The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-06-04, Page 6PAGE SIX „•7 • -- 1”` • firaINTIVISP. THE,LUCKNOWSENTINEL, JJf.QfONTAIi.10. . . . . 41.1.1gt 4th, 195a rt, 1957 Poptiac, Hardtop, autornatic; fully equiPped.......,...$2,595 • 1957 rOntiae Deluxe Sedan, automatic transintssifmt • - •' fully equipped, Two ' 1957 •Cheir: Deluxe Sedans, fully equipped 1957 Chev. Station VI/ago!). 1957 Four -door Pontiac Sedan,... with radio. .. 1956 Ford 'CustoPlinet automatic, •fully equiplied` , .$1,990' 1954 Dodge Sedan - $1,395 ' 1954 Meteor Hardtop, ,automatic, fully equipped 1954 Chey: Standard Sedan, fully equipped $1,295 196314040Se0all .$1,150 1953' Meteor COach $1,050 1952 Ch•eV, Deluxe Sedan . , . 8_91. -"2.417••••*-t, T „ 1951 'Dodge Custom Sedan „ $ 695 1951 rPlymouth Sedan, 'low mileage , $ 695 • • A. number of 1952, 1951 and Older Models • AT- REAL BARGAINS • . .• • TRUCKS'. 1956 Chev. 1/2 -ton •Pickup ,..• • 1951 :Ford 3400 Brussels s Huron County's Foremost -Used Car Dealers CASH, TRADE, TERMS Open Evenings Until 10 '•i.Cities Service Dealer -- Phone 173, Brussels Second, Fourth and- Sigth , . Allister Hughes was in 4.-iondon on May 24th to attend icer class ,.reunion at Victoria *Hospital and 'the special:program 'for the 75th "anniversary of that hospital: Mrs. Sam 'Chadwick 'of Lan- ' tashire, England, and Mr. and GAVILLER, MeINTPSH' and WAR.P.,.•:,. Chartered. ACCOutantS . . .. • • . Telephone Bldg; .. herton, 'Mit. • • •Telephone 633 . .• a' Mrs. Jack'Bridal and three child- ren of ‘Maple Creek, Sask., have been visiting with. Mr.. arid Mrs. A. I-Iughes:and Mr. andMr. 'Ross lcilacMillan and family. ' gends1Nalnes '144 In Case" Mrs. Mary free ',QV Brantford, sends along the Para-Pa•Pf Mr. andi. Mrs D. H. • Williams of • Los Angeles, in. case friec1s or rela- tives here haven'tdone' so. 'They are former Lochalsh district Tes-' idents and visited in the 'cam corp eludes: "Best of luck te' all the committees in • their Splendid work • for the 'Centennial". • • ' MeALPINES ARE, CONING and Mrs. Cecil McAlpine • • . . - THE ALLIN SISTERS .WILL Band; Which eaell Of Us had' the BJ BACK FOR ENTENNIAL .agt..vidt.a..ciiqw4cs;r.iler;leongCledboto rrrY.;riTtinilge b • 43A Jackman Ave Welshman by name Of Da 'Toronto, Towers, a (11PrIC in the Bank b*f Dear Campbell, Hamilton. Those in....:the group; We ,-toticed in a' recent issue Winnie Gordon, Gladys Hotrnes,..- of The Sentinel 'where Mr, Her- Rena Gordon,,Lylalaylor, Qweri son Armstrong waS.inquiring ,of MacLeod, Edna Taylor, Graese • , 1 I , , 1 •Mr.: of Windsor expect to ibe-heFe, at •any olcl Boys or :Girls who re- PQYd, Birdie. Macintosh and n Centennial- time coo, now nan membered him, .and. would be self I do not believe any of us ager of (he University ,_451:Yenue at the Reunion did a nlion'' ':nY'Sseeping''dj•n'ing 6616- l3ralrich of, the Bank of Mtintreal Just a' da3'.. tW.ti POOr •bration, • • ot• ern a a rkwepFirl'to ;,•1113.; •drIpis.seysoPf Pltexi,a,ftoililoawvieng Laura in (Mrs. Jack Armstrong), the • d berW iohfcistohre, WLauspficoriniloi:rlY'staatfin.He lislhi:gti?srtol:0:isr,m'A-liain'bhesaitidreo',:g will be ,going Berry writes: ' Dear Campbell: :t° the Reunion?" • started this letter almost a Veil' both Mabelle' and ex - month 'ago but Was side-traeked 'Peet- t° bethand are '1°94'7' forward. to Seeing., or Old Until. new. Enclosed is a cheque • and.. also the'BOys. and Girls. once Tnor°' e-413014$14.7-, Gary Austin, 8. -year son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Austihad an, unfortunate accident. when he lost control of his: bicycle and went through . a barbed wire fence. Several stitches were need- ed ..to repair the darnage to his fac-. and ear., .Mr.• and Mrs. .Ira Dickie four boys enjoyed a motor trip to Sudbury and visited .with Mr.. and .• Mrs. Wm. TOwnson .and famitr ' • ., • , Mr Currie Colwell was one of a party, of fishermen Who flew, in to. Algonquin .Park from Orillia and came out with a good 'catch. Mr.- and, Mrs. Russ ,Smale and two -sons of Thedford visited .on •. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Har- ol Austin and family. • • ..r-••••••„rx: I., • • .• entermia omni ee. Edith - is twisting • my wrist about going up'for the celebra- tion, so We will very likely see you sometime while the do is on., ' Birdie MadIntosh • (Mrs. Jack.'• Clark)'; Laura $rnith. (Mrs. Top • Reid).; Irene Holmes or 'Gwen MacLeod (Mrs,- Arthur Wo'lff) or 'Rena Gordon. . 'F'rank on, as' 'Jack Newton said •In one thenz, • „ . of, his letters. Most sincerely, Sincerely your, - Sadie 'Boyd Nellegsr, • - Bertha J...• * * • . , . . , • VANCOUVRITE -SENT NA•MES RAE MaelliARMID FLANS TO BE, HERE FROM' CLEVELAND - •• ,CleVeland • Ohio Dear'Campbell, •ErielOsed a cheque'for re, newal of The Sentinel; also a Cheque ,fOr the Centennial. I:See' by your paper :that, there is a lot ,of enthusiasm 'for • the project Whieh 'should insure good .suc- . cess. 1 expect, to be home to help. •iricrease .:the crOvid. . • Sincerely, Itae MacDiarmicl:, STXN- BURNS. SURE ItinikrAltur,'-• 'FDA 7 • 2456-E 37th Ave ' • ' VancpuVer. 16, B.C. . • Kenneth Cameron, Chairman,' Invitation Committee Dear !Mr. Cameron, •• • Here' are three names you may . 'not have. first;‘, Mr. Lov.el Mur- cranbrOok; B.C. Mr, Mur- dock was born in Paramount and left that Country -rriany years • ado. He was in Sap Francisco at-. .the tirrie, of the great earthquake, 1 , .2nd. ....tohn. 'Tiffin, Lethbridge, Alberta. Mr. Tiffin Was. born A: - little wet of .LizeknOW::He went to Paraznetint ;school. It mustbe nearly sixty years ago, when he, left I:guano*. I Went to school with' hirn, I. think he Would be better .addressed •as, ;John Tiffin, •dairy. farmer, Lethbridge.: , •.. 3rd. Mrs Lowe Mrs. Lowe was 'Edith Reed before she was; mar:, tied: .She was -born at Paramount and .left therema.riy years ago 'She :was :a school teacher and a good one: John ,Tiffin •would. be 'able to give herCOrreet. address. She lives in Lethbridge:Alberta. a. few stories of. Lttan,oW if you My Wife 'i'and 1 will be back • . willfeed me with some riubliCity' for Auld Land Syne; '• • items.. • '• • . .• • •• Yours very truly, ' • .Enclosed is a cheque to Gordon this Movernent along . and : again ••'• * . "' • my- :best wishes- for.--al-bumper - ' • . • • IISAFY°S°.MIURIVSAE GrRLAILHIEN' TIIERE, WILL BE MIGHTY GATHERING • , . 6 Elgin Street, St, Thornas• Ontario Luoknow.Centennial. Committee, LucknoW, -Ontario. .‘• • . Dear Friends: ; This. is to wish you,. the best • of 'success % with. the :Centennial celebration and. am looking for- ward to seeing many. old 'friends as well as nieeting the riewer, citizens of the old town. . You are' t�. be commended, for . ----; ,your courage and inspiration in: 1 /Sunday -irisitors withk Mrs. Mae- 'developing this fine project. 'The Innes and Miss Mae. Maclnnes at committees and workers deserve the home bf, Mr. and Mrs.' C. great credit. for :the task which Caserizore and with Mr., Rod Mac- they have undertaken and' I am Dougall at Winghani HosPital sure that yoti will be rewarded were Mrs. ,Angus Graham', and With •-a mighty • gathering of Old Mrs .' AllaniGraham, Miss'. Dean Boys•' and 'GirlS. to 'the gratitude MaeLeod, Mrs. Ira Dickie Walt- of all,. Old Timers and 'Citizens er and William. • . „ • , ,Send .along some streamers; for • Mrs. D:. L. MacKinnon - and my .car as there are many' peO- , 4ohn accompanied Mr:. and Mrs.'. le from Luckriow. vicinity irr this Orville Elliott and familyto Kit- fair. city of 'my adoption, who chener Sunday whentheyvisited ;would, be . happy to be reminded Mr. Bill:-,MaeDOnald t•who is a. of the reunion. patient in ,Freeport Sanitarium Will try to get our local paper,, Mr. ,and Mrs.. Peter IVIackinnori The Trines -Journal, to 'write up arid' Mr. 'and Mrs. Mike Vereh- inlay. of FlinV, Mich.,' visited with relatives. • in Luckriqwand on the Fourth ,,oyer 'the'. Memorial. Day holiday . , Soime ',girls use pills to get -rid celebration. . ••• . . of headaches; others use head- • Cordially yours, aches to get rid of pills.• ' • ' Stan Burris.' • • . . . .4i.:::::-4-t.:F.N.4.•aat• •• -t 4, '. . ,• , •'4 .....4•:.:,•••••:•• :4,44:•:.:Vr,* %S.{ . • • -•••:::::::•;,,:::,4:•:**.• ' '",:,::•:::::1:•:, • : .*: BOYD.". HAS COCTU,RE-1 OF 1910:::1t,EUNION -11-• ‘i? '••'••• •-• • • • .• .1, . r Serve ri savory snac or a cool summer salad 10: F. • • . • r ' • Atli crisp crackers.___ • afldpafST!!':!'1 • . ; , , • , • ' an.•elegant ; on(1.1611;'frOsty.tjtqssOs of fresh, coldmilld , • 10. X • ,• • . . • ';CheddaKcheetele2rebit—.. nutritious : CsOagrcheese n shrimp Ito ••• • 1411thfut, delitious. •• -146 .• Fresh strawberry'canape--#. cake, berries and ice cream - • . 'DAIRY FARMER$ OF CANADA. 409 Huron steeet Torohio • 7." • • V, 1. 1 the and ether deity rend T6,610t id Marie trater'S Recipe • ,i'••••• *rite Itirmuf ' iteetet today!. • • ‘t r 1 • , t 1825 Atlantic Blvd • South 'Pasadena, Cal. Dear' Mr. Cameron I Want to thankyouvery much for your February' : letter a�.--- qUainting me IS* the fact that our urd--1-ome.' .wn holding its Centennial celebration in August this year, and inviting' me to participate in the celebra- tion.' ' I most•'sincerely regret that I .won't be. able,•tO, attend., I, think • back ori. the days when they 'held the. Caledonian, -Gaines, and. later. the-;-0.1d-Boys, Reunion in' 1910. knoW, it will be a ,trerriendbuS. S.PQeeSs, and my best wishes will • I have alwayS,,loVed bagpipe- rnusicstiil do: The 'only rernin- iscent story 11 can recall, was' • 'after the "1910- Reuniori was returning ,to Chicago, when ;either; one or more of 'the.' "Old • Bdys" -cdricocted -the idea of giV-. ing. the an outstanding send -Off. There was one -cab in the. town at 'that time and' when it called • fOr the to, take me to the train, one lone piper in,kilts piped me 'tp. the trairt My What a thrill- ing. experience for me. • •',The only pictures that 1 seern to be able to find are oh a'eotiple of postcards. One of them Of the Lucknow Pipe Band and the other was taken of 'nine. young --• worrien' one , morning , on •our '(BOyd), lawn Awing the Old Boys Reunion in 1910. The nine, of .us were dressed in the kilts of the men in the Ohio.' Dear- Cam, " • •Enclosed -ii the Old ,maid's mite for the Reunion. Of cotirse 111 be there. Will 'I ever forget1910 . Several of the .old band ihen led by. Alf Davidson'', -playing„ -Up- town •.. in the GratiaM'-,$ baCk dpor and out "the front . ; hever a :Word bit . playing '•some old pieces it was gfOCkl. • . Stteeessto you -3,verkers. ...j.•Regrets;:eileiR; Here' • — •:In •sending, a donation itto., the Centennial Tun; Miss ISebO. M. Macintosh of Hamilton sayS:;•"1,.. regret that .1 will be Linable,to „Meet the Many returning ,Visiti• 02%) ,but my work in theSenjor.s.' Convalescent Ifespital in Buri wishes that great succeSs.Will at 'tend all, your effort"• . ' • * .4, • , 55 wATAT ELGLADMEIBS 'AACSKLAAGDA(1)INF In response to a CentellrUal tw,041Ar. jlearios,pebutot • will 'Qt iCCiUhi'O aCtorriodation as .vve expect 16 1Re at our • cottage at kincarclinc -at, dthowatti:tiwmhe;otnanwde" willcan..dtrruivseti,2 the Ceritermial will be a htlg success. . We are bot natives of the district, h.uf: we knowthe old town fairly and have -Ctiti5-.. ins there. I attended the Cale.l. dOrilaris :Games 'there 'vvith *MY; fatheri,• coining from Ailsa .Craigs' when I was 10; years, o • , • • !, • • 45,