The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-03-26, Page 3WF 11iD5DAXR, N .:R i, 26, 1908 KNIOW- UN ITER CHURCH • Minister; Revs G, A. Meiklejohn; B.A.:, B.D. SU, 4. r, :MARCH 30t%i;. 11,00 a.n ,i 1 ubleet,, ' "The Royal Entry". Reception. of Members. • Lucknow 'resbyterian Church` Minister: Rev; Wallace McClean SUNDAY, 'MARCH 30th 11.00 -a.m.: Morning worship. 12,15 p.m.: °Sunday. School,. 3.00 p.m:: Dungannon'' ' 7.00. p.m.:, "Footsteps, to the THE LUCKNOW' :SENTINEL;, L,UCKI\T( KINGSBRIDGE Relatives :here, *ere .informed of the death .,oihe late Maurice Griffin, age 61, of Akron, Ohio,' during the _past, µleek, after:, a lengthy illness; of ,diabete, etc., necessitating the'' amputation of one leg, Maurice was the young- est son of Mr. and, •Mrs, J. T. Griffi,born, on 'the : Griffin farm near Kintaif, and Spent his. youth in this community. He is predeceased ly .his ,parents, one brother Joseph who . was, drown- ed at: Vancouver;; two: ,sisters, Mrs. Timothy Griffin and Mars. Chester -O'Reilly, of Detroit. Mrs. Melyneaux of Du'blint is .the: only i v sur ving member of the family. To Mr: Griffin's wife and fam- ily' and.. ' Mrs, Mo. lyneauk, the community, extends" sympathy: A political meeting was 'held in the .parish hall last.Thursday evening a*. which, Mr.: • Elston 'Cardiff; MP .for North Huron,• was the guest speaker; Mr. Jas. Donnelly of Goderich .introduc- ed. Mr. Cardiff, • and added • his. support in. making . the .meeting Donald Drennan,.son of Mr. ,& Mrs., Earl" Drennan is a patient in Goderich Hospital with, bion- chial pneumonla Requiem high mass was sung:, last Wednesday ° morning at 10 in St. Joseph's church. by Rev. H:. Van Vynckt foe -the • late Jer-. ry Dalton, with interment in 'the (5 The End of.; the Road. A.11 ` welcome to this Service, POLLS CLOSE AT SIX •ON MONDAY Monday ..is election:' day,: and it behoovgs every qualified cit- izen to exercise their' franchise; It is well o bear' in. mind that the .•polls open at 8.00 a.m. and close.. at six. This : is different • , from. •recent elections ': held, Or- . Mg...a. * period 'of the'year When. daylight saving time, was . in . of In Lucknow polling. booths are. '' in'the customary locations, with•, Deputy: Returning Officers and Poll Clerks as' follows N'o 1,: 11Irs. E., H. Agnew, Mrs l•Harvey. Webster;„ No .2, Jack .Wraith, Mrs°',Jack:. Cooke,• No. 3,'William: Brown; J C.Armstrong. • "`, Deputy, returning. r officers . in Kinloss are': No. 1, • Wm° Percy; 2, Alex Percy; 3, Jack Ackert; 4, Harold Stanley; 5, Frank Mil-. ler; 6, Milan Moore.; . Huron Township; •No. 1, •Frank McCreight;., .2,' David ,Moore;• 3, Mel ,Pollock; • 4; •Russell Stanley'; ' 3; • .Howard McGuire: : .Y• Ripley . 1„ Harvey' Hagedorn; 2, Mrs: ' Frances Wylds Ashfield „1, Eldon Culbert, :2; Bert ,Alton; 3, • .John Ritchie; 4, John;'Tigert, 5, Earl Drennan; .6, • :Howard .Barger;;, 7, James Brad. - ley: West Wawanosh : 1; Harvey: Culbert, .2,` Ken' .Scott; 3,,'John A. Thompson, '4, Earl Durnin;, 5, Thompson..• ' Frayne home. ' Wallae c _ Miller; 6, Ii o w a r d LIONS, MEETING (Centinued from page 1)° Brock Cleland .called on The P"ee • Wee • hockey coaches. ; who "took a bow" and . were, given a big hand. The President ' stated:. than a good number were in line :for first • Year perfect. attendance pins,.. and explained how perfect attendance could be, achieved even though *Me regular• meet- ings might, be missed. ," Assignments` were given for erecting Lions. signs at the trances, to the Village. It was. announced by Dp iald MacKinnon that Ron. Forster had donated . two hours' practice, in Winghanl on, 'Thursday 'for ,the Pee Wees, and that ,on Saturday night at 7:30 they-" would coni pete at. C�oderich in the Young Canada Tournament,, The Executive Committee's re- port was approved, listing the President as a' nominee for Dis-. trct Governor and Harvey Web- ster as a nominee for Zone chair- man B, b Se as secre ary to succeed Ifowar'd Agnew, Who iscompltet ing term:: A $25.00'advertise- merit was. taken by : the Club in the 'Centennial historical book. Ron .MacCrostie,• who is going West, , was ":named member -at- large, Interesting ' program Last in this report, but . neith er '.lasts nor • least on: the even-. ing's agenda was a ,:most inter= estirig program lined up : by Cam i/IacDonaId. 'It , included' vocal .solos by. Dianne ;Ritchie, daugh, ter of Mr and Mrs. Andy Rit'- chie„ of Ashfield, . with accompan iznent .by Mary_ A11in;' vocalduets by ''Elaine :arid •,Joyce,,':MacNay vocal solos by;Mrs ; Jack fiew'itt and vocal duet by 'Mr, and Mrs. .Baynard. Ackert with' accompan- invent in eachcase.: by Mrs..Cum- ming. ) •Gordon ` Fisher • thanked`.. those parish' cemetery. The°pahbearers were..Robert::' Simpson;• Donald, •Frayne, • `:Cyril Austin, 6. John ° S. Dalton, Jos, .O'Keefe, • H. Cap=. tein; Among ' the, rela:tives. attend,• ing` the funeral from a 'distance' were • three ..sisters,. Sr. M. 'Ursulal. of St. Joseph'Comtnunity, Wind- sor;` Mrs. :MacDonald' and. of •Parkhill; Mr. .and'•:•Mrs. ' J. Reich art of Detroit; arid: one ,�broth•er,, Louis...Dal,ton . of . St. Augustine;• ,and :Mrs '`Sporka of -Detroit:' Mr, :Ernest. Young and his sister; Mrs:" H: Lamphrey .and .Mrs. Jas: Brophy of Goderich ONTARIO:' PALE THREE • 1 1 • 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S. 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ladies' and Men's, Wear In And See. The , . . Walk � I NEW ..EASTER STYLE S HATS. -- FOR TEE ' FA•MIL•,Y • SUITS AND COATS ..4 DRESSES MANY' NEW ST'YIINGS . . ' BLOUSES. AND SKLRTS y • PRETTY SLIPS,' PANTIES, GIRD.I ES,. JACKETS, •• SW.EATERSSCARVES, HAND BAGS, 'HOSIERY, • QLOVES FOR .THE MEN AND ,BOYS' JACKETS, ' . • TROUSERS,, SH4,RTS, NEW SPRING SPORT COATS, HATS Pick Early For Choice Colors BRUCE CLEANERS Phone for pick-up. 'and • deliver ,.: et; „a ,, • Mr. Chas. Dalton returned :to taking part. • his:., home . in Ottawa, and Mrs.: ---- , Jerry Dalton • is returning to Parkhill with ,her' sister -in law, Mrs:.. McDonald, so '.has • closed ,.her' residence. here for the Pres- Mr. Walter • Kelly " of . London spent the past week with .the John'. Kelly family here. Miss. Maureen Vassella' is visit ing in Detroit and'. Miss Betty .` V Louasse'la has, taken- up :her' duties as.nursing assistant` at the Ontario Hospital, London, - Week -end ` visitors : 'here were Mi;ss Frances Dalton, of Bresica Hall, London;,, Arnold•'Mars/liar) of London. Edwin • Meyer. .of Lon- don,. ` Mr and 'Mrs . Chas.' Maid- ment ' and. Mrs.:' H... 'Maidment, Lynne, Danny' and Chas .Maid- ment of. Sarnia "at theGilbert 004.. 44. SING TIME /. • RADIO and TV' G�HAM DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Qa1L� �• • Ur) a�' • ' 3.00' p.m. Ont.., . he' i • A r .: ,CKNX 3.30 to 4.00 :m.• Caime . yourself. and abrin our D •y. • NOTICE TO. CREDITORS -I11j. the Estate of Michael lisp Murphy, .deceased. : ALL PERSONS having claims against the :`Estate of Michael PhilipMurphy, `late, of the Town- ship ,;of Ashfield, in the County of Huron, Retired,;Farmer, . de- ,ceased, who died on or: ' about the, 3rd day of. `.March,• 1.958, are hereby, notified to send full par= ticulars of their claims to the undersigned Solicitor for the Executor .Qf...the Estate, on 'or be= fore:' the,: 1ilth� day: of April 19:58;: after which date the Estate will be .distributed' among hose en titled . thereto, having.'regard only to the: claims of.. which they:Exe- cutor: shall then have notice • DATED at Lucknow,- ,Ontario, this 22nd day of March,. 1958 R. ‘w.;Andrew,' Listowel, On tario, o;licitor:. ;for the Executor.' Te have . installed 'a .new ., . • • .OR ALIGNMENT-. FRONT END .CAR ALIGNM� • .. � • . know open::for. business-. romtit service lone W 355, ingham: Mrs. John Sniit.h' of Kincardine. and. Joyce .'of ' Orangeville •visited. with. Mr. and 11Irs:• Frank Miller: • on Monday Miss Beverly` MacKenzie of her parent§, Mr. 'and Mrs: W. D Brantford,' is. hospitalized. there.... for a few .days.' Miss Mary Anderson of Tor onto spent theweek end with . ' Ashfield,. Who . teaches school; at. Anderson. 1957 PLYMOUTH' SAVOY, V-8, the 'closest to a nec�. tine;-. if• YOU don't' want, to spend the .pries,; a, bea.zity,' $2,350.00 1955 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE, V-8, hard, top, automatic, custom ; radio„ etc • ".,:".........:... `x,4;69 00 . 1P55-,PLYMOD'FH R:LA :A:`LLCL.'CU-Pf`:c1Tcnn; spitone," signals • .. • etc :.:.. •.,.;..$1,29.00 5' 1953 FARGO 'e2•2TON;' a Clean one, loco mileage etc, 195,0 .1+ARGO, ,i -TON EKP,1tESS a, sharp; oris °.,.:, $775.00 • ..95.31)0 ,. DG CR _ G I 'CAT/. .CLUB COUP1�,; radio, Otc.; a .neat 1951 CHEV: SEI7DAN .DELIVERY, 'new sills, paint; etc $395,90 AhL.• CARS, 8t TRUCKS• GUARANTEED + r .:Satisfied Tell . Others,. If Not Tell `ty's' 1KINCAl .DINE , PH0NE .1147 four :Ciaryste>r; Piyrhioutk, Fargo :Dealer ' of . Lueknow's New Store; : headquarters for: i,. We invite, you to drop in and get acquainted and.. to look over selection of BRAND NEW ,MERCHANDISE. • ; Our cash policy enabies us to sell at lowest pr'ces 'OUTFIT' THE CHILDRENFOR EASTER • our •"wide • • •r • -Next door to :Henrys ruit'- arket• Aimosy