The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-11-11, Page 7wEDNESDAY, NOV.. Ink 1959; THE.LUCKNOW SENTINEL, WeXCHOW, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN News. fr.;ttp1ec.1 I..orHLast Week's: Issue FORMER CLERIC: BURIED AT SIMCOE. Rev, William. John Mumford, age 73, died at• the Queen Eliza:, beth Hospital, Weston, on .Wed- nesday, October 21st. The fun- eral service was .held in St: James, UnitedChurch, Simcoe the • following 'Saturday, 'with burial, in Sin?coe cemetery. Dr. Mumford was minister of Lucknow United . Church from. 1949. to 1952, and Upon. departing' said. it had. "been three. of the happiest years of my Ministry," Rev:` 1Vlumford was to have been the anniversary Minister here this fall, .but took.. ill ".and . in mid. -August underwent surgery Which determined he hadbut a short tame to live. His death oc- curred a few days prior to the. anniversary;- . Mrs. 'Mumford's death occur- redthree years Aga. She was the former' Mabel . Curtis .. of • Peter- borough, andin later years be- came seriously • crippled • by rheumatism, an . afflication •• she bore with Christian patience, and during which she received the . devoted• attention of her husband • Surviving, is a son Donald, a• mathematics professor in , Tor onto, and two granddaughters, A son • Leonard, a .member - of the crew of, the 'Canadian destroyer, Athabascan, lost', his. life in . a naval engagement . off . the . coast of France prior to D -Day: Rev: Mumford. was :born . in England where . as a youth he acted . as a lay preacher, and. teacher before:. being accepted. as a candidate for the, ministry. / He entered' college in Canada some fifty-three years ago.' and received degrees from Victoria: College;' Toronto ,and McGill University; Montreal :. Possessed; of : a . G'4iurchillian use of Words, Dr; • Mumford: was a .forceful preacher • and an energetic .pastor, particularly: at entive • to s'htit-iris. He held pas - orates at ' South River, • Little current Sault t• Ste. Marie, Hain'- Iton, Toronto . and Hagersville, before .coming to Lucknow where • he concluded Piny' years n the ministry and since ;then held less arduous roles; as assis-. ant minister at Fergus, Simcoe end Port Dover.. ' ' L.D,H.S. STUDENTS HELD' HALLOWE'EN DANCE There were many, novel, col-. rful and identity puzzling cos times: at the •Luucknow District High .School . . students' Hallo- ween. party last . Thursday ight.. : • A "record hap," : the. horror Ouse : andlunch, combined for m enjoyable • evening with staff members, Mr. P. W. Hoag, 'Mrs. Hewitt and Mr' V A. Rae in ttendance,. the . latter ; two act- ng as costume judges, The winners, were as •follows: fancy girl,. . Diane Jamieson; ancy, ; boy, Mac MacDonald,• co- mic , girl, Kathleen' Hackett; omic. boy, Jim Watson; fancy: otiple,• Joanne Hunter and Mar- on Reavie;, comic couple, Nancy orster and Barbara' Murrayy. iIGNS . FOR SALE-"No� "Tres )assing 'For Sale" W and "For. tent` signs available at The jucknow Sentinel, phone ''35. MRS. JOHN MILLER ..WILL BE EIGHTY ON THURSDAit Mrs. John Miller. of Lucknow and , formerly of Con; 12, West Wawanosh, will be .eighty on, Thursday,, • November 5th, On Sunday a • birthday party was held at the home of her .daughter, . Margaret, Mrs. Fred MYlcQuilln and • Mr., . .McQullin. Others in attendance included Mr. and • Mrs.. Jack Sparkes. (Muriel) and daughter :Dentia of London; Mr. and Mrs;Alvin Mil -- ler, of Strathroy; Mrs:'.'Eldon Miller, Mr. and .Mrs. Wilmer Nicholson and • Kathy: • of ° Hol- stein, Mr. • and:Mrs Don Camer- on of Lucknow, Miss Lois' Mil- ler, Barry and Ivan McQuillin and Mrs, Miller's brot'her,' Alex (Al) MacKenzie of •Langside. Her son Eldon was unable .to be present as he is' hospitalized in Wingham, , ".Dropping in," unaware' of:•the occasion, Were •' Mr.; and . Mrs:. Fred Cort. of Bruce :'Mines, ,.Mr,, Cart made, his. • home at one time with the Miller family.. WHITECHURCH Mr.' and Mrs, B. Rooney and Ralph- of :Kenilworth, '. Mr', and Mrs. Harry Dowling. and Don: ald • of Harriston visited 'at: • the home 'of Mrs '.A. Dowling; and Laverne': on • Sunday' and all went over'.' and enjoyed a. birth - :day supper at the home of Mr. and :}Mrs. 'Robert Aitchison of Luckriowi 'Mr.: and Mrs. C. 'MeClenaghan and family ` of `Rothsay visited at : the home: of Mrs. George' McClenaghan and: Mildred. Mrs: A E,• Buckton received word 'on Friday ,that .her broth • er, Mr. Charlie . Jones' of Toronto had, passed away- Mr, and, Mrs, .A.•, E. Buckton; Mrs. Tom Mor- rison, .' Mr;. Herb ;Buckton spent Sunday in Toronto; ' • Jack Flanigan spent the week -end With. . cher. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos: Inglis. 1Vfr.: and •.Mrs. Jack . Gillespie and . family of ,Sarnia spent the week -end with Mrs. G.. Gilles. pie. ,.:� • •Ait the euchre. sponsored' by Whitechurch '...Women's yInstitute,: high prizes :went .to .Mrs. Cletus Rettinger and .'Mrs.. Ernie Bee - Croft, . with George 'Fisher,' high; man and Jack Aitchison' second' high. ..Winners at:,• a masquerade' of Whitechurch • ''YPS ' were: best dressed, Marlene Martin, Sandra Fisher, • Arthur Laidlaw and Bryan Purdon ,Best . comic, dies - Sed, "Jean Martin; Gary Chap- man, Thelma ' Purdon, Janice Farrier most • frightening char- atter was. Jack Coultes; Comic dressed lady, Donald, Gaunt. Judges were Muriel Moore; Mrs. k'isher. and Lorne Forster: Games and contests were con- ducted by Raymond Laidlaw and Bevin Tiffin after which a delicious lunch :concluded . with ,pumpkin pie and, ice. cream. Party Proceeds 1101' Jr.. Red Cross Hallowe'en was celebrated with a masquerade on Friday . night at Fordyce School. Prizes, were awarded to Mrs.. E.. Scholtz•• as best . dressed lady; ..'Mrs. E. Laidlaw • •as. best dressed. rnan;. Best dressed couple, Linda Snowden and . Carol Webster; Best Jack -o -lanterns, were Shar nn • and Doris :Rintoul. Mrs. George .Fisherw as comic :gentle- man; .Saron Rintoul best .dres-. ed child; Janiee'Laidlaw as co - PRAY `DEMONSTRATIONS' s lELD AT •HOLYROOD 'b Co.Ral Warble fly spray, de- .a tonstrations for Huron : and truce Counties started on Mon- t day afternoon at the farm of b aek Ackert ' at 'Holyrood.'* . On s Tuesday 'morning a similar •de- �onstration was held at Harvey w [ouston's farm, before moving C Graham. O the Teeswater area, de tock 'commissioner, puty .live e for. the Pro- 1 ince of Ontario was in' atten- ahoe, mic' 'child;, Joanne Laidlaw as est national costume. Many tied s the largest family in costume. A prize" was tobe awarded to he first one to find the teacher tit' no one addressed her as uch. Oldest lady present . was Mrs. Charlie Martin. Judges ere Mrs, V. Emerson, •Mrs. J. onn and. ' Hugh Sinnamon. ' • .A good crowd attended and njoyed the masquerade and unchserved by the mothers in the ' section. The het proceeds l oes to the Jr, Red Cross.. g WON `.K I N`.OSS• PUBLIC. SPEAKING• • • Karen ;Carruthers, daughter of Mr, and Mrs Elliott Carruthers, and a student at Holyrood ;school, won the Kinloss Town-. ship public speaking contest held at Holyrood last • Thursday night.' Her subject was, .:"My Holiday Trip." Karen. represented. Kinloss at the Bruce County . competition held. at Paisley, on Monday night,. 'There were • twenty-two coli=: testants . at Holyrood, andthe judges were Rev. Benson' . Co,: Mrs. `Don.• McCosh and •M•rs: B Anderson, and had their 'work. cut out in reaching a decision, In second plaice was • Marilyn Thacker of •S.S.' No, 1, • (Black- horse), daughter of Nr. .and Mrs. Ronald Thacker. • Other contestants were Diane Hewitt, . Velma Hodgins, N.�a donna' Graham, Carol . MacIntyre, Peter Steer, Andrea ' Adams, DonnieHodgins; Brenda Eckens- wilier, . Sharon Stanley, ' June Ackert, Jean Sutton, Allan Cor- nish, Janet Risebrough, 'Helen Campbell, Michael::: Ritchie, Elaine Murray, Donnie Mc'Gil- " livray, David Wall, Trudy Thomson, Allan Colwell Each • contestant receives' a cash' prize . from. Kinloss . Town- ship ..Council, own-ship.:Council, and Karen Car- ruthers received a silver . 'cup from the Holyrood Women's In- stitute, which was presented by Mrs:• McCosh: • Raynard . Ackert • acted as chairman.' A •;`musical number was . presented by each 'school in the• Township, with•, Mrs.'.' Wm. Scott,' .music supervisor, as ac• co`mpanist. SPOKE HERE .SUNDA• Y:. ON _CHRISTIAN EDUCATION' Rev: Douglas. Lapp, Christian Education field Secretary • for Hamilton :Conference, was .guest speaker at The morning service in the `United 'Church. In the evening he' spoke to ;an informal gathering of Sunday, school tea- chers, officers ' and church mem-. bers, giving an..enlightning hex= planation of the work of Christ- ian education dealing primarily with the work of the Sunday .school ' and mid -week: • youth groups. . The••unit• teaching in the .Sun- day Sun -day school is being emphasized and it 'became. ' evident at. he talked, that locally the newly acquired Church House .will play an ;'impo'rtant' ;.pant, in putting this •program into practice. Tea- chers spoke ` highly of the .facili- ties and opportunities offered in the Church. House classrooms. ZION. Miss `'Peggy :Button ' ;spent 'the week -end' 'i with .,Anne Ritchie. • Mr. and• Mrs: Charlie Scott, of Auburn. .visited ' Sunday with Mr. and Mrs: 'Henry Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Raynard :and boys • visited 'Sunday with Mr and Mrs: Donald Murray,. Sunday School will 'be held at 10:00aim: and church Will 'pe at. 11:00 a.m: for the month of No- vember. • Mr. and Mrs Wilfred .Hackett visitedMr. and Mrs. George Hunter on Sunday: Miss Brenda Breckenridge of Bluevale visited Wednesday af- ternoon with Miss Marlene. Hunter at her home here. Both girls attend Teachers'. College at Stratford. . Buried At South Kinloss The' death of Rev. : 'Donald Nicholson, il'5, occurred'' . last week. He was' a retired. Presby- terian Church minister,' and has a sister living, Mrs. Robert Pol- lock of Kincardine, ' where the funeral service was held at Linklaters with burial in South Kinloss Cemetery.. FRIGIDAIRE IMPERIAL WASHER and DRYER . Regular $689.90..:SPECIAL ; :.. , KELVINATOR AUTOMATIC DRYER. Regular $199.95. SPECIAL , ,, . , ELECTROHOME HI-FI Regular $239.95. SPEChmL $495.95 .. $159.95 HOOVER CONSTELLATION VACUUM C .LEANER Regular $124.95. SPECIAL . �; ,.. , $89.95 EUREKA. 'ROTO: VIATIC VACUUM 'CLEANER . "-, Regular $99.95.. SPECIAL. •.... . . $59.88 ail' Uto,O off Lamps CLEARANCE • SALE OF ALL LAMPS IN STOCK UP ` TO. 40% . OFF LIST PRICE, . • SYLVANIA `21 CONSOLE Regular $349.95. SPECIAL .' , , ; 5 . $269.9. ADMIRAL 21'', TABLE Regular $299.95. SPECIAL ; . $259.95 • . SIMPLICITY. WASHER WITH PUMP and 12 year guarantee Regular $139.95. SPECIAL . ; , .. °$119.95 with trade. moo•_ REEK TV and ELECTRIC Phone 110, Lucknow IN: FINALS FOR OFA TITLE OF .PRINCE Duncan „Campbell: of Kinloss and Madeline Shaaf of Kitchen- er won the second round, of ,the Ontario Federation of Agricul- ture's prince and princess con- test, and qualified for the finals 'at '•Toronto; Major • prize Will be. • a 5 -day trip to :Jamaica. Zone 2, ; ':honours which Dun- can and Madeline' won, , compri- ses the • counties ' of Grey, Bruce, Huron, ' ``Waterloo, 'Perth.'.. and Wellington: Runner-up. to Miss Schaaf was E Irma. Jean: Percy ,of',. Kinlough. In° the. final contest 'the ,•prin cess :award went to Doreen Gar:-` rett of Denfield, with a Peter - 'bough County eter-'boughCounty youth, . ' being' chosen as .prince. -INTERESTING .PROGRAM. AT FOWL SUPPER / Some 600 people. were 'served at the United Church'• fowl 'sup- per held last Tuesday evening, 1.tri association• with the;.anniver sary. occasion. An interesting . program fol-. lowed with Rev: Gordon'. Geiger as chairman. Slides Were . shown of 'Mr. and, Mrs..Chaa.Bristow's .tripto the' coast;, trumpet ',solo, Guest , Mitchell; , c'horus by • stu- dents of • Miss • Webb's room; guitar selection, Sharon Lowry; solo,, Mrs. •IO1som . of Wingham :accompanied • by' Mr.. Pymrri; Clark's quartette, Bill Harrison,: O. Pollock, Bob Rutledge, Ben Farrel; 'violin solos;„ • Eleanor Reed; . Dr. • James .. Little; :• duet, Dianne Jamieson, Nancy. Forster; Ladies'' trio, Mrs. Davidson, Mrs: Feagan;: • Mrs Olson of Wingham; solo;. Dianne Ritchie. • Have You Ren wed' lour scription? KINGSBRIDGE Mr. Frank• :Sullivan .spent the past week visiting • with rela- tives ..in . Detroit. • ; ,Miss Shannon 'Sinnett and two • girl ..friends •of. -Detroit. visited with . the John Austin: ';family and otherrelatives here over the week -end.. ' We arel ;, p eased to hear � that Mrs... Ed.' Gilmore, is .'now con- v'alescing' at her home after •sev-:: eral weeks' in ,Wingham hospi- tal. Her daughter, , Mrs: ' Hallora of Buffalo has; returned to her home.. f The Earl . Drennan ,farriily spent • the week=end • with ; rela- tives m• • Detroit: ' , ' Congratulations to Mr: • . and. Mrs. Clarance' Doherty uponthe, birth .• of a daughter in Toronto •during • the past week • Mr: Norman O'Connor •and' daughter, Patricia. visited with}. relatives in Toronto . last week- end Mrs. WalterClare, President of the C. W. L. and the follow- ing "members from here, attend- • ed a most enjoyable social • even-' ing as guests of the '.C. W. L. Wingham last Tuesday night,: Mrs:' Leo Courtney, Mrs. Con Hogan, Mrs. Louis Hogan, 'Mrs. Van .Osoh and friend,, Mrs.; Wm: Hogan,. Mrs. Gene ' Frayne, Mrs: Mark Dalton and: Mrs. .Joseph • O'Keefe. Among the week -end visitors' here were Miss .Rose O'Connor:.. and her sister Irene, of St. Aug- ustine, The Jack Fitzgerald fam- ily of Stratford and Mrs: ''Irene Murphy .of Godericht Mr.. anct Mrs: William Berry , and Wayne of :Goderich. .f.........., jYou PLASTIC ' STORM WINDOWS --36x72 and 48x72. i PLASTIC' FOR. ' STORM WINDOWS—heavy & clear by the ,yard. VITA PANE and CELLO GLASS—for Poultry House windows. . WEATHER : STRIPPINQ—all kinds. I MEN'S FALL & WINTER GLOVES AND MITTS i. .CAULKING CEMENT - CAULKING: 'GUNS- 1, inMurdie .z14 Son i I' Need and • We Have 4 Hardware. Lucknow . , ` - -I�c�1ti�.►rHr+,�►,Y�i�,�,,sec+�,�ay�,r�,`Awii�.�.rrv�u�.r+�i���s