The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-03-26, Page 12PAGE TWELITZ ••••• ' • " • LU• CICIOW SENTINKL, tucxisrow, pNTARI0 . • . NEWSANDVIEWS. • .1. • • Gannet (Annie JOhn- sten), of Toronto also Sends'along .a rnurniber of names, She,said she 444,''been thinking a all the old schOolmates she might see, whigit ' had included Frankie Cain (Mrs, Trimble' Baillie) whose. death itAmed 'of with, sorrow thru 'WILL BE IIERE, SPIRIT AT. CENTENNIAL • • •,; . From. Vnion'Hospithl, Wadena, ' Sask., comes. the following. reply , Dear Friend; As you might imagine I am certainly delighted to receive ' " • your kind invitation 'to, be opFeS.- ent at the LucknOW anclDistriet • CPritennial,. However„ as you will note, ain. at. present hospitaliz ed. Have. a heart oondition which will; 'no 4:10411tt prevent me from - being present in „perscin, but' cer- tainly • not in spirit, : as. I have a.hbsti' of 7ve Y pleasant memorz, 'les which beckon me -back again. as 'know you will, have a tremendous."fine celebra-, :tion; , For Auld Lang ,Syne, Fraser MacDonald. • * * Make Town Crest 7 - Mac' Webster and Ken Perrott of Kincardine are responsible for • It4;t4:i4"4:'"1:L.7' ,""'+''..e'•••"%i./...•". •e"./../.; • . /4; At" •"•/4..A ..." 4•• ••4 • •,' • .7 6.,..,:t ••'•/... ' 11.1111 ....„_. ....„..,„.,. ... ..... ............,., ... Your old Equipment on New \ \ PORTER -CABLE POWER TOOL, . 1 \ , . Portable Saws. S S Table Saws - , .' • , „.. S •Chain Saws . ' ••• S Drills \\ S . - Sanders, Belt & Finishing ' ShaPeFs • • Routers • . .. \ • Electric Planes •\ Bench Grinders, • • S Drill Presses• - .• S S• BandSaws ...• •• •' Jointers S S , , '' , DEALERCHRIS SHELTON S • \ S S S S S S PHONE 80 LUCKNONki • 4,4 0, 4 • ir f 444 41 rt• rir tr I the de:Signing:1 M.4161:40 aPci 'Paint- ing of a town -crest, which has.. been presented tQ ' the Town', CPAIncil.„ It bears the Gaelic' 417' scription, 'Keep, in Pernembrance,„ ' Our „Forefathers'. , , „ • ' ov,ToogNARIAN HOPES.TO. BE ABLE TO COME BACK ' From •Alberta Kenneth Cam-, eron has received -the . following letter in reply to. the .first Cen- tennial .letter to be mailed Out; pear Sir, . • ...Tilans.,,,vprx.,:„.„imakh for.: your kind: invitation. to. the lAicknoW Centennial:. I.. sure; would love,. to• be there. and see :many 'Of the clear .old friends ` used 'ic;riOw. 'born Lucknow 'on October 21st, 1876, MY father was, Thomas 1-lendersen and My :father and his 'brother' •Jas my mother_.1QatliKerizt.e. Henderson, were - married to, the two. .sisterS, .Abigai. and Cather-, ine. IgeKenzie.. Miss Elizabeth Henderson. is the! Onl-y.. •one of her left. • 'Ll„;,hay,e_th,Legargb,s.k.s John' of. Olitirri71ruce o c Kenneth: of Longview„.„ State of Washington,' two sisters, Donald 'RoSs, . of Edmonton' and, Mrs. 'Charles • Radford of Van- • • • • • • • -WriPINTPSDAY, 1VIAR011 26 1958 • , '•• ' "f• . • • ERTIFICATE • iirissued-in-arnotInt$ fritniv$1.-00-u-pwafds• - fOr 3; 4 or.5 yews:• • earn 4%% interest,' Payable half; • yearly by • au*oriied:Ainve§tme,rrt for • Canadian Insurance Companies and • • 'couver, • • ', I'll try -and •fihd , all the folks I can .tb tell them . about your celebration ';ancl maybe .1.11 .be •able to get..cloWn to. see you. • Dear old q.'iticknow, has many pleasant '.mernorieS,for me and I do , wish ybu all a .vey happy • :get-together. •••..•• •'Gd bless you all, .Sincerely, • ; • Dollepa Allan. YOUR MONEY DOUBLES ITSELF IN 15 YEARS! • .• • • HOPES TO RETURN FOR:. ' .1 *FIRST TIME IN 25 YEARS : 1 .1 3 4 . 5'• •1 lwish to invest ' .2 in a L3 0 0 year 43/40 Guaranteed Trust Ceitificate. I enclose my cheque for this ' • amount and in return you will make out the Certificate in my name and mail it to me by registered mail ; , • . , . • NAME Mrs. •• • Miss • ADDRESS • • CI . • .13.,• G. Phillips of Wilkie,• TT9r TOWN 1 , •• -• who hasn't ben back to ' • . ' the old home, Aar ...In in twenty- • „ • five years, hopesto. return for the Centennial. She is the 'form- THE. er, Minnie 'Miller, .dattgliter,'.of •' , •••••.;.4 ft' st, • • • • V . • • • . . .• .. • ,, :•4 You, as a driver, are required to know the Rul of the Road to qualify for a Driver's Licence. But your Obligationin driving is greater than. merely knowing how. You must also practice safe driving whenever you are, behind the wheelof.a car. .4:.: • Remember that you are morally responsible for the safety of everyone with whom you share our. streets and highways. • •,ONITAR0 :PFIARTMEN17-pf..TRANPPORT • • • ., • • op, L ...,... , ...•.•,, ..,,/..• ' •••• -0 : uPPEZ POORAT ION ... ' W • 372 Bay St.,' Toronto • EMpire 4-7495 • . .(Miss Hodgens) 4 • 1 3 Dunlop " Barrie '- • iArkwesy 8-5181 (Mr. Alcorn) „ I . . • . 8009 • " . • • •• ' • the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mil- their district. ..: • ' " • .. ler; and a' sister of Frank ,Miller We are'al , ays glad to hear . of larigside. .. . . . .', : . '' 'frOm readers a d subscribers .far Mrs. Phillips went West „ in ther afield. Seid us a eard. or „ 1908: She/was last horne,,irv1933, note ,telling Of. any newg•items and as her '•mother and dad 'died about former residents; Other 'a few months later, she has not readers are interested and enjoy,.. been: back since. keeping up with the nevvs Let , • Her son from Alberta ,-rhay us all endeavour to keep this a come East for . his holidays and "newsy "nePaper". and "a.letter from. • if so 'Mrs. 'Phillips will accorri-. Iflame to those away from hOrrie".. panyhitn. Phillips onclud- , ••, ed.: "1 .do wish you all the very BORN "• best• for ,-yOur great Aar, and sure hOpe I can go down • .• • . • • Sends Donation • In „sending.„ along a donation to the Centennial, Mrs. James Valad of Windsor and fOrmerly, Holyrood, says: "I sure .ap- preciated ;receiving the P invita- tion and .do hope God will spare • me and give me good health' to • attend. Weall love „the- people up there”, Looking Forward To it: • Mrs: 'Jack splan (nee Jarnie, son) of WodstockAikrites..q'in surely looking forWrd, to met - ng all the old school palS1and friends, • Lticknow alWayS. puts up a great' show , and sure What they do at the pelebration will be long -remembered 'hy MP?, *' * SIMPSON-Let Wi4hain Hospi tal Tuesday, March lti 1958, Mr. and Mrs. Ilu h Sunpson• (Mary Struthers), Whitechureh; a daughter, a, sister . for ,barlene and:Murray.. ' ' •Buy HELP YOUR, CORRESPONDENT Sentinel readers '. far and Wide enjoy reading the coUritry •cor, respendence. 'They like, to be kept Inforined on the happenings cif each communit. We are 'ask:- ing otirlcl,nci district redeti• , • to co-operate with our corres- pondents by telephoning therri .. '' and giving the tiatnesof visitors • 41 .......,q...,.3•....;.:4,•,...4,-;.•;:......v.z,.....„....... ? s'':.:;•...t..'ici, .•:."...........!•:::•:.t.,,,......,...,..,.„:„.;.,.:.:,,..i;:„.,...;.:.:....,:,,.:,..;m., .•-....--:'''':"f ••••./.?......4.,..... .:...•,••••••-..--: Register Forms • Carbon Snapout Forn Gas and Oil. F9rins: COntinuous. BuSinesS Forms• • • Counter Checkpooki. Restaurant .Pads •• , r'a• SOVV SENTINEL' e ort phone or , ellt th c, espondents t•f„. • any happenings in' and around