The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-03-05, Page 3WEPNESPAY i1?AFi,GEi 5,.1958 - UNITED 'CHURL Minister: Rev G. ,A. Meiklejohn,; B.A.., /3.D.' •SUNDAY, MARCH 9th 10.00', a.m.: Cl urch School. 11.00 a.m.; .Subject,, "When Things; 'Happen':'. Lucknow` P esb . er` ian Church °N- • Minister: Rev. Wallace McClean" SUNDAY, MACH 2nd• 11;Of1 a,m.: Morning worship.. 12.15 pan.: Sunday- School.. 3.00 p.m.:. •Dungannon. Tilt Luc RTH YORK GETS, CAL; B ING:- Luolcnow District .High.•'School Board went . on record at .Mort day night's meeting 'of heartily agreeing with the stand taken - ;by the Ontario .School Trustees' Council,• in connection with the North York Sph,obj: Board prob lem. 'The local Board is "100 per. Fent behind" the . .Trustees' Coun til, and,sent. a..w, ire to; this .effect on Tuesday to Mr. P. M. Muir, executive -secretary, of the • Co'unr; til. • At ' Monday's meeting •'three;. telegras. :were received, . from., m the . Association ` of High School Boards, which' 'dealt. with .the teacher situation 'ing• North . York A'reply, was requested. The Lucicnow Board discussed the matter at length 'in thro .; ing their full support behind the School' 'Trustees. Cbuncil.. . Their telegraphic ' support' will b'e added to the support of 142 school , boards • which had been received up to. the end of thc. -'week. T T :tends o' give e _dispute .between the North York . School' Board and the Ontario '.Secondar.School Teachers Federation a ' cooling - Off period and until the dispute is solved or submitted' . tn.; arbi;, tration,.-_other supporting boards are refraining ..from advertising; interviewing • or .hiring,, teachers: The � North. York school ..board was "pink.. listed" -by the ` Fed- eration on February 25. The North York board of edu: cation is ,offering $400 increase and a $30'0 annual raise. The pre sent salary. scale ;in North. York •s $3,700 minimum , for ndri-spec- ialist teachers and .. $6,500 rnaxi= mum. .The. minimum for special- .ists is $4,300 ,arid the maxinnum $7,300., Drop Interest ' Rate;;. Again '• `The. Board was notified by the ,local : branch of the Bank . of' Montreal that municipal • loan rates have been reduced. from. 51,4. ; to 5 : Percent, effective Feb: 'ruary "lst • Information is:, to be sought from a .typewriter companyas to their policy in servicing : type- writers•` and , the cost of 'b.lank- ing. out . ;keys . for: instructional: purposes It was 'reported that work on. :the .school. telescope. would soon be. completed. Gliders. are to - be obtained for 250 chairs. Teacher purchases of supplies exceeding. •$5.00:- are -to be referred . to the • Purchasing ,Committee.. . Information was : received from the 'Department concerning . the- new regulations` re g a r d i n g: grants;; Trustee. I-iiighes reported on an interview he had.' with .In spect.ors 'McCoy and• Wilsoncon= cerning ',.transportation " and ..the. , new grantschedule. oo s eps. to-- e' ` • Cross" . (2) Gathering 'Bitter Grapes. ,All. 'welcome to . this Service' Laval &General Miss, 13e11. Robertson, who has not been enjoying good .health Pr ' a ,time, 'was. taken to Wing- ham .Hospital 'on Sunday:• Mr. and `Mrs. Jack Naylor and three; children, •Tom, . 'Steve ' 'and Norma 'Jean;. of Kitchener. .were Sunday, visitors at the :home . of. •Mrs. R. H. Thompson. M, .Greer. returned from ,Toronto :. a'. few days ago,. where he had been havinga check-up ioll'owng his eye operation 'and was fitted with glasses. 'Mr..` and Mrs Gordon Jewitt of, Prince Albert, Sask:, are visit- ing with Mr.. 'and Mrs. Victor Errington, Dungannon and other relatives. Mr and Mrs Jack' Spanner Of. Richmond. `Hill; and . :1Vtr. Sam Richards ' of Cavan 'Were 'among those attending 'the funeral • of 'IVlrs. Richard' Richards:•: Doug Barton visited here the first• .6f<,, the :.`week after flying home • froth,' 'Arizonawhere he had 'been visiting, He will return to.Toronto to spend: the.•remaid er of the winter.' Mrs: Bertha Lougheed was in Kitchener on Sunday visiting her father,. Wm..: Stimson,who has beenhospitalized . there for 'the past four :months: Bill is feel ing fine and .has gained 'eleven Pounds. in' that time; ONCE AGAIN:.: YOU HAVE SELECTED ME 'TO . BE YQUR onservafi ,nddate for RIDIN I am grateful .for y'our conf idence, • Inserted bthe. �► ' truce i Cons crvative •Association • >:W SENTINEL, LUCKKOWP ONTARI Sic.OTCH. D NTENN1 cL Members of • the program, ex- ecutive and finance committees: met at the• home. of program, chairman; W. L. MacKenzie, last: Wednesday evening to deal, spec- Mealy ' with the ' matter of . a Scotch day at the Centennial. • Saturday has been tentatively:' set for this feature and because of . tradition. associated • with .Lucknow and "The games", con- siderable ,study is being given • to this ,phase of the . program. ;The questionchiefly discussed was, whether , td.' stage highland •competitions, or to hold •:a. pro gram 'demonstrating some . of:. those • features so. popular here before the'*turn of the century; •and which were successfully re- vived 'during :the 1916:..reunion. A competition for "B" class- pipe bands and, piping and danc- ing was suggesteda but from the' discussion of ,the matter 'emerg-. ed thef idea favoring the engag- ing of "big name" bands, in. addition to professo aldance ,. �... ,..ME.o, n some :o feats •of strength associated with "The ,Games":' • Of 'course,. all these 'ideas 'are ..still in, the planning stage; but every , effort is being. made to: Plain.a day patterneeafter those that held .such a thrill for many. of this district's. forbears. • On Thursday a. deleg•ation went to Southampton to discuss ,centen-. nial program details' with `a com- mittee . in. that town, where. they are also marking their hundredth ;birthday ' this ,year. 'Inforn-ation of : mutual' benefit was exchang- ed, ..and Southampton officials expressed. the opinion that Luck- How's plans were much'.. further advanced than were .theirs: Over 2,000.. Letters Go ' Out• • The first direct mail adver- tising of the Centennial went.. out : •about ten days . ago, when over 2,000' letters were ,nailed. Already replies.' are coming:. in, several •..of th.e m ` containing: names to be. added to the mail ' ing list. • There are n6 doubt.. hundreds. Of' names 'of ' foriner residents from ,town . •and' couritry,•which could, and should, be , added.. The responsibility.. f9gr receiving these names and' .addesses • rests. solely' • Ladies' and Men's, Wear aundation .garments We .fit.. You foil,' comfort, and poise. cp4SELL'ITE-L,-all ;sizes arid typei Our large selection. AVe also have Maternity Girdles and Corsets, Nursing Brai, Teen -Age Garments. in Belts, Sanitary Panties & Brassieres CLEARANCE' SPECIALS Corselettes, Girdles; Brassieres, elts •`'MAXTPRICE BRUCE CLEANERS Phone for pick-up lind delivery twice a week, , • Regularly priced Up $1.00 per Single Roll NOW Still a FeW " Choice Selections left for KitChens and Bedrooms an CORATORS Shop 'phone 218, Lucknow, 'Ont. with relatives and friends. Ere7 hand -theSe. nameS to Kenneth quent appeals have been made, s:Cameron, so they, may. be in - with fairly good success: Send eluded' in the nekt • • • • • arrtiers 1 Doug Harkneis, Minister o Agriculture, says: - John .Diefenbaker ,says:- . "It is a part. and parceLoethe course we have followed since -we came into. power, to try to give the farmer . realization .:that this government<and this parliament are trying tO. do something to aSsure that aglicultUre nOt be the .poOi orphan cif Canade. OBINS -‘,1 believe that .this Wilr'give to -our farinerS df the JegiSlation is that it makes'it.possible. to provide ., soMihodity be set at a level having regard te the estimated average CoSt of ;production, and Other „o-. factors ',which 'rhugt ,be,Considerecl;, td ensure the 'farm-, ; et a fair return ter his •labour and InVestment, and tO maintain a fair relationship ibetIVeen the price, r'eceiv- .. . • • • AGRICULtURAL PRICE STABILIZATION., AdT • Riding 'tleadquarters Phone '536 Kincardine' • nsertedi by the' BruCe Conservative Association • • • •