The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-06-18, Page 12• f • • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, want w. om1uo • WEDNEsDAYI 'ran 18Th, 958 • ' , . . , uclinnw Lion$ Club Giant, -. IN TI4E ARE: NA, LUCKNOW '(on 'the new -hardtopfloor) . . , 2 ur June., at 8.30 p.m. Pmr'Alletioneera 1Vhiriwind Action • in. TWO WOO ' • TrUMATIWWiierfirG7-""'" Get your share of the 'bargains in ' household , furniture, .41ishes, utensils, .garden"- tools lawn Mowers; implements, . clothing; bcyc1es, tricycles, foodstuffs; livestock, poultry, • etc -4 etc. - • , • - , • , For ouse-tO.41Oute Farm -to -Farm 'CA VASS.FOR, DONATIONS • • , Here's Your Area: • F RANK THOMiPSON---1.0th of •Kinloss, 12th of Kinloss and- Duri-iard Highway. , • " ••. • • LLOYIP'••HUNTER-12th of West..ikawanosh. • LARRY, SALKELD—' St. Helens town. , , oR.13--.10th of West Waiganosh„., TOM 'TODD-4thancl 6th of West :Wawanosh.'' • .. • • - th and 4th of JACK MacKENZ fl 9th of Asbfleld DUENIN PHILLIPS & OMAR BROOKS--DungannOn ,town. LUOKNOW TOWN—Charlie Webster, chairman of canvass, can use any or all of the Town Lions. • ' RAYNARIY ACICERT-8th:°"aon:• of ,kinlosS, Holyrood east. JACK IllgvnTT—IC4loss are: ' WALLY 13RE6F.LES—Kinlough area, • ORVILLE Ei..L.to'rrst-Holyrriod road; Lucknow town limits to ICinloss. • TOM HACICETT--Dungannon road, Lucknow town limits to Dungannon. ERNON HUNTER -86 Highway; Lucknow town limits to ' Whitechurch. Tom macktiv.17,...2n4 and 4th Con. of Kinloss, Holyrood • road. tar Whitedhurch road. , • • • FRASEli: , Ma ON -6th of Kinloss, Holyrood • road t9 Whitechurch road. HARVEY HOUSTON—Sideroads rn Kinloss, east of the. --'11olyrood road., , - • • .- ' HAROLD PIRCY--•Sideroacls in Huron and Kinloss, •weat of the Holyrood road. * ,„ JACK 1VicDONAGH—Sideroads in Ashfield • PETE laISSONIVETTE—Ripleir Town.• ,• DOUG HARTON—BlizeWater Highway, Kintail•to Amberley. BLAKE AlfrON-10th of Ashfield, Dungannon road to Blue7 -water Highway. ' . • , • , KEN MacKENZIE-12tli of A.shfield, Dungannon ,road to • • • BlUewater Highway.. •,i . • BROCK CLELAND—Highway .86, Lucknow to Arriberley,' SAM' ALTON-r2nd of Huron .arid Kinloss, Holyrood 'road • to Bluewater Highway. • • • ' • ...., • ERN' AC2CERT-4th of Huron and Kinloss, Holyrood road. to Bluewater Hi hway. JACK ,ACKERT t Con, Holy -rood' to Ripley. The_ r • LUCKNOW $ o 0 0 CONGOLEt)M MNIS--36"x18", reg. 25c, this week -end, - each - ' e v. , • • . ' ', ' 21c, FLORAL POLISHED COTTON---i/leal for those full summer -,Skirts'" .-Reg: 79c. Now, per yard ..,.' 69e- (,), ' $ -----• . d d' LOVELY GIFTS . • FOR THE SUMMER BRIDE Puzow cAsEs—beautilui cut -work pillowcases,' boxed, • from ; „ , ., $2.69 to $2.98 $ FANCY HUSH PILLOW CASES-24aii ... ,.. , . ,d. , $2.79 ° APRONS .8g' MATCHING TOWEL-Lreally cute painted terry :0 cloth aprons and matching toirel. A set '$1.98 0 . • ' '• (or sold separately) , e WORS SAIRTs—Clearing.Sale. Mostly small sizes, dark $ colors. Each .', ,, ..,, , . ; . . $1.39 " CHARCOAL GREY JEANS--ibuilt for rugged .wear. Priced $ , for real Value, 8', to 16 years. Pair . ............ BOYS'. JEANS—elastic Waist, sanforized tai. drill, sizeS 10 .• 4, 6 and 6x: Pair i ei do II Y. ''' Jo 44' 16466110 a 4. $1.49 . o .........................,....„ ...........1%.16,00.0,411.16•110......‘ 1 SEE BY THE '1EINTI Kt, !THAT a „puniber ot LucknoWites have undergone major surgery. ..:In London during ,..„the' -past week. In -Victoria' Hospital are ,Urs..P. W. Hoag; Garfield Maces Donald :and *T410Y•d. ,Bell, while Mrs. Jim Boyle' was, taken 'to ^St; Joseph's .Hospital 9n Sat- urday evoing. .: , • ., , . , THAT the Webster picnic? gen- ally33eld at oderich will Park" 'Thine gatheringatnwill be • of -this week in the Caledonian - held here in recognition .of Lucknow's Ce,ntennial birthday. <TgAT,Mrs.-John .1%unro-,,and her l dson grandson, 0 f John A- andlla'Mrs.li;i11rHeaarrl: o • vey Hall of Detroit,' sailed from Montreal on Friday, Jtme 13th, for .a, two rnonths'.visit 'in Eng- land and Scotland. She will visit in London,, England, with her son, Johiv ,Munro.. THAT , a $ Culross • and Teeswater Old Boys Reunion is being planned'for next year, and al- ready the residents of the two municipalities are being can- 'vassed for the sale of $10.00 shares to back the event. This policy has, •been successfully adopted in other reunions, with •the shareholders splitting the profits (or deficits) in propor4 tion. to their "investment". These events, staged every ten years, have ,paid dividend t •and in one case • the..' investors doubled • the amount they , I pledged., ` 1 THAT the ,ditch along the east side of the park was "dredged" this week and the steel culvert , . , , • laid tq. opening a new entrance to the • grounds - past, Jack 1VIacDoriald's gap - age. ,, - BOSTON:BROWN _BEANS ri .for $1 :MAT ',Rudy Sieloff, -of • Deitoit , 16.oz; . • ^ ' rE;;ALL • *4* Pt .• • • • KLEENEX.. 3 i'or $1 Economy -size ..., 'LET Pri.SSUE14"7404"wilmx. ..uwzg7r04,1`17 :S1 Westminster, Colored - • . , • CHOICE CREAM CORN • for 11 • Nature's Best, 15 oz., '• ' I.G.A. MARGARINE Pound DOG HOUSE DOG FOOD 4 f°1' $1, f°1. $1. AYLMER CATSUP 5 for oz. BEEF STEW • 15 oz.- • LIJSHUSJELLY POWDER Shirriff's BETTY •.CROCKER'S CEREALS Cheerios, Wheaties, Trix, Jets, Kix, ....; , Coco Puffs • • MUFFETS :6 for 1. Quaker KRAFT CliEEZ WHIZ for -$1 11. f°r $1 4.f9 $i 2°' .Pritesy effective June 19, 20, 21:f / r was linable to ,aecomiiarty, his ' r • .' ' • ... wife ' to the golden, wedding WE DELIVER • •celebration of. Mr. and. Mrs. PHONE 20 Wm. Cox'Rudy suffered a.bad- ly broken leg three months Machan and the late Mr. Machan ago and has just got the cast of Brussels. The Wedding 'to take Ioff. They hope to be up at 1 place at Kincardine ori June 28, Centennial time1958 THAT MTS... Burton Roach left . '• •on Thursday for -Biloxi, Miss- . •'MEMORIAL WINDOWS presented with his certificate' by Mrs. Grant.Mactoiarmid in .Mentr, ory of her son .Douglas. Joseph Howaid, home on leave from naval service at the East voast, was welconied into bership of the •church ;and. was issippi, where she $11 receive (Continued from Page 1) •treatment for on astinnatie•c cm' Valley of The .Shadow, during dition. Mrs. Roach was taken his ministry and prior to it. to Port .Huron by Mr. and •The choir anthem, "How Love - Mrs. R. J Brewer, from where ly Are Thy Thvellings,, in which continued. her journey, ;by miss Helen Thompson' •took a ' solo part,. • and • the quartette, . • "When They Ring The Golden THAT John W. ganna, M.P.P., Bells" by J J ynt Mrs , s. . . o , . is convalescing following, an Raynard, Ackert,' Raynard Ack- operation which. he underwent ert. and . „Elmer Umbach, were ' . in Western Hospital, - Toronto. suitably • . selected, and . there . .. .. ,EM _ • . , :.. were many mistyeyes among the I • : ENGAGEMENTS ' . , . . . .,„ . . , was deeplY• totiching.- ••• , • • large-tongregatioir,as :the ;service 'Mr. and Mrs, 'Robert J. ArM- :. An electric ,cloCk.-"in., the Sun- . 'attori "Te swat r announce' the .day School rooni was' donated, by • engagement • of .their daughter, • - •Rev. 'meikiejOhn: .; In his sermon'.Rev. Meiklejohn explained 'the Symbolism bf the windows, and one stUdied them the spiritual,: significance 'lent: emphasis to his words "the _more light.that 'shines through them,. the, mOre they reved1";'He referred to . the 'Wonderful illum- ination. of: God's word, resulting frotri .the artistrY, ,the.Wifl ows which he felt WOuld• alWay's be 'a /challenge to the Ouiptt, the nd the,:congregatioo. ! • Advertising is a pUblia. servant —used in the 'public interest,' • n. Marjorie Elaine, to Donald Ken- 'Aisvamoir- neth McAlpine of London; son of Mr. and Mrs. -Cecil McAlpine _ . DECORATE, of Windsor. ,,..,e marriage will take place atur y, July 5th :Eit 3.00 o'clock in Teeswater United, 1Church, Teeswater. Mr., and Niro. Howard Henry of Ripley announce the 'engagement of their daughter, Anna Eliiabeth Christine, to ' Glenn 'Cameron Boyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mac Boyd, Ripley, Ontario.' The mar- riage Will take place on Satur- day, July 5 at 12 o'clock noon • in OliVet United Church. 1 Mr. and Mrs; Wilfred L Shantz, RR 4, Ripley, wish t4) announce theengagement' of 'their elder daughter, :million June of Wing- • ham *to Mr. ' Ziloyd. Machati of Brussel son of. M.S. Laurence . • knor4i, 100 ulexivow re 4 .•