The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-02-12, Page 4PAGEFOUR`' `a THE L cioTQW sENTIN L, waxNo R • fl'll�:eiiw...—MMusAl1t►C;` .s ti'�r ,`•.`'^ --.. EOR SALE - good hard maple °WAITED cedar pole, 40. feet stove `wood in truckload lots,•, long, not less than 5. inchesat. bargain, .price. MacMillan Brps: the small •end, to be used, :for` -- I litter, carrier, James"' Bradley,. phone... Dungannon' 80-r-16. FOR . SALE =--- excellent Durham COW,. 6 years old, freshening next it, "week.. J. De Song, 04one. °Ripley 26-r-11. r . HOUSE,' FOR;RENT • t H 1 rood, . hydro, bath, • all 'modern FOR SALE-•-2-new.and used chain coiivertences, good garden >Ap- to', Ernest` Ackert, phone 101 saws; • 1,• and 2 -man. Chris Sher:- ply COMING EVENTS. CALICOBALL ' Ladies are reminded . of: the Kairshea• Institute Calico Ball to be held April llth. Get sew-' ing g}r:ls!, .. .ANCE AT DUNGANNON Colwana'h Junior Farmers. Will sponsor a dance. at Dungannon Agricultural Hall on. Friday, February 1,4lth. Lunch counter,.. admission • 50c• .everybody" Wel- come:. • ton, ,Porter -Cable; dealer, phone r-13. ' • ,f • . .. � '. � , •' evening, the Leg pNTARio 1 SHOOT PARTY Toall i nterested .in a pleasant 80: Lucknow. • • •-- -S B:-01cNEW FURNITURE Choose ABY wSTARTED CHICKprom • about=w60 suites on -d P1aY • Place : your order .for the best sat the Mildmay Furniture show in chicks' from registered hatch- rooms.: • Trade-ins • accepted Free I G E 5 h ett Mild on i iAuxliary are holding weekly Shodt part - ies in the7Auxiliary Rooms each Friday evening at '8.p.m .Come along and bring your friends. Everyone welcome,- the more the . k erbes roducers or livery : c u . , broilers de, merrier.- Prizes. l , ,O 's.•...,, , 2r,, _ _.a x i"" m .a •$1,11,. ," ,t i served.r3c._=_c._ m er L;u N• R4� .f� ;4. ek. c.4 �zt tr �.0 1 FARM WANTED -wish:" to rent 100' or 150 acre grass farm, with ,good,' 'water supply. ' Apply at. Sentinel Of f ice. ' • FOR •SALE ' kiln -dried shell corn and cob . corn., Lorne e Luth er; R. 3, Lucknow, phone Dun - gannon 65-14. ATTENTION FARMERS > 'NOTICE Custaom killing,; cutting Arid • e still have* five • pictures of. :,L1,RTIFICIAL', INSEMINATION. W OTICE . Formerly MV nkton . the of «Extra 'Profit" Ch:cks: The annual meeting' We 'specialize in egg produc- Lucknow, and. District Red Cross tion breeds only: Sussex x: 13ed, Society, will be held. in the Of tire' Carn-• Red x Sussex, Ped o Rock, Rhode . in t''P' for .NE , • Crosses. Free y are now . m.. effect for, ar ' 1 th at 2.00. o clock,.•, ;:. Li wood., . scribers Y mer s Hatcheries,, n the followin magazines; Life, 44 ti son Pres.. g :5.. E. Robert _ , . • :Agent; Stanl'ey : McGratttan�,. ,' , , phone,' 3008 C arlow" `' weeks for $4;84, 70 ,weeks for 7.70;: Tine, .3ks.9 weefor . $3.87,. .7. weeks for $7,87; 'Sports Illus- . ' ED 1'ESPAY, FEB', • 12th, 1958 P , 1VIOTORCAI?E • 2nd hiie _ .- 6.70-15? 2n • � •14.95 6.70-15, lst�line ---$ 17.95 ., 14, tu. 1st line,. :: ,._ • 7.5'0- $20..95 i70-15, 1st line, tubeless • No' Trade-ins Required • ALL NEW TIRES . 'RE -TREADS •'Motorcade 'Dealer kIN ME•MORrAM • Phone 3, Lucknow_ 7 SO - '..,wrapping at very reasonable that *ere For. artificial inserntnation :in- trated, 65 weeks for,. $6.87. the' •1VtacDonald Clan a azine, : rates. Welsh Meat'Market, phone ordered last . sumsa mer nd never a formation or service • from all. scriptions to' any, mg Don. , i !:.' . • of cattle ,,phone ' the�l"Thompson, phone 35; Lucknow. ' 41. picked'. up. • Please!breeds , _ • n-3 41 W I. MAKES FINAL PLANS NOTICE .. � • ::. ,ociation at: • HU • 2 4 . ANNIVERSARY • USED FURNITURE — ` including about 8 living room.suites, three dining room suites; 'dinette: furn- 't�re a room sur s. Trade-in. Dept., may'. • .,Waterloo Ca, . . 7:30 FOR 50th •` ' r��C i1d:°Health�:Con= or• Kincardine 460 between-• • The, reaula h .. � reeds • • in •the. Le and':9.30 a;m. •We have all b -fve.:merribers and erehce will `be held., g 'quality, :. �' ome•�'thirty ,, • , o Februaryavailable: top quality at low . Mild-< iori Hall on. Tuesd•ay, visitors . of the I;ucknow W.I. r , 3 b d it's S-chuett's , * EMEMBER! th .. from 10:00 .to :.1130' 'aim. cost. gathered in :the Recreation Cen 18,., g Babies: and pre-school': D ,FOR SALE tie on F - Y, , SEE Mrs Wes ern: an- details: welcome Your feet are one >; of your greatest assets, and a .breakdown, in the`' structure may, cause"pain's in feet, ' knees, .legs, ,ankles. • Or lower back. • . See . ,J A. bickers, Foot iCorrectionrs t, at . Queen's • •Hotel," Wingham, ;.,each Monday. afternoon. TNCUIVIE .TAX RETURNS Public Accountant".and. Auditor since 1945. • S. J. PYM1Vi P.O. Box No.: 74, •Lucknow . OLD. HORSES j .ANTED. Old horses wanted' at ` 3 iii c per Ib.; dead cattle at value. If dead, TENDERS R CRAMM & SON,,•:Pinkerton•a g.• "What . my Husband • Gilbert. ert. Bros.:. b . TENDERS will ,be, •received . Phone thinks reading .phone at once ; to G b . •. • us:'i;eing: mo Ranch' . hone collect God- ig. m'bers • of Mink: Ra p the. undersigned up to. Fehruary'�' Car 11 68-w 3' .: PaisIey :.151 r-17-1 the W I'p. •or •483J1,g, ` erich 1483J428th,1958,for'painting •the in Miss •M ,Edna a Boyle and CARD :O THANKS c R' SALE ' ' , terror ; upstairs of the,: Lucknow . • MEAT FO Church. Lowest .or :� • ;• Malcolm ` favor:ed with, �a piano ' .::Presbyterian ,l duet.. beefGood for ; sale by the:. thank; all'. those . who er not.: :necessarily ac Ir wish: to. ; rs:•. ''Howard Robinson gave on rem7ses ani tend M unites. Beef killed p �a 1 to remembered me: iii so many.,- ways « . : r 's't:` is .not de - Health. f , c.epted.• For ,information , pp Y the .mottb, Gene . oi y • inspected. by the: Department o , all airman of :Board while 'I • was:. ill. Special thanks on •Riches': Health. Choice Hereford year Jack Fisher, C.. pendent . : Ito Dr corrin .for ,hr's good care; The meeting closed :with the om butcherin a 'spec- of Managers lmgs. Cust ,. g _-. ' .Ke'itli �R,oulst.oii ' ' ,. ; , " national anthem land Women's ialty•• NOTICE TO..CREDITORS ii wish to express our • sin- Institute Grace •Everyone en- Baynard Ackert, Holyrood ate "of ROBERT KE1V= i We P In the• .Est r ''man • . a serration to ou _ y Joyed' a •�sociabe' half hour .whenPP�NETH 'REID, deceased Icere •• '.: friends and relatives fore kind- th'e • hostessesserved • a lovely 'children rida Feb:'' 7th, with the resident, ..• Burt.Roach, Complete stoEk• of "news.•, crop,, P .:.:Comp per conducting opening:exereses anti Grade 1 Seed._ Priced P, • , • NOTICE i r W t•G business etai s y.. Ranger; Oiitar o 0 •Salon will be were made for .our, Bailey s'. Beauty• Alfalfa' •$24,00;. "Vernal Ail Final plans • o f "Feb -o . be held •durin the' month , . , . closed:during -, g.. • 37:00: Red Clover • $1'8;00, Fiftieth Anniversary to „ ,. l'a"da alfa $ . + � , , : ruary.' The; Salon will re -open ite.Sweet $8.40, Yellow Sweet, on' February .17th. '.ch 3rd: , , White Monda .:Mar on Y,• 7.80 ;Timothy $? 20.. Priced per " •'The roll call; was aijswered by. din 55c `White. Dutch. 55c, a . , Away to be Friendly", -It • 'was • CUSTOM' CA t FAINTING IT '.1 85c,• Reed ,Canary. 50c - decided to have a':ba'by shower paint job is money: 'Br'ome .•27c, 'Orchard 29c,, Mea for Korean babies at our. ,March A ,nice new ,p . ,. . , � . ::. .. • , • . • . well ;.spent, single or.. two tone, ow Fescue 20c, . Canada Blue 59c.• meeting • • fender •,: • and Gary Oats•• Reg . '$1:85, , Comm:Howard Robinson took. hot. pray method, , Mrs. bodywork` rusted panels' and $1:45:` Brant • Barley; Reg:: $2.50,` the , chair for .the program Mrs. e 'laced.'• •Comrn., $2.15. .W'e are buyers of` J , �j( raith'`read: a paper on tom- sections •r p N. W WINTER<ST•EIN;, Red`. Clover and Timothy; at • top mun ty activities• 'and public .re- west ,of,;Tawn Hall)"1„prices• rib • grass; from : (1 building Cleaning lations prepared', by . Mrs. Chas. :clovers a specialty �Co.ok Miss Dean MacLeod' gave HUNTER—in loving, memory of a 'dear, daughter.,and sistex,•Alma 'Hunter, who passed ,away two years ago; February 18th: • A'• tribute . of dove and rerrieni brance, „ • To ;a loved one, • we will never. • .forget. ' • G Her memory to:•use .is a treasure,' Her. loss.;' a • lifetime ' regret; --Ever , renembered • by Mother,., .Dad, -Sister !Sister and. • Brothers.:' , • •IN MEMORIAM'.. HUNTER'=in. loving,. "rner ory of .. a dears Wife 'and-Mather•,..P ii a Hunter,'; who' ;passed awuay. Feb= • ruary 18th, 1956,' "Your • end was;.'sudden, . mo:ther.. You made us weep and. cry. . But O :the saddest,'part of..all You could nowt •say :,goodby.e God gave'' .us strength to "face • •• the shock .• 'And', courage , to bear. the blow, But w. hat • ft means. to miss you .' dear Only God in heaven, Will. ever 4 know +' -`Ever. remembered'. and sadly.. missed 'by Lloyd, Marybelle and, Herbie, • •.'Phone 24-30 Ripley •,. � ALL:.PERSONS havixig e'laims • • _ .. • floral: tributes and mess- lunch' • ,, , 'against the estate of Robert' Ken-nesses, EItT1LiZER1 ages of $ymp'athy, and to. . all • •neth Reid, late . of the Township those Who helped in • 'any way _...•.,. ORDER FERTILIZER NOW of Kinloss, in.. ' the County 'of. .our sad bereavement: Bruce, Truck—Driver, deceased, urc-g Who ' died on' or• .. a'boiit, the ''2811 Special thanks, to . Dr. Corrin;.;,' Rev. Meiklejohn and the McLen- day are here day of December, nan & 'MacKenzie' funeral home. by notified to send in to the• These were very much • apprecia- undersigned ; Administrator, • on ted• or before the 22nd day of Feb le and Joyce. Mrs. 'A 'Litt Y R W. ANDREW Barrister' and, ;Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO andtake advantage of early .discounts: Lowest Prices Mac1VIILLAN BROS. - LUCKNOW LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE 'INC; Phone 'LuelsnOw 71, TED COLLYER Registered Master Electrician ' ! I annottneed • that the Digest wi141 be ,incre'ased hi• price $1 per Year' in' a' . very few .,months. Regular stibsctibers , may renew ''at the, present rate 'at 1 year fbr••$3.00, or 3 years for $G: This :may be done,. •any time' 6', regardless of when your subscription runs out.' ,Make,, sure your Digest is 'paid well • ahead' before the p'r'ice ad- fahce. • Doi • •Thorrips'ar r .phone 1. 35, , Lucktiow' ruary ' 1958, full particulars of their claims. Immediately 'after the said date,: the assets will be' distributed ' amongst the .persons entitled, thereto; having regard only -to the "claims of which the Adxministrator... shall ' then have:' -notice, • R • Dated:. at ' Luckno*, • ,Ontario this 1st ,day ofy February 1958.,1. William G. l-i.eed;:R now,' Ontario, Administrator. R: W::: Andrew, ;' Solicitor for the .Estate 'IN ,LUCKNOW • -Every . 'Wednesday and' Saturday, .Afternoon,' .Office • in the • Joynt •Block ' HA JP PRICE' •OFFER Telephone. For a limited time Reader's Office'•135 ll:e'side be 314 Digest to NEW est will be' offered .......'..., � :'� Subscribers' at . 8 Months for $1, or 16 month's for $2. This offer 'STATE .FARM MUTUAL comes at a time when it has been AUTOMOBILE Specializing in` Electrical Wiring ' and. • 'Repairs' AGENT FOR SPARTON TV And `All Electrical Appliances Phone '45-r-25, Lucknow 1••NSU RANGE • . investigate Before Invest` REUBEN WILSON;' R:R. ' 3, *Goderich, .Phone 80. r-8 Pur• gannon' Is CO P. AUTO .: O � INSURANCE' Can • Now` Accept TOWN RESIDENTS & COMERCIAL • TRUCKS as .well as the farm business.• •' For information consult CECIL •F,ALCONER. Phone Wingham 5/0-J-3. JOHINT;,•MCMURCI Y, • RIPLEY: Phdne 20-r-23' our `Extra Space Earning ake, That Space Fay ,Off! !` ake Delivery. of:Your `SPRING FE0'TII r Between .Now and Marel •st SAVE $1.50 PER.' TON For Top Quality' Fertilizers Produced At Home: Pone •.Lucknow 71: c now ey? The'a'r7ers OBusiness . wn