The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-11-25, Page 15WVEDNIESDAY, NOV. 25th,, 1959 • . GARDEN SCENTS AND NONSENSE' We • must admit that at this time of year one does not ' get too many scents from the gar- den. Perhapswe should- think about . putting it. ' to . bed for . the winter and prepare for the com l . THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCI TOW, ONTARIO ing beauty ,next spring, We sincerely hope . you man- aged to plant some tulips and; spring flowering bulbs, It it not too late todo. so, if you can get, at it soon, • efore the � b ground freezes. Plant them at least six inches deep if you wish to put annuals and other floe ters in the same place next 9ear Deep' planting eliminatesthe necessity of lifting the bulbs, every. year. Have you top soil and mulch- ing material available for hitt- ing up. the tea roses? This should be done after the ,ground has frozen. Hill them up at least eighteen inches. A bed of straw' manure of salt hay or some Such material could be used . to fill in. around the hillsto help pre- vent them sagging. It is not necessary to eut thetops off the roses in the fall unless they. them down on the ground (you ,1% PAGE k.ttr.fixr$ are too unsightly or there is a may have to anchor them with possi bility of damage by the wind andweather; in which case just cut them .off above the mound, they will ,be trimmed properly in the spring when you uncover them. Climbing ruses and ramblers could be removed from the trellis and all .the canes tied in a bundle • and wrapped with burlap,. 'Then lay I.,44 N. 4N:41'144%, �� iristmas • 1 ... and you can >t e this her happiest C as yet ! Give her a me; >Ii a• electric p --the kik that snow you mire enough to .liglatien her work thitaugh e year. Moder elect*: appliances are eater -to -a , • econoiinical,to Operate.. 'T'heir give long s�vlt •• lasting satisfaction. This yeair" tie a' Chiiska ribbon around her ''Lost wanted" electric appliance. Ies a thOUghttrd gift because' it helms her "Live lid& electrically"— the ica ly"-the tee, den , LIVE • BETTER EL..ECTR I CALLY a stake dryer' into the ground-: 'and tie the end of the bundle to it), A wise precaution would be to place mouse seed or some 1 preparation around the bundles to prevent mouse ,damage to the canes. . One authority suggests napthalene flakes: or moth balls scattered about 'serve the ,same purpose. ' • If you have ornamental. :. greens and 'shrubs it mighteverbe well .to provide them with a bit of protection.. Make little tepees of .,three of :four ,sticks driven ;. into the ground: and *rap an oldsack ;around ° thein: ' " Jtist another' reminder, _ make sure you get sufficient. loam,• into . the cellar to take care '' of your seedlings spring If ` you want to mix up your own mix- ture, two partsgood loam„. onea part• sharp sand and.;:one. one. . p peat; Add' a cup of bone meal to each bushel of the mixture. This is, a generalpurpose mix- ture . and will take care of a great . mnany different 'varieties of plants, Since we do /not have too many `scents" maybe the sl"'Cdp' book will "dish out a bit of . "non?: sense". • 1 Keep` smiling, • •and, • everyone ,Iwill 'wonder what you, have been up to A shoat nnemmory is often n -us . • italiea. for a cls conscience,. u It is nrelliablly, reported that 11 the .favourite • cook book among 1 cannibals) is. "Fenn Best Ways e .to •.Serve your. r`ellow :lslraan_" • The .allcohollie. -was tell)I..nnag of the. agony he experienced., veil* • I sibs iirnded in a smrnali• town during • a binaaard ' ""It .Was. awful," he; ned..' "Ife: liked on nothing b* food and water for day and days '"Cann you, .help me :select 'a. ,, gift for a Wealthy • old •uhclle who is . awfully weak and . hardlly. 'stalk?" about 'stalk?"i ne very. good, • • floor-: waw"" . • '. q ' ow nit not munch to look. at," admitted . her fiance. "Oh, well.," she philosophized, ""Tny��ouf11 be,. at work most of'the thee."„ .' . • .A farimmer" whopig awas• killed by an . automobile waw raving mad.. • `IlDeo'St nvorry, " • r epllned the i notorist,; `'1["li nepiace :your. Pig?' •."noun mm"t„`". yelled tth faa�-. erg, "moan ain't tat' emm®nngh:.nr ' . rtetaa y, "Tour ..little girl ntts to .:kiss. you oee the • Du.Sy ixecuttive;; ."`Take• the m e rn , get it ,,from you later." • 3IIAC•IC t prunes. to choose from, .eight cow.. I teen time' hasty notes. for the i teenager, meal cooll, zse, thank •i yon 'notes, large selection,; ' " file folders„ • :melt ka, 15c; carbon paper, wed- ding place ear ds, wedding thank you motes„ ill types '.air g¢'eelfing is eards •att all gntrna , A, , Commpllete i, Stationery Simply. at The Lock meow Seuntinaell, Phone, Luck- Horse. II 1 10x1 PICU ""` . RIM !NCI 0N 'Time LU+iOW :SENTINE, 1:. ashore 34•,. . • •.r