The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-06-04, Page 2• LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKN.OW, ONTARIO: Shirrifl d : Morning 'Marmalade _. save 2c,. 24 oz,,jar 5. X r�1 • f ''S BEANS WITH 'PORK Save 4c; 15 ' oz. 2" tins •:29c • Save 4c -- '2-pkgs. 3Sc FACE ELLE TISSUES a - £,4 8 T. 12e Save `20c 3 pkgs. 79c RED AND *rpm :.. Friendly Place To Sho • Turkey ' Rolls, Pies .and Turkeys always on hand• Aunt ,Mary's 'Sliced Bread,.,2� • loaf•••4••.':•• PREMIUM OFFER Ironing Set 99c.• with $5:00 order. ES 'fx11':rAB► d Sunkist e Oranges uc "tree-rl Juicy, tree-ripened lb.. "bag • :..., : 69c rte 4 ;' s� $' Y•e�4,re:iE:'��� *b r ,tq, iis�° s:. 141, R• 1.7 u ik. alai A 1 :i Rt :1. E } �s. M o -"The.. '.,best>°'way .,t get Work: is • to. do it, • PI-10NE 26 • e roo FREE DELIVERY MOU1tN QEATi4 O HB[1L_ YVEBSTER .Death came . suddenly • about, seven .*leek on• Thursday Morn- ing* :toa„William: George Webster, and this cornnn•unity .was shocked.. -and.._saddened-as--word-- .of . his death spread rapidly, • Bill had a heart condition, but was his usual cheerful self up 1. pan retiring on Wednesday even ing, before eleven o'clock, after having : a game ':of ci ibbage with his; brother Nelson of Windsor:,. 'Nelsen- and' his wife ';dere • visit. ing• with .' Mr. and Mrs, ' Webster • and on Tuesday had; a birthday •supper,. Marking:1341s 57th birth-. day, ,r'• Biu awakened about midnight Wednesday ' with a;. seizure .and. within 'a short time he was rush,. ed to Wingharn Hospital `and.' put in an oxygen tent. • Ike was • rest- ing comfortably when a second fatal. Bill was' a ;son of Daniel, K. Webster and Elizabeth Lane and was born ,on ,May 27th. 1901, 'on the farm:.. now ow ted: by Bill h >:, :kn - o -Luc •.. ,., .: st- f - . • r _} .,vve . , s i�se � :t an.: - r -, Stanley, a-�`rnrle . .. u� pr o M d f -M s, J oht'- =.- ' 'Vlore people commit :suicide :I) FOLK TV'VO 'AGE. it aknife with a •fork than' w h PASSED AWAY (KINGSBRIDGE': .'NEWS) Mr. and.: Mrs..Edrnund King & family visited ' at . the, Walter Clare home during the past week. Mrs. Walter ` Clare . is spending this week in London, the Legionand Miss • Florence Lambertus of of the, Clan it functioned Bill' was well liked • and widely known and the'wealth of floral tributes :and .the hundreds' who. visited the McLennan 'and 'Mac Kenzie :funeral' home, and over- taxed .its' capacity for the service on:: Saturday, :were 'evidyences of his•:popularity, Rev. G. A. Meikle ii 4. is easy to sorrow ome Improvements_ erhaps: you are thinking'• of pointing • the bricks, painting the.house Or ' adding a sun -porch, ' :or extra bedroom. Well, now. is the time to do those. outdoor re p airs' and im ” rovements :, .: to_get p P g. finished so you're free to enjoy the summer: If a .shortage of::ready:cash is:delayin'g your' • :plans, see our local' B of M; manager about:a low- : • Home Imp r vement Loan. With interest at 'costP l� 6% p per-ann in H.I.Lfrare available 'for all`. y --P kinds' of worthw i1e purposes. And they are repay- ;'" able in eas mon hl instalments.,:. .y y Why` not have a •chat with your •B of M • y , , Manager today ..You'll Ace his • help ful a roach g Y P 1?P • to your proble s And R membe's When ou• :ask or a y f loan' at the B o f M, you,'do not ask_a1 favour i your. pro o 'tion, is. sound and reason- fy p p . , ke hers move for you 'at able t et e an -o on-txeal. r7nOA NUMG AMA B ask for ,your ..y., Copy. o f ou Home 1m 'rovement •'.Loan: older • • yf%F,p 'DAY, . JUNE 4th,; 195. . EN,GAGEMENTS, Mil. and Mrs. Daniel •Nicholson of J uoknow announce "the, en gagement of 'their daughter,- alda Jean, oto William• 'Richard- son Richard son ,Smith, sone of Mrs Christina. Smith, Seaforth, ' and ' the .late' Will}ani, D • . Smith, the n,arr'iagc to take place 'rtday, June' 29th . •in Luek o at 2!.OQ p:m, n. � byterian Church. LOCIAL COUPLE, HONORED, ON ;,48th AN'NI'VERSARY .. A ,.surprise ;dinner was held 4t;.'. the 'home of .Mr and Mrs,'Hat--; old• 1 Johnstone in'. Parkhill, ..on -• SundPy',:. June_;ist, when 'the fam- A lily of Mi•; and. Mrs:::'James John-. .' stone. of Lucknow,.• gathered. 'to . honor' them on the occasion of their .48th wedding anniversary. N Bob' Johnston, • eldest grandson,, read the cards of congratulations and'; the family presented therm -;-454.••y,.. „a1•' a> Besides the -immediate family,. Mr.` and . Mrs,. .Wm; O. Hunter of .ucknow and Mrs.' J: E. Car-. berry of Toronto, :also ' attended. The gathering was a complete With' the exception' of a: couple stone -When ` ,they . arrived' of�.years. spent in the West .and Parkhill with'Mr.' and Mrs. -Ste-. a year,' at Leamington, he•was wart Lavis;• they found the whole - a lifelohg, resident of - the corn,: family assembled: triunity. .He has been 'employed by Si1 verweed Dairies Liicknow, ' for UNGANNON 4•- H NEWS:- thirty-four EWS thirty four years and is' a • mem- bei • of 'that'- film's' Quarter -Ceti.: The . regular monthly. Meeting tory Club. Thirty-three 'years ago took the .form, of _ a barn meeting . . last ;,February he married Clara Which • was held at'. the farm of H'od ins' „ daughter of Mr. and Itay; Fisher. A class • of Jersey, g cows' and a, class of. Jersey heli i•le. Mrs,: George Hedging of Rp y Bill was.' .serving his' fourth term as a: 'member. of.the Village Council: He 'succeeded W. C. At- tridge. who resigned early in. ers'' were judged and a discussion on the' main `points to look for in dairy 'cattle followed • A.: -vote of .thanks: was extended to, the host 1955. He was' a member. of.the'by Jamieson Ribey:' Royal Black • Preceptory of Am- Officers elected at this meet= berley; of:Maple` Grove L O.Z. ing were: pres,, Jamieson Ribey; at :Zion, an',associate member of est vicepres., Terry Dalton, had been amem- Dan Dalton and: press . reporter, smth 'Club while Doug Fisher: Hamilton:' visited with her par- ents, Mr. and .Mrs. ' Lambertus; during the past .week . Mrs. Dennis Dalton acid Mrs. Eldon Austin spent last • Week- end in Hamilton Michael. J.„Sullivan died...at the home of /his adopted son .in his• 81st, year,. ' in New York: The late Mrs Sullivan was the son of Mr. •and Mrs: ,Jerry Sullivan of this john returned from .Conference parish His wife the former Cath- to., conduct the 'service, and .Bill's erine McGrory also of this pat"- uncle,. Rev. 'David Lane. of Clin.- ish,.predeceased, hixn one year ago, and his sister., Mrs. A. Mal- lot of -Kingsville, is the only -sur- viving imenibet of ` a family of nine, Mrs: • Ann Long. -died' at • the home of her son, John J.. Long, Detroit on . Saturday, May 24th, in :her 92nd year: Mrs •Long :was born inMinersville, Pa. and with "her ' husband;. who predeceased her:•44 , years ago, they resided in Colorado and; here of Kingsbridge for :many years, prior to • 'taking g upresidence:..in'. Detroit:- • Inter- ment was yin'" .Holy ' Sepulchre Cetneter Detroit., Surviving are a.;daughter,'. Sis- ter 1%, Augustine of St. J;oseph's •unit teachingstaff, Lon- don; .•y, .• .;. ., ,: don; three sons' pronsinent in State•'and. County .government' in Detroit: William PC Long, assist- ant'. Wayne County prosecutor;. John 'J: -Long, assistant State at torney •,g' eneral abd' Philip °-M.. Long, supervisor 'of records for BANK OF ($TWi; 0444044 7Giwt'o4s4 • y. Lucknow Bran .: • 1V11L�I'ON RAY1 ER; Manager ' 7 1 WoRKINCi `..i .N CAN ;DI!ANs'.I EERY' WAtic OF' LIFE SINCE 1617 'IiVt T ' A .. o•zsms. :ton; did: as Bill had .often jok- . him• • said ` . a 'iirgly remarked• to , few word's :at his funeral'.' Rev. Lane, referred to .Bill' a's' .big of heart and generous' arid: Rev. .Meiklejohn ' ' referred to • the friendship so many had enjoyed and to, hismunicipal. service.: The eveningg prior to .his death Bill had visited -.hips aged mother, Mrs: Elizabeth Alton ' at : the Luck - now Private p ..Hos ital, ,he.had call=ed on ' a sick friend in 'Kincar- dine, visited with•: Mrs.:: Webster's. aged parents' in Ripley,' and then° returned home to have .that firfal _.game Of cribbage .which he ' en- joyed so: much. Interment was in• Greenhill Cemetery, . with ' three ' cousins Watson Webster, Melvin Webster, Anson Coleman and' three Lodge members, Al Irrivin, Bob ., Reid and 'Chas. "McQuilli.n' acting as pallbearers ° -Members- of- daple---- $ Grove L.L.1044 of Zion held a: Mein - .the em.the:' County, together' With four• oriel service at• the• funeral.home granclehili' ren and '' ~three- .• g'rea't un Friday --night- when- -the Blast • grandchildren: Funeral services rites of the Order were conferred, were ' held at Our Lady ,Gate of with leading 'Parts taken by Rob Heaven• 'Church at 10• a.m, last Tuesday morning; from the` „ton, funeral : home, Dearborn, Mich. Deepest,. sympathy , is., ex- tended to the "Long family upon and faithfuleig mother and don; 'two: daughters, Mrs. Mae a kindof a friend.to all .1• ll�ri' of Toronto; Mrs, Tom. Jor-� the ass those who were fortunate en- On (Helen) of Mitchell; 'his ert Lyons, master; Lorne Reid, 'chaplain; Earl Swan Chas. Wilk- ins, Wm. Houston,• - p 'Mr: Webster is survived by his widow; one son, ,survived of Lon- ougi to come 'in contact with, ,during her. long. life: . • ' •" Mr. and . Mrs\ Earl , Drennan, Patricia,-, Mary Lou and tDonald, Mrs..Violet Drennan, 1G1(r. Thos;. Drennan'and 'the T: J. Drennan family' of Godericlh, John ,O'Connor, Mr. Peter Lierm.an, Mr. and. Mrs: Ray Dalton ' arid Mrs. Gill ert : l'rayne *ere among .. the ,guests • at ., the Bridal' en -Perry Wedding: on May 31st which took, place at St, Matthews Church, Detroit,. Michigan. • 'r t Have You .Renewed 'lour Sub- scription? • KEN :ALTON' TOPS IN .JUDGING. MEET Ken Alton, son of Mr. and Mrs.• Bert Alton: of Ashfield, was an, outstanding performer at • .the Huron County Junior Farmer, an • - nual judging` contest held at Sea- forth, with over .:200 competitors'• in thev._arious._classes1and with '" Arthur Bolton; assistant agricul- tural representative in charge. • Murray' Gaunt, RR 1, 'LuCknow,' took the senior . competition with a. score' of :'647 :out of a :possible' '700. Followinghim in' -a close sec •ond was Ray Cann, • RR 3,, Exe- ter, • with 645. iColwanash `:Junior'•Farmer Club' zwon over Seaforth for the special: 'challe.,g p`n challenge. • rite, of '$15; The chal- lenge money, donated: 'by. ''the. 'Huron ; 'County Fed.eration of Ag- "rieultur-'er -is--•paid tO he_.dub from mother, Mrs. Elizabeth. Alton of Lucknow; four brothers. Edward of "Big. Valley, Alberta;. Jack of 'U"ranium City,, Sask.; • Nelson' of Windsor; Ewart,. Kirkland., Lake; 4 sister, Mrs. W. G. Reed .(Deb- bie) of Lticknow and six grand- children, A sister, Mrs. . Will Gardner,' predeceased ,him; Huron .with the highest. per cent :ae of t bers. competing: Col g rnem A wanash' had, seven mernbers in com tition'embersip ' or • ' percent of '''rpem thei With.31 competing in the niter mediate'class,° Ken Alton took top: place. with 649 points' out of .700. Kms: He was well out 1W -front of sec • grid place, winner, Harmon Brod haeii .RR 2, Brussels, ;with 629 g t .49 '' points, the •• Thi 1hest 2 With` 6 score of the : entire cornpetition,, Ken Alton won; the Blatchford•• ed, ry476$,' •'0.00 cash ,4'. `prFeize. ' Ruophnner up; s'; ivi411rray 'Gaunt:tand ',Ken had 'the .high 'score,196. points; in the Dairy section for' the Carnation Co 'trophy, • but , was not eligible ' for the aecond trophy., There ,was a 3-waY 'tfe for second ` l`with 188 points, - place � � Caunt, each. scored by Murray Garry Rintdul of Whitechurch pallid Gloria Boyd of. Walton'.'Mur- ray Gaunt scored high in' the tie- ,breaking' ral . reasons and rece'v so anaemic'', •paid; the pat- ient to. the. doctor, "that only one eye gets bloodshot when .1 stay up late' e41 the award.. • • ' Murray ' was, high in :the OOP : ., .. c �_ . y + , p , i �, hints, . judging section' with p , _ t he,', more. than the, runner-u.P, igen .Alton,' obert` Lyonhigh Lyons had rRad .the Xi7 score in the beeif section -487 it a- ,possible' 200 poit t§.. a : a '1 •a� tt `!C p .df of . st Cl til " b'y ed as; na • 'At ba `thi V�. ani Col Mr sri