The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-11-11, Page 6• PAGE SIX . ..............«.4.o.;D......T....«.o,...‘ I Boxed Christmas Cards' Sugar and Spice By W. B. T. Smiley THE LUCK -14'0W SENTINEL LIJCKNOW ONTARIO'40.1.94"4".44411 BY RUST CRAFT NOW ON 'DISPILAY SPECIAL LOOSE CARDS WITH • "GREETINGS FROM CANADA'? • 1 A New Series in the line that was so popular last year SHOP •••••••••••••••.!.....••04......~...47. What a difference a few weeks can make M this 'country! It is no wonder that Canadians carry ori a deep, lingering, tongue-tied love affair with their native land. Andthey do. Believe. me, they clo,, though you'd never know it by casual obsevations. They may sal1Y to Florida, and Mexico and Eurotte, but most of them would• lgie ...adbeyond en- . durance 4. they were banished :forever from Canada. About.six Weeks ago, We drove, •. , . out • to visit friends at their cot- tage. It was the lush; bosomy end Of summer, and the evening air Was tropical.We slowed to cross theeve r b.. h ir i dt egne t, a 1 la anglers l theersepve ee k -r ePdr e s en t, with fury at the black- little river, and, the birds chortled. • . Along the' beach, golden girls Walked, . and .brown • urchins swain, and fit. ladies Slumped in deck . chairs, arid carspoked around and dogs ran, and people waved • and, water lapped and motors roared. • . . T • . . , LAY -AWAY those..GIFTS now ,for CHRISTMAS.: • wEDNESDAY NOV. Ilth, 1959 left tiny films et Urribach..Pharmaey Phone" 32, Lutl;ow • "YOUR:FRIENDLY IDA DRUGGIW r•••••000+0.#•.~...• INLAY DECORATORS . . . . . and GIFf SHOP Phone 218 tiuclinow .ICINLOUGII cal interest.' . - , • ' ' decided to invite the charter member and past president to the supper. 1VIrs. Bert Alton and Mrs. Jack 'Collinson were elect- ed to be responsible for the program arrangement and head table arrangements for the sup, per. Current events were sup- plied by Mrs. 'Bab Parrish. A. • paper, "Mother mired with com- mon sense" was given by Mrs.. George lliloncrief. It was voted • that the members should • pay $2.00, for showers, presentation, and non-profit events that are held in the Kintail Community Hall. Winners of the . contests were Mrs Bob Farrish and Mrs: Elliott • SandY 1VIrsFrank Maul- Mrs, Bert Nicholson accomp- anied .other members ' of her family on a motor trip to Ayl- mer on Friday where they visit- ed with relatiVes. Mr. Arthur Graham . of. Sault Ste. Marie spent the, week -end with friends -here. Mr. and Mrs. - Don Gillespie and Ronnie moved on Monday to the home of Mr. Arthur Gra- ham at Westford. - • The -HMI. held their Annual "At , Home"- in , the hall on Thursday • evening. Mr. Frank Maulden was Chairman, and the • , following program was given. All joined in singing "The more we • get together" `Piano soles were given by June Ackert,. Madonna Graham, Diane Hewitt, Elaine MUrray, Alex Hewitt den expressed thanks from the When w• e anived, our friends, ans, nobody made any .crude re- • Institte AO :all. who aisisted about a dozen of them sat d marks about what a ' beautItil . . , an i LL Mr. P lk. Mnrrok had, charge and eating dill Pickles and stuff: or anything erraticlike that., We I with the Program While re- lay under a vast, sighing Pine evening. it was, how lucky we just stuffed OUrselves with food of several games Children, Ironi toddlers to jun . ' freshments were being Prepar- tree, ' drinking chilled sauterne were ''t° • live in such a counry,. • The fifth meeting the ler delinquent,. prowled and and drink, not. necessarily in that �f flelyrood Woollen Wonders Was begged bites order, and 'went home.. . . . and squabbled and held at the home of Norma Hal- demanded One ' last ': sWiin, . and .. * *' * laughedand cried and Wet their Maybe we all had too much Elliss Carman, William Wilfred Campbell and Archibald Lamp - man, as •school Children. Maybe we're' just undemonstrative: Big to put in a 'zipper, also how to surely there ii, m nation on the next meeting will be held at - thet' Van Gogh. And the water, dark - the sky With the ferocity of a face of the earth that *loves its country so much* and. Sings about remove Spots from . skirts. Me home of 'Diane .HeWitt. Refresh- ening itsblue, looked up longing- it . so little:. . .. Merits were ' served by the host-. ess.: . ' across it . a ' few scarlet and gold • That's . . lk, and the sun disdainfullyflung .. • *.:i .*• • why I'm #ing ..to 'sing mi.& j. • w. Colwell spent' al !streamers. .. • ' . * .4. * . cracked the voice or . corny, the out onee in a. w e, however denbY:.. 'The 4-H *ledge was re- . • diapers, and bothered their Mums. peated. Roll call, Name your • . material and yeave. Twelve nnem.bers were present . and each girl was taught the proper way • Out .over the lake the sun„ al- most. gone, had a last' mad fling with colours, slashing it .across few •days with Mr and Mr I And. we if:pinged nd. •sipped. tune or bored the audienee. May- Elaine gave her "peech which Mrs. N. E. lialdenby. returned , jeans an , s • 4 feet in . • ans d swint suits, 'be can incite enough people to form at least a quartet.- - • Brenda. Hewitt. Miss Karen Car - Currie Celwell and familv w 1 - • ' :'and Winched, in shorts and bare •• ' • 1, • ?I ws' first in' the public speaking home from ' Wingham. Hospital , contest for Kinloss' Township *here .she Underwent an opera - winning the trophy whih .was tionearlier in the week. , • ... . ,. . presented by the Womens Insti- . Reeve • Harold Percy Attended tute. Mrs 'Harold Haldenhy the County Council at. Walker - favored .with a solo. 'Mrs. Perry ton last week. . , ' • • . • • i Hodgins gave a' reading from the A number from the • 4-H Club .* 4, * Tweedsmuir . book. Mrs. Mc- showed • their Calves at. the Wal- ' Like good Canadians, .we ac - Pherson ' who was the delegate kerton , Christmas Fair. • cepted the splendour of the even - from here gave. her 'report on, We. 'extend • sympathy to . the ing with decent restraint No-' . .. the Area • Convention • of the family'. --of the . late Williambody sang a sonnet to the setting • Grey -Bruce Womens Institutes Brewer Who passed Away slid- sun. NobodY Was impelled to ..' held last week a Owen Sounddenly at Toronto The funeral dance a dirge to dying sin -tuner: Reii. Benson Cox expressed good was held from the W G Church It was admitted, upon the pm- wishes- to - the . instipite.. Mr.. funeral Chapel M ireeswater on ingof one or two of the more • . Mark Johnston favoured with Saturday, October 3ist.- . flamboyant members of ' the . • violin, selections. Mr. RAYnard Mr.' Glen Hodgins has gone to group; that it sure was a swell Ackert 'glowed 'pictures of 10- Newfoundland im a mission trip: night, 'before we 'gathered our kids and went home. shirtless and; wordless, too ' lazy • • and content to get up and go ill, FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY. RINTAH, WI. TO- MARK -even when the sun .took a deell breath and -went. down. like a The November meeting of the bomb, away out .at the end of I Eintail W.I. was held in the the water.. . • • eseNed, . . Agnews* INSURANCE Agency GENERAL INSURANCE Businesi. 39 •• HOWARD .A.GNVIi• Residence 138. . . • 1411111.041.14/4110.4 HAVENS 1 PLUMBING and, HEAING' " ' • . ESSO OIL BURNER SALES AND 'SERVICE ,,,---.....,....„ 1 Phone 74 hOme of Mts. Duncan .Farrish with 15 members present. The Institute. Ode arid Mary Stewart Collect 'were recited. The roll was "How to keep a healthy state of • mind" Mrs.. George Moncrief gave a report on the comrniitee meeting that was to see about ' the "At Home" sup- per. It is to be held at •Reid's Corner hall on Saturday, •Nov- ember 14th: As it is Kintail • W.I.'s 50th. Anniversary it was . • CHECK THESE RATES • SINGLE* 5 OA% italivaito (WO iithruhrhieh) :DOUBLE $Et Hotel EIVIP Broadway a 63rcl *IA* the rGaterniy to Times Squats* 4D. POO rims tic.*** lath AS. CONDITIONING 7V and radio 111:1GesuseiLliadiens Cack,itulildipetililjltestaacesti:IFErntogiphot;I:conY ffye:encsS6P—mat':, wy Bak Skiers. Physician, iightseeitl Mood Ir!oht Plane Reservations; llidio &TV Tickets' • INEW YORK1 23, tat COltpribiis 5-704 Just .the other night we went haik to the same beach for din- ner with some friends at their cottage. The air wa.s fairly curd- ling and the heater felt good. When We reached the little bridge, there were no fishermen, but we stopped to look at the late gold sun on the 'little black rver. And hih, away up, went over •a wavery V' of geese, a lovely sight • , Along the beach, there Was no sign of life in any direction. Just steely water around green - clumped islands; silver sand and black-nd-blue sky, Cottages all boarded up and blank -faced. It wai lonely and bleak and beauti- ful, When We Caneto the •eottae, away down the shore, and, saw the cars and the yellow lights hinin, it was a good feeling.; And inide, there was a great; glowing fire, a warm welcome, familiar faces, and the good rich' smells of rye and turkey and . • P' LUCkil OW Per • MONUMENTS For sound counsel and'a fair mice on a monument correctly designed from quality material, relSr on 4, MEMORIALS • , , Pat O'Hagan,, Prop. • Established Over Siiay. Yeitis • , Walkerton ' phone 018ow • Ontario. ii.INtw•tioIN.I.N.Pttr...N.N.PtIN.070410NP4N07.44ittoW44.4.;:i444.0 WALTER. BRECKLES KINLOUGH, ONTARIO Phone' 1840 RiplcY • • And Again) Ijke decent. Collodi- A • our John Deere Dealer Automotive and Tractor Relrirs Are and Acetylene welding : Machine Work . , Pioneer • Chain Saws, Lawn and. Garden Equipment Ror your bed buy in dietel traCtori, see the ."David Ili‘outa