The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-10-07, Page 4PAGE' FOUR. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 0 ,t; ,, • • a FOR :SASE FOR. • SALE -400 Red .x Sussex ,pullets, , laying. Frank Alton, phone 67-15 Dungannon. FOR •SALE --a quantity of oedar, Apply Lorne ,Parrish, Lucknow. FOR ,SALE -11 `,good ° Hereford • feeder; steers... A, 3. ' Wxl,,sori,' , phone 70, , Lucknow: • FOR SALE elm tops, priced for quick sale. R. T. Kilpatrick, Phone Dungannon '77=r-2, Con.. Ashfield.; FOR SALE• --two Coleman floor furnaces, and .a' small' Coleman ail burner- Apply ' at Ashton'. s' 'Ladies' and Meds Wear. FOR SALE --lady's • fur coat, 'in excellent condition. • •Apply. 'at :Sentinel Office: ' 1OR SALE - 11 York 'pigs, 9 Weeks old. Gordon Wall, ..' R. 3; Iolyrood,..plhone 208-r-31, 'Luck-, •sow. j'OB SALE -White enamel Mc - Clary cook ' stove, 'in good con- dition. Phone.' .14-r-12, : Dungan non. WANTED. WANTED -- someone to.custorn •plow eight acres of land: Jim Layne, . phone 308, :Lucknow. • FOR . r. Washing•: maebhic, y $15. John,,Carter,, A. 6 Lucknow.. F.OR. SALE -girl's littlenuggett coat, size nine, . new .condition,. also • go-oart, : Mrs. ' Emberlin, phone 194: • FOR .SALE-little'nuggett,' win- ter weight coat, turquoise with light grey inuskrait ' trim, size •7x. Apply Mrs. • Frank. Pentland, phone 7-r-14 Dungannon. FOR. ' SALE -13.: ,`York ::pigs, 6 'weeks old. Bert Reid, R. 1• Dun- ,gannon, phone ' 78-17 HOUSES WAN.TJD -�- wish to rent two' houses in Lucknow, 2 or,. 3 bedrooms,: with ` modern. conveniences: Apply to ,' Allan Manto •or. Ronald ` Frook, R41. 1, ,Hanover, phone Allen Park 12-r- 22, . or leave word: at Sentinel Office. :OLD ; HORSES WANTED ' 'Old' horses wanted at 31/2c per lb.; dead cattleat value: If ' dead, phone at once ' to 'Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranoh, phone collect God erich 1483J4 or 1483J1, • WANTED .- used windmills, pumps and pump . jacks as trade= ins on electric pumps. •Let us give you a' free_ estimate '.on roof- ing material and installing. Irv- ing Keyes, Glamis, phone Paisley' 114-r-4. fort . RENT HOUSE FOR RENT -at the out - di COMING EVENTS DANCE AT LANGSIDE. , A dance will be held at the Langside ,Community Hall on. Friday, October 9th. Tiffin's or- chestra. Adrhission 50c.' Every- one welcome.• HOT TURIt ET. , SUFPER AND "PROGRAM • • In the Lucknow United Church on .Tuesday, October 27th. Sup- per served 5:30 to 8:00. Program commences at 8;15 Standard Time. Admission $1.25 and $.75. skirts of Lucknow. Available. imme d atelya: : for .. six months. period: ,jinn Layne,' • phone 308,. 'L,,nckn...4 w. FOR' SALE 100 laying Homy- 'Sussex a'rnp_ 'S xssex pullets. Jim ' Layne, ,phone' 308, Lucknow. FOR SALE --2 Landrace"boars, 9 - months old. Apply Bill • :.Stew- Stew- art„ Dungannon;` phone..64-r-5. •.SIGNS FOR 'SALE -"No Tres-. passing",': "For Sale" and . "For Rent" signsavailable • at The Luc know ,Sentinel, phone 35. FARM FOR ` RENT. -- 100acres,' 85 workable good buildings,' bathroom in house. • Also, mixed:` grain for sale, Stan ray, .Lang- side, phone g. FOR SALE-Letz.grain grinder, .10=inch,' suitable for grinding. cob. • corn Only 2' : years old. Doug Drenn;a; phone . 66-r-5 ::Dungan- Dungan- non. • LADIES, THIS • IS FOR. YOU! • 'School •on _ skin care ; :in the Recreation Lounge Room, Luck - now, on• 1Vionday, October 19th at 8.30 p.m, Edna Rayner, beau- tician: 'All ladies. :welcome; Social • hour .to , follow. . • TEEN:TOWN .FRIDAY. •A Teen=Town "record . hop". will be held in the Legion Hall. this Friday evening, October 9,. at 9:00 o'clock. This is the. open- ing donee of the' 'season and is. under Lions Club supervision.. POTTERY DEMONSTRATION The regular' meeting of the. Lucknow . Women's Institute will, be held . in the Legion Hill. on Friday, October .9th at 2.:30 p°m. This :will be our Grandmothers' meeting. Mr. Sowerbtitts of Clarkson is having a display of bretby art pottery. He .. also. will tell ••story of,the.pottery as.part of the.. program. Some neighbour- ing Institutes have been invited to attend. Others who `,wish' to attend . are..welcorne, q' ZONE : 2 YORKSHIRE .SALE ; • TUESDAY; OCTOBER 13th: • Wing '529-W-3. 26 bred sows 13 Boars 'FOR SALE--Re-conditioned tel- evision sets, 21 and 17 inch. Soine 'nearly. new. 90 'day guar- antee on'parts and tubes. Picture tube guaranteed '1 year. =Mason Radio and TV, phone 184 Ripley. • . PERSONALIZED' LABELS -.T.300 with your name and' address in ,plastic dispenser, .only •$1., Dori 'lllompson,.: Lucknow. • . THE 20th ':SEMI-ANNUAL SALE. 'FOUND of the Grey -Bruce -Hurn . Aber- deen •arigus, Breeders' Association is. ` (being held: in the Walkerton Sales Arena on ThUrsd'ay `.Octo' ber 15th, at 2:00 p.m:. Seven bulls - and 'eighteen ' females of exceptional' ibreeding. Bulls.: eli- gible for premiums, : varying: from . 20%. up, to : $60 and 33%. up' to $200, for tested bulls. Cat-. alogues ' on .request. .:Gordon Ribey, Underwood, '; President; T. ,Stewart Cooper, Markdale, Secretary: • FOUND-suin of :money in Luck - now: Apply Luckn•ow Sentinel.• SERVICES AUTOMOTIVE Glass -7 -Steering -Body ;Steering=+Body Repaitrs Lubrication, etc. For. /Quality Service, see DAVIDSON'S :TEXACO. SERVICE . , Phone 320 Gode rich No. 8 Highway TYPEWRITR` RIB'3O11S. Typewriter ribbons for any make of machine are now avail- able at the Lucknow • Sentinel: No. matter: what the machine, :we have :the ribbon.. Phone 35, Luck - now. . DEAD' 'STOCK' Farmers, we have the fastest. service and highest prices, ' . 7 days °a week, for . dead and dis- aibled :animals. 'Cbws and Horses, $4. each; 'good .: meat hot -sea,. 4c, a lb.; At no cost : to ,you . ' call hongdistance operator < and ask for ' Zenith 43900; Lorenz ' Dead. I Stock' Removal, Durham. • , • PERSONAL .: WHY FEEL OLD? Ostrex Tonic Tablets' help thousands of men,' 'women past 40 feel. younger. Only 69c. • At. all' druggists. TIRES! ' • TIRES! For best buys ' in '.tractor tires and any other :tires, contact, • Bruce Mac1V1illan,, Lucknow.: AUCTION SERVICE • Allan MacIntyre ' • FOR ' SALE= -Several used milk- Licensed Auctioneer ing machines of various snakes.: Lucknow, Phone 281 'Let• us install one of these, or a new ' Woods, in your barn on '1 he Lucknow 'Sentinel has in :trial, Prices given without 9131i - stock .at as 'times counter . check 'gation. Irving. Keyes,. ' Glamis, books and ceding machine •.rolls:, phone' Paisley 114-r-4. phone 35 Lucknow, ELECTRICAL ' -- repair work,. radios, toasters, irons, electric fences, anything in the electrical line, prompt service, reasonable prices; Lyons ..Radio Shop; phone 84, • Lucknow. NOTICE Finlay Decorators, and Gift. Shop will be closed this ,S. atur- October 10th. day .afternoon,esfaurant in Luck - now will be closed all next week' from Menday,, October . 12th to Saturday, • October , 17th, inclu- sive. WEDNESDAY; OCT.. 7th, ' 1959, Al1CTION SALE Clearing auction sale of 'val- uable livestock,, implements, hay and 'grain,. at the ,farm of Harry J. Lavis, l .. 11, Lot 47 'and 48, 'Con. 1, Kinloss, 11/4 miles north and 11,i• . miles east of Lucknow, on Tuesday, October - 13th at . 1:30 • p.m. See bills for list and. terms. : No reserve as farm is sold; Harry J. Lavis, Notice To Creditors • lan Macl y nt re Au,c. IN' THE ESTATE OF ISAB•E14L , 'MacPHERSON, All persons hav choice • ing claims against* the estate t of the above rnentioned. , late of Lot 57 the Township of West Wawa- ros'l', in the' County of '34uron Huron aTgwnship,. 1 lniles east Widow, who died on the.twenty- of • Highway 21 on Ti irsday, fourth day of May 1959, are re- October 15th at 12.;30 ' p,in.. No quired to: file, proof of same with'r reserve. See bills - for , hst'mac. and c- the, undersigned • on. or ,before terms. George • ando Murray Ma ^ the 17th. day of October, A.D , Donald,• prop., b Wald B. Blue, 1959, auc. cu SEPTIC ; TANKS Septic Tanks,cess. pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with mod - .ern equipment, All work guar- .anteed. Louis Blake, . R. 2 Brus- sels, phone .42-r-6 Brussels. Clearing auction sale of livestock and poultry equipment . /at. MacDonald Brothers', Spruce: Nook ` Farms, . ' o , Con. 2, • TENDERS MEAT .FOR, SALE' . . Good beef. r pork in large or: • small quantiles,'. Meat slaughter- ed on premises inspected by the Department of Health; Custom killing by appointment. Cattle 'killed ,very day and hogs every ' Tuesday morning. ' • RAYNAFtD ACKERT, : Holyrood Phones 24-28, Ripley, and 101-r-13,: Lucknow • After. that date the exe tor Will proceed to distribute the estate 'having regard only to the claims , of which : he . shall then have had 'notice. DATED . at . Wingham, Ontario - this 29th day of September, A.D.. 1959. , Crawford . and Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario,. . . Solicitor for the Executor, READER'S DIGEST OFFER You can take advantage of.'it •:26% •reduction. in " the .price of Reader's Digest. • NEW or ' RE- NEWAL, . we will take your subscription for one ' year' for $2.97. • The regular price. is .'$4.. Don't delay, take advantage of this special ..offer and also . •do you Christmas . gift shopping now., A. ,gift, card will the sent. Don Thompson,.' The. Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35. Tenders will be accepted until October 22nd, for all the butter- milk. -produced at Silverwood Dairies, creamery _at'. Lucknow. Contract. to . commence . Novem- ber lst, .'1959'. Lowest or any tender not .nec cessarily . accepted. ' W. , R, •Howey, Manager. FIELD, TILE Dealer • for Martin's quality tile. 4 -inch tile alWays on hand at 6c. Free delivery on 1000 or over. Lorne Eadie, . Holyrood, phone Ripley 24;9; Is Your Subscription Paid?` • DEAD• STOCK SERVICE HIGHEST, CASH r PRICES Paid, for Sick, Down or Disabled Cows .& Horses, also 1111' Dead Cows and Horses. at Cash Value Old horses 4c ; per pound GORDON 'TA'YLOR Phone 44-r-24, 'Lucknow. R.R. ` 2` Lucknow : •. 24-hour' service WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial -Breeding Service ; - All Breeds of ;Cattle - Member owned and controlled, -7Cost Low .- • Efficiency High - ' Use of the best' of bulla - Disease' .controlled; Safety. 'For service or more -informa- tion ,phone' - for long distance. Clinton Zenith 9-5650 or Collect Kincardine 460,• between .7:30 and 9:30 a.m. ' week days, ' 6:00 and 8:00 p.rn. Saturday evenings.. ' Calls ' received on Saturday evening will be serviced. on •Sun- day . morning, For cows in 'heat on Sunday morning, DO NOT. Call until Monday morning. Better 'Cattle. For. Better Living' CUSTOM BUTCHERING cutting and wrapping, meat' sold by quarter. ` For appointtnent. Phone 54, Lucknow. BUTTON MEAT 1Vl�AlHET • FINAL ,CLEARANCE on 1959 Model DODGE CARS • 1 .Only, Mayfair "8', Hardtop Save Hundreds 1,• Only •Cuitorn Royal Demonstrator Save Hundreds & Hundreds barge .Selection of '49 to '58• Models at 1960 .Prices No, Offer Refused On These- Cars for the next,. two weeks . REG McGEE and. • SONS . Dodge' --= Desoto 'Rambler Goderich, Ontario 'OPEN EVERY EVENING' Clearing auction . sale of farm, stock and implements at the. farm of Lloyd Saunders, Lot 18, Con. 3, • 'Kinloss' O. Thursday,. October 22nd at 1:30 p.m. stand- ard time. No 'reserve, farm .Sold. :See bills. Lloyd, Saunders, • prop;;' Allan Maclntyre, auctioneer.' • Auction .sale of. ef- fects ;h will' be . held at the resi- denceof Mrs.. Alex MacLennan, Ross St., . Lucknow, op Saturday, 'October 117th at '1::30 o'clock. Alan MacIntyre, auctioneer. DEAD STOCK '•SERVICES HIGHEST •.CASH • PRICES .: PAID' FOR SICK,; ;DOWN OR',DISABLED COWS and. HORSES also .: Dead Cows and .Horses At .. Cash Value Old Horses -4c •, pet' • pound Phone collect .133 --Brussels BRUCE, 1VIARLATT° 24. • Hour Service Auction ,Sale offarm stock, implements.• . and household ef- fects will be 'held atthe farm of Albert Campbell, .lot 10, 'conces- sign 11.2, Ashfield Township, . on Saturday, October 17th- at ' one o'clock. 4 ;Durham ;cows, hol- stein heifer, : all bred ' Herefords, dates of freshening given day' of. sale, Lister 6ream. : separator, . 2- :wheel, trailer with racks, 700 bales of good hay, 10,0 +bales, of straw; . Beatty washing: machine with churn combined, cliina'cup board, ,racking chairs,. round dining: table with chairs, chest of drawers, refrigerator, number of antique articles: and' 'dishes.' Also at : the same time. will be offered ` 11 acres .9f swamp, Terms cash, "George; Duncan, auc:, : Albert Campbell, prop, Clearing ` Aiuction:. Sale. of all • household , • effects" . and some ." machinery etc.. will ,be. held at : the Wall farm,. ' rot 65, 3rd' Kincardine :.Township en . the boundary 3 miles, ;west:''of the Lucknow Road on -Friday, •' October 16th at 1 p.m: At :the same •'time and place the farm will be offered for sale subject to reserve bid.. One hundred ,acres of good land more: or: less,. good L. bank barn, newly wired •for hydro and water in, stables, largebrick shouse, 'driving. shed and .hen house,.. drilled well. Fall ploughing done, See bills for list,' •and terms. ; Mrs. • Frank. Brown, prop., 'Donald ' B. Blue,,. auctioneer. • ::SATURDAY' EVENING POST Special ' rates for new subscri- bers, .00 '. weeks $4.79; '.117 weeks- $10..17; effective. until October 31st,. Don Thompson, The • 'Lucknow. Sentinel, phone 35..• ,Something to ,sell? 'Something' to buy? Phone . 35, Lucknow... .Johnston Moat. WE ' INVITE the people of Lucknow and District 'to visit' our store and 'compare our, prices with all others. SEE FOR YOURSELF the Every Day savings we offer throughout • our Market. SINCE OPENING this business ' it • 'has also been `our' y.top q policy to offer weekly features of ua1itity meat at Money -saving prices,, and will .continue to do so. SPECIAL FOR HOLIDAY WEEIKEND Boneless Smoked Picnics Ib. 4g