The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-10-28, Page 4ME FOUR THE LUCKNOW • SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • • • FOR SALE, ly OR • SALE -4 choice feeder steer calves. Apply, Reid 'Bros., Dungannon, •phone 81-12. FOR SALE quantity of dry mixed wood and box stove heat- er. William .' Maclntgsh, Luck- • LOW. FOR SAFE --8 chunks, Landrace pigs; ,Apply Keith Cranston, R:R. 2' Lucknow. Rhone :Di organ'. • .non FOR ,SAI. —a glassslow case, at •a bargain. Ashton's Ladies' and Men's, Wear. FOR • SALE -125 Sussex ' x Red pullets priced $1.50 each. Apply Glen Hodgins, R.R.: 2 Holyrood, phone Ripley ;18-r-19. FOR, SALE —1955 Volkswagen leather upholstery,. radio, 2 new tires, .excellent condition ' $795. Phone Ripley 9-r-16 after; 5 p.m. • FOR SAID Letz grinder,. 10 - inch, practically new. D . • A. MacKenzie, . R. 3 Lucknow. tractor tires . and tubes, .,:Allstate dual traction; 6 ply; good: tread, 13 x 28,.•'reason • able. G. I}orscht, .phone 42-r-3, ' Lucknow: `( FOR SALE Mason and Reich .upright piano. 'Mrs. Jack Alton, ;*..hone 8.• 4=r WANTED STANDING TIMBER, LOGS Standing timber and. ' logs wanted. Highest.. •prices, cash. .Phone collect, Jas. T. Craig and Son, Auburn' 75. WANTED—One well bred York or Tam 'Boat between 200 •- 250 ,pounds. Harvey- Ritchie, '.phone Dungannon69-8. OLD' "HORSES' WANTED Old horses .wanted at 31/2c •per lb:;; dead cattle at. value. If dead, phone at • once to Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, phone collect •God- erich 1483J4 or' 1483.11. . SUPER .1 CTRIC TRAIN set of , 57 'pieces including . a ' .. free huge full • colour ,ponorama fback- ground ' for ; reasonable price. Contact Lyons, Radio. Shop. Open every night until. 10, o'cldek, FOR .SALE^-boy'sgrey-gabar- • dine'. car coat, milium -lined,. size 14; 'blue wool 'windbreaker,` size 36; grey baby .carriage with .blue lining. Mrs. •Charles Short, .phone 68=r-1,, Dungannon, HUNTERS ATTENTION Now available at :$1.00;' per. bot tie, • the amazing deer •. scent, :guaranteed .to attract deer with in . 200 yards. Also hunting licen- ces ' and ammunition. Greer : 'TV • and : Electric SPECIAL Gurney cornbination coalor. wood and . gas range'. Priced for quick sale. • Greer TV and Electric WANTED .used windmills, pumps and pump jacks as trade ins on 'electric pumps; Let us give, you a free estimate 'on roof- ing material and installing. Iry- ing Keyes, Glamis, phone Paisley, 114-r-4. ` FOR .'RENT FOR RENT --,Good grass farm containing 70 acres 'About 20 acresto be broken up for'spring crop ,; Eldon . Miller, phone 64r11. FOR RENT ..—L./garage one block off main street Angus . Graham, phone '.89, Lucknow. • LOST COMING EVENTS • AUCTION SALE L.D.H.S. COMMENCEMENT • Auction Sale of the estate of Lucknow District High School the: late Mrs. Jennie Fitzgerald Commencement -will be on Fri- and Mrs. Margaret .Gardner, As - day, November 6th? with .Rev. siniboia, Sask., in the Village of October WAY cle of the OAC Dungannon on Saturday,, f WEDNESDAY,, OCT, '28th, 1959 NOTICE The regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian; Legion will' be held in the Le-. gion Hall on Tuesday,. November 3rd, at 8 p.m. Social committee, 114. .welsh, C. Wall, E. Ward, M. . oung par , as the speaker and music' pro- 31st at 1:30 p.m. Householdfur Whit+by. Male nishin�gs; will include:, new re- vided by ' the 'Listowel • frigerator, 3 ' dining room suites, g, Quartette.' . E ACCOUNTS living room suite, 2 china cabinT All accounts owing to J,, • CARD PARTY • A card party .planned. by St. Marys Altar Society. will, be `held in the Legion Hall, Lucknow, '•Monday, November 2nd at 8:15 p.m. Lunch served. Good prizes. Admission at popular • prices,. euchre and shoat, door prize. LOST . on Sunday :a.. black :lea- ther jacket, between Dungannon. •and "Lucknow; belonging to Larry' Papernick: Phone,' 69-r-3, Dungannon. • LOT—rhinestone.. . bracelet • at. Lions dance Monday :night. Fin der please contact Jack Pollock, Lucknow; BAZAAR Zion Woman's Association is holding a bazaar Saturday, Octo- ber 31st in the Legion .Hall. Bak- ing, ak- ing, sewing and afternoon tea.. Doors open at 2:30 p.m. SPECIAL ' MEETING • A special meeting of the Lad- ies Auxiliary to 'the Canadian Legion will be .held in the tie- gion Hall on Thursday, October 29th at: 8 ' p,m . • RECEPTION FRIDAY • A reception will be held in the Legion Hall, Lucknow; on . Fri- day, October 30th in honour of Mr. and . Mrs. Walter Arnold' (nee Lorraine Aneca). Lunch served. BIZARR AND TEA • The Ladies. Guildof St. Peters Church, Lucknow, . will hold a bazaar and tea in the Council Chambers.. of the:: 'town, ' hall:. on Saturday, November 7th com- mencing at, 2:30. Baking and'. sewing' table:. ' - HORTICULTURAL . MEETING The regular monthly meeting' of the:: ''Lucknow and, District Horticulture ' Society will'• be held in . the Town Hall on • Fri- day, October 30th at 8:00 o'clock. ets, .tables, chairs, . trunk, clock, rugs,• antique glass top cupboard, drop-leaf table, toilet set, picture frames, rocking chairs, Quebec coal heater, kitchen range; three beds and.' springs, 2 springfield • mattresses,. 3 dressers,. Singer sewing machine, . washing mach- Come and see the Provincial PERSONAL competition,. prizewinning slides. WHY FEEL OLD? : Ostrex . Tonle Tablets help. thousands. of women' past , • 40 • :feet'. younger. Only 19c. At all druggists FOR SALE 'several used milk- ing machines:' of various makes. Let us, install one of these, or a new Woods, in your barn on trial.' Prices given without :obli- gation. Irving Keyes, Glamis, phone Paisley 114-r-4. FOR SALE ' 500. choice red X Sussex: pullets, 51 months old, laying, fed right. Arnold Alton, RR. 7 Lucia—tow, phone Dungan- non 87-r-1. NEWLYWEDS, bring in any negative and order thank you notes with your photo printed on. , Adds, a personal touch .to Your . replies and is appreciated :by ,those receiving • them., The Lucknow . Sentinel,. phone. 35, Luc ow .. PHOTO CHRISTMAS CARDS, this year . ,have . the • photo . of ..your family, children, pets, wed- ding, on a Christmas Card.. Add a personal :touch to your Christ- '. oras Card mailing. Bring " any negative to The Lucknow Sent - FIELD TILE • Dealer • fcr Martin's •quality' tile. 4 -inch 'tile always• on hand at 6c..Free delivery'on 1000 or. over.' Lorne Eadie, Holyrood, phone Ripley 24.9. ELECTRICAL ' — .repair 'work, radios, toasters, irons, electric fences, 'anything: in the electrical line, prompt service, reasonable prices; Lyons .Radio• Shop phone, 84, : Lucknow. SEPTIC. TANKS Septic Tanks, cess pools, . etc., pumped and ,gleaned with mad - ern equipment.. All work guar, anteed. Louis' Blake, R. 2 ,Brus- sels, phone,42-r-6 Brussels. *TIRES! TIRES! For : best buys in tractor tires and : any : other tires; contact, Bruce •. MacMillan, Lucknow. • TR'Y' A WANT :AD t ne1,: phone 35, Lucknow: ; " 1 • ,PERSONALIZED LABELS -300 with your name and address in plastic dispenser, only. $1., Don Thompson, Lucknow. ;' AUCTION' SERVICE Allan MacIntyre Licensed Auctioneer • Lucknow,: .: Phone 291 CUSTOM BUTCHERING cutting and wrapping,' meat sold by • quarter. For appointment phone 54, : Lucknow. • BUTTON MEAT MARKET SIGNS FOR SALE -"No ' Tres- • passing", "For Sale" and "For • Rent" signs •available at 'The Lucknow . Sentinel; phone 35. WATERLOO CATTLE ' BREEDING .ASSOCIATION "Where, Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial Breeding Service — All . Breeds of Cattle Member owned • and controlled Cost LoW --- Efficiency . High — trse of the best of bulls '—�- 'Disease isease controlled, Safety. For .service or more informia tion phone — for long distance ,Clinton Zenith 9-5650 or' Collect Kincardine 460, between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. week days, 6:00 and 800 p.m. Saturday evenings.: Calls received • On Saturday. evening' will e serviced on Sun- day in heat day morning/ For c On . Sunday nxbrning, DO NOT call until Monday morning., • ,Better Cattle For . Better Living McDonald, Lucknow, must be paid ,on or before.. Saturday, Na,_ verniber 7th. :Your prompt at- tention- to this' matter will be appreciated`. LAWN BOWLERS ' MEETING. • The annual meeting of the ine, ,electric iron, ...electric tea Lucknow• Bowling: Club will be kettle, and. many .more :articles held; Friday; night, October ;30 too numerous to. mention.'. at 8:15 p.m. at Ritchie's Barber .Buildings consist of a well Shop.. All . members are request= kept house and small 'barn in` a ed. to -attend' good location.' House has 4 beds • .rooms, dining and living room, PLEASE NOTE 'kitchen and sunpbrch •Change of flce .Hours Terms of this sale. to ;:be cash, As of November lst and until except for property `which will be further notice, all adjustments 10% down day' of sale,..balance and. new business • must be done MACHINERY ,=FOR SALE • Mabsey-Harris:' 22 ' •tractor; VA, Case. tractor with 2-furrow'•plow; snow blower .to fit John Deere M; special on Buehler, wagons, $175 with used tires; new Oliver tractors'; spreaders, plows; `etc.' `Don: Donaldson, one mile. ' north and three miles east of _Holyrood, phone •Teeswater',r72-r 13,, • within '.30 • days: Selling subject to reserve bid. Bob McNair Walkerton, phone 856, auctioneer. 'MEAT FOR. SALE . Good beef or : pork in large or small quantities.: Meat slaughter- ed' on . premises inspected by the Department . of Health. • Custom killing by appointment. " Cattle killed every day. and hogs every. Tuesday. morning. RAYNARD ACKERT, Holyrood' • Phones •24-28; Ripley,' and COUNTER CHECK BOOKS -we sell them' singly or in 'quantities and: take orders•' for books *d- aily printed .to'' your require ments. •For prompt 'service,' phone. 35,. The;'Lucknow Sentinel, DEAD' STOCK at '3.' A. Vickers. Foot Correction- ist Office, .481, • 8th Ave., -Han- over. Hours are:. Thursday and Friday . •morning . ' 9:00 to; ''11:00' a.m.; Friday evening . 7:90 .to 10:00 .p.m. , •A Court of Revision•` on. the Assessment Roll , compiled in 1959` 'for the Township •:oi 'West Wawanosh�.will. be held .in the Township,' Hall, West Wawanesh;. oin, Tuesday; ;November, 10th 1959, at 1, o'clock. p.m.. J. F. FORAN, Twp. Clerk. i01 -r-13, Lucknow 'NOTICE TO CREDITORS- THAN KK 'YOU •NOTES. and Hasty Notes available at 25; cents `pet package of 10 .cards. and matching envelopes: Don Thoinpson, pone' 33. or 35 .. Farmers, we lave the fastest'' service and highest !prices, • 7 days a week, for dead . and disc- aibled animals. Caws and Horses, $4. each; good meat horses, ` 4c a lb. At no' cost to ,you call, long distance operator; and 'ask for . Zenith' `43900, 'Lorenz Dead Stock Removal;' Durham. • FINAL: CLEARANCE on . ;1959 Model • DODGE' CARS DEAD STOCK SERVICE: :. HIGHEST . CASH PRICES. Paid for Sick, ' Down .or Disabled'' Cows & Horses r also Dead Cows and Horses at. Cash Value' Old: horses 4c per pound GORDON TAYLOR Phone 44-r-24, Lucknow R.R. 2 Lucknow 24-hour service 1. Only /Mayfair "8", Hardtop • Save .Hundreds . I Only. Custom Royal . Demonstrator ' Save Hundreds & Hundred's 'Large Selection df '49 to '58 Models at 1960 Prices No Offer Refused On. These . Cars for the -next two weeks USED' TRUCKS 1956 International 1 ton . chassis and cab, Must be seen to be ap- preciated. • 1955' Fargo 1/2 -ton ,express. Low Mileage, like new. 1947.Willys jeep with cab, per - /feet rubber,. very scarce model priced` to sell: • Also. see 1960 model Dodge trucks now on display. REG McGEE and SONS; Dodge — Desoto ,-•- Rambler. Goderich, Ontario.. • OPEN EVERY EVENING DEAD STOCK SERVICES ° .HIGHEST CASH , PRICES 'PAID. 'FOR, SICK, 'DOWN OR DISABLECOWS and HORSES • .'also Dead Cows and ;Horses At Cash Value • Old ,Horses --.4c per pound' Phone .collect 133—Brussels BRUCE MARLATT 24 Hour Service IN' ` TSE . ESTATE OF. ELIZA PURVES. All persons having ` claims. against the estate of the. above mentioned, "'late of the Township of 1.Kinloss, in• the County. of . Bruce; ,widow, '.who : died on • the 24th day' ` of Janu-' ary, ':A.D. 1959, are required to file proof of same with the ;un- dersigned on. ,or 'before . the 7th. day of :•November,. A:D. 1959 After that elate the _Administ- rator will :.proceed' todistribute the 'estates hiving regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. •' DATED. at Wingham this' Twen- beth. • day of . October, A.D., 1959. . ' Crawford and Hetherington, • • Wingham, .:Ontario,. Solicitors for the Administrator APPLICATIONS. i for Applicathepositiontions • .wiofll' bemanagrecer•eivedand caretaker of the Arena, on or before November 2nd, 1959. R,ar-, ticulars, of duties and salary may be obtained from, E. ' I. Agnew, secretary of ' Lucknow.` Arena Commission.. . RE . DEBENTURES Applicatis will 'bred by the undeonrsigned ,untile 6 pceive.in. Monday, .November. .2nd, 1959; for the purchase of approxi- mately $5300 worth , of 5 year debentures of • the Township of Ashfield bearing interest at 51 : Donald Simpsofl, Clerk treasurer, Kiritail ' SIGNS FOR SALE -"No ' Tres- passing"', ; • "For Sale" and "For Rent.' signs available at The• Lucknow• 'Sentinel, phone 35. Johnston :Mt.Mfl(e J The response to our weekly specials has been most gratifying. As well as, our special, you will find every- day low prices on quality meats at our market. ` OUR WEEKEND SAVING SPECIAL THIS WEEK 15 • BONELESS, WITH DRESSING.' Oven Ready Picnics, .45c fib. 4