The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-02-12, Page 6PAGE .SQL f1 Xi iAA 1. MONvmENws 51 ELTON MEMORIALS We .are the only rnanufac-< turers in this part of Ontario of high, class monuments: who import granite from the Old Country in the 'rough by 'the: carload ;and process from the :rough• to the' finished` monument.. No . middleman. When' choosing a monument come and:see ',one of the largest . selections: in * Ontario, THE .LUQKNOW' ;SENTINEL L'ANGSIDE NATIVI PASSED AWAY- = JAMES McCULLOUGH Mrs.. ,James:" McCullough, a' ,na-. live of the 'Langside community arid a' resident of Kincardine .for'. '36 . years, died -in ,Kincardine Kospita1, on Thursday, January 30th, after a Feriod of indifferent health. , LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Born June 1,'-1874, at Lang - side, she 'was. the former Char lotte Crowston •:and ,the .lastSur- viving Member .' of a family of six. 'of the late. James and Cath ;erine (MacKay) Crowston;., As a girl she attended 'the. Kincardine` model school and later taught in district. schools Mrs: 'ff Cullough wa wa sister of the— late--MVir Moorehouse . Mitchell of , Luck. • now., Ori April 7, 1903, she wed. sided on• the nort ` line 'and later on Con. 9, Kincardine Town- ship,, moving to ' Kincardine in, ,She is survived by ;a 'daugh- ter, daughter, 'Mrs. Norman ,Finlayson• (01- ive) of Detroit. • Service at the Linklater 'fun- eral `' home. Saturday, `February lst, was conducted-, by Harold Bauer•' . 'of...:. Mitchell, Jehovah's` Witness pastor; to which denorri ination she belonged. Interment was in Kincardine cemetery: The pallbearers • were ' Jas. Courtney, Harry Johnston,. Roy. McSween,. Elmer Arnold, Donald Colbert and ' Ernest, Falconer. EJower bearers . *ere Aaron Reis and William Remington. : Ainorig • those attending ,were Mrs. 'Philip Parfitt • 'of Timmins, Mr. Harold . Bicknell;..Mrs. . Vin- cent Helwig Mr.. ` and Mrs.. Eliner Arnold;, of Toronto,. Mr, and Mrs. James Mitchell ' of London,. Mr. and Mrs.. Arthur' MacKay.of .'De=' `troit Mr.' and, Mrs; Martin Reh-'; der of Paris and Mr. and Mrs. ',Fred Martins Mr, .and Mrs.. Kelso McNay and , Mrs.' -E. H. • Agnew, of , Licknovlr rite' or phone Walkerton' 8 and reverse charges.. SKELTON . MEMORIALS • -WALKERTO,N OAVILL•ER 11/IcINTOSH, and WARD` Chartered,. Accoutants : Bell Telephone Bldg.- ' ; Walkerton; ' O`nt. Telephone 633,• INVITE LANGSIDE•• TO WORLD DAY OF PRAYER • i • The ' February meeting of South Kinloss; W.1VI S: was held at the. Buckton With home` of Mrs. Herb Mrs. Lloyd :..MacDougall presid_ irg and', opning 'the .meeting: ;e , • 'with scripture • and prayer.. 'The. roll call , was answered by 22, -members with a verse of :scrip-' ture 'containing. the 'word' `.`love". • The., Bible study on "Pilate's `Wife" was...'ably.. taken by Mrs., D: L.:.,MacKinnon.. Mrs,* Currie" Colwell and , Mrs. A.' MacIntyre gave a •,full report' of the Pres= byterial ' held in Wingham. W MacDonald, Mins. G. Ham ilton •and' Mr's R. MaeMilian took part' in the ' prayer circle," ,'Mrs:: George : Lockhart review- ed the. Glad Tidings. This' `.::was followed by a reading by. Miss Dean. MacLeod. An interesting chapter of the • study book "The Churches of South East was. suthmarized : by- • 'Graham. - During, the business., period it was decided • to make a quilt for • the. bale and Mrs. `Wm. Macsn-. tyre `was; ' appointed dekgat'e to. the Synodical. An invitation was ,extended to Langside ladies to be present at • World. Day of Prayer .meeting in' the church: • Mrs. A. Maclntyre led a:, dis- •;cussion on .the .status of women. • in the church: The meeting 'closed with pray= Cr and .,lunch was served by the, 'hoste'ss and'dixrecters, 1Vir5: Frank Macl<eriize-an•cL. Mrs. D. C rahain .. 1958: THANK YOU • NOTES and Hasty Notes:!•,availakile. at ,•25 cents per package of_ 10' cards arid matching envelopes Don Thompson, phone .33 or 35 Mark Gardner Writes: Do you know. we have a lot of Lucknow people over in Wingham and they are. all glad td, think the Lucknow Factory. _may • Yuan ' again in the near., fut- tire and • We are all s•o, glad to think they 'are putting on an. Old •Beys 'Reuni91 . 1 remembe the last one in 1910. I was up 'at the • station When. the :Detroit Highland Band arrived. Arid there .was :Singing Jimmie Hun ter' with. , hiq Scotch dress and bonnet, ,Tom 'Longboat the run- ner. • and the brawny: 'Scots' who tossed' the caber. 'Stich a day, ''and the shirt tail parade •at night whatfun we all had, Hoping for a big day iX 1958. DAIRY FARMERS'• OF CANADA ,• -:-.4091Aitirpn Street, Taranto • • Joseph H..,Johnston, 87 -Years - old,' and a 'lifelong residene .of• this. community, passed away.:* at the .Lucknow Private :Hospital. on Friday; January, 31st. "J'oe' as . he was .popularly :known, • was , , a son, of .James Johnston . and Eliza Braden and was born en the Johnston home- stead : on Concessiori' 10, ' Kinlosi, on h]bveniber 11'tli,' 1870. ' • Mr, • Johnston' was widowed over .half a century. , His', wife, the• former Elitiabeth',Little, pre- deceased him'',in •.1905. Her bro= they,,, Albert .Tittle' of Lucknow, passed away, on the day of Mr, Johnston's :. funeral, Monday, Fe=; bruary, ' • ..In 19.13 Mr. 'Johi s ton . retired from the• farm to Lueknow, where he had since, resided.. He had 'been ' employed. by' :the late E Treleaven,.• the';.late Finlayson' and ,'the ; late 'George Robertson, and:; was', .well and' Widely known.,, • The funeral service was'' held. at the . McLennan and ' MacKen zie..Memorial 'Chapel, 'on • Mon - .day, `: February' ,3rd; conducted 'by •Rev. `Wallace A cClean of LticknowPresbyterian Church. Interment . was ,:in. South Kinloss Cemetery, the pallbearers, . being Wm: Fisher, Edward Baker, Peter Johns�,:Eldon Eckens will er , Alphonse Murray, Mark• John rLenna Household Furnishings` Phone • 181, : Lucknow' stop. Mr. Johnston is .survived by four, sons • and • •one daughter, William, of Portland, '. Oregon;'. Frank of; Holyrood., Russell of Toronto,' • Elmer of ' Lucknow ; and •.. Mrs.' -W. E. • (Eva) *McQUaig-.of Lucknow:: Mr. - Johnston was the: •last member,. , of '.a family of eight. He' was, predeceased by "four got h ers • William, James Sam br .h , . i. ..� . �•: ethree .si ters and. OlYv..r and.by J ames..Boyle (E1iiabeth),,::r rs..,.. .:...- Mrs. -.John ,(Mary) and. :Mrs. ,John. Morgan (Sarah). • • She is saving 'so • she ,am continue her music studies He is saving so heand his wife an take an extended motor trip , ank ace ur -n: av� .The difference between reaching :a goal', and;' missing it `:can .be. the savings you_ put noW, to `a bank account Such savings don't just happen. They involve. some sacrifice, definite 'planning: But: as your dollars mount tip' you feel a sense`of accomplishment, of getting` somewhere, that , makes the effort.more than worth while. Your bank account provides readye cash that Gait help take care of any emergency that may arise; or' open the way'to bargains. or other opportunities. Whatever objectiveyou may haw' .in Mind; and whatever use your savings may ultimately serve, you'll always be glad you saved:• ". `Silo at abank: tiiiiiotts dol` y" RVINIG } I T Py