The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-11-04, Page 3WEDNESDAY,. NOV, 4th, 1959 • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONT'ARIQ PAGE TURE6�. For the fam.iiy THE POPULAR BORG• o in short jackets and full length in . Norlamb, 'Normink, and Norbeaver.. 1. • HEINZ KETCHUP .. Save 5c, 1.1oz.. btls. i .., 2 for 45c • KELLOGG'S CORNFLAKES. 12: oz. 4 for,,$1. KELLOGG'S SPECIAL "K" 6 oz. ,.:,P,,,.',,. .:..,.,, 4 for $1; KELLOGG'S 8oz. .. ♦ '. EXTRA . LEAN ' MINCED BEEF, Fresh; ground, lb. , ., a , . M,'..' 39c • THE ALL WOOL COATS are mostly classics, simple ' in details and • styling. Colors,' brown, green, . charcoal in smooth cloths in a wealth ' of material. _ V KLEENEX ECONOMY SIZE.: TISSUE Pkg. of . 400 .. .., 29c q. CAR COATS many 'styles and, colors for boys, men and: women,•• KELLOGG'S SUGAR :SMACKS, 4 for $1.• DRESSES For afternoon and evening ; wear --- just ' arrived for school parties. Shimmering .velvets, brocades, tweeds, and wools in many tones. Priced from ,• • $9.95 to $25.00 SWEATERS and SKIRTS: Orions, Banlons and . Wools 'in sweaters to mix and match with the ' ever wearable pleated skirts..' Local & General: Miss. Annie MacLeod returned home 'last • week after seven weeks in. the Wingham Hospital.. After ,her discharge .she spent: a :week in London withher sis- ter,' ThIVIrs. ister,'..•1VIrs. .Bert Bain and Mr.' Bain. • , ; 'Mr. ' and. Mrs. Wallace_ Hoge - boon[' and •children visited' • with Mrs, Albert : Alton and other members ' of the family.. Mrs. Alton' returned with -them for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. A: W. Hamilton have' returned ; from, a trip' to Western Canada, ;visiting at Regina . , with their . daughter, Mrs. tlark and Cpl: T. D. Clark and family. Mrs.' Philip ` Stewart 'spent the .past two weeks with Mr. ;.'and 'Mrs. Lloyd Stewart and ' Mr. and• Mrs. Jack Wilson of Hamilton and: Oakville and a.''•day in To- ronto .with her .sister, Mrs. E. .A Reynolds. • • LUCKNOW`. •• i UNITED CHURCH Minister:' Rev. Gordon. R. Geiger, .13A., SUNDAY; NOVEMBER Still i 10:00 a.m.. Church School Beginners th'�nets rn e : Church • House. i •11:00 am. Divine Worship . I Rev. W. H. H. 'Norman, B.A.; - R.D.,. 'S.T M:, missionary on furlough from 2 Japan will be Our guest. i Visitation Cornmissioning Nursery, in: the Church House Thought For The Week Christian action is evidence of , true religion. Lucknow Presbyterian. Church Minister: • .Rev, Wallace McClean SUNDAY, 'NOVEMBER .8th 10:00 a.m.. Sunday School 11.00 a.m. Guest Preacher . REV.. CALVIN ' MACKAY of the .Free . Church 4f' Scotland, • , 3:00 p.m tingannon. Mr. and Mrs. Roderick •Fraser. 'of Pleasant .Bay, Cape', Breton,: are visiting their cousin, Calle - 'rine MacGregor of town and other relatives.. THAT Donna ' Greer, daughter :.of Mr. • and ,'Mrs.. Clarence Greer; observed her .4th birth,:. day last week,' and. on Eriday •.;had a few •little friends at .a' • birthday party, THAT the November session of. Bruce County CounciL opened at..Walkerton,' on'•Monday night • with Warden George Joynt presiding. -THAT Mrs. Charlotte Thompson has returned to her home . at: Holyrood from Victoria Hos pital,: where .:she was a 'pat- ient for several. weeks and underwent major. surgery. Mrs. :Thompson, is .in' her. .86th, year, and has been . confined to a wheel chair for :several . years due to a rheumatic condition. ENGAGEMENTS Mr.. and Mrs:.Hector • MacLean of R.R. 3 Goderich, announce the engagem'ent'' of their daugh- ter Lois, :to Mr. H.. Ernest' Mac- Creath.,of Kincardine;` son. of Mr. Matthew'` MacCreath of Kincard- ine and the 1 -ate Mrs. MacCreath. The marriage -will :take . place • in Ashfield Presbyterian Church on: Saturday,: November .21st. Mr. and • Mrs. Robert . Lyons wish to announce , the engage- ment of, 'their daughter, ':Marg- aret °Marg-aret Rose to: Mr.: William Gordon, Neabel,`. on 'of ••. Mr. and Mrs. William . Neabel, all • of Lucknow. Marriage to take place 'the lat- ter' part ,of Novem:ber:. RED CROSS 'WORKERS: MAKE' 500 ARTICLES IN ,YEAR A' faithful band of workers still continue • to. make ,supplies for' the Feed Cross and' 'during the year, some, 500 articles have been made, • The following• supplies shave, been .'shipped from the Luckriow and. Vicinity Branch to the Ong .tario Division headquarters: 20 layettes, 25 pairmen's socks,' 2.5 girl's ,sweaters, '20 pair boy's pajamas, 16 quilts: • • The ' Work Robin Committee has now on 'hand supplies for the new quota; Thosewishing sewing or knitting please apply to Mrs: E. McKim' (sewing); Miss Emma McClusky ' (knit- ting). • . The 'Committee has also reeei-•. ved a large quota of dressings for nth Blood . Donor Clinics. These will be made in the Work 'Rooms early in 1960. • • REV, CALVIN .MacKAY • • „(Continued from page 1) He .became' . known hi .' Northern Peru, [where he spent most. of his tune: as, "el Caballero' Pro= testante" (the Protestant ,Gent- leman). For the past''•ten years he has :served ashospital chaplin in; In. 'verness, ' and has been granted leave of . absence so that' he and Mrs. • MacKay may enjoy '• a visit to Canada, the trip being given'. thea[ by their family of five children: ' Mrs: Dr. Lloyd . .of Auckland, New Zealand; ,William' ,of , Sutherland, S'egtland, ..who held an important 'post .in ,the Colonial service in 'the Gold Coast leading' tip •to the forma= tion 'of Ghana; Mrs. T. C..Ross; of Winnipeg; Mrs. B.: C. Sime;' of Calgary; John . 'Calvin; Jr., who was with.. the ' Intelligence service during . the . war, ;and is now an: entomologist in London: 'Rev.' and Mrs. MacKay • carne. to Canada on the' Empress of Britain, and have visited from Montreal ' .to Vancouver . since .arriving. They , were met in. Montreal, by his brother George who: is in construction work in Halifax, andwho remained in Canada when the family went to Scotland early in' the 'century, 'A brother' William since died in Saskatchewan. Rev. MacKay . has four sisters, Annie• MacKay who has been a medical missionary in • 'India i*'cIer101 LADIES' and MEN'S WEAR FASHION MILLINERY "Lest We Forget"'. , mbrance Servic in LUCKNOW PRESBYTERIAN .CHURCH at 1.0:00 .a.m. EDNESDAY, NOVEMBER Followed by the Cenotaph ceretnony and placing of wreaths/at .11 :00 a.m. Legion and Ladies Auxiliary members, Veterans,, <Scouts, Guides and Brownies are asked to join in the parade and to assemble at the ,Legion; Hall at 9:30 a.m. POPPY BLITZ TRIS FRIDAY NIGHT ;Buy : • And. • Wear A Poppy ; In Remerubrance • pf , . • LUCKNOW' BRANCH CANADIAN LEGION ON No. '309 The MacKays. , visited.. at North 'Mr. Dave •:Andrew of Calgary Bay. with Mr.. and . Mrs.': Harry ` was a caller in town this week Torrance, and Harry/ brought and visited at the home of his; them to Lucknow. sister, Mrs. Gordon. 'Kirkland. since 1921., and is presently on •:• • furlough in Scotland; Catherine; ,. f of 'Dundee; Mrs. William Allen GODERICH (Grace) of Belfast. northern Ire- PARD TFIEATR2 N I i land' and 'Mrs. Mar Urquhart of• Dingwall, Scotland., , • At Winnipeg, •arnong those- . they/ met, Was Miss` Kate aVlcNab,, who taught .John Calvin, as • a lad at the second concession .school. Lyceum Theatre a tNGHAM Two shoals each night First at 7.15' • Thursday, Friday, 'Saturday:,' ,Noveraber 5, 6, /. DOUBLE BILL Louis Priina. • , Keely Smith • • ' in. ` f, "HEY' BOY, HEY GIRL" '. and Robert Knapp , ' .Tana Davi in . "GUNMEN FROM LAREDO" - ow. Playing-- , The Wild And The Innocent" n - i, color with Audie Murphy and Sandra Dee. ! 'I 1 1 1 . . i : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, November 9, ' *10, : 1 - George Bernard Shaw's ' ' I j "THE DOCTOR'S DILEMMA" i In•. Eastman .Color ' :. , A ' Brilliant screen version of the 'famed Shavian is drama —' in which, a' doctor .is. forced. to choose which I ofthe two patients he 'will save. Leslie ,Caron Dirk Bogarde and Robert Morley Thursday, Friday, .Saturday, November 1'2, 13, 14. ,Debbie Jileynol4s :-r, TonyRandall` and Paul' Douglas If you crave an evening of undiluted FUN you'll never have a better .excuse to come out to a Movie! I • ..'THE MATING GAME" Scope and . Color 7. • • • • ,. • • • j. Coming -- May Britt as. '`The Blue. Angel" Adult `Entertainment.