The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-04-30, Page 8ro PE EMT •. SKY -HI 14A • • I UC OW ` SENTINEL, LUCK -NOW, ,ONTARIO:, ENDED HISTORY The recentdeath of. Mrs. • L. J. I:,etang; •:of, London, interrupted a task that .was dear to her—the compiling of a family„history of. Ther forbears, who weramong,the earliost settlers in. Kinloss Township. ” :Mrs, Letang was working on , this history up to the time, she. retired the evening-, before; her death, : and while the .work was not complete we publish the fol- lowing sketch, which she, had : in- tended to 'enlarge upon ,as•.a. tri- bute to her beloved aneestors, • Mrs. .Letang was the ;former• Mary 'Jane , MacKinno}; , daugh ter. of Mr. and Mrs. ' Angus Mac- Kinnon.. following is Mrs. Letang's story in brief an.the summer of 1853; ,a 'sturdy .. non and his' wife 'Catherine (Mc- Leod) McKinnon "and their seven. children, along with s'oine sisters, .brothers and' cousins, .set • out from their native :land the Isle. of Eigg .Inner Hebrides, off: the northwest . coast of Scotland to-,?, :make' a ' new home : in Canada., After six weeks, spenton, the ocean ;ina sail boat' they arriv- ed at Hamilton. • They proceeded to London, Ontario, but being •unable; to procure desired crown land in' that `locality .they went north :to Bruce ' ICounty where in 1854 , Crown . land' was 'offered for sale:. , , . This couple: with the; children, 4 "r1 93 ii 4 t yl it Yr 3p .> on;, the ries# or in the.: cog! Swift's new SKY -I-II 314A combines hybrid vigour . . with an unusual ability to covert feed to ''egg efficiently., .This new;layer. . is truly a top, performer— whether in floor or : caged; flocks. , NEW SKY -HI AVERAGES 289 EGGS IN''TESTS �'• • .. In tests during 1956-57 Swift's new SKY -HI .3 4 �' averaged 289.8 ,eggs per - hen, had • less ' ;than.: 2% Mortality to 17 months of . . age and' ' showed a feed efficiency• of 3.83' lbs: of feed 'per dozen,. eggs. The nearest ' competitive ' layer in the; test averaged 18.2 eggs less than the SKY -HI 314A. Think. what an extra 18 -. eggs per hen could mean to , your income! Even at `30,¢:' per. dozen, these extra eggs would be worth- $45 ; ;per 100' hens Now the money saving:' time;'to see about ordering 314A layer chicks for. your flock. SKY -HI is a, trade - 'mark of Swift .'. Canadian Co., Limited. For" these. and other' fine Swift :- chicks, contact: • O. ELLIOTT : R.R. 3, HOLYROOD Phone Ripley 24-r-26 RELEAVEN MILLING COMPANY' LTD. Phone 9 LUCKNOV, • ONTARIO Swift 103 °o YEAR To Serie Your Farm and Family Beier For""' a 'successful 'vacatfori you' should ."take half the 'clothes you.: had figured on arid twice , the money: t CAVILLER, 'McINTOSH and' WARD Chartered :,Aceoiutatits • Bell Telepoiie. Bldg; Walkerton Oiit Telephone 633'' �. • N • 1. John•, . Allan, Jane, 'Mary, Anigus, Ronald, Christine. and .'Archibald settled 'on Lot 21; 'concession 6, Kinloss Township. Mr. ,and Mrs. McKinnon' and '-family suffered' many .;hardships' .clearing : 'the Land. They first :;built a ',small •shack . ' and ,)later a • log house which still stands.-~ Additional` property was proclured ,;and soon _the .:L homestea& _comprised :250 acres and is still'; occipied .'b 'Dan T .: McKinnon and John. Mc Kinnon, . of ,the third generation, while 'fourth and , fifth genera- tions have lived On, the farm.' The' Children of Mr', • and,,Mrs. James McKinnon, upon growing to''maturity, 'set 'out 'his or her Own- way of life. Jane.' married Duncan McKinnon from near Seaforth,.•"and after 'a 'few years moved to Sault Ste. Marie, Mary married Alex. McArthur ' . and they : moved to 'the U.S.A., .as did also Christine who 'married' John McKinnon and:. moved to 'Michigan.. Ronald: married Mary McArthur Allan married Eliza- beth McMillan and settled "close by in. Kinloss.-• John and Archi- bald . never married. :On March 30, 1815, Angus McKinnon' mar- ried a pretty young lass,. Cath: erin'e McKinnon from Tucker smith Township at St:; C•olumban R.C. church.' This winsorne miss was a direct descendant of the ancestors of the first R,C Bishop; of Ontario,. the Right,: Hon. and Righte Rev ; Alexander :' Macdon ell,° first Canadian . chaplain of the .Glengary Highlanders. 'After_ • . big reception_ 'at , the bride's home in Tuckersmith, the happy. young ,couple journeyed . by -train; agee m ., arsea i akin' the groom's home in, Kinloss., To,this: union were ,born` five sons and five 'daughters; . James. Archibald, who married' ' Annie Ford; Florence, (Flo) Agnes, who. married Patrick, J. McDevitt; John, ;unmarried, whoa., went to Calgary in•.,1902, and• later became chief of the Calgary Fire De- partment; "Donald` Thomas,'., who married Josephine. Berger; Cath- erine, unmarried, deceased; Mar=, garet ., Mary Ann, who, married. Wm. J. 4ilin; Ronald Alexander, who, married.'Annie Geary; Mary Jane, who' niarired Leonard : J; Letan'g; 'William . Milas,' who .mar'- Fried ' Esther ' , McManus; • Annie Lorette, who married . Stanley ;.....:WKONEi .tSD ,' APtRII.:3oth,.1958.. 1957 Pontiac, Hardtop, `automatic,.' fu11y equipped 1957 .Pontiac ,•Deluxe '' Sedan, automatic transmisslon, _` fully, equipped , , .,,'., ...;,,,, .,• ,. },.;.....,;,,'.,$2,49 .J 1957 .Chex, Deluxe Sedan, fully equipped 1956 • Ford 'Customline,'automatic, fully .equipped . $1,995: 1956 Pontiac Coach automatic ::: ,;w.. r .;,,:.$1995 1956 .Chev. Standard Coach' ;,�....,.,,, 1955 Chev, Deluxe' Coach ' � ,! ..,, � .. ....... . 1, 650 1954 Dodge Sedan' ,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,, , ,,,,4;, , .,.,,, ..,,.'.$1,395 1954 Chev,;: Standard Sedan, ,fully' equipped McGowan Surviving now • are two bro-: there and : two. sisters, Dan T. and John on the 'home farm, Mrs. • ,Allin of Chatham and McDevitt evitt of Port ;.. P rt Arthur:• • 0 y FLOATS ,WANTED FOR CENTENNIAL PARADE Charles Webster, chairman of the Centennial parade committee,' has great plans for this feature' of ' the reunion Already.. 'there. are prospects' of a terrific :par- a e. arade. • Local ;merchants` and other' in - 1953 Dodge Sedan' 1953 Meteor:' Coach " 1952'Pontiac,,Sedan, ,.., 4. Two 1957 --Plymouth 'Sedans, low mileage, , • 1950 • Monarch Sedan. ,$1,295 $1,195 $ ,095. $, • 895: $•695. $ .595:' A number of 1952, 1951 and Older Models, AT REAL BARGAINS . TRUCKS .1948 Ford 1 -ton Express $; 295 cfluron•'County's Foremost-; Used Car Dealers Cash, Trade,, Terms Open Evenings,, Until 810 Cities Service Dealer • Phone'' 73x • Brussels' terested residents are expected to.... have.;..entries,—and alr-eady- '•there.has been assurance of'floats ` and parade:,,features from out -of 'town `- The :chairman wishes,to un- -press --on 'ruralites and 'district organizations that' it will be in- deed' appreciated•• if?they'll. "get; into .the parade'', and he'll be. 'glad• to '.'hear from t those 'who .� . h :plan'' to, or to' discuss thea matter with anyone ,interested Lie :,is viewing pictures of other ar' ades,: and ' may ..have some help- ful suggestions to ;assist in 'plan= ming floats. '4t For . . Automotive .-Safety' Glass..; Auto Body, Repair'.' .; Wheel, .Alignment. fr–_,,alnd:_`Balance . DA 1'D V SON � •' �: • VISUALINING AND COLLISION' SERVICE': Huron Road - NO. 8 l may.. .Phone. 320 ; , Goderich, -Ontario He had family' medical bilis': tocleanup ,He needed cosh to modernize his kitchen • +t::.',.::i..w.,wj"'�• 1 fQi'1•�'",.,,..w.:::.:.wi00LiJWY.... is S • Faced with unforeseen. householdexpenses? Wantto make 'some special' najorr pur- • chase? Need money'for. taxes—or to Meet a family emergency? :Personal loans to .help people meet just'such situations are being made by�'t he chartered banks .every day. • You're' not asking: a'favour when you visit a ••chartere'd, bank to arrange a personal E 'CHARTERED are borrowing from a bank • • loan. The manager welcomes opportunities • `to make loans, repayable out' of earnings in convenient'instalments. And at a •chartered bank, you can always count on privacy and courteous ;cansidera- • tion, whether you are :arranging,'a'1loan or using other valuable . services the . bank.: pvides,. SER''VING' YOUR CO'M.MU'NI'Tx lye