The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-11-25, Page 7WEDNESDAY,., NOV. 25t1.1;.. 1959 '`1'HE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO We Pubhsh These Statements Interest In The Publi THEY SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES t:a (Elmer. Bell, Q.C., of . Exeter Reported in. Exeter Times -Advocate,. ' November .19th, 1959) . , •"The people. of Huron:County`' will make a serious mistake if theg.;' do not get rid of. the :CTA on November 30," Mr. Bell stated. In, my. opinion it is 'the worst piece of legislation.: ever devised in Canada. We cannot afford to have this act any longer : on the statute books." The Exeter lawyer emphasized that the only outlet which can be, established without a vote in some municipalities is the gov't retail .'store and it would not be . opened unlessthe municipal ' council concerned pas- sed a resolution requesting it. The other public' liquor outlets would have to be voted in by . thepeople: Respect For Law: (Don Southcott, Editor, : ' Exeter Times -Advocate, November 19, " 1959)• "This is an important, Point. Under CTA there is little or no respect:. for law and 'law enforcement officials, particularly among the young, pressionable age group. This is not the case in LCA `areas.. "I speak from experience for 'l, : toh, have .lived underboth laws. I spent three of my late `.teen years under. LCA and, I can tell you: there .: was no laughing at, thumbing nosese at, or ridicule of, : police and : the liquor laws among the young, people with whom I : was associated then..` "You ' may minimize this point but:. I suggestto you that any law which creates disrespect for our system of justice does our democracy a great harm. ndments Promised To Canada Temperance Act (London Free Press, November 21, 1959) 'Two Federal Cabinet . Ministers ,said yesterday they have . made -no ., undertaking that amendments are forthcoming to the Canada Temperance Act .which would. make it .more ' effective for the control of liquor." oubae Standards (Quoted from an Editorial in : The Huron Expositor, November 19, 1959) "What is more . ' important than ` a discussion :of the readiness with which . liquor may be/ obtained are the double standards .that are being, created in the minds of an ' entire generation, and . the resulting disrespect for law and authority 'Which .arises." 1.4.1c1is±n....Ir,.Hur�n County (Alcoholism . Research Foundation, November 19, 1959)" `There are definitely .no statistics on alcoholism by' county •in "Ontario." Effective CorLtrol In Peel (Peel County Abandoned the CTA by Vote in 1951) Toronto Township Police Chief Garnet McGill, in. a Statement Dated Nov- ember ov ember 17, 1959. "All Police, Departments in the, -County of Peel are more satisfied under the Liquor. Control Act, as all phases for effective control are in- eluded in the Liquor Control Act.". ; '// CONDITIONS. In. GRAND BEND: (By incorporating as a . villageand joining . Lambton ,:County, Grand Bend came under the Liquor Control. Act) J. H. Dalton, Reeve 'of Grand Bend, October 16, 1959 "When the'' CTA m'. its present form • � was in force. here our big prob- lems arose from the fact that the CTA did not 'prohibit. the consumption -of alcoholic beverages. on the streets, in public 'places or • in .'automobiles.' Also, because there; was no provisionn the Act to convict ` on 'a charge of drunkenness, drunkenness became 'very prevalent on the. streets and became uncontrollable under existing legislation (the CTA) A girl, or a group of girls, .could not• walk on any of our 'streets, particularly at night,. without being subjected to insult, profanity and even 'attack. "Since the Liquor Control. Act has been in force here it has pro r vided the means of conbatting the above problems.," Huron Cftizens Legal.. Control C JOHN E. HUCKINS, Chairman.