The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-11-11, Page 4PAGE. FOUR: • • • THE LUCkNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW;, ONTARIO • FOR SALE FOR SALE --two front quarters .of beef. Lloyd Hunter, . phone 64-r-13, 'Lucknow. FOR •BALE — Guelph .'kitchen range, with warming closet • re= servoir, . and . • water front. Jim O'Donnell, Lucknow. FOR SALE -litter .of pigs, ready to wean, Wilfred ' .McQuillan, R. 1, Lucknonw. KEEP DOGS ,from shrubs, rose bushes and' garbage cans, get Ridz dog, repellant at Wm. Mur die . and. Son. , FOR SALE—A Homelite chain- saw, and' a furnace blower with 1%4 horse-ipower. motor. Apply 'Sam Chislett, R.R. 5 Lucknow, phone 179. ' STOVE FOR. ' SALE --Princess' Rose enamel ,cook ,.stove with . good pipes 'and heating drum. A. bargain, Mrs.; R. H. Thompson,, , • phone 109 LuckrioW; PULLETS. 'FOR SALE — .-Last. chance for choice Red x Siissei pullets. 1, months, :laying,: Arnold Alton, 67-r 1,. Dungannon. t WANTED WANTED- TO PURCHASE r -, a good box stove. Apply Raynard Ackert, Holyr ood, , phone ' Luck - now 101-r-13. LOGS WANTED of all kinds. We. also do custom sawing: Luck now Company Sawmill, phone 291 or 268. • COMING. EVENTS ST. ANDREWS BALL • - Keep in mind .St. Andrews ball under Kairshea Institute ' auspices 'in Lucknow on. Friday,. November 27th, Scotch • piping arid dancing. Carruthers orches- tra.' Lunch ,counter' with home- made pie. CARD .PART • :The - Ladies' Auxiliary to the Canadian Legion will holda card party in the Legion Hall, On Monday,. November 23rd at 8:00 p.m. Lunch and prizes. Ad- mission 35c, RECEPTION FRIDAY , reception will be held ,in. the Legion Hall, • Lucknow,• on Friday,' November .13th, ..in hon- our ,of Mr; and Mrs. .Ross Irwin (Beatty Haldenby). Glen Boyd's orchestra. Everyone welcome. MORSE" SAW CHAIN CLINIC Chain • filing •, demonstration, instruction . on care , and main- tenanceof chains. Anyonehaving chain problems, : bring in your saw' and . chain: Everyone wel- come.. Lunch ' ' and 'good . door prizes: Held in Kinloss,. Hall at 7:30 --en Tuesday, : November' 17. Ronald. Stanley, Farm Supplies Phone. Ripley 76'-22. ; • DANCE AT KINLOSS There will ,be a dance. at Kin- loss 1 all (Blackhorse) .on .Fri- day, November 13th. Lunch counter in hall. God' music. Ad- mission 50c. • WANTED—Lady or couple ' to share home. Apply., Box J ; Sen-. tinel Office. , • 'HAIRDRESSER WANTED To' ,work on 50 J' 50 basis' in fully. .equipped shop izi village. Living. accommodations.' Write • Box 265; Goderich, Ontario. FOR SALE -good . table , turnips • in any quantity. 'Jack Van , Osch, • • R. 3 .. Luck now, ' phone 61-r-7 , D.ungannon: FOR washing machine, bed, springs . and. mattress, rang ette and book ''case; all. in good condition; • baby , carriage and combination .car •- bed and car seat; , like , new. Mrs.. Ken' Jardine, phone •227; Lucknow. FOR, ' SALE==1950 Dodge sedan, a Clean smooth . running car: N. • W. '.Winter/stein. • SPECIAL Gurney• combination- coal or wood: ' and gas range. ' Priced for ..quick sale . ` 1 Greer TV and Electric CHRISTMAS CARDS. WANTED ' TO . BUY about 10 tons . of oats or ' mixed grain. James" McNain, Amberley, phone Ripley: 110-r-30. ., :STANDING TIMBER, ,LOGS. • Standing timber • and logs wanted. Highest. prices, cash: Phone collect, Jas. ' T. Craig "and Son, 'Auburn 75. , • OLD HORSES , 'WANTED Old horses wanted at -31kc per lb.; dead. cattle at• value: If dead, .phone at once to: Gilbert Bros. Mink, Ranch, phone, collect God- erich-1483J4 , ori 1483J1.• Personalized 'Christmas Cards. for 'the ' most complete selection of samples with 'your.:naine eprm ted '$ n phone: 35 .or 279. See `the budgetpriced` printed. cards ' at. 40 for $1.50, and.. also . the 'com plete •line :. 'of: boxed , cards : and Chri`stmas•. accessories. Samples will'; be left . at your home for a /period: of time 'for' your inspec- ,tion,. Don Thompson, Lucluiow. AUTOMOTIVE Glass -Steering -Body .Repairs'• Lubrication,, etc. • For Quality Service, ' see DAVIDSON'S ':TEBACO SERVICE • Phone •320 .Goderich No., 8 Highway• PART-TIME. . ' gion. •BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY —� . CASK' BINGO • A cash bingo .will 'be • held in the Lucknow ' Legion . Hall, on Thursday, ;November. 12th: at 8;45 p.m. , 12 regular' games, 3 share -the -wealth games, 12 games for '$1,00,, extra cards ire' 25c ' or . 5 , for $1.00.Jackpot, , of $55.00 will beplayed for 'with, 52. ; • numbers called.: Bingo is • sponsored. by. ' the.•• Lucknow : Le Canadian Distributor has;: local territory available. Men. or wo- men must haver. '10 to 12 hours spare:- time. weekly' to 'fill orders: 'Mist' have' small capital: avail: - able to vail= able..to purchase own inventory. This. is, refundable under Com- •pang's •merchandising .program. Write,:' giving background;' phone number, etc., to HandyPac. Aids, '601 Oakwood .'Ave., Toronto. • DEAD STOCK" ;Farmers,we have the fastest service and highest . prices, 7 days• a week,for.. dead .and `.dis- abled animals. 'Cows and ' Horses, $4. ;each;. good meat 4c a : lb.; . At 'no cost to ' you call long" distance operator; and. . ask for" • Zenith 43900, Lorenz : Dead Stock. Removal, Durham. on. NEWLYWEDS, bring •in. any ern equipment. All work guar= negative.and order thank you.anteed. Louis Blake, R. 2' Brus- r-6 .Brussels. notes :with yourphoto p1•intgd sels,• phone . 42 • . Adds a personal touch to your. •replies and is appreciated •by those receiking them. The For best • buys in tractor tires' Lucknow. Sentinel, phone 35; and any other tires, contact, Lticknow. • Bruce MacIVlillan, Lucknow. AUCTION SERy�. CE, Allan:. MacIntyj re Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow, `:phone 281 PERSONALIZED LA ELS.— 300 with, your name and. address ' in;. plastic dispenser, 'only $1:,. Don Thompson; Lucknow.. . CUSTOM BUTCHERING cutting and wrapping, . meat sold by quarter. For appoiritment phone. 54, 'Lucknow. BUTTON 1VIEAT MARKET SEPTIC'. TANKS Septic. Tanks, cess" pools, 'etc., pumpedand cleaned with mod - TIRES! • • • TIRES!. MEAT FOR ..SALE Good beef o large' or small• quantiti ed . premise d by the Department. 'Of Custom killing. •by 'appointment.:• Cattle killed every d „hogs .every r 'pork: in es:. ,Meat slaughter - ori s inspect( t Health, ay and ; Tuesday • morning. RAYNARD • AtKERT, Holyrood , Ph es' 24-28,: Ripley, and • 1.01-r-13. Lucknow PHOTO CHRISTMAS ' CARDS, this 'year have the photb of your ' family, children, pets, wed- ding, on' a Christmas , Card. Add a personal touch to your Christ= rnas. Card mailing. • Bring .' any negative to . The Lucknow Senti- nel; phone , 35, Lucknow. , ELECTRICAL repair 'work, radios; toasters, , irons, electric fences, anything in the' electrical line. prompt service, reasonable 'prices; Lyons'. Radio Shop, phone 184, 'Lucknow. FIELD TILE Dealer for Martin's • quality tile. 4 -inch tile always on' hand at 6c. Free delivery on 1000 or over,. 'Lorne Eadie, Ilolyrood, Phone 'Ripley 24-9. AUCTION; SALE ;Clearing auction sale of farm stock, hay, grain and imple- ments at the farm of Gordon McGratton, Lot 7, Con. 10 Col - bourne Township, 11/4 miles south and 11/2 miles west' of Nile,, on Tuesday,, November 17th at 1, p.m. See bilis . for list and terms. Gordon MoGratton; prop., borne •McLelland, . Donald B. Blue, Auc,. MORTGAGE SALE of ' valuable WEDNESDAY, NOV, 11th,. 1959. :TEACHER WANTED' • • Qualified Protestant teacher required at once for Lochalsh • School, U.S;S. No;4 Ashfield Township • School Area: R. P. Kilpatrick, Secretary,. • R.R..7, Lucknow. NOTICE On behalf of the Ladies' Aux - 'Mary ,to the Canadian Legion, I wish to express regrets for 'the failure • of the presentation "Running Wild to measure up to our expectations. We wish to thank the cast, chorus girl$and FARM', PROPERTY pianist;. Mrs.,. Jessie Allin, and to stir M PR°PIE ea of land • cP:n ut;n to the citizens ac the Wily be offered .' for sale under foor - any dissatisfaction that may: . and by . virtue ' of, .the powers have arisen: - contained in a certain mortgage. , Sinsen. whichy� w'h" ,will. be 'produced. at the =Mrs .Sadie 1VIaeMllan,• time of sale, subject to reserve. bid, by Public Auction, on • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21st At 2 o'clock can . the afternoon •'at 'the Municipal Offices.in. . Ripley THE FOLLOWThO PROPERTY WILL BE OFFERED . FOR SALE; consi g community and the merchants • . WATERLOO CATTLE.. BREEDING.. ASSOCIATION "Where , Better. Bulls Are Used" Artificial, Breeding Service .�-. All Breeds of' Cattle='" -Member owned. and controlled '— Cost Low Efficiency High — Use 6f 'the best of bulls Disease ,controlled, Safety. For 'Service. or more informa- tion ' ' phone r-- for • long distance Clinton :Zenith 9-5650 or Collect Kincardine 460, between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. week ` days, ':6:00 and 8:00 p.rn..Saturday evenings. Calls received '• on Saturday evening will be serviced on Sun- day morning: For cows in heat 'on Sunday morning, ,DO ' NOT Call until .Monday morning. Better Cattle ' For Better Living All and Singular those cer- tain parcels' or tracts ofland and premises "situate,' lying and 'being in the Township of Huron, . in the County. of Bruce,, and being composed of. the North Halves Of Lots Numbers, Twenty-two (22), Twenty-three (23) : and Twenty-four "(24), . and the' Nor - The regular Health Clinic for therly Ten acres of the . South` pre-school children . and ' infants Half ' of the said Lot Twenty- , ' will beheld in the : Legion Balt four (24), •al1 . in the . First, Con- on Tuesday, from 10;00. to 11;30 November " 17th.. • To Whom , It May Concern Please accept my sincere aoolo- gy for the show, "Running Wild" and . will be 'unable tocontinue c due to circumstances beyond .my control: 1, ANN MALONEY. A Court of Revision ' on the Assessment . Roll ' of Kinloss Township, will .be '' held' at the. • .Township Hall, ' Holyrood, on Monday, , November 16th, ;1959, at 2.:00 p.m. • •J. R. Lane, Clerk. cession of the said. Township of Huron, containing 1:60 'acres, more or less. The property con- sists of 160 acres ' of? good farm ing lands, spring creek. at 'the rear, drilled well • and ' on .the ptoperty is a good brick house in , good state of' repair- and •large barn; :straw• shed and hen shouse.' TERMS. OF SALE: The . property is; offered subject -to reserve bid :and :detailed'.. ‘conditions of. 'sale will be' read 'at the time ' .of ; the sale; if solid,' ten,. per centum .: of the purchase price shall be paid down at the •time'. •of " the sale -and the' balance in thirty days. For. further ' particulars' and conditions of sale, ' apply • to. Donald Blue, , A. H:: McTavish; Auctioneer. Teeswater, Ont., Solicitor for the Vendor. DATED' at.. Teeswater, Ontario, this thirtieth' : day of October, AD. .1959. COUNTER CHECK ,BOOKS—we sell .themsingly or. . in' quantities and :take orders for "books speci- ally • printed to • your;, require- ments.. For . prompt service, phone 15, The Lucknow Sentinel. :DEAD:- STOCK SERVICES HIGHEST .CASH .. PRICES PAID FOR.. SICK, DOWN OR DISABLED COWS: and .HORSES Dead ' Cows . and ..Horses At Cash 'Value • Old Horses=*4c per pound Phone Collect :133 Brussels BRUCE MARLATT ' 24 Hour ,Service,. MALE HELP WANTED Large 'United : States and ..Can- adian Manufacturing . Company requires • district . manager in Kiriloss 'Township: • Exceptionally High' 'earnings. :Guaranteed , re- peat 'business. Automobile. essen- tial. Agricultural or' farming background. most • .important: Sales' training. given. Reply to Box 84, London, Ontario; DEAD STOCK SERVICE HIGHEST, CASH ' PRICES, • / Paid , for •Sick, • Down or Disabled Cows & Horses • • also ' Dead Coves' and Horseys 'at t 'Cash. Value.. Old horses 4c per pound GORDON TAYLOR Phone 44-r-24, Lucknow•° R.R. 2 ' Luckriow "24-hour''servic'e. RY .A.WANT. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS'.LIST Voters' • List, 1959, • Village of • Lucknow, County of Bruce Notice is 'hereby' given that 1 have .complied With. Section 9 of the Voters' Lists .Act, 1951; and that..:i :.have 'posted up at my of- fice at Luckriow, the ••30th day of October, ' 1959; 'the: list. of all persons... entitled '•to. ;vote in the.. said municipality at municipal elections: and ' that such list re- mains. there for : inspection: And I hereby" call upon. all voters /to ;take' ` iminedia-te pro- ceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected `accordnig :to law the last day for appeal be:. ing the 13th . day of November,. 1959.' Dated. this 30th day of Octo• ber., .1959. E. H. .Agnew, Clerk of Village • of , LucknOw. APPLICATIONS Applications will ; be received 'by .the undersigned until • Satur- day, November '14th, for the po- sition of :wingman • for. the • Kin- loss Township. snowplow at an hourly rate of 80c. Elliott Car- ruthers, R. 3. Holyrood, Kinloss Twp: Road Superintendent. • I N MEMORIAM ERRINGTON —'In loving mem- .ory of our dear parents, mother,' Oleva Jane Errington,' ' who pas- sed. as:sed• away November 19th, 1948; and •father,. David S. Errington .. who passed' away July 6th, 1952. ' Remembrance . is,,a,„golden chain,: Death . tries to ak but all in .vain; To .have to love arid then to part •Is the greatest sorrow of one's heart, , , ` The years .may wipe '.out. many ' things But this they Wipe' out never The memory of those happy • days, . When we were all together. •Ever remembered and• sadly; missed by daughters andsons. nston for; FIRST• QUALITY:; MEATS • MAKE . IT A HABIT•; to take advantage of our weekly feature of ,quality meat at money -saving 'prices, and as well , compare, our every 'day prices: This Week -end We Offer Smo,ked Picnics lbs