The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-10-14, Page 10PAGE TEN 'AGAIN ',WE CAN PROVE TO YOU That YOU CAN'T GET 'Better THE I,VC'OW SEN'.rINE.L, LTCKNOW; ..QisiTAIt1O WEDNESDAX, OCT..14th, 1959 .ANYWHERE THAN... RIGHT HERE . WE,•'ARE 'PROVING; -TT EVERY. DAY Sales during .the past. -week have - moved several'.. of the . 131G -VALUE CARS we • 'are offering. But, we will have . a° NEW ' SELEC- TION immediately ranging from latest models to older' cars, all at prices that will pleasantly surprise •you, • And Oh. Yes, Don't: Forget Our Tremendous • ON QUALITY FIRESTONE' TIRES ervi Bill , • Hunter, Phone, '55, Lucknow. • . Letters ` To 'The Editor AIMS. TO.. AROUSE , PE'AACE CONCERN 9 Cherry Street, Kapuskasing, Ontario, "Mr.. L C. Thompson, Publisher, :Lucknow.`Sentinel, . ' ".Lear Cam: . . On . renewing my. subscription . to the Sentinel, I wish to coin :,plunent you on the fine paper you publish.., '. week after , week. . One thing I've missed 'though is more "Letters to "the Editor." There are ' some suggestions I would like to make .concerning the ' world, peace problem. Per - haps, "these 'suggestions could re- sult in'; some letters being writ- ten to you concerning' the , peace problem. The • suggestions , are as follows: ' • 1 . ' There ' 'can be' little or • no doubt . but that; the world wars failed to win the peace.. 2 Considering .to -day's `weap- !fU 1BER TIPS The Cubs continued their winning ways with a sweep over the Gophers: Although :not as powerful as opening night, Gwen Caesar's 602 total and Dick Park's 593 were enought to tame the Gophers. ' L'C: Greer was top marksman for,. the losers. The, Lions squeezed .a 3 -point victory from .the Squirrels. The,. Errington duo with a combined total of 1408 including, a ' 309 flat by Jirn were enough to' give them, the edge. Roy k',inlayson's. big. 342 flat single gave. the Squirrels enough push for. the first. game.. Donald McKinnon led : his Beavers to a . 3 points.. win over, the Coons with a 594 total while' Jack Treleaven rolled high for the Coons with a total of 59.9. On Thursday evening the Pole Cats.• took the measure of the Chipmuiks • to the tune .of four points, Bob .Macintosh . and Beryl' Mowibray rolled 'high for the winners with. 551' and 564. while `:the ,Chippers were in bad form appearingly. - 'Maybe we should . take a trip down . to the 'hamlet ,to the south and see if they haste a bowling alley in Dungannon. When.' you. see " these “boys sores this early in the season we wonder if they. haven't; ..been, ..practicing just a little.'. Bill Stewart really turned. on the power. as he rolled • his' new ` Tiger .• entry to a 4. •point wain` over , the .Zebras with .a total triple of '849, including flat . sing les of 277, 267:and, 263, some rol- ling' eh? Olive' Chishdlm's • 580 was• next best'' while . the ."Strip- ers . seemed . to be 'badly shaken by BiII's. razzle ;dazzle form. '- Standings ' • Cubs 8, Beavers.; 7, PoTe Cats 6; Chipmunks 4; , Tigers 4; ;Squirrels 4, Lions 3, Gophers. 2, Zebras 1 • and : Coons . I,:. • ons' of: destruction,`there'can also' be •nQ doubt but that the ma jority of, the law-abiding ' citi- zens throughOtrt it:zens''throughout the world earn- . desire: ': peace 3 A whole hearted, determin- ed ete ed. effort by this majority . result` in our having world 4. '' Tlie main reason .that, effort is, not being madeis, be- cause there is too Much 'Miami- ' derstanding among the .peoples: of the world.. • rnun, 5. Concerning: the '"solving of could this ` problem, law=abiding eiti peace., know Fruit, MarketYOUR BARGAIN: FOODLAND PEAS; Lage r . 20. oz.: - ARROW 3 tens 9c Standard GRANULATED SUGAR. • • II» 79( We Sell For Less. Featur.�e. PASTRY FLOUR. 25 Pounds. • Swan's DownSpecial•B.•ag ..,,.. $1. s HIGHLAND PRIDE COFFEE; Our Exclusive Top Seller. Pound. DILL PICKLESGallons. • Libby's Fancy Pach. Feature. Only HEADQUARTERS : FOR ALL FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES.'. FEATURING MacINTOSH RED BY THE `BASKET; BY THE. BUSHEL We Sell For Less. • Phone 1'19; :Lucknow► a • year's time. 11. Considering' the terrible is- sues. that are at stake, why does-• n't the. Western .:World finally- wake inallywake . up and make this: reason- able ,effort? 12. ' Second only to keeping our m im or Values Effective October ,15, 16, 17 ant' problem is. world peace. This is something for us to keep in mind when we .become overly enthusiastic about our business, • modern homes,, late 'model' cars, etc. Yours very sincerely, • : Art 'Andrew; defenses strong our ost t- zens andsour 'big , important com- panies panies are on ' either one of •two sides - the : push" 'side or the lag"; side_• t+- ' 6:.. In' 'the • case of an individual ' being on•.the ."push side,means. having '.taken, thetrouble to un- derstarid; . the background of the world's :Most " ' active peoples. Unless this effort` is made,: no amount of 'work -on the :farm, in business; service clubs, • etc., will prevent 'one from being • a lag- gard as far . as • the world mis=. understanding problem is :con- cerned. 7., For us to' be able to sucess- fully cope , with this problem we should:. have '70%. of our law- abiding :citizens and important companies 'on' the,.'"push" side. One can readily see that if only 50% are on the "push" "'side. their • effort as ` going to be •, nulli lied by the 50% on the."lag" Side, . . 8. For various reasons' the .per- centage • on the •"lag" side, has continued to :lie.';.. .dangerous= ly high., Some of the reasons for our • getting" off • to ,such .'a poor start at the end' of World War II;were: (a) The,'Western World alone was in possession of the Mighty g y. ,"A" .bomb. (This " '.gave us • .a • false feeling . of ' security). (b) The distracting. advent ' of the .miracle. . of television. (c) The ',general rush •on the part of the• companies to get back into peace time ' production . made ahem ' •neglectful of , the world. peace problem.. ' My suggestion cis that had it not been for 'distractions such as these `world coirimunism would not have been able to ex- pand in the way it has. 9. It , is much easier .than most people , realize • to determine whe- ther an individual' or a company is on 'the "push" or the. "lig" 'side of '• the 'world ,or problem. 10. With the will to do so it is • possible for individuals and companies to .transfer from the .`lag"' to the "push" side' within re ,a tl. 1.1 GET YOUR HOME READY FOR WINTER NOW. WE HAVE A COMPLETE' STOCK OF ITEMS . THAT" ' • WILL KEEP YOU -COMFORTABLE AND SAVE YOU MONEY .AND THE ,PRICE• IS RIGHT:.. STORM SASH .(Wood or Aluminum) ROOFING• COMBINATION' ,DOORS INSULATION 'ASPHALT PAPER GLASS .CAULKING COMPOUND ROCK 'WOOL ' FIRE CHIEF CHIMNEYS 'MOULDINGS . '• (Wood or Aluninum)' PRESDWOOD •D:OORS AND, WINDOWS: GARAGE DOORS. WALL TILE LUMBER GYPROC WALL . BOARDS �✓ CEILING TILE PITTSBURGH PAINTS • PLYWOOD CHIMNEY BRICK GLAZED CHIMNEY. FLUE FRESH CEMENT ALWAYS IN STOCK OHN Ws . HENDERSON LUMBER LTD.'' Phone :150 • . Lucknow: This Winter EETEN THOSE BITTER COLD DAYS with Ontario winter can ..be really • :enjoyable when, your, .,home is heated with CO-OP SUNGLO FUEL. OIL—:• the oil with the' higher BTU content. .Filtered clean, Sungio Fuel Oil gives you more hours heat per gallon, and it keeps your burner operating, at peak efficiency. Find out about Co-op SUNGLO Service, today, at Lucknow District