The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-02-26, Page 1Id'
$2,50 A Year, In Advanee—$1,00 Extra To; 1.J• S.A.,
LII , 'WED�N�SDA.Y,; FEH, 26th, 1950'
marked aW merr;rWomen's Institut
ble• . mileston
on Thursday evening when the
celebrated.. the 'fiftieth anniver
sary of the formation of the Iota
th pr, •branch, which was ' organize,
some ten years;- after the more'
ment • had its birth'in Ontario;.
The" evening' .commenced with
a . banquet .serve_d-. by the_..Angli
can ladies.- Mrs. R. H. Thompson
the only- charter member of 'the
Branch;: -presided as toast mis
tress, and during -, the-- evening
expressed . appreciation • of the
honour..She- said she had enjoy-
ed taking her: part in Institute
activities tr h half `cel
eery, a"t i•'t t °- :you "ger
members, were- l div joining •/the
Branch, which is. as it .should be.
,Reeve George .W.`.Joynt•-'con-
gratulated the, Institute on their
50th • birthday' and ; noted, the
. Only a single negative ;Vote,
. "for the bY-law", ta sanction and
granting IT-liiied-Tiiiessment to
' Beatty Bros. of Fergus- - ho are
moving. their ladder ma ing and
_other ' wood working o oration's
to the Omer LueknOw furniture
Res. like tci regard that lone neg-
Liens meeting on MondaY night;
had informed Mr. MenzieS of .
Beatty Bres. of the result , and
that he .had in effect said' that
hiS firm would. be. very happy
to come into- town. where they
have been given such, evidence
of..,:100 percent support. '
?Very High. Percpntage
The 347 votes 'cast en Monday
age, of the. possible., vote and
truly represented .the':feehng of..
- The vete cast ';Was ,rOUghly. 70
..,:percent_ of. the. eligible list.' Of
'508 electors; •ThiS runriber in-
-....Owiters',. and When orie considers
the number of 'voter§ who were
absent on holidays, those who?
are -ill and aged; the percentage
Of' the available Vote that turn-
ed out en .Monday wOUld, ' we
believe,.'be well in eicess of •80
percent and Something Of a Mod --
Frain the writer's perSonal. ex-
yerience of No. 1 poll, there were
Polling was ' ats Legion 'Hall
'No. ,,l; Municipal . Office, No.. 2;
For Againat
The firat 'of the Week Hat=
61d 'CooPer Was Still isolat-
20-foot Snow bari4s, but was
that spring was just around
. 'With the return of -mild
weather at the week -end, he
spotted a fox stalking 'a
managed to "knock , off" the ,
'safely back -into hiS
on the former. Joynt farm
on the Sideroad a black east
of St. , Helens, They were.
eiCpeeting 'to have their road
opened -on Monday': by -
bulldozer. This ecitiipment
Was also -being thoked
the first Of • the: week "en the
was still •bloeked placeS.
During; January and February
the Presbyterian and United
Church congregations have held
combined;, ' evening - ,services,, ' but
effective March the Presby-
terian Church a will . revert , to its
own. service wi a r e-Easte,
series of sermons.
Last. fall ' the - United Church
officially ended thee • holding ;uf
an evening service, but combin-
e with. the Presbyterian church
fore. this winter series. However,
having become. accustomed to, the
-"no evening .service" idea '.there
was a• poor attendance of United
Church folk and it was'. decided
that. the Presbyterian 'Church'
should carry„_o�.n,�,theirr ow•n sem -
Ve e..eli. ii' no'" large y at-
tended, and . to which anyone is.
The Sentinel .mailing list
was corrected - last Friday
• morning and subscription pay-,
ments, to. that .date should be
advanced accordingly on the .
• address , label. Please - check
the date and in case •of`.error
notify us •promptly;
` In the 'face of rising'' costs,.
we must more, rigidly en -
farce the 'paid-in-advance_.re_
clUirement and subscriptions'
considerably in arrears will
have to. be removed fromm•our
• -
Please ren e w promptly:
when subscriptions. . ;expire
and 'save .us the time and
expense of 'billin: •
:porclon Elliott of Amberley;
soh of Mr. and Mrs. George Ell-
iott of town, will, hold a, cleat-
ing _auction sale of registered
Holstein • tows, grade . cattle,
young cattle and pigs at'his farni
juit east of' Amberley on Tues -
Gordon is clearing - out his'.
present, stock. to,„„make way for
a registered, accredited Jersey
herd, which he has purchased
complete from ' Alf Lannin'g of
near Toronto. The Jersey herd
consistS Of 86 head -including 43
milch tows, 21 heifers due in the
spring, 'yearling cattle and calves
and a Junior and Senior herd
Gorden will disPose of the
Milk to Silverwoods of Toronto,
who have a tank truck coining
through this area every otber
day: Several 'farmers' north of
Amberley have' switched to" Jer-
Sey herds to supply this, market.
Mr. Elliott is installing a caol-
ing unit • to handle the milk,
froth which it twill. be pumped
directly fo the: tanker. He ex-
pects to• the Jersey herd
next- Thursday, less .than forty-
eight .hours • after holding the
Bobby .,13auer, whose naine is
synonymous with good. sports-
manship, will , be. in " Lucknow
thiS Friday , evening , t� referee
the' final game for,. the LucknoW
Pee Wee 'chaMPionship., _Prior, to
the. game be interViewed
th e Focus sportscast on
- Bauer is a resident .of Kitch-
-ener, 'where he Wai torn and
raiSed, He was .a Member, of the_
,Hoston Bruins lamed ,Kraut. line
of professional hoCkey. He play-
ed :right Wing 'on -the line cen-
tred by Milt Schmidt with Porky
"Dumart on left. Wing.
, The, ',trio joined 'the, RCAF in
World' War/ II 'and before going,
overseas. played as a, line With
the ,OttaWa' RCAF team 'Which
wen.the Allan Cup in 1941.
The triafplaYed hockey -over-
,Schmidt, and •Bauer Were
at :the sable Station as. Harold
',(Teby) . Greer of town who play-
ed' with therri: Bauer and Greer
were radar mechanieS, and work-
ed . at. the same bench.
After the war the Kraut -
teamed up again with the Bruins
and -in his last year of profes-
sional hockey Bauer won the
Lady Bynetrophy emblematic of
goed 'sportsmanship, plug. ability:
He WaS the ;leading seorer that
season. •
Back in his horrie town again,
Bebby ,played With the Kitch•-
ener-Waterloo. Dutchmen, • and
tWo years ago led this team to
:the 'Olynipics in Europe..
Diane 'Rayner, daUghter of Mr.
and Mks', Milton Rayner of Luck-.
ision of the Central, Western
sociation'S public,. speaking con7,
. Diane was 'top over entries,
from Pert Elgin,.' Kincardine,
chesley' and 'Ripley. She will ad-
vance to the next round ta be
held at Durham on Friday • of
ion .Buckfon; senior boy, Mack
each class was allowed frotri eaCh
school. •
-representing the Liicknaw
Two hundred and fifty
edithrs .and convention at-
tendants a t the Ontario
tion. Convention in Toronto
lal invitation to LucknoW'S
'100,th birthday: The invita-.
lions, were attraotively di's-
,played din . 'centennial
OPeS" and drew Much (aim-
iilent from the reCipients.
qhairmari, diStributed the in,
.many sgood WorkS they had done
during the years'. :"Lucknow: has
been a' better place in which AO
live, becauSe of the InStitute";,
Mrs. J. W. Joynt ;conducted a
,Mrs. Burt Roach, ,the presi-
dent, proposed a teast to the -past
presidents and introduced these
present who, *ere . at ,the head
table:- 'Mrs. Charles Steward,
SieWart, 1940-4t I.9i547;- Mrs. A.
Plied oh .behalf af the past 'Pres-
idents and extended best ,,wishes
inas from the presS. Dr. James
Little :Played violin- selections
with ,accornpaniment by Elmer
thanked the ladies who, patered'
with Mrs. Stewart, I.,avis reply
ing. 'Nis§ Dean MacLeod :recit-
ed .a htirnorpus poem.
ches Were weleomed by Mrs.
Roach and 'Mrs. Philip SteWart
inticicinced Mrs. George Wilson
Who had been a delegate to Cey-
lon fram. the Associated Country
Women ,tif the World: She show -c
ed Pictures' of her • round -the -
world tour, and was thanked ler'
an interesting eVening by Miss
1Vlary MacLeod.
Mrs. : Joynt and Mrs. Philip
Stewart sang a duet. Mrs.' Har -
and -as dlitrict president of South
Bruce,. brought greetings „.
After the singing. Of ' Auld
Lang. Syne, refreshments were
occasion:. Representatives from
iSiting branches •exPreSsed' their
appreciation of being invited..
e Lanning_ Jerseys- -have
been ' _prominent, M the Show
ring for the past five' years and
have been conaistent winners at
the C.N.E. and The, Royal; Gor-
don has engaged, the Lannings
herd,sman, Jen Van Dyke, who
will corne to Arriberley.
Cheiter Merriam, of Tara, Lib-
eral, candidate in Bruce Riding,
was in Lucknow on Monday and
Tuesday 'Making . personal., calls
on ,householders and • business
Places to get acquainted with the
The *Lucknow • and District immediately the ice goes.
Lions Club has given approval
to the biggest project 'yet under-
taken bY, the •year7:old Club
the installatien of a. cement floor
in the Arena. , It AS- termed a
centennial year project, and will
be big asset ,in,stagind.the re-
union. It was pointed 'out on
MOnday night, that, the decision
to proceed or otherWise with the
project, had. a considerable.bear,'-'
ing on the planning of the Cen-
tennial program: •
The "comfnittee was authorized'
to obtain professional advice 'in
the matter, and Pending this,
tenders Will be called' for the
The importance of ,good drain-
age, a. 'good -foundation, and a
bonded, polished surface werel
points that .were ‘brou,abt
the gerieral...discussiOn, Tests of
the preSent' fill 'will he taken
'Cheque From Teen Town
"of Teen.' Town was a slipper
'guest, and..was coMplimented on
her "leadership. , She ."presented
cheque far $100 as repayment in
part of a $200 loan to purchase
a, publit address 'system for the
Recreatiori Hall. Rae thanked
Teen Town for their Purchase of.
t hairs for the Hall.- ,
' The, president referred to the
very successful Ladies', Night
party which marked the Club's
International appeal for a sehool
building fund in Italy for poor
children. A' collection was.talteri
Hughes Were named ,,to ar-
Jic *peaking contest arpong High
Vernon- Minter:' Blake "Alton
and :Jack ;ACkert, Were re -ap-
pointed in' .tharge of the , 4-H
Grain, Club project to be' SpOn-
sored again by '
„ Lion! Milt Rayner introduced
his guest, Jack Cquoland, who is
relieVing at the Bank ' of Mon-
treal while •Neil McCall is. on
vacation. •
— Won First Bond
The Centennial Finance COM-
Mittee having , completed the
.sale 200 tickets on 'the first
Bond draw; had Janet Rayner
'make, the draw, .the winner be-.
ing Lion M. II: Corrin,, Ticjtets
on the 'second Bond were circii-,'
lated arid quite a number sold.
It 'was emphaslzesi that a, bid
turnout waS wanted at the Pee
Wee-. hockey ',night on Friday.
Marilyn Brooks, - •daughter of
MrS, Harvey Brooks of 'Huron .
TownshiP; returned -hoine froth
Victoria Hospital ten days. ago
in. time, to 'obServe • her seventh
birthday on Sunday, • Fet;ruary
Marilyn had been hospitalized
for 17 daYs undergoing 63re
treatinent. She hasn't beeri able
to .attend 'school , since Christmas. •
The Market.. Store's annual
sale starts an Friday Morning' of .
this week, after haVing been ,
postPoned,: : Week due to the,
The. twO-page spread In The
Sentinel Was printed: when it be-
came apparent that maii 'service
delivery. of both, billS arid- papers
arid ,that by the same token
eeraparatively few' people; were
likely to. get to. tewn.
The- headline "sale postponed"...
',caught the last rim.Of last Week's''•
Sentinel, and ,salp ,Were
'Withheld, from mailing until this
As.-it,turned out slow progress
Was made. in an effort to gets
roads open; and those who reath-,
ed town by the: latter part ;
the. week travelled: generally
through snow -banked one-iane
frail's; that kept drifting
a threat of 'blockage again at any
None of •the iteins listed for
the "Old Fashioned Sale" at the
Market, Went on sale, aithOugh
there were qUite a 'number Of
bargain hunters on hand; in
spite Of everything:
In fairness to -everyone it was
'decided withhold all 'these
.when .the 'Sale is • sCheduled ta
start with.'a bang at 10.60 :a.m.
The store will be closed .all daY'
Thursday far ,,,"niark-downs".
Incorporated has engaged Bill '
Hall- of Wingharn as their driver
in charge of petroieuni sales:, He.
resigned to 'help look after hi`S
',father's tarni,/,after Elden iiif-
, -.During the' ;first 'full year of
operatien ...Murray . built the Co-
Seratch to,, $115,000- bttsiness,
and it WaS with, regret that his
resignation was- received. .
' Bud Orr Of the ,Co-op staff
,was 'in charge' of deliveries until
Mr Hall took., over,,,his dutiei the
first of 'the Week. Bill Was With
Windham 'for -tight ,years. He
thiek for a time and'. mere re--
cently had 'been. driving their
He .is 'a inarried. man With- six
"children and will tneve to LuCk-
new when 66C01210datiOn i8
,There Were s'ome
plica ions the position