The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-03-12, Page 8• E» EIGIT Mrs.. S. A. Robertson of Mount Forest, the 'former Dean. Geddes, has sent us a couple of the, 19.10 reunion: envelopes: used for., pub- • licity purposes then. On the back THE LUCKNO ,W SENTINEL, LUC1{NOW, 'ONTARIO''. of the envelope,' they used the Caledonian Games. The welcome • e. The read ' in part: "Come home to caricature.of Donald �Dnni event wasofficially termed the the old time Caledonian Games Lucknow, Huron and. Bruce Old that made Lucknow famous. Boys' aid Girls' Reunion and Y vived this • year bigger and bet., ter than ever''.. Mrs;, Robertson says she is al-_ ready' trying to persuade her, brother Evan to come: back. from California for' the ,event.' WEDNESDAY, MARcK 12, 190,11, MRS, ,REV,. REID. HAS FRACTURED HIP Mrs. Mar§hall of Whitechurch Manse was hostess for the ;South ' •Kinloss Iiir: 1$.S. meeting on, Wed4 nesday, March • 5th:. The, presi, ,, dent; Mrs. L. MacDougall,- open 'ed the meeting 'with. Bible, rp047. ` ing and Qrayer ' During the business period a. quilt top was shown, The. lining was donated by Mrs. Win..M"ac- Intyre and the bat.. donated by. Mrs:, W. F. MacDonald., This will be quilted for the .bale. A letter was read, telling that:: Mrs. • ('Rev.)' Reidy formerly of . South- Kinlss,- :liad.�me. 1wixh_an,�_.... unfortunate ..accident while ria ing a street, car She broke her 1 hip in a 'fall, and is in hospital_ in ' Chatham Her home' address is 270 Wellington St. West, Chat ' ham, Ontario . -..a h,e_.._al Qeat on for Supply is • one dollar per mnember • to be paid'' before' June 1st., . , It was decided to' have Easter 'Thankoffering-On-;A.prit2nd, with a especial speaker,, This .meeting will be at the Thome:' , of .Mrs.,.. ''iAr. rig...; M:ag.ye,.„ Twent -five•. m` tubers ° answer • " e;` ro c with a verse of scripture with ti'Perfect ,. The Bible 'study '.on "Priscilla was rgiven by-, Mrs. 'D. Graham: Current' events were given by • Mrs. T. MacKenzie. She; read a letter : from Mrs.. H. A. MacMil- lan on :the work of women in the ,Presby,.erian Church in Foi' - . mosa • and a report of work done'. in, •the " MacKay Memorial 'Hos pital :in• Formosa. A letter frolic' Mrs. Dixon was . read .' by. Mrs; W. F. MacDonald. , ,Prayer Circle:, was . taken by Mrs, . Ohislett, Mrs • Tom Mac Kenzie and Mrs. Clark. Mis Dean -MacLeod: summarized the, study' book: • Rev Marshall 'closed the meet ing with prayer, and '.a dainty lunch..was served; by the .hostess• and directors, •Mrs, Wm. , MacIn tyre and Miss Dean MacLeod. TA: `TOLE CONI/OE MORE MONEY FOR 'YOU. from lower taxes RE:MONEY OR; ALL $400,000,000 extra . to spen, This increased buying . power will start . putting men and women back to work unmedi,. ately will "signal" business • .to speedPg u ',,: , o„ ahead, with expansioni'• lans . - will create • .for base materials, . construction, transpbrtation and all'the other services need- ed, % a busy, growing Canada. 4",;h 25% tax cut for all Cana- dians:with' taxable incomes • up to $3,000! • :a 100% .'boost in basic ex- emption for all married. couples during the first three: years` of marriage! • 'no more special excise • tax on cars! .MORE JOBS FOR CANADIANS :. from more business dollais:: o a 50% tax out onprofits up to $10,000 ax ,ear will strengthen. and: stimulate small business. a 50% to 10 0% 0increase in:de- preciation e- prec •. -° .% iat'on rates will encour- age new• investment: this year. ... These ` timely "tax lifts"are still another putway 'to put more money and more people back to work again. THIS; DIRECT.ACTION TO INCREASE JOBS, NOW CARRIES OUT PROVEN LIBERAL' POLICY: TO ",CUT TAXES, BUILD UP SPENDING POWER .WHEN BUSINESS SLOWS' DOWN AND': UNEMPLOYMENT MOUNTS. CONSTRUCTIPE: : DIERSHI LIBERALS SHIFT DEPRESSION MYTH 'Elections,'. In' recent `: Federal Liberal speakers including. cab : inet ministers:' have: spoken of the': "Bennett Depression" of the hungry ;thirties,, ` although •' they knew it stared when :they :Were `iii power, affecting farmers first .in•,.1924 and hitting ,a shattering blow at other industries- and fin, ;ance • in .1929: It , was to this that MacKenzie:.King. and his mini- . sters•attributed:' their defeat in..' 1930, however, ' afterwards . they blamed it . on Mr Bennett who had inherited it from them'.: Nor were they • to• blame it wasc.even more depressing in s the :Uni• ted States. • Currently the Liberals are '. , talking about the "Diefenbaker Depression", although should a depression really. '.come, these.. would; he the "good ::old day". What we; have now .has no more similarity .to a ,depression than prosperity --has to hard -times This Ai .a ,recession . an adr'• justinent , a levelling off,• such as WO have had periodically in. the past, :arid • will have .in the future.. We would be in a • much, worse position' if we: did not; have. then! . and : prices',kept on spiralling.- The • higher they. go, the harden they :fall. •:y '. NATIONAL LIBERAL COMMITTEE a GL t( ti 4k d1ti Ria" Published By, .Bruce,: Liberal Association• It 7 r A( ,Putillslt • . ed, By IliutOtt. 1befal Associatllon Following the salt' 'e lead •the Bruce Liberal Association. advcr tises, "We have already.":had cn•• ough ; of the Diefenbakor De- pression",_ C pression". ; They.`, know. that late' government was advis0 that the :recession we now . have was ',in, the •making then,' But they took no action' ekeeptir'}g 1O .issue:` denials. They, also know, that the ,position is .den�'iCa1,'cx cept, e,m.uch worse; in the Ulnjtcd States.', Is John_ responsible for that too? Those who talk about the 13rn- ,nett depression 'know it started ed in their own . Liberal . ad in r i tration.•They also know that to- day's voters' 1iS.ts contain tho names of a new 'generation and` it is these voters that it is hoped:' to ' -deceive P:C .—issued : Eby the trorc Ass''n.