The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-02-12, Page 7• yi1,EDNEkSPX ,,:. .. 112th, ,1958` THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCENOW,, , ONTARIO • PAGE. SEVEN • • `FARMER MERC'A 1T PASS•ED 1�WA:X IN, TIIVIMIN$,.. yceurn hentre WINGHAM Two shows each night, First at 7.15; THEATRE CLOSED Monday, Tuesday. & Wednesday of each week., • Thurs., Fri., Sat., • Feb.,.13-14.-15. DOUBLE BIJY. «THE WOMEN OF., PITCAIRN ISLAND"' A :south, sea island adventure melodrama 'concerning ,the n Pendants 'of the mutineers of the "Bounty' "THE DESPERADOES ARE IN TOWN '.The death :of Edward' ['dimmer, ,a :former Lucknow merchant,' occurred in Timmins on Janu- ary '28th anuary'28th' at the age:of 75: He •had been in Timmins for the past 20 years. . $orn' in. Huron Township' at: Lurgan, he . was' the .son of Mr. and Mrs, Amos ' Palmer. His wife: was the 'former Rachel . Sewers:' Mr.' Paither.was in busiress in Kincardine before taking. over the, grocery business of (we be- lieve). Ben. McClure, •:in: the press. ent. Sanderson store, Later a business exchange . was' conclud- ed with P.: R, MacIntosh, • where by he took over the MacIntosh dry goods business, :in the prey- . eat Ashton store and vias _there, I for about. 2years. ears.; Miss Emma McCluskey was 'employedby'• him, Mr. ,Palmer- was succeeded by A, - ,Buswell-.4nd. returned. The story` of a teen-age boy who runs - away *4 '01 home and be=. outlaws. voilapinamiamommiwpw He is survived by a son Wil- liam of Kingston and 'three da z ghters, Myrtle, 'Mrs. 'Wm. Mur- ray; 'Winona, Mrs. 'Harold Avery and Lois, Mrs.. Dan ;Doctor,' all "Of Timmins;, a brother", John, be- tro'it •and • two ' ,sisters, Mrs.T: ARMSTRONG• Harris of Holyrood, :and: Miss OPTOME FHIST" G.ODERICH FOR 'APPOINTMENT 'Phone'.: 1100 • last fight. four Sam teas,: Ah),.,` and: .. .FURNACE. ' OIL, STOVE SOIL . -. KEROSENE, GASOLINE • See or can ' WM. A. "BUD" HAMILTON ,Phone :220-w Lucknow' District Agent for Cities Service RPER'+ Margaret Palmer, Kincardine: • His.. wife, died •last- April'. He was- .also -predeceased---by "a son; 'Charles. and• a, year-old child that. was 'ibu;ned to .death. Three bro-. thers, •Bruce, Bob- and .Dave also, predeceased, him,. Chartered: Accountant 'est Street • GODERICH,: • ONTARIO: ` Telephones .:343J -; ` 343W INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE ,AND LIFE o Protect Yorur:Jack, Insure, : With '. Tack. 'Today. J. A. McDONAGH ,. . • R.R. 3, Lucknow,.' Out. 2.. 'Phone .- 61' 5; ; Dungannon ROY N. BENTLEY • PUBLIC GODERICH,: ONTARIO) Telephone 1011 -- Bdx 478 R. S. HETHERINGTON - q Barrister, Etc: Wingijam and Lucknow IN LUC1 NOW;' Each • Monday, .and 'Wednesday • Lpcated ill the Municiipo1'. Oft`ice •'Phone Winghani : - Office 48•.' ,• Residence ' 97 T. KILPATRICK .'GENERAL`.INSURANCE Automobile - Fire.- Casualty. Ask about our Special Package • :Deal, R.R.!, Lucknow, :'Phone Dungannon• 77.4 INGHAM' RIA P H MEMORIAL 'SHOP We Have Been Memorial' Craftsmen Craftsmen for : Thirty Seven years, Always . Using ' THE.'BEST. GRANITES • Along `. With Expert Designing and , Workmanship. Prices Most Reasonable . Cemetery' Lettering a Specialty R. A.$POTTO • • tAU)C 1: LI A RY P.LAN .. ACTIVITIES The regular meeting of • 'the Ladies .' Auxiliary was held in. the- .Legion Rooms on Tuesda .y . February 4th with 18 members ,presenter.. ,The president, Com - 'rade" de_ Sadie MacMillan, "stated that. while roads., and streets were bad, ten• minutes ;grace would be given members .re starting time.. of meetings. Comrade Sadie. ,Hamilton act ed• as .deputy Sgt.; at -Arms and color bearer, It was . decided. to ,try an . at- tendance .booster, for six months.. $5;00 will. be • drawn :for 'at the, opening of the meetig:..The` winner cannot, claim; the prize' if not ,• present at the beginning of the meeting. Eu chre • and cribbage ' teams Were' chosen to,'play in 'the Zone , card tournament- at Clinton on c •, q vsll ra:eav9s the Legion Roomsat 7 00. "p311.' sharp. The 'March, tournament. will be in Exeter, • March 19th. • Shoot hostesses for the 'month were chosen. In future •the "phos-.. tess•. wwill give names..of/winners. AO 'the Publicity -Officer' on Sat urday, or hand. them • to the. Press in time :for • next week's. paper. Next meeting on March. 4tli, will. be ' the official .visit of the. Zone. Coriima.nder; : so w a • good turnout of '• members is request- ed. .. The. birthdays :supper . is to .be .held . April , loth.', Come . but `,and make both. dates;•a night to re member.. . ' ,.1Vlembers re .nested a ;:bulletin_. board; with a . ,list , of • paid-up members , and President' and Secretary.:are to see .about 'this, Comrade :,.Welsh :asked to .send; a ,Valentine box. to Capt. Cald We.11,.. our adopted ', 'veteran . at. Westminster' Hospital Ten tiol- tars: was allocated to.. the ion:.sport' training program. A hearty, weloome:Was extend ed' :Comrade Frances' °Cowan on her... return after a engthy. ab'' Bence; -'Also to . • •Con-rade'• ..: Clara. Johnstone;' bn •her reeovery.'•from illness,, and • hospitalization. , Comrades Susan McNaughton, and Nellie Johnstone` were ap- 'pointed auditors, with books •to' be audited 'quarterly. The treasurer,.`: Peg Welsh, was given 'a wonderful ovation on, her ',financial' report: for the, year _1957.. The • mystery ` prize•'' was Won- by • Sadie •Hamilton dOnat:L. ' by :M. • MacFarlane.• The• meeting closed in • the_ usual way; followed: by:' a delis= ions'.. lunch and . social. half :'hour. Throne • 25r, Wingham, Ontario Insure With .The CULRQSS FIRE 'INSURANCE '.CO. • • Reasonable rates, °sound pro- tection & prompt, satisfactory. settlement 'of. claims. PARISH' ,MOFFAT' .Your Local 'Agent R.R. Teeswater °:Phofie :T3ees;water ;57-r.-41.. McLENNAN and :f 7 'MacKENZIE ,' 'FUNERAL SERVICE' ' • Services conducted „accord. ing to your' wishes- at youx ' Horne, your . Church, or:. at ,o'tir-; Memorial' Chap 1, at, .nO._:W,v. additional ,charge., -,AMBULANCE SERVWE 'q' • Phone -48L Lucknow., Day or Niglit Kenneth J. MacKenzie,, l •o. optometrist, LISTOWEL, ONT. at tie former, Wrbna Jewelers Ito"x`e R.ipley,.lt) .a:m, to 9; p.m.' .'WEDNESDAY; • FEB. 26th and everry'sSecond'4ednesday Eyes a Ca'nlined - Glasses fitted For appoin'trnent 'p"hone ftoy MacKenzie, 9G-r-24,Ripley WIFE OF `FORMER MINISTER PASSES The death of 'Mrs. Emma d* Garbutt occurred in Toronto on Wednesday, :February 5th. • She was !the wife . of the :late- Rev: •Reuben John Garbutt, who,'min istered ' here , in the Methodist Church from 1015. to -1918: Mrs. Garbutt is `remembered especial=` as ' having, a lovely.°alto: voice, 'and . Vshe and Mrs. J. W. Joynt :frequently sang •-duets. The funeral :service was. held ow Playu•ig_ 4errey :Lewis as "THE; DELICATE,' , :DELINQUENT" with Martha, HYer,. , MON ., TUE$., &: WED: "THE 'ADMABLE; CRICHTON" ! M. Barrie -- Produced 'in; Technicolor:., the vel , .1iltin storyf an .. y, , � ,.o r impeccable butler who; becam a lord .and master' • of a group of castaways, • Kenneth More, • Diane.' Cliento and! Cecil Parker• THURS.," FRI & 'SAT. r H Fred MacMurray,Janice Rule and; Jeff Bunter A. Universal Super Western; dr"ama,; packed with fast-moving action .and' played '.against picturesque backgrounds. "GUN FOR A COWARD �--- Tn Cinemascope and Color Ing, eb '27tp�"THE. SCE ''._ ET AND THE MACE"— a superb Technicolor presentation of the 'Royal Visit. on :Friday. in Toronto with inter- ment in Mount Pleasant Cemet- ery: " ernet-ery:, She is: 'survived by two dau ghters, Mrs: Walter. Lee , (Louise) of . '.Toronto, ,Mrs. W:' R.' Rinn (Ruby) of Timmins' ands Egbert P.' Garbutt' of Toronto. ,. OBITUARY :ALBERT LITTLE. :Albert Little;- a `member sof a Kinloss. family, passed. away !at his 'home in Lucknow' on Febru- ary.: ebru r ' ar ' 3rd. He ' was , iri . his ,' '77th year: Forced Eby health reasons to give •up strenuous farming,: he retired in 1946 frdm. the farm where .he was 'born on the. -•4th. Concession of Kinloss to 'the Village , where -. he enjoyed the closing years of lifer, Albert was; • the • youngest' of eight . children. •born tp• James ' Little and.,Anti Rathwell. c• In 1935.Mr, `Little,•was united• t,n :marriage : to Miss DAISY .Ayles Thompson .: of •Holyrood, :. .whose death occurred, in 1:937,,' shortly. .after the birth of their ..daugh- ter, :Joyce An'n. In -1943. Mr. Little,,was .mar- ried.. t ar-ried."'to Mrs Eliza. Hall: Hall:' -He is sury ved' by his :'wife; his laugh- 'ter 'Joyce; Mrs. Alvin Moran 'of London, and: by two '::grandchild;- reri. He . was predeceased .by four brothers,• . John, .James, William and ,Edward' and ;•by three ,sis-7. ters, Mrs., Joe. `Johnston `(Lizzie); •Mrs:.' W. J.",Hall (Mary Ann,). and Mrs. Angus McGillivray. (Jane). . ! • Mr: Littlewas a 'kind. •and husband; and father; •.'always. .bright ' and cheerful and ready .to 'lend :a helping hand, to.'neigh- tors or anyone ° hi. need.. The ; funeral service,:.• which was largely attended, was held. in the:- McLennan, MacKenzie Memorial :Chapel; . conducted :by Rev. G. A. Meikle ohn. Inter cent was in Greenhill Ceinet- ery. .Pallbearers -Frank Johnston Jim Little Wim J ,ohn , stop, Jim MacGillivray; Stewart MacGillivray, John Crowston. INSURANCE. Life, ' Hospitalization and Surgiicai,•Flans ' . Autorriobile, -Casualty and : Farm . Liability, Mercantile, Residential Farm, Fire &.': Wind Insurance • A., CAMERON ':,LUCKNOW _ 'Phone .•Dungannon. 70=r-10 ;Our Motto • Is "Service" MPERIAL' 01 L PRODUCTS; for prompt ; service, and quality product, contact: R. CHISHOLM Phone collect .Dungannon 19 -r - g' n 2 ;."Always Look To Imperial .` For'The Best" G. ALAN • Optometrist ; :Office on Patrick St., just off ''the 'Main St. in • :WINGHAM, Professional:.Eye Examination Optical ,Services: Phone, 770 Wing'am JOH NSTONE'S F• •E.,.A UN .R .L .HOME ..;, 'Phone 76 'Da , or Night • y g 'Ambulance Service ;' USE'.. OF FUNERAL • UNERAL "'HO At • No , Extra Cost Moderate Prices Established 1894:: ncrea .,. • and ATCH Y , E HOG'S .OF •THEMSELVES ,OUR �'PIG,S -MAIC _ flechtei an LUCKNOW