The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-06-11, Page 5�NESDAY,, Jij ", 1: ha 1958' THE LUCKNOW .SENTINEL, LUCI NOW ONTARIO,. Announces.. 1TEC LUCKNOW and" DISTRICT. AGENT Db 00; D0'; 00; •' eo: ni- ael tela: rig, • t0 AUTO, ' ACCIDENT:, SICKNESS, . LIAR'[LITY,; FIRE. Telephone Wingham. . 570-Jl3,. Collect HITECHURCH' • Miss .:W. • Farrier of Toronto spent the .week end, at the home of: her 'patents, Mr. and: Mrs.'•W R Farrier Miss Amelia Carruthers of•Rip ' ley spent Saturday at'. the `home of '1VXx, .'and Mrs.. Geo. Fisher.:. Mr.:and.. Mrs." Vernon Stock ll,. 1Vtrs. L. ' Bester and Mr. Hartley. Stockill, of.. Powassan . attended; the funeral of the. late 'Mrs. Herb, Laidlaw. _. Mr.: and Mrs. Ross' Smith.' and • Kathy Lee of ' Toronto' spent ' the • • Roy and Leonard of . Woodstock spent the week end with Mr ;8z Mgrs Art Moore :Mi. and ;Mrs Jack' Kerr,` and. ;fami:ly of Ti'llsonburg.. returned, ,home on, Sunday after, spending' this, past week. at the honie..of' her• :father; Mr.. Herb' Laidlaw. The' s: m ath ' of the commun- Y � p. Y.., h• ity • is extended to Mr Herb Laid ;.law, Ivan and Mrs.. Jack 'Kerr .on the death of a•'•dear wife' and m: thee: TO "GO AFTER" UNPAID TAXES. " Huron Township: • Council met on May' 31st with. ReeveClaude Dore presiding.,. • Moved by • Campbell -Walden, that we accept -the: tender--of-Uarl• Wilkens for -garbage collection at ,Point. Clark and Charles Emmer ton's tender for Bruce. Beach., .Lowry -Campbell, that we in struct the road superintendent to 'have the, pavement on Con. Four patched with hot mix from the.. ' Lavis "Construction of Clinton., Cainpbell Lowry.. that :the Treasurer go .:after:, the unpaid taxes. Walde:Lowry that the. follow- ing accounts be paid:"- 6•• Ivan 'Pollock, care of cemetery $111.20; Ken• 'MacKay; Ail & gas•. ,„for.,,cemetery, 4:74; Sert McTav- ish, use of tractor- at, cemetery, dental services,, 197;50; It H. Mar- tyn, : attendance at deeds, .7.00; Ernest. Walden, warble • fly.- 414spector;' .:196,5:4, .. Hugh Mas.on,' spray operator; 8.50;; Eugene Dun- lop; • spray operator, 121.55; Mc- Arthur Hardware,,• ,hall supplies, 74 9'5, Jodi{iPB.°a,1Vi+ae'aonald,'.c°alreof' hail,, 25.00; Kincardine . General 'Hospital, ...debenture,' 2;500;. Post'. Office, 'unemployment stamps &: postage; 24.04;. William _ Leonard,'; witnessing affida4its and mile age, 10.00; Road Accounts • Steve ' Irwm;:: road superinten- dent; $3;14 30; John Blackett, 'la. b.or,. 4157.48; .Gordon ••'Stewart,. grader operator; 23315; Robert. Osborne,•'snow fence;' 3.38;'. Doug las'Lackie, 'snow fence, 583;• Don - aid McTavish;' ,snow .'fence, .5.25; Donald ;,Steele, :snow , feence, 15'0;, Grant ' MacDonald,., snow : ,fence, 1.50; ..Ronald McCdiarles, .snow fence,..' 5,25; ., 'John •McCharles, snow'• fence,:..10.50; Alex ,McTav .;ish, snow• fence, : 5.25; Morford Mackay,,,. repair.: 'to:. s ra . •'truck,. Y, p, p Y.. 128.05; James McTavish; gravel, 627,$0; Joe Kerr,' gravel`coritract, -14,726;0'4; D 'G: MacDonalds`, dies el, 'fuel .34.88;, Rosco ';lt/fetal . 'Ca., culverts 3 ,045.03,•. Graham Cook,. bulldozing,�.135.00;. Verner Brown, chain: , .sawing, 48.75; ;Gordon. Ernrri'erton, :sanding ' hills. arid. sawing, •40 25;. Wingharim Advance= I'tr. Joe 'King of.Toronto:spent Sunday. with Mr." and Mrs:• Walter. • ArsCat week -end with, "Mr. • and Mrs ."13„.` Mr. and Mrs. . o g: Ken D wlin' Chapman. Mrs.; M. Chapman, Sr.,' who .:has• been holidaying" there,. 'returned' with there: Mrs.Millan �oore, underwent an' operation rn Victoria Hospi- tal London; Mr:. and • Mrs. 'Charlie Tiffin, Mrs.i it VTr.Mc- J rxi McInnis uis ed 1 Innis.. and .Mr.: Lloyd'' Bell, who. are patient's in Victoria Hospital. Miss Marilyn Morrison return - .to' work on• •Friday after being sick with the measles.' Mr. and Mrs • A. ,1•;`. Buckton y spentTuesday; in Toronto... Mr. and Mts. • Walter James, • • spent' .Sunday, visiting friends. in Rothsay. ; 5 :Mr.. :and :' Mrs. Norman Smith: spent Sunday with Mr, and 'Mrs David .Hotts.ton, Jr. Mr. ."and ''Mrs `George • Fisher, Kathleen,; Sandra'• ari Dorisat 9.63 • Can- y� � i.rnes :gravel ;tickets . .the•' . christening of. ;. the' .T ,,• � , tended g. ••dau hte:r of•'Mr.• and'. Mrs: Lough adian Tire Corp ; .tools; 6:1.8, Wm g. 42 99• ed Walsh, •"as an oil 8. P eed•.of •Midland on Sunday. W ,, •g d• . ,, ,. • .. Har- Mr. and'Nlrs '.A.• E B 4•u:ckton lar Peopie cul vert•s,.52067• , s. isitiri Mr. and, ry sCoiling, hauling stone .37:00., pent .; Sunday : � g . Mrs.: Gilbert 1-lamil:ton, Luaknow• W. ;I Shantz, hauling stone, 3.2:00 Mrs:' Jack Barr, 'of " Moved by Campbell=Walden and M�•: and Barr; u h: ' that we adjourn.t'o...meet ,on; July. I :into '1• ....._ • Rev.: Ma•r-shall is attending , ,a 7th.: r R s week. ' EARL TOTYT Clerk - coaif�rence ,in Toro.rito this •, as' been ,appointed Distribution• Manager .' .. in Lucknow and District for B.A. FURNACE ,& • FUEL OILS ALL FARM, . PETROLEUM PRODUCTS .` AND` TRACTOR AND CAR, ACCF.SS9RIE5 *ext. ettlialtig00~4N1li MONUMENTS or sound counsel and a fair price on' a monument c oxrectly designed' from -quality material,: - rely ozy SKELTON MEMORIALS' Pat O'Hagan, Prop. •Established Over Sixty ' Years Phone. 638-w Walkerton Ontario KINTAIL W.I. LADIES . TOLD OATMEAL ,'PORRIDGE:; •RECIF.E „The Kiritail. Institute `Meeting was held at.the home of Mrs, George Md"ricrief With ,tfte presi- dent, :Mrs. Jack •Collinson•, pre: siding. The :roll call was 'answer:- ed nswer= t ed with: a recipe using a Canad- ion product .One. ;Scotch• member told •us how ••to• make good old oatmeal: porridge. Mrs. Fred Mc- Gregor gave a detailed :report of• the District' Annual held in God erich at McKay Hall:. Those" from our :Institute' who " went were Mrs Bob ' 'Farr ish, 'Mrs. ' Doug. Drennan and Mrs. • Fred . McGreg or. Next year. the district .annual Will be held in St.:Helens. .We' had 'a fine `sale: :of flowers and plants Mrs. Dan Wylds play .ed for' the •Q ieeri and • ,Grace ';af ter which .lunch was ;served :and a social time' . spent ` visiting. The ' Yg Jul 6e ti '.'will' be. held at the• e. certificates are SAF •ortgag , They know British M So'safe that Ontario, law• states that trust, money : can, : be invested in• them. They appreciate the GUARANTEED rate of interest. Not only is ark excellent rate paid at present 4 -%.-for: 3 toz-5 :years-04ut,...the rate Is guaranteed 1 , for the full. term. . itish Mort a e certif ieates._ - .. - } ENIENCE of Br ', y IFe g i+i ahem R, rt�._ 0 'Many people make their' investment by mail"`-riailhen get their interest' by: mail. British Mortgage certificates are as convenient as your `nearest mail -box.. They find it;WISE to'-invest•for . a short ;term, In these, days of rapid changes .:it's• often wise to investfor, only a short .tem. (British• Mortgage certificates are,'issued for 1 'to :,5 years: ' At the end ;of the term, they: can be renewed: orcashed. cashed. to, invest in a British. Mortgage certificate. wW� Mail your your cleglle—$100 or more—it's as easy as or call the British Mortgage.: agent in your area. that Doan• t del ay you money starts to care' interest the, day. you,:•. make the i vestment. British Mortgage rounded in 1877 STRATFORD' aA Trust V. t. school. ri the :evening •of •July 3rd.;:Mr's.'•BillJohnstone ;and Mrs. Fred McGregor are, hostesses, Pine ,Rive -Ladies•'' Aid.. Presents' Gift To Mrs. E Reavie. 'They Pine ,River United church. Ladies. Aid Society met,; at the home of WS.. Sam Geddes, with firs Ross Shiehs. and Mrs. Kel vin 'Henders`on 'presiding. • Twen- ty-two ladies . were . present.. • •Mrs Duncan: Thorburn led 'in the de- votional,period Plans w:ere made for the garden party which is :to' be .held on July .Courtney and'Mrs. Bob Court ney.. favored. by singing: ; a •very: enjoyable' duet "How .Great Thou Art". Mit..Sam Geddes. present-' 'ed - a good treasurer's' report and. the ' colec.tion was ' received. ,Mrs. iLeonar'd • Irwin moved a._ vote of thanks •to '.tie •.hostess,' ,and on. 'behalf ' of the Ladies' . Aid, Mrs:. 'Leonard .Irwin ari'd . Mrs. Mervyn Hooey, presented • a farewell gift to • Mrs.. Elmer Reavie; who .• '•is leaving . the . community " Mrs `Reavie. expressed • her apprecia , tion. T.he, :closing hymn • was -384 followed. by:. the :.mizpah bene diction repeated - in unison. The next'. ' meeting Will: be held •: in .September. ' • Have You Renewed' Your Sub- scription? - • .GAVILLER MCINTOSH., , Chartered Aecoutants Bell.. Telephone Bldg Walkerton; Ont. .Telephone :833 Your Old Equipiilent. On 'New t Portable Saws TaSaws ' \' Chaiblen':Saws Drills Sanders, Belt & Finishing Routers , Shapers Electric• Planes Bench Grinders \• Drill Presses y �; Band Saws Jointer's DEALER '. CHR SHELLTON LUCKNgW ONE ..80 . iii4ii.."iiii4. • 4, • 1' • •ti •s 1I •