The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-10-28, Page 16r D THE T.uCKNOW SENTIl`TEL LUCE-NOW, ONTARIO N 71. t?�r: [ ;s. i, 7.4 • u aU....0 Frogs An old Fable tells the story .. of several boys idly throwing stomas at a group of frogs in a pond,'Boys," complained one of the kgs at last, "this may be fun for you but. it's death fore' o,. '1+oo often we dothoughtlessthings without consideration for .others—for example, spending our money solely for pleasure without regard for our family's. future. How muchbetter it would be to provide for that future through the medium of Sun, Life of Canada's modern life insurance policies.. Lif. iniuroncs'is my profession and l am at your ,vioa why. no!' eau els today? ' You will be under 'no obligation. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA R.R. 2, LUCKNOW LEARNIIITG 'LASSIES • MELD' ; SECOND MEETING The second meeting•uf the Col- wanash Learning Lassies was held, at :the home of Mrs. Ella Hackett on Wednesday, October 21st. We 'began the meeting with the 4-H : pledge which 'was followed by the roll "call Susi S ANDERSON S .. ' and Men's W Ladies ear -85 Fashion Millinery. BRIDAL.' GOWNS FORMALS Kihahan 'phone •Winghanr: 717--w-4 \KINTAIL• NATIVE DIED IN TORONTO 1V NE•SD; OCT.•, 28th,, .19$1: R........ a nnrx.lNSON, HAROLD A. CQ LINSQN The death of Harold A; Col- lnson, formerly of Kintad,' •oc- curred in Toronto on Wednes- day, ' October 21st, about ten: days after .' he had undergone surgery for'. a ruptured appen- dix. He was , within two •week's of his 53rd birthday: Harold was born at ' Kintaii on. November 4th, 1906, and, was one of . four sons:" of Mr: and Mrs. • 'George Collinson; Has mother is the. former Effie Mc Whitney. Harold was a veteran' of World' • War: II, 'having enlisted • in Tar - onto. He returned , toGodeirich briefly at the end of 'the ,• war and 'since then . has resided .in Toronto„ ' where 'he • was night despatcher for theConsolidated Truck. Line, • Following 'a funeral .service. fn ,Toronto,. the remains were. brought to the Johnstone •Fun eral Home, , where service' was conducted' on Saturday ;after- noon, by Rev: Neil McCortnbze • of Ashfield Presbyterian. Church. Interment was in Greenhill Cemetery, the pallbearers being Elwood ' Drennan, Aubrey Col- lins, Bob 'Simpson,' John . Mc- Kay, Joe • O'Keefe, Bill Mac- Donald. ' Mr. 'Collinson•. Was predeceas- ed by •phis•. father. Surviving are his widow, the ' former ' Alice Membrey sof,' -Toronto, 'a. daugh ter, Mrs. Bert Stafford (Shirley). of • California; his mother ' and . three brothers, Alvin who is sailing, 'and' John and William of ness was discussed and Mrs.. Ritchie then 'gave us some notes. At this ' meeting. ` all made hat standards. Mrs: Hackett ' served lunch. All the girls in this club were present. TRY 'A .*ANT KAIRSHEA '4-H CLUB GIRLS: MET: SATURDAY ' • 'The' third meeting of. ,the Kair., shea 4-11 Homemaking Club was yheld' on Saturday at SS. No. 6 Kinloss School After openings with ;'the , :4-H pledge, the roll call, "a woollen. material and its, weave," was answered by 11 members. Notes were taken and the meeting 1closed with the cutting ou patterns. • /.t• of: •McDONAGH' —• ADRIAN • • A pretty •fall wedding was ed as maid .of 'honour. Her . dress. the Kintail district.soemz 1 ni ed in Knox Presbyterian- was a so • READER'S DIGEST OFFER '. You can' take advantage of a 26% reduction in the price. of Reader's Digest. ' NEW . r RE- NEWAL, ; . we will take ' your `subscription for one year for $2.97. The regular , price is $4. Don't <' delay;: take • advantage of this special ' offer and.: also .do you' Christmas gift shopping now..A' gift card will be sent.. Don Thompson, The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35. Back`�foranother Seasorit ADIO r ._ Provocative' and lively' discussion of agricultural problems. Starting Monday, November 2nd, 8:30 pro. with this special broadcast E SWIALL FARMED SPEC/AL GASP •A90-rninutebroadcastfram the Anhual; Meeting of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture. CBC RADIO -NEW SIGHTS -NEW' SOUNDS y, Church; Teeswater,• on October.beautiful :'shade of red fox, and: 10th at 3 p m when Bessie styled along; . princess ., , lines, •the bribe of Barry Alexander ' boat neckline. Her tiny feather • Marie Florence Adrian became, bracelet length sleeves 4 and a t h . She 1Vlc,Donagh . The bride is : the hat was:a matching shade. , arles Steel,• R.R. carried: a nosegay of bronze niece of Mrs..' Charles • 3, Teeswater, and the groom the, mums' and carnations." • . son of Mr. and Mrs. John ' Mc -:I Harold •Elphick, R.R. - 3 • Luc J � as best. man,and Doragh,• R.R. 3, Lucknow.: now, attended The double .ring ceremony was ushers' Were Ross McDonagh, performed d b . Rev. T. J. McKin brother of: the groom .and ' Dun- ney, Y ney, minister of the church,' can Moffat. which was beautifully decorated' The wedding, music was play with baskets of • multi -colored ed iby Mrs:. R. :H King. She • fall flowwers. t :sang:, "The Lord's', Prayer". be The (bride,' given in marriage fore the ceremony and : during by William Steel, was lovely in• the signing of .the register "The' turquoise blue velvet The dress Wedding Prayer." ' „had a scoop neckline, bracelet length sleeves, and a full skirt caught at the : waist m a draped cummerbund.. effect. Her head- piece . consistedon a tiny feather hat the same shade as her dress. •She carried a. bouquet of white carnations and stephanotis cas- cading from ribbon streamers. Miss Bettye Ann Stobo attend - e A wedding dinner was served in . the, church parlour at. 4;30. For a wedding trip to Northern Ontario the bride wore a pale blue tweed suit with white ace cessories and carried', a short fur jacket. Her corsage was pink. .carnations to complete the en- .. semble. The young couple . will reside m. Lucknow. %�..' Cute Courtesy' Advance -Times United '• Church Explorers' 'meeting with the Explorers The . second meeting of tide' Prayer. Explorers was opened with the• -• Explorer- Purpose. All members MAGI' MARKERS, two;Prices next `sang .".Thisr My, Fathers 'toM choose ficom,,`' eight colours; World:' Mrs. Murdie ` read the '.teen time hasty notes ' for the .story "How the ,:Bible came into • teenager, real cool, 25c; thank Being:" • Secretary Elliott . Whit -.!'you notes, large .selection, 25c; by read the minutes. They were.' file. folders; .'4c 'each;' receipt adopted by• . Joe -Ann Conley. Ibooks, 15c; carbon 9aper,-•Wed' Sharon Whitby seconded this ding place cards, wedding thank, motion. The business discussion .:you notes, all types of greeting was about'•selling • Christmas cards at all prices;' A' Complete cards and calendars. Betty' .ma -Stationery Supply ,at The ,Luck• there moved that Roy Button be ;• now Sentinel, 'phone - 35, Luck- • press ' reporter: Barbara Camer- '+ .now: on ' seconded 'this motion.. Tress- tirer,�Betty. Math'ers took up the offering. Our 'project.' was start -.I Have You Keir .vv.: r`i1`• '"i1.. ed after business. We closed our scription7 iAONUME;NTS ,or Bound counsel and •a fair pri':e on: correctly designed . from quality' rely un . • SKE.LTON MEMORIALS • a 'monument material, :Pat O'Hagan,. Prop: Established Over Sixty Years , Walkerton .. Phone 638 - Q1ftA�'i° -W