after'which , • , ... vice or more information, tele-. TOWNSHIP.„/OF :•AsuifluELp . date the Estate will be distrilnit- ,. -loughby, ' phone 293..•:' . - • . . ,. , WOOD 'FOR • SALE—Wm Hous- ;Phone the.WaterloO.Cattle.Breed- . By -Law .No. 7, .1958. ' :ed. among those entitled thereto, Ston Lucknow Sawmill, 'phone ' ing Association collect iat'. Clin-iBeinr a-, by-law to ' regulate the having regard.only to the claims 152-J! ' ' ! • ton HU 2-3441 or Kineardine 460- useoflands 'Within the muni- of which the Executor shall: then' ' . • ' . • ' between 1.36 and 9`.30 •a.M."iiireek : Cipality:- for dumping or dis- ' have notice: .., ,, • . • : PROPERTY, FOR $ !I,300 days, 6 .and .8 pp. on•Saturdays . posing of garbage* refuse, den1- Dated ,.at Lucknow, • Ontario, s full pride, with $3,000 cash. Brick Do not call for: service, On. Suri7. .,1 ,estic• or industrial waste of 'any this •19th day of July, 1958, •.' ' • -;'bungalOw with built on addition day Cows ,in heat', on Sunday can4 kind. : • ' ' ' -• . William' G..' 'Hunter, R.R. 3; ••in Wirigharn4-41cknow area, abOut.. be inseniinated setisfaCtorilY. 'on"; ...=,,r,:: .,":: 3 acres, of garden .soil.., Furnished, ivinds3i.. vvri_r_ar.,AS,the necessary au- LucknOW, 'Ontario, Executor. . , .. . ority is,..contained .in the IVIuni: • : 13,. W. Andrew, Listowel, :On.: every:, convenience, oil heat We supply service t::::, top aua1-tthiparl Act, Chapter 243 R.S.0, tario Solicitor for the Executor. Tonic ablets. For body skinny yj • 1 k 1, •'Mrs.. -OliVe. Smith of Walk, ton visited recently With Mrs. , • • • '',•Mr. arid ,Mrs. 'George Hodg of Woodstock: and,. Mrs.', Me Hodgins' called on' friends hi during the: Week.. • • GIVEN •OLD 'HISTORY BOd •The Publisher has come possession Of • an early Caned, history t6Ook which belonged, his great grandfather, iVIaloo Carriplell,t and 'bears his .sig] time and the date February 28 1879. The book was' given , to by -Mrs., .I. A. RolDert§on. (D( Geddes). It. had by some um Plainable Means .1been , among .1 Owher 211,r41 Lucknow.. ity biillS of the Holstein, Jersey, possessions ' of her brother, 1 1950 that by-lawinay be Passed, • - .. , late y book kerwoans Gpnehdldi:hs,edThinis '.il '. Ayrshire, Guerrisey;;BroWri Swiss, by the council of local municipal- CARD OF THANKS b ' . We have sold' many farms M ;horned); Beef Shorthorn: (Pol.led''inSPeet the use of any _land. or INIir.;. and Mrs, 617,134.0n Ritchie the CARD before Confederatign FARMS WANTED Red Poll.; Hereford (polled and !..ities,. to 'prohibit or regulate • and . . itY or any defined • area or areaS. ARD. OF l_klAN:KS and, Janet would like to express N.. your !County,. good prospects for, and horned), and -Dual Purpose' structures within the riuniicipal,• quicki sales List with. us now.' their 'thanks to neighbors and , Mrs." J., C.:, Johnstonjhsto.wishes Shorthorn, Angus and: ..Ch4rolis ., E. Is your su scrip on pa . since re r , • those who 'relatives for kindness in; sincerely thank all John. Iliclive d, ,qo ei-ic. , n , - 'breeds. The cost is loW.: • t , „ thereto for dumping or dispos-1 atsisting to take Off tlie hay, :' kindly. remembered. her .and FOR SALE .7.-.- CoCksluitt Np.: 7 . ° , •thg of garbage, refuse. or domes-, :. , : - • , -, tic : or .,induStrial waste of. any • ' b ' ' il ' - ld', ' ' tu ning home L baby W,hi e in th 4, .; vvgLcomE HOME SIGNS ,, Orribirie in fine condition ,and •. -. • , . •• „complete with instruction book. s'... Price $325.00. ..Reason for sellifig, • the cattle , broke 'in . and ate\all .•-. l' the 'oats. Rae. J. Watson; 12th of . West Wawanosh, R. NO, 1, Luck- nOw, Phone 64-r-5.• • . . - . • ' 1 \ ' .•_,—. . . .• 'SOlt.VENIR PLATES oUvenir plates with the in- . scription• and picture' of Lticknow • Presbyter lian Church „are avail.- •. , able from. Evening Auxiliary •members ; of i e Church. 1. SCHOOL .DA S mean added ,., • ( • • . pense. Let AvOn cosrnetiCi tam •• your spare hoiips ,into profitable ones. ',Representatives needed in - • ; rural area surrounding LucknOw. Contact Mrs • Lourieh Green, Hanover. •• • • ' . !TRACTOR, TIRES We /earl fill your * needs in itract° tires, truck and car tires • ,at lOW st prices. MadMillen•Bros., • • ..Luckn w . • . •1.'194 SA tr-=-George ;White steel . grain! thdsher, CYlipder,' .• • Ch , Ody, air rubber tires,. cOtt lete trOlIer and ,ball bearings • thr�ighiut 'Model L Case tract, goild rubber tires, a real os'er Innitk, :International grain • binder,1 ki -ft ciit Owner .telling all AhOe' due toill, health. ReaS- • • onahleiter Cash. Apply Kenneth, •Siriall,4St,IThernaSi R,R, 7; phone • . 144 , a tv ille, . i • t • • "Welcome .Horne" signs in at- tractive. dolor combinations are available at The Sentinel Office at ..25c each. Add to your Cen- tennial dedorations loy using these signs.: • • • AEMEMIIER! Your lea are one of your 'greatest assets, and a breakdown in the. structure; may cause pains in ' feet, 'knees, legs, ankles or lower back. See J. A. Vickers, Foot COrrectionist, at ',Queen's Hotel, Wingham, each Monday to P' appear on any land, other afternoon. . • than the three_areas which have ,• been set' aside by the Council the Corporation ,of Ashfield •within 'the Corporation any 'dirt, filth, glass,,,, handbillsipaper or. Other rubbish- or' refuge Or the carcass of any animal or dorri estic or industrial waste of any 'kind. • , ; • AND WHEREAS ' in the Cor poration„ of the Township Of Ash,. field three areas have been des- ignated erid,,,ket aside 'for dump- ing or disposing of garbage, re- fuse or domestic or industrial 'waste of,arry kind; 'THEREFORE the Corporation of the Township of .-Ashfield . EN- ACTS AS FOLLOWS:, II'. That ho person 'shall:throw; piece, deposit • or otherwise cause ATTENTION FARMERS •'CliStonn killing,. cutting.and Wrapping • at Very. reasonable • rates: Welsh Meat Market; phorie '41. • • ..)" •• ' •• SURGE MILKERS • See the new 1958 model Surge' Milker. Milks low, uneven ud- ders better. New looking glass finish, easier cleaned, Same safe "Tug • and Pull" cow milking. Phone Lovell McGuire, „Wing - ham 593, collect, DEAD STOCK REMOVERS • • Highest: cash prices paid.,• for sigk or disabled horses and cattle.. Old horses for slaughter • at 5c per pound, For prompt, sanitary disposal, day° or night, plione Leroy Acheson, Atwood. 153 colleet or George Hyslop; Wroketer 2 -it -15 collect • ' 2, Any , perSoriconvicted Of, a' breach of •any provisions of ,this•. by4law shall lie subject to a pen- alty not exceeding. (exclusive' of, Costs) the 'sum •of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.0Q) for each. ,OffenCe,. • recoverable under The Sunarriary ,Convictions' Act. .: 3.' This ' by-law shall , come into force and take effect immediateiY upon the final. passing thereof. Read a first, 'Second and third time and finally Paised. this 7th I •day, of July, :1968. • Cecil' Blake, Reeve. Ddriald Simpson, , Clerk. • To, isitors • , A MOST HEARTY WELCOME froln t e • si/, ucknow :Distric b,rop,•In. And Look Ari;uncl • ).• '