The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-10-07, Page 11wiEDNIODAYi' OCT. 7th,, 1959 ' A.:M. ,CARPER Chartered Accountant. West Street GODERICH, ONTARIO Telephones: 343J - 343W • . ROY N. BEN:TL.E.Y PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT GODERICH; ONTARIO Telephone 101.1 Box 478 F.. T. ARMSTRONG • OPTOMETRIST GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT 'Phone • 1100 INSURANCE r . FIRE, . WIND,, CASUALTY AUTGMOBILL+' AND. LIFE . . .1p Pr�tect. Your. Jack, Insure . With Jack Today • • J,t ;A. McDONAGH. R.R... 3, •'Lucknow, Ont. 'Phone 61-5, • Dungannon. R. S. HETHERINGTON,:'. Q.C. , Barrister; Etc. ' Wingham and Lucknow IN • L JCKNOW Each Monda ► and'' Wednesday Located in the "Municipal' Offict 'Phone ' Wingham • Office 48. • Residence 91 , STATE.' FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE I NSURAi'CE • investigate Before Investing. REUBEN WILSON R.R. 3, Goderich Phone 80-r-8 Dungannon ' JOHNSTONE'S :FUNERAL .HOME' *Phone. 76 .Day or Night USE. 'OFFUNERAL HOME• At No ' Extra Cost ` ' . Moderate Prices //Established 1894 IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS for prompt service, and , quality products, contact: ' 8: R CHISHOLM . 'Phone collect Dungannon 19-,r-2 "'Always 'Look To Imperial For The Best". • • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 1.UCKNOW, ONTARIO GERALD N CROOKS` DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Phone 545 • KKINCARDINE, ONTARIO Office hours.; ' Dairy. Monday to Saturday ' . Wednesday ' a.m. . Evenings; Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday McLENNAN: and MacKENZIE FUNERAL. SERVICE' Services.: • conducted ' accord- ing‘ to your wishes at. your Home,. •,your Church, or • at, • our Memorial Chapel • at no additional charge... . • Phone 181, Lucknow, .. Day or Night WINGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP • We . Have' Been Mernoriai Craftsmen for. Thirty -Seven Years, Always Using . _. • THE BEST GRANITES Along With Expert Designing. and Workmanship. Pte. Prices Most Reasonable Cernetery Lettering • a .Specialty R: A. SPOTTON 'Phone :2556, Wingham, • Ontario ' G. ALAN WILLTAMS Optometrist Office . on ,Patrick St., just ' off the Main Si.in. WINGHAM .Professional, Eye Examination... i'• Optical Services I For appointment, • • . •Pl'ease Phone. 7.70,Wing ham ham R. W. 1.. ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL,. ONTARIO 100 :SHORTHORN FEMALES SELL At Singhampton, Ontario FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14th, Mostly . young cows,, many , with calves at foot, also . !bred, some open' heifers. All sound, healthy, accredited,. •} ioodtested. Many, suitable to 'strengthen. purebred herds. All will upgrade ,commer- cial'herds, Remember, the Short- horn. cow is a must in profitable 'beef poduction. Her mothering ability gives up to 100 pounds' extra •weight per calf ,at weaningtime. , • More dollars for 'you.; Singhamp ton is on Highway 24,' 10mites: south of .Collingwood, •. See these: cattle afternoon before' the Sale, or. come early. Sale starts • at 10.00 -a.m. • • .• For' information, contact','• ONTARIO SHORTHORN CLUB, Guelph; Ontario.. KINGSBRIDGE .y • Mr. and Mrs. D.. Bass and fam- ily of Toronto were 'week -end visitorsat the . hoine of Mr. and Mrs. Win. , Lannon. •' IVIr.. and . Mrs. .Clifton Austin are visiting • ' with ` relatives in Kitchener for. a few days. Mrs. ' Timothy Dwyer and Mr. Crank 'Dwyer •of St, • Catharines, .are visiting at . the home of • Mr: and 'Mrs. Don Frayne... . ' • . • Mr. and Mrs: •Gordon, •Valad and Keith?,and Douglas .Frayne of North Bay ,sent the week -end at their .homes here. • . The , J. C. Moss family, of. Woodstock were at their cottage here over the week -end ' ' Mr. !Michael Martin of Stoney; 'Creek, and 'Mr. Victor Martin of Hamilton .visited with relatives here recently. Miscellaneous Shower About 100 ladies` gathered at the schoolhouse on, the, .12th of Ashfield ' last week . for •, a mis= cellaneous• shower 'in honour of. Miss •Yo Van `'Osch, bride -elect, whose marriage` to Mr.. T. Mid degaal of .Blyth will: ' take place in St. Joseph's . Church, Kings- bridge on .October 17th. .SIGNS FOR SALE—"No- •T.res- IN' LUCKNOW passing", 'Tor' Sale'.' and,"For Every ,Rent" • signs •avai'lalble at The Weddesday .. and 'Saturday 'Lucknow Sentinel, phone . 35. • Afternoon Office in .the " Joynt Block Telephone: Office 135 • Residence 31-J LUCINOW DISTRICT CO -:OPERATIVE .INC, Phone. Lucknow.71 TED COLLIER Registered Master, Electrician' • ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR '. Specializing in.• 'Electrical , Wiring ' and ;Repairs ....AGENT FOR SPARTON . TV and All Electrical . Appliances Phone 40-r-25, Lucknow • Kenneth J. • MacKenzie, R.O. Optometrist LISTOWEL,. ONT. at the former Wrona• Jeweler"' Store. Ripley, 10' a.tn; to 9. p.m. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 14th . . I . and every ,Second ;Wednesday' Eyes examined Glasses fitted ' For appoin.trnent 'phone Roy !!!MacKenzie, 96-r-24, Ripley. FURNACE OIL, KEROSENE,. See or WM. A. "BUD" Phone , 220-w District Agent for STOVE, OIL, GASOLINE call 1. HAMILTON Lucknow Cities Service . !+ ...Itr,"�vh•N^m'.•RAF+M+I.i+iN:er irl{'"."4•",• TP PAGEF.T.F . Don't miss the exciting values during this .s ending SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10th Because our sale has been such a 'tre- niendous ,success, we were sold Out of some items • by Saturday. Our stock has now ' • been replenished and wewill guarantee all ,orders will be. filled. . HERE ARE E A FEW OF THE' .MANY VALUES CORONADO HEATING.PAD .• • CORONADO DELUXE TOASTER CORONADO STEAM DRY IRON CORONADO ,KITCHEN CLOCK IRONING, TABLE IR � ; $10.98 value •.. • . • .. M,� $2.29 .value FLOOR BROOM; • ; ,. ,, • ENAMELLED' BABY: BATH, regular $4.95. *DESK LAMP, ideal for students .. . •, ;'. TUBULAR 'STEEL' HAMMER COCOA MATS, regular . $1.29 LAWN RAKES,' regulaCr 98c , .• 'CORONADO: ELECTRIC, KETTLE ••, • • • • • • ' $6.49 $19.95 • • $15.95 • $5.95 $7.88. $i.79 .• .°. $2.59 'A.• •i $3.98 • ::.$2.33 .. ' 79c' $8:98 • •.•• ••• A' complete` selection of famous • CORONADO APPLIANCES including... gas . ranges, TVsets, .space' heaters, :vacuum • cleaners, washers, ''deep freeze, . `refrigerators,adto.. rnatic washers, ' and' ,dryers. ALL AT UNHEARD .00 LOW'. mtgs. LUCKY DRAW' for TWO 21";. TV" SETS. and a STEAM -DRY ' IRON Ask for entry forms at the store. Nothing to •buy. ac inn PHONE 50, LUCKN'OW Plumbing, Heating, . Wiring; Eavetroughing: PAYROLL ORGANIZER FOR BOND SALES Mr. P: A. Blacl shaw of • OWen Sound has been' appointed da organizer of the 1959 Canada Savings ,'Bonds, payroll savings division, for Grey and. Bruce Counties. He• has' participated in 13 past Canada ' Savings • Bonds cam- paigns. His territory' . includes Owen Sound, Southampton, Port o and Sell Elgin, Kincardine, 'Wiarton,'Ches-', ley," Hanover, • Walkerton,: Luck- .. now, •M,eaford, . Collingwood,, Durham, Mount Forest, Harris tori; and enlbraces some 40 fac-- t'oriesand' plants with a total employee force of 4,163. • Last •year, Canada Saving. Bond sales in the' payroll savings division in.; the area. .totalled' $531,000. TRY A WANT All YOUNG CALVES .REALLY GO FOR F.O. M.O. (FOSTER. MOTHER) Soluble iri Warm: it or Nipple Feeding. Whole. Milk Re Pacer Read�l Water for pa o�tplete Lite I�T�w�►L f� Feeds, THE QUALITY IS "RIGHT ; THE PRICE IS RIGHT 365 DAYS IN 'THE. YEAR WE RUN:NO :SPECIALS! • • Knechtel end Son Ltd. L •• ' • UCKI�OW :BRANCH, ,PHONE 78�•• ' 'There's ' 'A New -Life • Feed For Every Need! 'r1ll►li'�:l:�E!�.:�"!.'�'3.'�'`L]!'+7iIC!?�r�►+rr.,as �. �.�•.<..'�H ..r •••••1;- 1•••=1