The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-11-18, Page 11y p'NESDA►Y,. NOV..18 • 1059;THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Coffee an Fertilizer :.04r.N. � iC"�t Gervin 'Reed (left), of'Dunngan-: non and •Lorne Eadie -• of Holy rood'' enjoy'a coffee in the C -I -L tent at the recent International • plowing matches at Dundas while .discussing scientific use of fertilizer to boost farin..crops,: with Jack Stephens; C -f -L. rep- • • reseritative 'at ."Wingham. . Public Relations . Department, Canadian Industries ' Limited; P.O. -. Box 10, Montreal, Que. .OBITUARY• GEORGE ORVIS A' well-known and"popular resident. ,of Winghasr .. and dis- trict - - for over .70 years, George 11..Orvis, • passed away suddenly. at his borne, on Tuesday morning from a heart attack. He 'was 74. 'Born, in Pickering Township, Ontario County, . he was a son of Mr. ' • and Mrs. Lee Orws. ' The .family moved to Wingharn when Mr: Orvis was only two years of age • and : with .the exception of: a few. years' residence •m Luck - now he'has' resided in 'Wingham ever since.. He�attended Zetland school and took up carpentry..: as 'a 'trade,' being chiefly self-em- ployed. In • 1910 , he married Annie Campbell, also of Winghain and' they have .been. members of :the United :';Church. He 1s stirviveki 'by. hi::; .wife and . - their seven children; Jean (Mr's.:. Vic Lotighlean). of ,Lori-...: r Cott don; Velrria (Mrs. And ew Scott) ) of Wingham; Mary, (Mrs. 'Fred Howson) ' Blyth; Hazel (Mrs. Wiarton; Taylor) of W n, Ross, .Oil Springs; Jack and Bill Of Wingha i 'There are twenty grandchirdr.en, and.. Six.great-- grandchildren and' a brother, gnev�c'` INSURANCE agency. GENERAL INSURANCE' Business a9. " HOWARD 'AGNEW • Residence 138' • Alvin. Orvis, , of. Wingham. Mr. 'Orvis .. was interested in outdoor life and was very.. active in the Wingham Fish and Game Clubs ' The funeral was . held Thurs- day `afternoon, from R. A:-: Currie and Sons funeral home' with, .in- in- terment in :the, Wingham ceme- tory. Rev. T. G. •Hussey conduc-•. t the service. ed t Group III Woman's Association Twenty ladies ' responded to the roll call of Group .III at the home of Mrs. W. B. Anderson. An Armistice reading and, .pray- er by Mrs. B. Elliott opened the meeting, followed. by .the ' sing- ing of hymn 400. The devotional. theme ' was '° "Therefore Stand." The scripture •was read. by Mrs. J, -.1,v Joynt and Mrs.' O.' Richard gave' the .meditation' and praxer. Mrs E Tayl,.,. treasurer,, anal Miss A:. ViWebstorer sof the Christiana •Fello. vship Committee . had en couraging ,reports:. Mrs.' Elliott' reported on the anniversaryked and sent this,' •week, .. Old supper which was, most success-j':Christmas cards are also to bei ' ful and thanked the members. for their co-operation. A read- ing from the Dominion Council bulletin pertaining to, anniver- sary .suppers was given by Mrs:. P. 'W.. Iloag, convincing us ' that much more goes • into .church' suppers than hardwork, and much . good ' is derived. Hymn, 403. was sung. Mrs. H. Robinson. :presided for. the program.- 1VIr3. K.. Cameron presented the,• last chapter' of the . Stewardship study book, "The Woman with Victoria. Mission .Band .�.. The: Vicxora..>•Mission..Band::of the Presbyterian Church : met on Monday, Novenvber 9th. The motto was repeated. in 'unison by 37 girls and; boys. A singsong followed.: The 'scripture was read by Joan • McKenzie Bobby Humphrey :gave 'a prayer; The. reading of the 23rd . P'salm 'was - led ;:by ` Donnie Johnston: The missionary story'. was given by Miss. Mary McLeod, the • guest •speakg'r.. Wendy . McKenzie thanked `. Miss. McLeod. .:Mary Finlayson : played • a/ piano solo. Beverley McDonald offered a prayer: After. singing a Christ- mas carol, . the meeting ' closed with prayer in unison. ' PAGE FIFTEEN` Zion; 'United Church W.M,S Mrs.. Earl. Swan held the No, veniber • .12th. meeting at her home with 17 ladies, one visitor and. two children present. The . meeting. opened in the usual' manner. Devotional was taken by Mrs. , Marshall Gibson • with Mrs; Earl Swan reading ,chapters from Mark and Matthew. ' The circuit meeting will be held•'at • the .home of Mrs. Kaiser on No- vember 24th.. To get the pro- gramme for" December is Mrs.. Earl Swan.. Visitors for shut-ins are Mrs. John Hunter and Mrs.• D. A.. Hackett. The treasurers r eport was given . a by Mrs. William.. Huhter,' The .section- al report was read by Mrs. Wes- "ley Ritchie.-. There is to be a re- lief„parcel, of used clothing pac- sent soon to overseas hospitals. Mrs.: Jack , McDonagh agave "a reading, "Challenge .of this Re membrance .Day" and Mrs. •Rus- sell Swan a reading, "Remem- brance • Day:” The last chapter of Sagebrush Surgeon > 'study book was read by, Mrs.....-Gor- don rs...• -Gor- don Kirkland: Mrs: Kaiser closed . with • prayer.' • The' December meeting. will be held 'on Wed_ nesday at 2 p.m. at the • home of Mrs. George, . Hunter. a Message." . As we'. •are Christ's twentieth century .disciples' it iS "M- :dear 1l have told you our .:responsibility to spread His.y Y u time' and time again • there. is ,only one woman. in the 'world for . me;" exclaimed the 'exasp- erated husband. message. • Miss M•° Rae favoured with a :° r•eacting• "Thoughts .or. Remembrance.": Mrs. ,Robinson commented On. a record of "1 .. know'„ replied his wife, Christmas ;carols she had re- "but . You Haven't. told me who ceived from her .daughter F°Q• she"' Shirley • Robinson , now.. • serving in France. It 'consisted of 'carols, used in various western Euro,. pean countries,: "and she called on Mrs. Suter who gave a - very good •explanation 'of ach .as`well as'• various Christrrias .customs observed : in these countries. The :record was then played and • due' to Mrs. ':Suter auction we s exp I it Mock , The Mrz- enjoyed , Very u ha +.b pah eneder iction' closed the 'meet • ing , and ,,•a social time enjoyed. United Church ,Explorers ' The third Yneeting:.of the Unit- ed �• Church Explorers was held • on: November •9th. The .• meeting was 'opened with the ,Explorers purpose. • Mrs. Whitby.. read : the '• story • of countries. in'. Africa.' In. '• the -business ' .period .;Elliott Whitby read the minutes.' Mari- lyn• :Henderson. moved • that the minutes be adopted as read,: • and •Ricky.' Pritchard seconded •'it. Ross • Hanamasked : for roll call: Betty' Mathers read: the treasurer's= report. ,.In the craft period: we , copied the Explorers prayer,, . purpose ':and• .motto. Cangside W.M.S. Auxiliary The November, meeting of the Langlside Auxiliary met at, the home ' of • Mrs. • Elmer Scott. Mrs. .Lloyd Moffat, •`the .president pre- sided. ..The • scripture , was read by 1Vfiss Emma Richardson, with the meditation • "The Greatest Love," ' . given by ,Mrs. Gordon ',Wall. Mrs. Ebner Scott led in,• prayer. A missionary letter ficin, the Malcolms 'i•_ri Formosa :was read. by Mrs. Farish Moffat: Mts.. Arnold Scott read'' a : letter of thanks for literature • sent t� Western. •Canada, The election of" officers was - held with . the following officers\ ,'elected: Pre- sident,. pre- sident,Mrs. Lloyd Moffat; vice-. president, Mrs. , Gordon.. Wall; secretary, Mrs.,' Wesley Young;. treasurer, Miss Emma• Richard- son; Welcome . and Welfare;. Mrs. William Orr; Home' Help - erg' Secretary,A Mrs. Everitt Whytock; Literature and 'Lib-, • Lary,*iMrs. Arnold•Scot; Glad Tidings, Mrs.. Charlie Tiffin; 'Children of the Church leaders, . Mrs.' Everitt Whytock and Mrs. Charles Tiffin; Supply secretary, Mrs. Elmer:',Scott; Auditors, Mrs. William • Orr', ,Mrs. ' G. Wall; ' Press secretary, Mrs. G: • Wall. • The next meeting ' will be held at the home ,•of Mrs. Ar- noid Scott The • meeting closed With. prayer and a •dainty• lunch I 'Was served; by the, hostess.. 1 yT1T 1 J. T NTEEP. INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES THE PREMIEN 1RUSi COMPANY • DISTRICT OFF1'CE, 428 Richmond:Strtet, London, Ontario. GE: 4- 716 •:P. S STEWART. - BROKER ,Lucknow — Telephone 8: 4 oae aoid a 440-0i k Freel Marie Fraser's new "BazgarSpecials" recipes: Write todayl DAIRY !' ' AR1fY1tR>R OR' CANADA 409 Huron Street; Totonto •% STORAGE in a hump ..THE HUMP ON THE CAMEL'S :BACK • .may look strange, but it serves a.prac- :tical purpose. On the desert, the camel •.must, gd without food and water for long,periods of time. But he isable to. . store,nourishment inhis hump.sufficient t� tide himself.over, the. lean days that might lie ahead. There are' apt to•be lean dayS for every- ..i dne.. Life insurance can help tide, you 'Over many of these for it, provides cash • at times of greatest need. A Sun Life insurance program, for example,' can safeguard your widow's independence, your children's education, your home and your retirement Smart. Let me tell R.R, 2, Lucknow' Phone *high= 117-w-4. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF 'CANADA