The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-03-26, Page 7ilEaDAY, • ' , . . . ,o.prp,Amo • • PAGE, SEVEN. al re rs re d, • ly es - ia g.; • of nt ra 11, p4 •• •/1: • .; • • • 4 ..• A 1, . A , • 4, A• ^ 7.• • • A t pr rt:,‘ • EDIJCATION: . . . . / ,SCHOLARstuPS .AND THE STUDENT LOAN FUND will ' provide every ,boy and girl.,with the opportunity • to, take • advantage of higher .education. PEACE': . , • LESTER PEARSON, A WORLD• RECOGNIZED. LEADER ibrings to. international affairsa proVenrecord of practical , experience, and distinguished .acccirnplishrnent. , No one: is so ..• , * well qualified to lead Canadians; arid, indeed the free nations, ., at the forthcomingSummit Conference. . AGRICULTURE. . , -,--THE'CRrEATION.•OF'.A7FARM DE ELOPMENT BANK will provide capital for' farmimprovement,' and at the sametime permit youngmen to establish themselves • in. successful •farming operatiOns. The . expansion of world market, and.: a price support system will ensure farmers a, greatly in- creased income.' . • . WELFARE: • ':* 'FAMILY ALLOWANCES will be continued - age :: 10 for, •• : Studenti. OLD AGE ASSISTANCE ill start, at 'age' 00, in- stead of .65 for widows and unmarried women F'Jamily allow- • ances, and old age assistance wereintroclucecl,originally by• . the Liberal Party. . • • 5. AXES' • REDUCTIONS RETROACTIVE TO JANUARY 1, 1958; will mean a paving of one dollar out of every four for every tax- paying -. . . paying Canadian; tax exemptions doubled •for young mar- • .rie4 couples .for the • first threeyears of married life. Since this exemption is; retroactive 'to January 1, 1956, *all young couples married .since that date will be able toapply for a rebate 'of their taxes. ' - • • • TRADE:, • LIBERAL POLICY WILL GUARANTEE THE E.X.PANSION 'OF TRADE with all countries, including Great Britain,with resulting benefit to Canadian -farmers and businessmen. . • SMALL BUIN4SS,:... , . .• ACCELERATED DEPRECIATION'will encourage expansion , • • an easier ' credit: Extension of the Industrial. :DeVeloprrient 'Bank- will help small •retailers. , • • • 8. ;REPRESENTATION::- A VOTE 'FOR- 13.Itl.,‘'..COCHRANE is a' vote for a young, .experienced, aggresSivecandidate, who endorses the positive. program of the New •Liberal Party : Bill Cochrane is a .native.. ' • of Huron, father of a 'yOung, family Like you, he is. anxiOus 4 • • to :11-4prove thqwelfare of all Canadians., , • • 1., 1 44, 5^ .11 • • • (Pubilslica':bst Huin Libra!1LAs.gdiatic0i) • • At. 46,1011101‘••••11. ••••• • .1111t• •••••••• • 0 •••-••11b-••••••••• • 4,1111.• . Atit .. 41to•• 0 • •••• •-• 44. - 4 •; •p. • , 1 r • t „ ••,•1 •••••••• • OW.11•••• • •