The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-10-28, Page 9os- di- ale on. rs- wo er- lYn , . Ige lay las. • last .•• sed Tfl- 1rs.. 10, , Kiri �fthbye his lac-. WilJNESDAY, OCT. 28th, 109 • t, • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE NINE . FAIR WINNERS ear. The *had 6 poin In this issue we finally t om- points, . . 8 ts, And- colored snaps, :Mrs. McCharles; I Mrs. Kirkland, Mrs. IVIODiarrn.id; bare Nelson, Barbara Broak; rew Gaunt was second with 46 snaps, Mrs, McCharles IVIrs Ar -1 African violet: Mrs Luther Mrs. Flowers nold; aluminum traY, Mrs. Luth-, , Hunter, Mrs. Arnold; cactus Asters, Grace McDougall,• . 'FINE' ARTS • er, Mrs. Salkeld, 'Mrs. MoChar- ! collection, Mrs. Murray Mrs. ' Harold Menary, Larry Hunter, , • Landscape oil painting, - Mrs, les; •copper article, Mrs. Salkeld, Hun,ter, Mrs, Arnold; fern, IVIrs„ Barbara Nelson; zinnias plete the printing of the Fall Fair prize list. For the most Points, in the livestock. classes.W. A. Culbert and Sons won the silver tray, subject to not having won ,a Omilar prize at another fair this Oliver McCharles, Mrs. Roach; Mrs. Kirkland, Mrs. Luther; Arnold, Mrs. McDiarmid,, Mrs, are Nelson, lidbert McMillan animal,. Mrs. Kirkland, Mrs W novelf . W. ies, Mrs. " Salkeld, Mrs, Hunter; geranium, Mrs'. Hunter, Harold IVfenaly, Joanne Hama-. G. Hunter, Mrs. McCharles; Heirn,pel, Mrs. MeCharles; tooled Mrs: Arnold.; tuberous begonia, ton; Cosmos, Wendy Emberlin, Mrs. MtC4arles; poster, leather —Work, Mrs. S. Hunter, .Mrs. Luther;' other. begonia, Grate McDougall, .Anne Ritchie, eimPel, Mrs, McCharles; Mrs. McCharles;• carved. leather, Mrs. Luther, Mrs. 'Arnold,;Mrs; Janie Elliott; Annuals, Wendy SEE.OUR -FULL SELECTION OF • • • .s. . . . . :•••••••••••m•m•m•:-:c"i1::::::::::::',.i:::-.,:mn,:::::::".""Miv::g..?•:;:;%"Kw.**:..:;":".:."?:::."."."",..:."?.,,:•,"•!”?".v1;•::4.",:.:,,kr."1. .410-1. . •••.: $.!:::?:$ . . • We havg, complete up -to. date stock of• KITCHEN SIJITES ..• . . IN BOTH CHROME AND' PHENOL ranging in price from $75410 up including large table and six chairs • ' • . . • . We ,will be glad to show you our complete stock of furniture at no obligation. :SHOP .iAT HOME FOR • BEST QUALITY; . . •• .LoWgsr PRICES. McLentlan Kenzie ac Phone 181 Lucknow Mrs., Luther, Mrs. McCharles, Minter; coleous, ' Mrs. Hunter, Emberlin, Harold Menar3r, Wil - Mrs. Heimpel; tally cards,. Mrs.i Mrs. 'Youivsma, Mrs. Arnold; ma Eskritt, Ann 'Ritchie; Peren- .1VIcqharles, Mrs. Ileinipel; place living room . arrangement, C. nial'S, Wendy .Erribarlin, Elaine card, Chas. Bristow, YIrS. Heim- B-ristow, .Mis. Salkeld, Mrs. ,Murray; African Marigolds, R0S- pel, • Mrs. IVIeCharles; necklace Youwsma; gladioli collection, C.; aline Phillips; Ken Phillips, and earrings; Mrs. Heimpel,,Mrs. Bristow; ' Sehmrel special, most. Betty Schneller, Wendy Ember- McCharles, ' birthday table, Mrs.' points, C; Bristow 89, Mrs Lorne lin; French Marigolds, Robert Kirkland, Mrs. McCharles; pastel Luther, 53,„ . ", IVIeMillan:Anne Ritchie, ,Graern:: ' landscape, 4VIrs, —MsCharles IvrI's. °. 5,CHO01, CHILDREN'S' DEPT. 111:41•Qtt, W4Ina Eskiltl; miliri;j . Grace , McDougall Da PLUWEE,S _: ., • - I • . , . .1.it,Ir„ • fowl,' Doug • las . Alton, i G41...m' i!e..; caa'as Diane , An' gex,.. Asters, pin..14, Mrs. , 1,,.eivisixia,,... ..liciLd', .in ja•3/Tiffial:t4r Bantams - Ray. ,.'_,_. ie• 'Ell°' tt• '' ;,•pigeons,,i. • ,, , .Crafts and Hobbies . • Ws.. S . Hunter, Mrs. A: Martin; -- .. • -- • • . ic) ' 1 TVI.odel in •plasticine, • Illigh:: • • Blake • Alton; rabh:ts Lynn white, C. i3ristow, Mrs. Yotiws- - Clayton, RaY ; Elliott; Gitinea • Boak, Michael : gskritt, Garry MitChell, •. Bill,/ . -- ma, Mrs. Hunter; purple, Mrs. ' McDiarrnid, Mrs. Ritchie, ' Mrs. :PI- * Courtney; Law.i - • .c! Jamie- Elliott; pet,' Jamie ornament, Jack • McInnes; 'Otho ,youysma; cblie.•ction,. .mi7s. you- Elliott; ,•cat, Graeme •Elliott, ISO, • ,•wood article, Joanne Conle.:,-, wsma, ;Mrs. B: Alton, 1V101V1illan, Karen: • Ellibtt, , • Mrs. Sal'. 11.;141d Elliott; dog, June Ackert, . Wayne Susan Arnold, Betty Marriott, •- keld; cactus dahlias, Mrs, Mai- i Wayne . • Stanley, Ray "Elliott, •Jarnieson; Embroidered Um, . C. Bristow; Mrs. Luther;article, Karen Carruthers, Jure ' show dahlias, • C. Bristow, Mrs: '1,., ;,.. Dianne Anger, •, Ackert, Sandra Cameron, Ma - Martin • Mrs: Luther; dahlias A: Ila' . . - 1 donna Graham; School Pennant; .. ' ' • ' Spy apples,Donald Andrew • _ _ from seed; C. Bristow; Mrs. Mar; r 1 i Murray Johnstone; , Accident .... , Paul Hamilton, • • Bob , Garbut, 'tin; collection, Mrs Luther, mrs. poster, Donna Button, Sherry, Donnie Hodgins, Russets, Eve - R. Oammie, Mrs. Martin; galdi- lyn , White, Ain Arnold, ! Jardine; Dianne Hewitt; Health • oli, red, C. Bristow; White, C.Bob poster, Madonna Graham, 'Eve- garbut, Wilson Carrick; , Fall .iyil: White, 1.,inda Bristow; yellow, . C.: Bristow, ;Little, Sharon mauve, .Mrs. Luther, C. Bristow, apples, Larry Hunter, Susan, O'Donnell; Fair .13i)Stel, °Sharon • Arnold, Donald Andrew, Fred- c011ection, Mrs. ,Luther! C. "Bris- 'I Courtney, Mac Conley, Micha,a die Phillips; Pears, Donald 'And -‘t tow, African Marigold; C. Brig- ;Ritchie,. Jdhn *Charles. tow, Mrs. Luther, Mrs- Hunter; rew, Larry l'Iwiter, Rosalene ' SoCial Studies .• i: Fiench,..Mrs. Martin; Mrs. Hun, Phillips, , Bob Garbutt; 'Pliims,4'.. Explorer map', Madonna *Gra- ter, Mrs..B. Elliott; giant zinnia, • Bernard.. Campbell; '. Tomatoes,1. 1;ain-_, , 141da Little,• Susan • A....- . b G b tt D. Kirkland.; A nimals, Mrs, Mc,Char-• • ° roam • . Nancy Kirkland Larri C. 'Bristow, Mrs. ,Salkled, Mrs: .Ritchie; pony porn, Mrs. Luther, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs, Salkeld; *col- lection . annuals, IVIrs. Salkeld, C. Bristow; ,rosea, Bristow, Mrs. Hunter, • Mrs. Garrimie; coffee table arrangement, Mrs: Salkehl,. C. BriStoW, Mrs. Garrunie; ''din- , w , ; nold, Margaret Taylor, • Britis a Ken Phillips, Joan Percy. • Vegetables, ' ' 'Isles map, Marianne MacDonald, ' Ronald Beecroft, South Ameri- - Beets; Jean Sutton, Ann Ar- ca, SS. No: 4,Kinloss, Brenda • nold, Susan 'Arnold,. , Freddie 1 Eckensiviller„ Sharon Stanley, Phillips; • Carrots, Patricia Car- 'Ann Arnold; Picture . Story, Wil- . iick,. Robert McMillan, Laurine ma '.. Eskritt, ,Elaine Murray; Morrison, tuck Morrison; On- i Sandra$Fisher Barry Taylor. . ing table,' Mrs. 'Salkeld C. Bris- • ions, Murray Morrison, Tom Science • ' • . tow, Mrs. Kirkland- calendula, Broome, Bryan Gammie,' Bob ' Spatter work • Jane Joynt' Mrs. Ritchie, Mr. Luther, Mrs. Garbutt; Potatoes; Anne Ritchie, ; Barbara Cameron; Barbara Salkeld; petunia's, • C. Bristow, Mrs: Luther, S. E. • Robertson;. petunia collection, C, Bristow, Mrs. Hunter, MrS. Luther; •nast- • Hugiiie . Eskritt, Janne Elliott, Hthnphrey, 'Wendy MacKenzie; . ;Robert McMillan; , Cabbage, Ton, Leaves collection, Larry Bunter, • 'Broome, Laurine Morrison, Don-' Doug -Johnston',. Ann 'Arnold , . .. ald ' -MeGillvray, Carolyn. Me- Dianne Hewitt; . Weed collection, iirtifims, Mrs. Luther, C. .Bris- Gillvray; Pumpkin, Patsy Mac- Donald Fisher• Sharo ' R. 't 1 •tow, . Mrs. Martin;* corsage, Mrs. Salkeld, C. Bristow, Mrs. Luther; miniature lbeizquet, Mrs. Salkeld, •. ,• , Charles, Ken Phillips, . Bob Gar- , John ,McCharles, Brian . john butt, pavid Eadie;, Cucumbers* ' stone; Scrap book, John Mc- ! Melvin Irwin, , Ray Elliott, 13ar- Charles; "Insect collection, Bryan • . " • Gamrnie. • •. 1 Grades 1, 2,. Jimmie MacDon- ald, Doirma Leader, Carol Brawn, Bertha Van Dorn; Grades 3 and . 4, Barbara Brock, Bill Chester; . , I Marion Reid, Donna Ritchie;• Grades 5 and 6, Jane Joynt, Mar- lene Porter,, Wendy MacKenzie, • Margaret •Taylor; Grades 7 and 8, Dianne Hewitt, Donald Hod- • gins, Helen: • McFarlan, Lynn. ' ' Cowan. • • • •, •. • Rural School Project—aelfast, S.S. 'No. 4 ...Kinloss,. S.S. No: 12, `. •West Wawanash, S.S. No, 9, Kin-, now District Compo • . • , WHITCHURCH ' Mr 'George ,Kennedy, returned heme from Victoria irospital on I Saturday after being .a patient • • : 1•there or several weeks. ' •• Mr. and. Mks. Jack. Mitchell • • and family aie, moving -to ,Wing- ' ham .this week. • . ' % • ' 'Mrs. Annie McQuillin who is working in ' Ripley, •Spent •Ihe week -end . at her home in the - • village. : • ' ; • . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph -Falconer and ,farnily of Sarnia- spent', the ' weekLend with -'Mr. ": and • Mrs. • Cecil F,aleOner. • ! „ . . Mr. and Mrs. Dick Turner and '• family who spent the .suinmer rnonths in the village have mov- ed back to Toronto. ' . •.. Mrs, G. ' Gillespie is spending' a . week at the home of her son, .Mi and Mrs: Jack 'Gillespie of Sarnia.' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aitchison i. and Bradley spent Sunday at the• . home of her •inother, Mrs: A. Dowling. ' . Mr: and Mrs., Herb. Buckton visited his parents, 14r. and Mrs. A. E. Buckton '• on SundaY. Mrs. Jack Craig is a` patient hi Victoria Hospital, London. ' Mr. , Craig visited his wife ,.on. Sun- day. : : . e 1.'" • „t• "». • 1 51 • • 4. • P , ••• ..; ••••, • . • • . . •• .44 • • • • , „ • A • • • . • $ 4 t'