The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-03-19, Page 5WEDINTESPAY) MAUCH 19, 1958 .40101111111111111111111111.11.110111111101111110 Theatre • • WINGI1AMn • _ •§. ,TWO, shows each night, First at 7.15 • THEATRE CLOSED Tuesday. & Wednesday •, . of each Week. • 'Thurs., Fri.,, Sat. . March 20;21-22 ..Dean Eva Bartok • Anna Maria ALberghetti, •ifl" ••••fgTEN., THOUSAND DrafiROCIMS" woliii-wegaimsw .A. rothantie'comedy :aganSt' atitheniio and .fascinating back -1 grounds. of •Rorne. , • , 1 14.11111111.101111111111111.11111011WW• • • • •THE' .1:11TMQ,Ntir.f oNTARro. INCOME11.:4X,'WETUANS, Public kociitintant. and • Aud-itor • • since 1945. '•PiJ PYMM 13 -PX No. 74, Luoknow ATTENTION PARAIM4S!, • • Place your 'Order with. Hugill• Bros. for .a concrete silo. We are builders of, silos for 25 years:. For full particulars write Elmer. Ilugill, box, .40, Clinton, 'phone,' litinter 2-9432: ,,,A9,44.~.;,...• • • 'THANK YOW• NOTES and Hasty Notes available at 25 cents per package:of 10sardsAnd inatehing 'envelopes. Don 11iOrriPson-,71ifiijiie 33 or -35. • . , • LUCKNOW DISTRICT •• COOPERATIVE. INC. 'Phone Lucknow, 71 , • -.PRODUCTS • for prompt service, ; • •' as. • and quality products, contatt: ' • B R CHISHOLM Phone collect Dungannon 19-r- '• ' . . • "Always Look To Imperial • • •• . For The. Best" rm ite• , G. ALAN. WILLIAMS • • • Optometrist • . . . . , . • ills -.• Offiee on Patrick St, •jUst er.1- •• •Off the Main St. in • • e . • 6c1;••• • • VVINGHAIVI• • , • . 7•77.. :!: PrefesSional. Eye. Examination • • Optical. Servicei liar :Us- . •• . 'Phone .77.0, „ LaIn. • • J0/.1NTO.... • .• . HOME FUNERAL' ' . • . ;411 ,. • ...•, • Phone 76 dors ' •• ••A*.biAlance, Service ". • • Registered Master Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing in • Electrica1 Wiring and RePairs. AGENT FOR SPARTON • TY . . • . e -- • • ; VSE OF. •FUNERAL ' HOME . hing • . •• '• ' - 'At No Extra Cost ,.• • . . .. . • • Moderate •Prices . . . , . . Established:1894 All. Electrical Appliances. • • Phone' .Lucknow • • . • 4.4,•44044,04„#.444.4. :INSURANCE • Life, Hospitalization 'and 1.. ;• . Surgical .Plans • .• AUtOrnobile; Casualty • - .." • 'Farm Liability • . ' • Mercantile;- .11:esidential Farm Fire & Wind :Insurance T A CAMERON' • • . • LUCKNOW • • • •• • • • ".• OurPhone Dungannon 70 -r -1O Motto. "ServiCe7••• .• • • . •• ••• • .,• . ••• . • • . . • • MCLEN1NIAN and • • MacKENZIE • - FUNERAL 'SERVICE Services • conducted accord: . ing to your wishes. at your • Honie. your 'Church or at our ,Menioriaf. Chapel at additional charge, . AMItULANCE SERVICE. Phone 181, Lucknoiv, • Day. or. Night , •• • R..T..KILPATRICK,-. Kennett) J. MacKenzie • . . • GENERAL. 'INSURANCE Fire - Casualty AUtomObile..- Fi • , •;• . • , .Ask • about, otir • • •'• . . ' • Special Package Deal , • , • .• • , . , . • 'Phone Dungannon 77.2 .• • • • , • ' • . WINGHAM • .0.ptoinetrisA 'LlSTOWEL, at the former' Wrona jeweler]; 10'...a.m. WEDNESDAY, and .every. Second' Wednesday Eyes "examined • - Glasses fitted Fer appointment ''phone " Roy • MacKenzie 96-r-24,:•Ripre • • • 41,04•041.41•04,070; ' • 1" •• • , • • ' •. 4 , • FtVil • BABY Olt :sragtErp:••,VIOCKS., • Place- yOur order-for-the-bst In chick§ from registered hatch- •-'• Producers' or broilers. .Knechtel & Son, Lucknow. ATTENTION. FARMERS Custom, killing, , cdtting and wrapping .41 very reasonable rates: Welsh Meat Market, phone MEAT FOR SALE GOoci, beef for sale, by...the quarter. Beef killed' oh premiseS inspected by, the Department of Health.; Choice Hereford year,. lin.gs..Custombutchering a spec-: laity. Raynard.. Ackert; Holyrood phone -24-30, Ripley • ARTIFICIAL, NSE1VIINATION 'For .artificiai insenimation. in,- fOrmation- or-Tse-rviae- frOrn breeds of cattle, .phone the Waterloo Cattle.. Breeding As- sdciatiOn, at: Clinton • HU 2-3441 "or •KiriCardine .460 between 7.30 and 9.30 •a m We have' all breed available top quality:at low 74 • .0.,7,W.4./.4' 77:7C47767.10541s, WANTED ' Old horses ii.varited per 1.b.; dead .cattle at. Value.. If dead,: phoneat. ()nee .to Gilbert Bros.: Mink hanch,..,phone collect God- erich 1483J4. or 1483JL • '• • • Goderich NOW,.Playing—"The Dragoon W0,114 Massacre" -in 'OcOPO. 'color with ; Mona Freeman and Barry Sulliiiaw MON., TUES. &. WED.—March 244526 , • Natalie Wood, Karl Malden, Marsha, Mug and Efrem' Zhnbalist Jr. Cinemascope and Color: story of the lives and loves of , t.crews who keep combat -ready the B-52 jets. • 4BOMBER S B-52" Warner -Color • TPURS. FRL-'& SAT. --March 27,2849 • • •• ,'Michael Craig . • °. • Dirk Zarde, 'Stanley Baker, Barbara Murray, and . The dramatic Story. of a young Briton tra•nsplanted to Xanada-',,s:-.-west,',,Brand-L-new--an4--Britislt-rnade , , . • "CAMPBELL'S KINGDOM'? .In Technicolor , —; • . • • . Coming—"The Black: Seorpion"—with Mara CordaY". • Adult: Entertainment. •• • ••• ° , . • • , • • ..••...i....44...0•;.•:•.0•........a-iiii.i...i....i.....0........9....a.iiim .•• • • . •••• . 4 t • - 4 • • • ' ' • • „ r • . • , SCI1U1VIIVIER. CHICKS. Since '1939 .• • Porinerly•Menkton ."Extra Profit" "Chiek..• We, Specialize in egg produc- tion breeds Only:' Sussex x Red •x• Sussex, Red x Rock, Rhode , 'Island Red, ,Leghorn,S, Leghorn 'Crosses. Free 'deliverY. Schuth rner'S Hatcleries, Luiwood • Agent, Stanley McGratton • ijhpne. 3008' Carlow • ' • itEMEMBER! • , Your feet are one of • your greatest .assets arid a breakdown in the 'structure maycause pains in ',feet, "knees, legs, ankles or lower back. :See J A. Vickers, FOot••• Correctionist,. at 'Queen's Wingham,, :each Monday afternoon. : * • . , NOTICE TO CREDITORS In'''rhel'Egtate Of Donald J Mc'. Charles.' • ‘" , ':A.,1,14•.:PERSONS having,'claims. against the estate of the above Mentioned, late of the Village of Lucknow in the 'County, of Bruce, Gentleman, *lio;died. orythe 27th day Of .February, ' 1958, are re- ...Ruired to file proof of same with •the. undersigned on •orbefore the: :•Fifthday of April, A.D.' 1958. •, 'After that date the Executor 'will proceed to 4.1..tribi2te' the estate haVing,regatrl ,only to the claims . of which. he 7:shall then have had. notice.' Dated .at Wingham thig Twelfth: day of IViarcli, A.D. 1958. - • • Retired. Farmer, who died on the 24th day' of January; 1958; • are required tO•file:•proof .of -same With the undersigned on or 1:1,?•• fore..the.Fifth d4y 1958. ••• .,,• . . • . .• After that date the.. Executors willproceed to distribute ; the estate • havini•regard:"only. to the claims of which, they shalt 'then have had notice: •• • • Dated at Wingliam; this l'Welfth. • • -" :ph1100.; one • . '• • • • •• . • . !0":4,"`4•••.'''.#4`*r.14+"'„ . .• . •F.' T, ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GODERICH • • ' FOR APPOINTMENT • day: of March,,. A:D. 1958.' . _ .__,. Orawford & Hetherington, 'Wirigharn; .0ritario. 4Solieitors for the EXecutors.. 'cARI) OP, THANKS . • ;Russell • .Ritchie••.of LangSide w:iSheS to sincerely thanfc bors ..and Other • firencls who so: kindly .': remembered him with cards,trats, and in other Ways* While in the . hospital: ; Thanks' also to the staff of Wingliam• General Hospital. •-" .• R.,W. ANDREW Barrister and' Solicitor , • • • LISTOWE • 11‘1".4.UCICNOW: Every .Wednesday. and'Saturday• ' I Afternoon •0,ffiee in the •Joynt Block "•*' 'telephone: . I Office' 135 • ' ••• „,,Residerice .• . • • ; . . • • ' , • .• s.. CraWfOrd' & HetheringtOn,. I • Wingharn, Ontario.. • ° Solicitors for •the Executor: • NOTICE TO CREDITORS ' . • . , In .Thb Estate Of, Donald John. : MieLean:. :- : , - . .. , • ALL: PERSONS having claims against .:the estate of the •above mentioned late of the Village, Of , INSURANCE f, . . • FIRE, WIND; .CASUALTI/ AU*01VIoikLik..: ' • • AND' LIFE, • , To Protect YoUr Jaek, • Insure With Ja0c Today. • • „ . • • • 1 • • J.A. McDONAGH. • . • R.R. .3,' LuOknoxt,•:Onk Phone 61-5 blinganion • • ROY 1,1. BENTLEY PUBLIC CCOUNTANT • : • ODERICH, ONTARIO: • Telephone, 1011: ..-2.13oX'o6 o ST4TE • FAItm MUTt.Aid• R. S. HETHERINGtOK • A INSURANCE Investigate Before Investinv UTOIN1OBILE Barrister, Etc. • _ • VVILSON 1 • '•R.R 3, CIderich." ••: PhObe 80.11-8 Pungannon • ' It149N•••••••••••;;4440,04;•S'•04,..."4•4!••••••••••41kt 4,00 • Wingham and Lockk(tv'- • IN LVC.KNOW.'• Each Monday . ••• .• .and Wednesday ....Located in the_XimiCipal Office .• 'Phone Wingham Office 48 ' • Residence 97 1.4no.s.e.o.o.m.•••••••••••••44...e..."...*#••••••••••••••••+-041 . • • •1 MEMORIAL SHOP A M HARPER. •'. • , We ,Have : ,Been .1gerriOrial • •CraftSrnen for ' Thiry, -Seven•,• . Years, AlWaYS•f'Usirig THE BEST GRANITES • Along With • •• • Expert Designing and '• , Prices'• Mostkeasonable • C6rieteiLettering a Specialty R. A. SPOTTON •• 'Phone 250;, Winghalin, Ontario • . • Insure With 'hi ; . , . . . :°. CU LROSS, MUTUAL FIRE, INSURANCE ,CO. Reasonable rates, sou „pro- . • ri4 ,,-, • • tection & prompt, Satisfactory . • ,. settlenient of ciahns.. , • ARISH MOFF . AT: ' . • ' Your 1,oeil Agent. •• d , 0 ' R.R. 3, Teesimter i • 'Phone Teeswater- 574-41 • ' Chartered Acetitintirit, •West 8,trcct , ''..-boDERIC*01SitAM??• , Telephones 343J -, 343W. FIALNACE OIL, , STOVE , • KEROSENE, 'GASOLINF: See or call WM* ' A 4IB1D!HAMILTON • Phone 2207•W LutkriOW District Agent for Cities Service • 044', •.. Staiter. to 60 'lbs. Hog Grower 60140. lbs, • • , • 3.:..1.1ew-Life;171pg Finisher 140, lbs to market (19t -2)0.1b,) • . • . , .4' • . I • • • • . GOOD ;PIGS • • • • • • • TOP MANAGEM ENT 'CON'TRACTS AVAILABLE LtJCKNOW 1 • ' • , . .„ ., • . d.... ,1 • • 7 • • • " • • • • • ; „.{477 • -• •'• • • a. r 40.