The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-06-11, Page 4PAGE FOUR :E LUCKNOV SENTINEL, :LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO WEDNIaSDAY, ,TUNE, lith, 195$ Ste ri 4 ur it 1 ly�i�,tli (F' Iii ti ra �i- V4 'w. yi ,N R - ,USTO11 r. SypRAY TTG —call Mel OR SALE:..—�Philco� portable; TV �Q practically new..Qpply at Greer s, , 1-r-20, Ripley or Harvey :music.' Pollock,- Electrical, Shop., ' Hagedorn,. 61-16 Ripley. . 1NG .EVENT1 • ZION ANNIVERSARY Anniversary services • will. be held at Zion. United Church, .on June 22nd at 11 a m. and 8:.00, P.M, Guest. speaker;; Rev. Ken nedy, of Dungannon. Special 'NO DANCE, FRIDAY The Legion dance which, Has been held. every 'second week, . for sortie tifrite .w.ill not r be held this Friday due -to-7 `the renovation •� ATTENDED ' WEDDDIG. ! OF FORMOSAN., FRIEND, FOR $ALS -...21 pigs eight weeks AUVTION SALE. old. James •McNain, ;Amberley, , :. Will be held at . the:. • B;ruce phone Ripley 110-30 { • , County Dome, Walkerton, ,at 1.00 .. _ In buck p•m." on Tuesday, June :17th, of - HOUSE. FOR SALE . , ; far -m implements, -equipment rogram at . the 'Recreation` Hall, now. phone° e�enmgs; • �36. ° buildings and tools: ;Terms cash. tons W WAO21FST1 :TO BUY'S -=6 or., � ' es ,Abell, ��auctianeer: ` ' . ,`'" TO HO• LD, D;,OPEN HOUSE ' 7;" W ' of oats or mixer grain James — , Mr. and•Mrs. ill am Cox will .. ... _ 'A,.UCTION SAYE` be ',"At free'' o McNain Aniberley; phone Ripley' ..:Ho n ,. the occasion . • 110 30,, Clearing Auction Sale of farm, of ' their fiftieth wedding anni _ stock and; implements will be versary, S•unday, June 15th, from. FOR S�Af•E--7 pigs, eight weeks, held at the farm , of William T.. 2130: till,.5 00,- and 8:00 till,.10, also R,obt: Lyons; Jr., R '1, Luck Thompson, Lot' 5, Concession 3, on; Tite'sday, ,June .17t`h, from •8;,00 • now: ori s Town P, 4. to. 10 D.ITh Their . rte _ S. an . . (1?V Wawanosh Cour, ilMln Miss ;Mary. MacMillan; was ; .a guest at the. wedding ofrMis$ Lillian Ruey-Ing How r to Dr, -George. Chia-You-Yeh on $atur day, June 7th. at 4.30 o';clock at. ',Knox College_Chapel� Toronto. A reception was: held at. the • home of -Canadian friends; : of thee bride at- 2 Loc kie Ave„ Agincourt,' Ontario. The , bride is a sister of' Rea. Stephen How,. who. visited • .here 'and spoke. in, South ,'Kinloss, Church . iast fall, the ' is• a di -Ugh:: er' of •Dr.; .'and ' Mrs... Chuang Chung How of Formosa, and last. year attended camp at N Sylvan, Lake,: Alberta , and . Irntail, Ont- ario, . with • ' Mary ' MacMillan. DISCUSS ROADS, WEED. SPRAYI• Jt' , FOR SALEhardwood, slabs: and on Thursday, June 12th at 1.30`: u es Luck, ',Choice lot of cattle 'and machin- ' ANNIVERSARY ;' SERVICES West : Wawanosh Twp,;° Council now Sawmill.: Stevenson, L met at the Township ,Hall 'on sawdust James ` , ery and, 100 acre farm. See'bills Anniversary services'' will .be. for list ,and :terms. ,:William T. held at' :Ashfield' Presbyterian, June; 2nd, 1958 Th s,mee'ting was FOR, SALE: — good Baia - kits,. o son Prop,;, :