The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-11-25, Page 8.PAGE EIGHT THE =KNOW SEENTZNELA LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ee Fade 16 For, ANNIVERSARY 'SALE SPECIALS CONTINUING ALL THIS WEEK W ]DNESDAY, NOV. ,25t1i, 1959 AGENT FOR • KINCARDINE CLEANERS Free Pick -lip and Delivery • Monday and, Thursday. ' LADIES' an � MEN'S. WEAR • THAT Mrs J. W. Joynt supplied .. :. "at the organ in the' United• • church on. ',Sunday .'morning in the, absence of Elmer Umbach, who was: in #.Kitchener . to. at- _ tend the funeralof an uncle, who died quite suddenly. THAT Mr. and Mrs. , Wm. A. Porteous • left on 'Tuesday for Daytona' Beach Florida, where • they will spend the next few' months, returning in mid-Ap- ril, Enroute '.south'they plan- ned to spend a couple of days JOHN E. HUCKINS 'Chairman Huron Citizens, Legal Control; • Committee t1DAY 11:25 P.M. KNX /TV ,. C THA, despite bad weather for outdoor construction work the erection of Jack MacDonald's. cement block . garage'on' Will- oughby'' street, is reaching an advanced, state, with work : on the.•'roof • started last week -end. 1. SEE BY THE SENTINEL THAT Bob. 1VIacDonald of Luck- - uck--. now has beenspitalized,: far a: week in :Wingham hospital, • . where he underwent an oper ation for .a carbuncle on the • back. of his neck. , THAT •,Mrs. Wilson Irwin e •turned home . on Monday .. after being . ,hospitalized ' for , some time in : London . and Wingham•. with. severe rib injuries . suff- ered in a, fall. THAT 'students at•,Lucknow Dis trict High 'School :are this' week writing Christmas ex anainations. • THAT among the. LucknowiteS in Sarnia with their daughf er who are. hospitalized ' at Vic - Mary. toria Hospital, London, • are Mrs.,Roy Black, Mrs.' Jim Boyland Mrs.:Carman' Ham- ilton. THAT Jim ;Reed visited briefly this w Mr. and Mrs.. Allan •. Reed, prior .to . going to 'Toronto for the Canadian Players present-•. ation of "The 'Taming of': the Shrew" . and "The Cherry Or- chard" at . the Eaton Auditori- um. They have been touring the: States and, will . return there following. their :'one -day presentation .,in . Toronto. • 1NATION Notice is hereby given to the • municipal electors of the • TOWNSHIP OF:. KIN'LOSS That the nomination of fit and proper persons to . serve, as reeve and councillor for. the Township 'of Kinloss for the' year. 1960, ' will, take place at the Township Hall, Holyrood, On FRIDAY, ,NOVEMBER 27th, 1959 which at ' one hour, o for on r o afte lock ' in the afternoon, At 'one o'clock said township are hereby• tune and place all electors of notified to attend, and that should a poll be 'required, polling will open on Monday, December 7th, 1959 ,At .9.00. a.m. At. . the following places in the Polling Sub -divisions: No. 1, At the Orange Hall, ',Durham Road ,' No. 2, At the OrangeHall, Kinlough No.• .3, Atthe Township Hall, Holyrood No. 4, At /House' of Mrs. -Robert `Reid, Lot 11, Con. 2 No ' 5, ,At Purves', Store, Langside No. -6, : At the Community Hall, Whitechurch Kinloss, : November: 6th, .1959 J. R.•• . Lane, Clerk. • THAT a meeting of the ..Luck- know Business • Men's Associat- ion will be held in the Town Hall this Friday , evening to make 'final plans for Santa's annual visit to. Lucknow „,•. YOUR BARGAIN FOODLA. ND MARGARINE'!,ALE• Save 27c. Delmar Brand .3 day Feature. PEANUT BUTTER SALE, Save 'lc.- ' "Yummy " Brand. 16 oz. Feature, SALADA TEA BAGS. Save 10c.. We Sell For Legis. 90 Count. 4 Ibs..,89c 2 jars �59c pkv. 69e ICE CREAM; SALE, Save 10c Silverwoods' For Quality.' ; Half -Gallon • SWEET' MIXED. PICKLES. Save 10c. ¶`Tally -Ho" 'Brand: Large 48• oz. J • • CHRISTMAS CANDIES, NUTS, ORANGES, ETC. NOW. AVAILABLE. SPECIAL . DISCOUNTS ALLOWED':' ON ALL CHURCH • AND - SCHOOL PURCHASES FOR CHRISTMAS' PARTIES. • We Sell For Less , • Values Effective Phone 119,. ;LUcknaw November 26, 27, '28. THAT Mrs. a Petersen, ,librar- ian and Mrs. W R. Howey oaf' theLibrary Board, attended the . annual • meeting of Bruce` County • Library 'co-operative at Port Elgin: 'THAT Cliff iCrawford was home lastweek' because of the sud- den 'death udden'death of his ; brother. He ,rejoined his ship at Detroit: at . the ' end of the week after be; • •ling' 'in ship -to -shore telephone communication :from 'Lucknow with the ship's captain on Fri- day receiving instructions. THAT ' Paul Henderson perform- ed the hat trick in •Goderich on. Friday night when he '.scored Half - of the team's 'goals as • they ,downed Tillsonbung 6 to 2. He notched a goal -a period. .............................. _ .. • e MARKET Store THERMAL UNDERWEAR In honey -comb weave '. cotton. Sizes small, medium and large.. . • . rt -Sleeve shirts.. .. • • • Sho ... $2 9 Ankle -Length drawers r .. . , • . • :. s$22:9559 2 . 95 ▪ • MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS — fully cult: 'Plaid cotton flan- nel. S. M., L and 'Xi... •... .•. . $2.95 or '2 for •$5.00 i BOY'S 'S'HIRTS '•-- Pre=Shrunk cotton flannel•, assorted . colours, . sizes 8 to 1p4 years ... .' .. • . $1.39 WORK SOX =- Penn-tanwool-nylon ' reinforced heel 1 and toe. ' ' ' . ' .. '5 'lb. weight . . . $x'.•35 pr. 3 lb.. weight . ' Y • . . . . . , . . . • •. • / . 98c pr i . ; . 98c pr. $3.98 'P'eerless Quality, BATH MATS r $2.98 .• ' . Children White' Wool, Scarfs . v ... 98c -- $•1 25 Pink. and tlue scarfs y .; _ . . • . u _ ... 89c $1.25 Esmond Sunny Spun blankets,' velvasoft, 72 x 84, $5.95. :LOW : TEMPERA TURE . Automatic' Dryer EFFICIENCY: Dries clothes fast.— cofnPar- able, to 'the. speed .of .almost any modern washer. Saves unnecessary ';steps, sortingso, and 'hanging .:of special pieces. • , • ,•Isolated. Heating Unitt Heating, elerient is , separ ated :frorn the drum.. It heats the air, not the ' clothes or the drum.. - OPTIONAL DRYING TEMPERATURES: ONE KILLED' , (Continued from page. 1)' • • Ripley: By about 4 A.M.the vehicles had ••been towed into Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. ,MacDonald •and 2 children • Allan and Catherine. had • been . atthe home of .his. brother brother• and: sister, John Mac- Donald and Mrs. James Watson on the . Ashfield -Huron boundary one mile west of Amberley. .They made it a frequent habit to go there and watch television and were returning. home north- erly : when involved, in •the col- lision. ' Besides his wife and 'two children who were' in the. acci- dent, •Mr. MacDonald 'is • surviv ed' iby two older sons at home, Donald 'and Douglas, a brother John and ,a ,sister Mrs, James` Watson, both 'of Amberley. and 'a sister, Mrs. Albert Stewart of •Kincardine Township. ` Funeral • services 'were held from: the •• McLennan : Funeral Home, Ripley, on Tuesday , at 2:30 Burial was in Ripley Ce- metery. ' ,• Acharge of careless driving has been laid against Mr. Roul ston. An inquest .. will be held. This has been a• tragic year for the Reids Corners-Amberley community. In April, 16 -year-old Murray .Bell of Amberley was killed when he fell from the back of a truck, Also in' April, 20 -year-old Ronnie Brown of Pirie River was .killed when :his High heat for . regularfab- rics; low', heat for delicate items, and if you wish, you can "dry ' at room :.tempera - Jure with)) a "high -breeze" airflow -not, •possible with other.' dryers. mostr'rs. Especiy ally • useful for ,fluffing • pillows, drying synthetics, dedusting draperies and bedspreads, fine 'laces, etc. ALL FABRICS TEMPERATURE CONTROL Temperature erature dial provides ' infinite settings with. High, Low, and Air graduations. • Air providesno heat except/ roomtemperature, • AUTOMATIC : CONTROL 'THERMOSTAT s Sensitive thermostat responds toany fluctuation' in heat and automatically maintains the selected .temperature, Phone 110; Lucknow car struck a . bridge. All three of these fatalities have occurred within a "stones -throw" .of :each, " other: Choose .From Our Wide Selection Of WE -FEATURE KALJFMAN. FOAM-TREDS The fully washable,.,long. wearing. slipper for ` every member of the family., FOR THE' PERFECT 'GIFT FOR THE MOSTAPPRECIATED .GIFT ' • GIVE SLIPPERS: HWELL • /. SIoeSt0re +4