The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-07-02, Page 53 WFDNESPAYI JULY 2ria, 195a 1 1 1 1 1 DAY IN ASHFIELD ANI),p4EL:..p:. • ' - • , The annual 'picnic and field day w'as held at the Ashfield Park on Monday, June 23rd, with .pupils from School *Sections 6, 7, 10, .13,, 16 of Ashfield Township • particiPating. A. large crowd was. pn hand to v./evil' the races. and games, With Don Paquette • acting ,as official starter, • • Winners the. athletic events '.'were as follOwS: 'girls race 5 and . • GAVILLERto..:2 INTOSH ahfl' WAR, D. Charterea. Accoutants, Bell, --Telephone Bldg; if • , • ' Telephone in 11Plal.;-$14111r4Allitrir- Atte 1:WE' •LUCKNQW SPITINEL,JjowONZ'ARIC! Underi. Alma, !Parrisk. Kathleen Hogan, 'Ursula Courtne$T4 boys, •5 and, f4nder., Jimmie Hogan Jack Cameron, Mel Irwin, girls 6-7, Helen Courtney, Glenda Weaver. Rosemary Eedy;; boys 6-7, Ron- nie Hogan, John MacKenzie, Douglas Scott; girls 8-9, Rose- mary Hogan, Sharon Courtneyi "Susan Arnold; ;boys 8-9, Janie Boak, •Desmond Colgtney, Doug las AltOn; 1041, Barbara Nelson, Sandra Cameron, Mary Ellen McGlynn;: boys 10-11, Ton). Hogan, Linden ShackletoR, Ger- ald Shackleton,Paul Eedy (tie);' Nay,' Marilyn Cameron, Dianne litAmPhrer; boys .12 and over,. Wayne -Hackett, Ceorge. Hum -ph., rey, Barry Menary; young ladies rate, Diane Ritehie, Eleanor Mac - Nay, Mari:: Anna , MacDonald; young men's race, , Wayne Hack- ett, . George Humphrey,. Barry .Kilpatrick;_slipper -kick, AO and: nnder, Sharon „CourtneY, Linda y.•,•• :••• Courtne'Lenore Petrie; girls over .10, Sandra Carhergn, Mari- lyn Cameron, Anne Arnold; boys under 10, Gerald . Shackleton, Jamie Boak, terry Paquette; boys over 10, Ralph Curran,, Tom Ho- gan,, Paul Eedy. • • Wheel -barrow race 134. rry Men-. ary and George. Humphrey, Ralph Curran and Jamie. Boak,• Donald •Paquette and Gerald Shackleton; 3 -legged' race—girls 10 and un- der, Linda Little and S„harori Courtney, Verna Fafrish- • and Rosemary Hogan, Helen Court- ney and • Barbra .Eskritt; girls ..o3zer. -10,—BaTbara---Nelspn • - -and. Marilyn Cameron, •Linda Little and Mary Anna MacDonalc1;, Mar- garet Farrish and Helen MdeNay; boys 10 - and under, •Gerald Shackleton and Jamie; Boak; Ler- . ry Farrish • and Herbie ,Barger, Paul Eedy. and John MacKenzi; boys over 10;- Tom ,Hogan and. Larry_Earrish, Ralph -Curran -and- Lindeen Shackleton, Ralph Black 4angizia 33ga ' Sharon Hogan, Helen MacNay, Linda. Little; sack race; girls under 10, Rosemary Hogan, Helen. YOTPLEL ENJol! . . . SAACKSor ourse eals UCknoW's Finest Restauran • . • ,SUNDAY DINNER • 1 from 4.30 to 8.00. pall. .' ' • • . • Softball • throw—girls 10 • and under, ,Linda Little, Barbara ES- krift, Hilda Ritchie; boys 10 -and under, •Larry •Farrish,. Bernard Campbell, Scott Pierson • •Running broad jurrip—girls.un-. der 8, Helen., Courtney, Nancy Irwin; girls 8, 9, 10, Rosemary .Hogan,: Susan Arnold,' Linda tit- tle; girls over: 10, Barbara son, Helen MacNaY,` Linda tit-. tle; boys tinder Raymond .Ho - 'gen', Jamie Hoak, .Calvin Ritchie; boys. 8; 9, .10 Bernard Carnpbell, DOug10 Alton, Gerald Shackle- ton. • • • • • • 41:- • ReISY rce L. Belfast, l'4Othiari, ,Crewe.. • • •• •44; „ Special pri4es were awarded t� the largeritTfarriily present and it was betweenThe families of Leo Courtney ($S: 10) and Dennis Hokan ($S. 7) With. seven each. Brock Hasty ,of Crewe • Was:. the yotingeSts' present. Following - the ball games a picnic supper was enjoyed. . • , • . . ' • en you ask for a loan at the B of HEN .t4e 'housewife calls at the grOce'ry store ,and ,:iders a suiiply Of :provisions, she is not asking a favour .. she is buying goods for which • •she will pay. cash . purely a matter of business:, • • • • • So with your bank. It is a 'business proposition just as much as the •••• grocery stOre. . • • . . ' The grocer.dals in groceries . ....the banker deals in Credit. And; as themakin '.Of loans is the principal -ay by which bis bank derives ' its revenue, he is as anxious. to sell 'hi credit as : the: grocer is to sell. • • his groceries, And, like the ' gioccr, the banker naturallyWants to know that is going to be .paid fore his goods .•. . that his loans will be • •. •, . „, • when thsylay due That too, is only gOod• business. / , • ' , ' • When you have occasion to ask' for a loan, foOk at v • •:` ; It this ivay.• Conic to the Bank, not feeling that you have Ifl 1 DItIl fl•••• to Ask '4.favour, hut to 'offer the Manager a sound btisinTO 1 Mal1011 CANADIANS ets ; • proposition- which will be of profit,, to,,, you and to B m his institution. . • .• , l• ' ..11( ewmetai • 4 , tncknOW Branch: MILTON ,RAYNTit; Manager • . ' . : , • , • • .. '4 ' "•4 . • d • • .• LIE 61 NC ieir 0p(r140. 1, N 1.0 ..e.,,,kre:Frv.,,wA,L.k:!0•P • •\ • .0 . • :Mr. ' Oliver Barkweli, Mrs.„ Daisy 1VICCharleS;ond. Mrs:, Ruth' Brooks and Mil:, Evelyn; 'Bark - well spent Saturday in Chatharn... ' number .fratri this cOrrinnin-... itk attended the shower at Clov- er Velleyschool in. honor of Miss. Anne Henry. Mrs. • DaVe'lVtaeLay• of 'Toronto and Mrs. Alice Robertson O'f Rp- ley a 'day - with Mrs. Herb Ensign: ; ! • :Mr.. Einile. MacLennan and Mr. Herb Ensign spent ai,day.,fishing at . Paisley 'recently: • . • • • Mr. t A. MacLennan spent Saturday in Chatham with the .tioderich or doir-Ro04-tOtiiIS' spending .a few days visiting in the ' communitk: • 41• • , • . . . . • :Mrs..Van, der Lay !held a Tup- per Ware party,: on 1V16nday• ev- ening. .• • • • P„ • • "." • As your husband's chief beneficiary, would you know how to administer - • "fp his estate? Do you understand Income' Tax , • Settle:bents and Succession Duties? What of evaluations and liquidation of assets? Inexperience in Estate Planning and management canicaute unnecessary losses and untold worry, That's why so many wise men d...w.om-4 4 •J .n nladogegfuldogi the Sterling Trusts. Arrange. to see Sterling Trusts )with your husband today. You'll find them personally interested in helping you. • •- . 37,12tKt!t•P 'Call Mr. Parker EMpire 4-7495 • , s . • \, 1 ' Barrie' • • Call Mr. Alcorn' •PArkway 8-5181 • • • , . ret . • • . LOCHALSH 'Donald Courtney. the. sec- .. -Donald A/lecheries of Brant- ford 'and „ IVIcCharles • of. Toronto spent.. the holiday/ Week- • end with theirTparenta, Mr and Mrs. OliVer.McCharles: 'Louise 'MacLennan of Toronto and Jack:'MacLennan sPerit, the week -end, with Mr. and - Mrs.. Emile MacLennan. Louise Will, remain for a Week's holidays. *.; Mrs. BOb JohnStone -Of-Detroit--spent-a-fe*days--sVfsft-- ing Mr and .Mrs: Duncan Far- rish . We are sorry 'to report 'that Mrs. Duncan MacKenzie • iS'.stilr a 'patient in Wingham Hosp,ital. 'Cameron: Layne of Detroit is spending' ' the :summer holidays. with his grandriarehts, Mr and• •Mrs Duncan MacKerikie..• Mrs. Pat Raird_of Toronto •-crs- ited With. Mr: and 'Mrs.: George MeGilliVraY." '• ••• , -Miss Katie 'MacLeod- and An= gus McLean ;visited on Sunday with the Brotchie family in Kin,- Cardind. . • , - INSTITUTE VISITS •pOINTS QF INT$REST AT ;KINCAROINE, •• , The June ineeting oflhe Reid's • Corners Women's Institute was ' ' held in the forth Of a picnic in; ' • Kincardine: In the morning the' • ladiek'• visited •the Klincardine' News 'building and Mrl Bucking•• ham showed them ;the complicat. ed prOduction ,angle*. of- the -news- paper business; At noon a basket lunch Was enjoyed in the park. The regular meeting was then tOndUcted by Mrs, Verner OrtiWri the president, ;and* recorded by • • The; . District annual meeting, vvhich had been held . in , Belmore On June 13th, Was reported by Mrs. John Reid and Mrs. Peen ..• Hollands. The Sala& tea contest 'books with. "Grandmother's Quilt • Blocks". was Won by Reid's, Cor.7, . ner branch and :PurOle, Grove. branch received second prize; • , , • • • In the afternoon the ladies en- joyed a ,conducted • tour through , „• -Malcolmas•--tirniture7F-e-ct-o-r-y • which' • was a highlight of the , , . • •• • • . • • •• • • . r • •••, 1.0."•• • 11 40 .4 • , • . • • i................,..........,,,,,,vn,vv............1.v.,....k.......,..........v..,......4,.........."....,v.„.., .1.,.17.r..r...,,,..: r .....,...,...... ,n, , ,............y.,..,,......4..........1..„....r...4.brojt...........1,..vvv.r.v...vv.,,,,...i., . . . • halie you 'saiTed -.in • the. past ten years? 'The trouhieh•Most Savins plansla !that peOple 'deposit money today and withdraw it tomoirow. A Sun Life kn. dowment 'Policy provides you With savings plan that iaanat fail. Let Me'. tell yOu about it: • ' SUN ILFE OF CANADA Kinahan • . 2; LVCKNOW • Phone Wingham 117 -g -w-4. • , • . fhte