The Lucknow Sentinel, 1958-01-29, Page 5WEDN 'DkAY, ,JA ; '29th{; 1958
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.United Church . Evg. Auxiliary ;
A •_splendid attendance •• of..20:.
me'm'bers •and . two guests got. the
Evening... Auxiliary offto a good.
...start for •195.8 :The pres , !Mrs,`
Vernon' Hunter, • ' conducted..,; the.
business period, . It was decided . .
members Would d contra
article' for a ,baby's layette to be:
handed in at the April ; meeting
..:td Mrs. Roy Black. Miss Helena
Thompson 'reported ` f o r ` the
Christian Stewardship-. sec. , . Our
prayer partner again this year is 1
Mrs Wiiianls of Teulon, 'Mani 1`.
toba Fo lowing a, • discussion of
special projects it was decided
to . -be entirely, freewill , giving's.
• Mrs, Meiklej.ohn 0`;led in prayer
and ;Mrs. 'Alex. 'Andrew, the
scripture. We . enjoyed' za piano
solo by Mary` Allan and a vocal .
solo by'Ann. Crawford, The. topica
"The 'Christian. Church in Japan"
`very• capably presented
was by
.. `Mrs. Lloyd 'hall•: . She compared
the work there to:a: tiny mustard
seed, minute'. in size,• yet when
planted : has' many ,`branches. Mrs.
Ken 1Vfurdie `read' a letter ~from
Miss Elsie Brunner, a, missionary..
in, Africa, telling • of. her `.'life
there... Mrs.Stuart Collyer.:gave
an ' interesting readipg, "Janu
., Look's Two .Ways". Mrs. . Cra.
'ford • closed the. Meeting' viii
prayer and the ' committee
• charge. served lunch.
Presbyterians µ_Evening Auxiliary
Mrs. ' Robert., MacKenize . 'wa
hostess for the January meetin
On Tuesday;. January .21st. Thor
'were 20• members present. -Mrs
.Jack Pollock presided, After. th-
.calli to worship, hymn 545 was
sang, followed by' the meditation
"'or .the New•. Year' .and- praYer
by ,Mr. s.• ; O, Pedersen firs. James
Little' and M'rs. Jack Fisher gavetleir. reports of the. Presbyterial'l
• held in • Wingham .on January 14.
• During' the �business it .vvas' 'de'
cided to. cancel the Mission band
meetings until Marchi ,and the
-have .t- :o . ,.•..,. ....�...z .. ,... _.� .,,n
�' zfieetrngs a month un
til' June., Mrs. Mceiean gave .the
'topic, and gave us' a . very 'inter=
esting synopsis ' of our. study
book; "1'hrs . is Japan'.', .written
by Wm. Ailing who has, .been
a missichary in Japan for fifty
Years. The story is told .;by a
girl named ' Stile, who - tells. of
, bardships and 'chang'es in • liv-
ing conditions before and: during
ththe war in Japan. Hyr ri 513 was
g and the Meeting was, clos-
Fiea wry,, • prayer by Mrs. -Gordon
sher, .
United Church 1Vlission Band
'The January" meeting, opened*
�wltl] the Mission Band ;hymn.
ere . then nzade Japanese ' lant-
erns Bew riv ;Rathwell read the
minutes o f last'meeting and' the
'roll train 'r5 tt _ -. .
thei gave the
There is an adequate, covert
ing of snow over most of the
County. There was considerable
wind erosion 'in some 1, rens in
the Southern • part durih.g�. Jan-.
uary 18th ‘'winds.
Assembly yards for hogs Open-
ed Tuesday, January 21st with,
398: hogs.. assigned.'. Turnip prices;'
are . strong with, a good export.
market available. Egg prices are
disheartening,; particularly ,to the
small .prod ucer. '
treasurer's report. We learned •
new hymn. and Cheryl Whitby
:read:- the. • call ,:to .worship: ' Mary
Murdie .read,'the •serjptur.e. Rus
sell Alhn teak up the offering.
Barbara Rathwell read the of -
Merin. g prayer. Stores,_ were;; _read
Eby the 'leaders, -Mrs. 'Geo. Whitby
and Mrs, ' T,om. Anderson. Theo
meeting closed with ,a: prayer by
Beverly Rathwell and the re-
peating of the :Mission Band
Rev. Benson Cox left this week
on a trip. to, Florida and Cen-
tral America where ..e will
spend the winter months... His
many , friends wish hini a . very
pleasant trip... -
Reeve: 'Harold' Percy attended.
County Council, at Walkerton
during the_. week,
Congratulations to Mr. J.
Lane who celebrated ' his 83rd
birthday on .Sunday ,.
Mrs. Harold' Hald nb iwoiz ,a
lovel bath, towel••'set"in _°,luck
Y", y
door prize • at the McLelland:
sale on . Fr:day. afternoon.'„
the '
month _.
g t of
Fe r
b u
ary the Anglican service will she''
held at 3:00 o'clock.
The, January meeting of the•
Kinlaugh W.1VM S, Was° held at.
the home ,of Mrs. John BarrFwith.
18' ladies. present The hymn,. A-
lpide With ' Me, and prayer open-
ed the Meeting. Mrs. Jack Barr
,,,read the scripture on Jacob.
Mrs.'•Edbert Bushell led in pray-
er. Mrs. Lyman Sutton had
charge of the 'program: readings,.
Mrs: Perry ' Bushell, Mrs.:Stewart'
'Me;Donald, •Mrs. Mark John$ton,
Mrs.. Frank Maulden; Bible quiz,.
St. Mark: The ,meeting closed.
with the hymn My Faith •Looks;
up to -Thee. Lunch Was -served.
Mrs. J. W. Colwell and "Mrs.
Don�,McCosh Visited during'- the
week WithMr.- and . Mrs. Currie
Colwell and family and ' Mrs1-
V'1Tm.,': Bushell Lucknow.
Mr :Leonard' Stanley of Detroit
Was . a recent •visitor with .Mrs.
Harvey Hodgins and Kenneth, &
'Mrs• :.Ezr-a `.,taniey .and family.
Mrs: , M r and' Tom Bodkins.
• �
entertained at , a '. family dinneron' Sunday • last. ;
Entertain Westford Ladies
•' The home • of 1VIrs. Perry Hod-
gins • wan. -the scene of a,. pleasant.
PAGE kin{ _.
gathering when the ladies of the
WeSection were°
guestsstford at "theSchool 4-H club tea. The
leader, Mrs. Perry f iodgins�
coined the • guests: after which
each girl, , told what . she :had
learned 'from the .course,',A. short
program of community singing,
contests, 'and games was enjoyed.,
Elda- and Beverley Wa11, Sharon
Hodgins .. and Norma. Haldenfby
sang a Scotch song.: Norma, also.
contributed a solo. The, assistant;
leader, Miss' May. Boyle, spoke'
on ` behalf of ;the :girls expressing •
their' appreciation to all present.,
=Mrs. Jinn Smith' spoke on behalf:'
of the H.W.I. and Mrs., William
Eadie, home, economicsconven-'
er,. also Commended the girlson
their. work. Those ',assisting : at .
the -tea h -ta
-table: ,
were -jack``. •'
Barr and: Miss Wilma King. .The
girls who served'. were Elda ands
Beverley Wall, Sharon Hodgins,
Alice, Donna, I3etty, 'Beatrice*
Barbara • and. Norma Haldenby
and: Mrs. • Delbert ,Hedley.
.' an.
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