The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-03-05, Page 2PAGE wcwaqo DNESDAY, 'MARCH 51 19.68 BILL awaY' last Wednesday, afternoon, in, Wingliatn. General HOSpital„ where he had been. a patient for, only"' eight * days; DOnald had been in failing health for a time,, but the end .canle raPidlyr and ,Pyllea7.170tecily,: w.aS.in 'Donald .was °the' Iasi inernber of the. family of Roderick Mae - Charles: and jesSie Mackenzie.' Ire WaS born at Lochalsh. on R MacKenzie Mks' MacCharles': parental home was Where Wel-. ter DeXter now lives. As--a4oung-,---Man Donald en - who .operated 'a grocery buSiness and restatirant'..in the store. noW •oceupied by-Ilenry's Fruit mar- ket: ,Ile. bought ollt Mr. Earls in 1909, .and Was ,in • blisinesc here unt MOT Sliced Bread,- 24 oz; c 48 oz. tin r for 55d Betty ',CrOcIcer. Layer.'Calie Mixes, • "Niarile the ,Recipe" Conitcst „Miracle'. Whip :Salad,' Sunspun Salad Dresting076 oz. Red and White Orange Pekoe Tea, •Gold'• Medal Custard. Powder, " 12 oz. tin .CLARK'S BEANS _With Pork in Chilli SatiCe, save 6C "HABITANT. PEA SOUP . one.ry-SWeet 'Valencia, Oranges, FlOrida ,Marih Seedless Grapefruit, 6, fOir' 33c rane YOUR Candidate in Huron . asks :Why did, the Conservatives force'. an . election by dissolving Parliament? was' it, to avOid bringing down a budget?.. Association) .his parents, who move'd to Luck-. noW about 1011,- where Mr! .Mac - :carpenter -and auctioneer. Mein- ' during 'the. 191a reunion, and hers of the, .familY,-who prede- • 1110KINNE TER • rine . Elva Carter an Denn;s • David 'McKinney, which was 1st; took 'place • ori. Tuesday, The' bride is :the daughter of Mr. 'and IVIrs. • Ernest Carter of LteknOw and the ,groOrtis par - Kinney, Iliking,\i The Rev. .11: officiat- ' ed at' tile. ceremony which was .held at, the Whitechurch manse. Given in marriage bY her father the" bride wore a floor length strapless formal gown of tur- quoise nylon and, net over ' feta. and nylon, train to rriVoli.. She wore a white Paris hat with. .white veil. ,and feather trim which was. held in . place' with rhinestones and , pearls and' cor- •-• sage , of 'pink roses. She wore a rhinestone' and earring •set, a gift of the groom and :Carried FREE DEL,1VERY . bouquet' of pink carnations and.••mauve sweet Peas With fern, and.' white Satin-Strearners..' s' ,Miss Bertha Carter, Lticknow, cbUsin of the bride, Was brides: - maid, wearing an ankle 'length formal% gown of dusty .Tose .:taf- feta with ajoliie and white:hat and. a Corsage 'of. salmon pink. roses', lily of. the.valley With fern and a °Pink and gold' satin how. Little ,Linda Dianne .„ Carter,' the bride's onlY Sister, was floW-.• girl 'wearitig. an ankle length gown of white with rose triiri 'Satin 'and.' a . pink bonnet,' With- .rliineltone trim and. she, carried :a colorful Easter,basket of blush. ipink of the' bride; was groomSman. home of the. bride's parents' and bratiffet luneheOri was 'served: Many. lovelY .and iiSeful gifts were received. , Mr.' and Mrs. MCKiriney 'will BROWN S MARK :- LEADERS I3IRTIIDAY ed one of ,eeased him were Poacher, DU•n-. 1958 Centennial.. coinniittee. Three' years. later Donald. went West • tO go into business hi SemanS Sask. His brother Poach- er; who was: in .the bakery brisi- j: Spindler and 'went West • In 1928. they returned% to Luck - *hat, is now Hall's store. In later- yearS' Donald operated his sister,' which'', She had carried on fol - lowingl the death of her husband, :On February 22nd fifteen Neil MacKenzie', Brownies. were present in the Donald Was of a very friendly Fairy Ring around the 'tbad 'StoOl. and persOnable natUre, and :made °The Kriomes, received .the most points for their BroWnies in full 'tiniform- with shining Pins After the ..kFairY Ring rceretiony the tests and Worked on:safety Post., leOking forWard to° seeing the ers.. Following the 'work Period horse perform thie.'surnmer:, a . °chalk line for fifteen, *feet Donald was a rriember of.•• Old withoUt faking more than 'One Light Lodge? for pi, Years, and footstep off it. Some :of the...received htlialf- century jeWel Brownies did very *ell. . : a' year ag Last "Tl*rsdaY ev- February 22nd was "Thinking ening, fifty-ane..YearS to the daY Day'", the day When Girl .Guides 'that he joined_ the lodge; rnerm-, and. ; Brownies , 'Celebrate Lord orial.cService was held , at -the arid. Lady Baden :PoWel's birth- MeLerinan-MacKenzie MerpOrial' day. Mrs. Boyle eXPlained "the ,ChaPel, when the 'last ' rites:- of. meaning Of Thinking Day AO the the Order , were conferred. The: On Saturday . afternoon the funeral service was conducted/bY ReV, Wallace McClean' of: Luek- pow Presbyterian Church' With interment in' . Greenhill .Cernet, ery.. The pallbearers were Mor- gan Henderson; Jim Catteron, Joe MacMillan,' Kenneth Carner- on, Ernest Gaunt n . Donald Was -1predeceased a wide eirCle of .friends. He waS always •a• lover -of 'good. .hOrses. :and at the tinie of his death had, a proMisirig ...young racer in training at. Goderich, and was°. Having dispoSed of Illy S1301.4 and Auto appreciation' of the patronage, and 'Pleasant . business relations I have .enjoyed. in ,0 my iuccesor, Allan Reed, extend' best wishes and:- bespeak for him a continu. ante of YOur patronage. A BOB 'CAMPBELL. nstouncenterat Having purchased the Cainpbell S -ports and Auto Supply business, :it` will be my. endeavour .to carry a 'cornOete line of parts - and accessoiies in these linei. I respectfully solicit a , share Of your patropage,, with the ,assurauce, that we will aiM 'to give you prompt, courte`ous "arid' .ecOnornical service. 'GIRL GITIDE: NEWS There were 18 attending the meeting this week. The ,laSt two 'meetings were irSed to clean up the ' Guide room and cupboard: This week '2 Tenderfoot Guides passed their Tenderfoot tests and will be enrolled next week. The 'Guides. are asked to remember their Thinking Day inoneY for next -week, also : there will be Games Were.' played and' the Meeting closed ;with° Taps. - • Mr. Will Ritchie got 'honie. from :after being. 'there, Seven \weeks. 'and Mrs; Alex Leaver 'and Mrs. HoWard Walker, ited7With Mr. arid • Mrs. D. Ha,ckett: on. SundaY. ,0 Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ander- Mr... and Mrs. .0eOrge Hunter 'visited SUnday, With: Mr, ' and Mrs. MarY lyfaCAtiley returned to Acton last Friday after visit.- ing -with.. Mr.' and Mrs. Frank Margaret MacKenzie 'and a bro- ther .and siiter,Who died in in- fancy. chener is Spending .a week with:. Mrs.. Kinalian' of ,LOndon ViSited -with Mr.,, and Mrs: Will Visited 'Ambrose arirl.Mary Ada'" Brophy over tne, 'week -end. • Kit'ashener 'visited :at• the home of Wm. ,'D:eitrier'S arid Raymond Godericb. 'and: Mrs: jam, Ken- nedy of Calgary were recent yis-. 'iters the hOrne of ' Mr. and Mrs. Theodore 'Rediriond. . 0. Mr..Charlie :,Kirig arid -son of, Detroit, visited at 'the Itedrrionds. Mr, arid Mrs. Frank Leddy and •.• Clayton 'visited' the Leddy. homes . . here- on • Sunday. Mr.• Cu.nimitis was .home: O..Mr..' and 'IVIrs. Theodore Red- .0f0•Calgary,1 Visited ',Miss7 Isabel" ,Kenriedy 'and. Other, friends in- 'TeeSwater on -Saturday. - Mr. •;JOhn, and Annie. MeKin- non, and' Mrs. Mike King' .and Norman of Wingharn visitedl ',at.. LOWS • Hogan and family, spenb Monday. at the :Redmond home:. REDECORATING TENDERS Sealed tender:Will be receivi• ed, Until SaturdaY, March 15th, Pr the .redecorating :of entranCe.. end 'hall:Way' of the --LueknoW Pill:Ale'. School. Work to be done during.Easter vacation:. EVERY9NE CAN HELP! NORRIS—at 'Fullerton, Califor- nia, ,On' February •.13th, to 'Mr. arid Mrs.' William Penh NotriS• Rena Leigh, a sister fOr• Craig pital, On Monday; March 'ard, to Mr',. and Ottitneri '1M, a daughter Margaret Ariri, • To Celebrate the Lucknow and District 'Centennial in a ,Mariner Befitting this .0ne Hundredth .Birthday will ,require • a Revenue of ,Several'. Thousand' ° Dollars `• VOLUNTARY DONATIONS Being Asked For 'As One goiirce of XieverMe °CTJECTIVE IS' .$3,000,00 ODOnationg /large and small are welcome The Bank of Mlotitreal SanderSons' Ladies' and. Men's V1/47ear,..: • Motitgoinery's .Garage': of Mail to, Jim Henderson; LUcknow.