The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-03-26, Page 6THE; LUCKNOW &ENTINEL, wootNow,, ONTA;EtIO WETNEP1, MARCH 2a,, $LE VE ets: ARE PLEASE •TO ANNOUNCE that we have recently completed • the installation of feed pelleting and .:crumbling equipment and cannow offer to the feeders of the, district; the same high quality Gro, Mor livestock and .poultry feeds. in mash,. pellet or crumble form as desired.. yVllrl"f i THEA D QiN.OF THIS EQUIPMENT,, we •: ;now can offer a COMFLETE feed service; •to the feeders• of••'the district.," r HIGHEST QUALITY FEEDS at the lowest 'possible price, manufactured '-for you locally to the speci#i. cations of tested; 4and proven Swift's Gro -Mor form- alas, _ We invite : you to come in and talk over , yOur Feeding Problems.: re .l {;v 4 PHONE . 9, • LUtKNOW`• • 11 TIMBER TIP -The Go, phers went doWfl tip., de- efeat again this week as the ache- .'dule champions. dazzled the al,- 16ys with some of, the finest' bowling the, kague has' ''•ever seen.. 'The' cubs: chalked . up a sari*, of 1218 flat to %floor the 'Gophers- ,in the final game, ,for • a,4 point sweep,with a total pin - fall of 3467.; :it 01110 har4 to• pick individual stars in this Contest with.' sik • boWlers out of eight averaging well -over ..200 butrhonorable mention will be ...:given.for --Jack:Caesar's 818 total, •and Dick° Park's .731. 'Geo: West- . lake rolled ',well:but for a losing 'The Squirm s • and Wo lines 'battled to,.a 'point split as 'the, -WolverineS .depended on a good ;and the' FinlaySon 'duo topped Lorne PoWer had., toe' much -poWer ,for the -Zebras as the KarigarOos rolled to .a point Lorne's' 808 total and Larry ' Salkeld topPed the winner's while Stuart Jamieson and Ruth Jar- dine, topped. the -losers' efforts. In' the "B" series.the Pole Cats continued tO win- as they took Sanderson. -with 624 and Dorothy Hamilton , rolled high for. the winneri as Ron KelterbOrn's 687 .topped the 'Tiger effort., A couPle of ladies ,powered 'the Beavers to a 3 point win over -the Coons.to keep the Beavers in MacKinnon •and Fern_ MacDon, ald 'with 640 arid 647 resPeatiVe--, ard•Agnev,v and 'Jack Trele,aVeri held the, Coon's- attack' up. • 'FETED .O 1 GOLDEN{ WEDDING (DUNGANN NEWS) . A family .gathering complete with turkey dinner, was held on,• Saturday evening . in connection with the golden wedding cele �l�ration of ..Mr, ,and Mrs. Richard' Park, They were fifty years. married• .on Tuesday,.: •March :18,, ;when: open house washeld and roanyl,,riencls called to cextend.' best; wishes, to this , highly es- teemed couple.;. Mrs. Mason Mc- Ms Allister,; younger sister, of r ;Park,; , ,poured . tea in the after,-. noon ;and :Mrs. Kenneth Hodges; (Beth), :youngest daughter,:.'pour• , ed 'tea in:, the ,evening ' with: the granddaughters, serving. Special ;features : of . the occasion was'• a lovely,bouquet of fifty .yellow mums from, her sister, . rs. Wm., . Begley and husband of Leaming- ton. Who' were unable to. be pres- ent, res-._ ent,, but are _als.Q in;..the• golden 'Wedding category, :being married oneweek later. • Among lovely eive• were • ` o. t h e • gifts .to the bride, was a beau,ti- ful dresser set_ with gold trini. Besides other, lovely gifts, frOm the, family to their parents was the , great grandchildren. The white linen cloth and set .of dishes of fifty yeat4s ago, still in' good condition; were used for the occasion. A three-tier.,wedd- ter, .1grs. Arthur (Mary), Stew- art and iced by a granddaughter, MrS: Paul' Caesar„ formerly Joyce Stewart: Messages of congratula- tions°, were received from' Ontario' Secretary Dunlop and Mr. John 'Captain 'Bill Hunter arid vet-iHanna, MPP. Mr. arid Mrs Park, Chippers to a 4 point sweep over I health, are, happy to. have their , the' Lions.. Bill's' 640- and RoY's z and three, 481' rolled. the , winners to, vict- daUghters living nearby. They ory while Jim Errington scored_ 'high for the 'losers. Series ' haVe 24 grandchildren and three great grandchildren. .• 5, Wolverines 4 Squirrels 4 Go, b —ITO MOVE LOG Pole 'Cats .6, Beavers 6,' Chip- The 'inaugural meeting of the /flunks 5, CoonS 4,.,Tigers , Lions Bruce unty Historic 1 Museutri annin ne ..:1RENDIgasoN. LUMBER LTEL... rry. 0. POSTS, „and LUMBER POLE We can save 'ycio tiMe;, new farm building,pc fence. •;*--itreated' Waod. offers land life far pale fYlie. con. strUction—the, low ,cost wdy to build, requirementt efficiently and 'Pramptly, I LOW first cost 40.Long lasting More protection 4.4 • committee was held.' m the Kin, loss.•ToWnship .Hall at HolYrood on Wednesday night. The meet- ing Was the first held ,away from. the. Museum and was Well attended by the . general , Public: cardine was .reelected Chairman for 1958, Mrs. Arehie Given, of Mar, vice chairman, Mrs. T. J.: Cornish of Chesley, re -appoint-., ed secretary and ' Mayor • Almer 'en The executive committee, 'is coMprised Of IVIrs. T. J: Blair, Kineardine;,-Ilarold Percy; Kin- loss; Bert Westlake., 1-lepWorth„ and.. Alan Fowler of SOuthainp- • R LOWEST, LOW PRICES. b U.L.ATED SUGA �: •We. S5e'l For ,Less r-- -- • _SUN-BEST PEASe.. Std. 15 aoz 1'I tins "Sock-orSale Spcial,Barg,< - M AR INE .SALE 'Tuh or Solo. 'l3argaimi eE..ci•`n .TLOrbMyAsOoJ,sUdCe:.•STPaei1d8:.bouy 9 _ KLEENEX" SALE. _ e alar Qr'.0 huhb Save 19c PKg■ - e R g . y ..�,-.•1 ' EjFiriel;slifily4;AgrNoptindi).RYIPotiEr..-trC0:PstF,-1)FtElyE. L. 1),.. •I Si 98c.- KINLOUGH DEALER HELD LADY, FORESTIERS- STAGED JOHN DEERE DAY • .SUCCESSFUL' CARNIVAL ° Walter Breekles of Kinlough • The Lady Foresters carnival held the annUal Johh.Deere day last , Saturday . afternoon and. in Ripley TOwn .Hall on :Satur-, ,evening Was 'a big sticcess, There. day afternOOn with' about .140 *as -a real crowd '6f youngsters farther folk ;In attendance. in. the afternoon.). and they Were Intekestingl'films , Were shown Much taken with., the fish. Poild, illustrating .the operation of 'the and ganle, of chance .specially most modern, farm , equipment as ',Set up for ' them. Door nr4es. 'Well 'as an entertaining Western Were handed_ our hourly-. Win- - The' blockMari, Mike Pickett .of 'Brooks, Ronald Young, .Donna Brairipton, spoke briefly and Mr. Corrin; Alex Hackett; Carl,Vag- BreCkleS also, had a few remark§ ner, and Hugh Houston. to welcorne , the . gathering and Cam MacDonald and ...Allan thank them for their, attendance. MacIntyre ,shared. the , duties of Coffee' •and doughnuts were ser- Master . of cermonies in the ev.:. ved by the. host. • 'eningi.bOth in a very competent Prize draWS Were made with Manner, There was a pretty Mrs: WM. Burt winning a heat, good ;:crowd,. and they '.enjOyed ing pad and Wesley 'Smith a the Music of Farrier's orchestra and the . special .dances. all, set. of wrenches. - Six dance .prizes Were. aWarded. •Ear1 Begley of Fort William and his son. Lloyd of- Toronto, were visitors, Jast 'week with the former's ..sister, Mrs. Margaret :Plans -were made to :arrange for the 'moving of the log liOu.se; grounds 'this : spring. The hOtise was. Purchased - ApprOval Was given, to ifold ing, a ,joint, meeting with the Bruce County Historical SocietY .at 'Kincardine in )1;pril, at whi6h it iS hoped to have • Mr. Walter keriyon 'Of the Royal Ontario , Museum report on the arch- eological findings at the Inver- huron park site. / •titte served luneh 'at „the close of the ,meeting. • • • • Mrs. Arabel Etishell is, a. pat-, fent'in 'Victoria liosPilal, Lon- don, where she UnderWent Sur: gory last ThurSday, and is' 'mak- ing 'quite a *good teCovery. *, Bobby, Ritchie' had his sixth Mr. and grs. 'Charlie Pearce 'Of .Erantford visited Saturday. .With Mr. and Mrs.' Thomas -And- eiton and Andy, Visitors with Vita.' Wine Bush- ell at. the, week.,end Were Mr, Ripley; Mr. and :Mrs. 'Donald MoCaih, 'Purple Grove;. Mrs J. Colwell;, Kinlough;',Mr.„ Jas, Stnith,"Wingharn, Mr. arid Mrs, Curf,ie Colwell, fo4,17(..)tThdeolainCpar.te- r • ::!"-B-1 t -he .dr.a! $proul. 44 ake sure your Machinery,is ready for the Fill your Storage Tank now — with Your Co-op .atso carries.a Complete Line of Top Grade . MOTOR " OILS GREASES, itnd BATTERIES. Deal with Your Co,op — you own it — you share in the earnings.