The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-10-14, Page 2• 'PAGE.' TWO THE: LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNQW! ONTARIO HELD...PRESENTATION FOR MR. and MRS, JOHN McGEE' • • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL. , LUCKNOW, ONTARIO "Tire Sepoy Town" -- On the Huron -Bruce„ Boundary• Authorized as second class snail, Post. Office Department,, .Ottawa. Established 1873—Published. Each Wednesday Afternoon Member of the. C:W.N,A,. and . the '.O.W.N.A. Subscription Rate,:, $3:00 a, year, in advance = to .the LT.S.A , $4.00 L. 'Campbell Thompson: aria' Donald C, Thompson,, Publishers WEDNESDAY, OCT: 14th, 1959 PLANNING IS INIPORTAN ' A list of : suggested.. and very worth- while projects has been ;submitted to . the Lions Club by its members. To implement even a portion of these suggestions will provide a civic improvement program that will keep . the Club active for some time .to 'come. And ,to. fulfill such ,aims,means that the Club must constantly by promot- ing: ' money, raising .ventures; . While; Club members' dip down deeplyat times to support, their civic ' and welfare work, the support ' of . the general public is essential if they are to accomplish the major under- takings that such an organization has within' its power to assume. While. Parking' facilities headed, the list of proposals made by the Club, it was encouraging to Ilea': : the opinion, expressed that- a swimming pool was riot beyond the realm of possibility:. Some day it may come This points :up the importance of a long'range a lai'ining program in ' whatever P � fr is undertaken The parking lot suggestion at the rear ' of the arena and on the. Agricultural. Soc- iety' propei`ty, would be in close proximity t0 public rest rooms. For some time we have • felt, ' and "advocated, that this .,loca- tion . could be: enhanced' by some evergreen planting, and the :placing of picnic tables:. There 'is' . an increasing demand for such, facilities by . an ever-increasing flow . oftour- ists and picnicking Motorists, Highway 86 which .is now almost entirely ,,paved is car- rying , more and more lake -bound traffic. • The point of all this 'is, could a swim-' Ming pool, if. and when 'built, be economi- cally located in ;the ark area. We don't Y r P know, possibly'* not, but that is where •a planning ,committee would come in :-° to look to: the': future. , The parking lot suggestion has advo- cates for dvo-cates'for a location near the- Legion' Hall. That involves : private property, which might or might not have its complications.: Certainly there As merit, in that location.: The ideal solution, of course, would be • a lot in both locations but , that may . be ex- • pecting a 'little. too much, for, `.while; it ,is:, sometimes easy enough to achieve these objectives the problems arise from main- tetlance supervision etc in the years that IY; z; WHO IS TO BLAME' • Under the caption "Our Persecuted Young" the Meaford Express editorializes as follows: . Canada's already overcrowded . labor " pool has been increased by one 16 -year-old. Stratford Tad who is determined not to be kicked around. This youngster has turned his .back on the Stratford Collegiate because the Board of Education would not allow him_to park. his carr in the/lot reserved for the school staff. He was also, , in company with sev eral others, chased off a too -narrow "street by ' the city council.. ' -Protests on the part' of'the pupils who, motored to. school ;resulted . in a lot being. placed at: their disposal, That's when ` the ruckus started: They. didn't want 'the lot. They wanted the spot where the teachers•. parked their 'cars. Grounds for the revolt which lost the Stratford: school ,a pupil were two: First, the new parking lot was away off yonder, back of.' beyond. It was 200: yairds from the collegiate. Second, to : get to the' classrooms from the kit, the pupils were compelled to make : a steep climbs Combination of the .long. journey from the -parking ' lot and the hillto climb at the end was' too 'much. This one . youngster, ap- parently on instructions from hisfather,., quit school rather than be subjected to such indignities. He is.'now looking for 'work ' . Anyone ` irl the market for 'a 16 -year- old boy without much education, who can- not walk 200 yards and up a small incline, should get in ,touch with his father, who condones the actions of his son: RELAXATION AT WHEEL ; (Kitchener -Waterloo Record) Have you noticed how relaxation is increasingly; the key 'to:. driving on our streets and highways these. days? For a long time, the big• thing " has been to '.keep just are 'right: hand on : the wheel,.. with the. left sort of .holding up the car roof, as if it were about to collapse: It's still a favourite with those who think comfort is more important than safety. But we ve one we e o "d that. follow: Lately you ll see. more a and more mot a w • • LET •US GIVE THANKS ;(Port Elgin ; Times) , Of ,all the year's commemorative...fes- . rivals, Thanksgiving Day is one that ` .is peculiarly .American., Its origin: dates back to the Pilgrim Fathersi who founded : it as • a day set . aside for • grateful recognition of God's bounty.. 'As 'such, its true observance should never: be without a :religious • aspect.; It, is generally .marked, and quite properly, • as a. time of home -coming and family ° re- union, but it is something' more than a calendar 'feast.' ' • Canadian observance of Thanksgiving. Day, which, coincides roughly with the Eng - fish- Feast of .Michaelmas, gives a' further clue to . its real 'significance, 'For Michael-• mas, in Britain, is the time of year. when farms, change' ownership',, after the 'fields have yielded their treasures and the . year's 'Crops . garnered in. The blade has come. to the' ear, th'e .ear' to: the full' corn, and from' all grateful hearts ,swell's the 'song . of lar - vest home: " As individuals, as families, as a nation., we need: to make occasion for the conscious 'expression of gratitude. No land more than Canada has greater' •reason to give thanks, for, the peace and plenty we are now prix- . ileged to •enjoy. No people more 'than • Can- adians. have greater cause to "sing, to the Lord of .harvest, sing songs of love and praise.'" • orists with the left°.arm dangling loosely down the side of the carp suggesting near exhaustion. ' • Another • great :relaxer is to'. keep a.' couple. of the left ' hand fingers on the wheel" and spread the right arm acrossthe top of the front seat. Almost as comf ort - able as a sofa. There's 'just one. way to find more relaxation . than this; and it's ,a way riiany.' comfort -happy,, drivers .are likely ..to dis cover. They can •be stretched Out '-== in perfect restand repose in .'the.:morgue. W1'7DNESDAY, OCT, 14th, 1959. NEW SCHOOLS WAS OFFICIALLY OPENED. Mr. and Mrs. John. McGee of Fordyce community have sold their farm, stock and implements. to. Mr, and. Mrs. Lloyd Whittick • The new Huron West School, at Reids Corners wasofficially. opened . on Thanksgiving day with • appropriate ceremonies, of Culross. ' Mr. and . Mrs. McGee The two -room. school, built at a have purchased a home in Wing- ham and plan to move there this week. On Friday evening the neighbours on -the Tenth gather- ed at .the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. George 1VicGee .'and presented the departing ,.couple with a• step-up table and lamp, • µ • Week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher,: were Mr. and Mrs. A. X.ougheed and daughters of Midland, Mr-, and Mrs. Bill Fisher of George- town, Mr; and Mrs. Gordon Fish- er and Lonnie of • Wingham, Mr. and •Mrs. T. 3antzi 'and family of Milverton and Mr. Leith Graham of Toronto. . Mr: and .' Mrs. Hov(ard . Martin are .happy to • announce the birth of 'their daughter in Wingham General ' Hospital on Saturday, October 10, a sister for Carl and Shirley. PURPLE GROVE 1VXr, •'and' Mrs. Donald 'McCossh. and Mary and Dickie visited on Sunday'. at Mr. Melvin Orr's• at Mount Forest. • 1Vlessr's: Donald Robertson and Milton. Stanley and Norval are on a motor trip• to °the ' West. Mr.' and 'Mrs: Oscar Armstrong of , Beryie • visited with . • their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank, Currie on Sunday. '..Mr. and .Mrs. Pedersen. of London visited'vith Mrs..- Helen Swan' for the week -end 1VIr's., 14elen ,Swan and.. Miss Edna Boyle returned. • home from Vancouver 'on, ,Saturday.; iVlr. and Mrs. Roy Fry,, Betty and Lorne of Kincardine visited at the home of Mr: : and : Mrs. • Frank Dore on 'Sunday. Mrs. Frank Dorevisited at the home of: Mrs.' Bill, White last Wednseday, and: with; Mrs. ;Chas. Lemon of Bervie Mr. and Mrs. Morford. 'McKay spent Monday evening at the home :: of Mr. and Mrs.' Burton: Collins. Anybody who thinks • the sky's the linit • these days is' a conservative. ' The trouble with. telling the truth .:is ;that everyone . wonders what you're up to. Some :people never make the same Y•nis take twice because . they are too. busy mak- ing new ones. There',s'nothing wrong ,in having nothing to' say . unless you insist 'on swing it. The difficulties of life are intended to make us better, not bitter. AhurcfrPitn take two hours olunch person having any- body miss him..." Mrs: Victor . Emerson . will ' �b e guest speaker : at the Paramount Women's Institute 'meeting on Tuesday, October •20Th. The topic. 'will . be taken ' • by. `Mrs: Bob Campbell Mr. and Mrs.. Rae Myers ; and family_ of . Ottawa and • Mr.. and Mrs.. George, MacGregor. of Ha milton were . Thanksgiving visit ors : with `Mrs. N. J. • MacKenzie. cost of sectionsover witla,:3an0en eves three roliment of 71.. students. The teachers are • Mrs. Gordon McQuillin and Mrs. Carl. Wlken. Members of the Area board are Leonard Irwin,, John Mcg. Charles, Leonard. . iReid, . Bob; Courtney ' and Ralph Hunter.. SHOWER .HELD° . FOR 'BRIDE ELECT Y . '(LAN'GSIDE NEWS:) , Forty-five ' ladies. were: present when° a shower was heldin the Langside school in honor of Miss. Colleen Tiffin. Mrs. • William Evans acted as chairman for readings . given by Mrs. ' Bert Moffat, Mrs. Everett Whytock,: Mrs. Wes Young, duet by Marion and Janice Wall, • piano .. instni- mentals€were given ,by Mrs. Wm. Scott and Joan Tiffin:. Contests by Mrs. Gordon ::Wall and Mrs. Charlie Tiffin.. Doris Moffat and Audrey Young escorted the bride-to-be to her, chair. Mrs° Frank Miller • read an address •expressing good wishes. Colleen very: ,graciously thanked .all for'; their, lovely gifts. 'A dainty' lunch was served. , Mr. and Mrs .-• Eric Evans and .family of Rexdale and Mrs,,• •Bob Brown and° Barbara of London mere. week -end visitors with ,Mr. and Mrs. William 'Evans. 'Miss ` Margaret Moffat and friend' from' Toronto were week- end visitors :at the. home of the fornier's father, : Mr.. Foster Mof- fat. , Mr: and Mrs Harold. Smith and '.Marie' :' of •i Tiverton were Week -end ' . visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Frank Miller. • • Mr. and • Mrs. Clarence Crow- • ston and Dale of : Chatham were holiday visitors with Mr' "' and Mrs.' John CCrowston and Cecilia. .' Sacrament is to be observed in ' church,, Sunday with prepara- tory service:. for : the .3 churches in South Kinloss Church; •Thurs- day night Rev. ,Mr McKinney, Teeswater is to .be ; the minister. Mrs, Russel' Ritchie returned home Tuesday afternoon after having; an operation in 'St. ,Jos- eph's Hospital,: London on Thurs . day •morning: We : wish : her a speedy • recovery. Mr. , Laurence McLeod. , returned to ;his. home Saturday afternoon afters over: a week's stay in WinglIiam General Hospital, with •infection in his, right hand. iirnt. at. . mbach ..Pharmacy: Phone:,32,• Lucknow "YOUR FRIENDLY' IDA .DRUGGIST"