The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-10-07, Page 3'WEDNESDAY, .. OCT. 7th, 1409 A+ THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO //•/•//%/•%/%/)"*/ %%%/, • ////%////•"i4/•/%/%/v.////%/%/%/%/s/%/-/-/%//% • SAVE .YOUR CASH REGISTER ,SLIPS' FOR • When your cash register slips at Hall's Red and White add up to .$25, bring them into. , the store and you will receive ABSOLUTELY FREE, one pair of ladies nylons. START SAVING. RIGHT AWAY!' • MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, lb.. .65c ATTRACTIVE.. PRICES ON ' TURKEYS. HEINZ TOMATO JUICE, Save 6c Fancy .Quality, 48 oz. . . , . 2 for :57c AYLMER : FANCY QUALITY PUMPKIN Save ' 2c, 28 , oz. ... , , '; , , • 2,, for 37c LIBBY'S FANCY PEAS Save 4c, 15. oz. tins . , . 2 for : 33c Red and White: Food Store 'PHONE;' 26 ,.FREE DELIVERY. DELICIOUS.' / ivy T •. hinks �Dinners g 9► ' AT 'GER DUNLOP INN Highway 21, 3 'miles north of Goderich SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11th Chicken dinners .• 12:30 to 1:30 .'.(noon). Turkey ` dinners '5.00 . to. 7:30 (standard time) (Reservations given special attention) :Catering to weddings, .anniversaries . banquets; etc. Mrs. G. "Canting,. 'phone Carlow 406 Local &GeneraI.'. Mrs., . Clinton, Smith ..of Sea-' forth (the former• Kate Macl?on ald) was a visitor in town last week. • Mrs. Ray La Vigne-of Windsor and Mr. •,and M.rs. Ben' iIamiltOn of Auburn were Sunday visitors with •Mr,; • ,and Mrs. . George Saunders. Mrs.. Lorne:.Farrish . Underwent a major; operation' 'inGoderich 'Hospital': ori ' Tuesday of .last: week and is convalescing fav- orably " ° Ni1�i,�oaMPosoil..Nf�e4 ���• LUCKNOW . UNITED. -CHURCH Minister: Rev.. Gordon`, R. Geiger, B.A., ' B D. •• THANKSGIVING SUNDAY . OCTOBER 11Th 10:00. a.m. Church School • 11:00 am: Divine.` Worship. INF`AN'T: BAPTISM 'Nursery in the -Church House. Thought for ` the week He that plants thorns .. must neves expect to gather roses. ,Lucknow. Presbyterian Church 1 i Minister: Rev, _Wallace McClean ! THANKSGIVING ' SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11th 1.10:00 a.m. Sunday School .111:00'. Morning a.m. Morning Worship 1 3::00 'P,m, Hun;gatinon, Mr. ' and ' ;Mrs. Jack• Cooke and Janet are" visiting in: • Detroit John and Donald Johnston of Toronto spent.' the '. week -end with their . parents, Mr. and Mrs. .Russell Johnston of —Ashfield.,. Mr. 'and 1VXrs: A.. C. . Agnew and Evan. have . moved this week to the apartment in the Murdie Block: . iGarnet Henderson is a 'pa'tient in Victoria. :fiospital, . London, having been ' taken • ' there • on Tuesday of. 'last week: • Mr.' and 1VIr• s. C. A. .Higgins of Detroit: are visitors with .Mr. and: Mrs. Herb Curran of Ash field . and: • With 'Other, relatives in.. the community. Mrs. Bruce MacKenzie return- ed 'last .week from a visit in Montreal and was accompanied iby her mother, Mrs. De Gruchey, who had spent. a .,couple: of, months with her .son, .and daugh- ter in the Quebec metopolis. • Mr. and Mrs: ' Hank Krueger of ,Detroit spent the week -end with' 'relatives . here and were. accompanied by Mrs. Edi Thorn who: returned from a visit. in 'Detroit.. • Alex "Sandy" .Purdon' under went an operation in Toronto General Hospital on, Thursday of ' last• week and is making satisfac- tory, atisfactory; progress. 'He was hospital- ized operation. about two'. weeks .before the LADIES; THIS IS FOR YOU:: School ori skin care ; ".in the o Recreation Lounge R om, .INuck- . now,' on Monday, October ,19th •at.8.30 p.m. Edna Rayner, beau- tician,. All ladies : welcorne, Social hour to follow. Local Lady's Father • Passes, The funeral of John R. .Lind- say,.' age 70, of Huron Township bras held at .Ripley • on Monday. Mrs. Ross Cumming of Lucknow is a daughter, and there are two sons, Walter of Huron 'Township and Harry of . Walkertoni 4 '+ Shia.: LIONS MEETING .. (Continued from page 1),' terspersed by: violin music by Elliott Carruthers, W. L. Mac- Kenzie„ Walter Collins and ,John 'Peteiibough, with accompaniment by Mrs: Ross. Cummings.. Lion : Bob Finlay . repeated that Teen Town would start en: Oc- tober 9th. Lion Harvey: Houston repented for the Welfare Com- • mittee. The question was raised 'as to what. assistance is to be ex- pected locally from, the Wing `- ham Lions Easter seal campaign, to. which • this district has con= tribugted ;;for several' years. It was decided to invite the Wing -r-. Siam Lions Crippled Children's Committee to , ` an early • meeting of . the LucknowClub to clarify' the pictdre: • Lion Rae Watson ,gave a de-' :tailed report . of the •• Board of Governor's meeting in Toronto. How to finance the :proposed Club projects .was• discussed, 'with coin: cans, a_,: stag'' night and. draws, as :suggestedsources of revenue , Lion Harvey Webster stressed that October was :'membership' /month: Because . of the:next next regular meeting : falling on .Thanksgiving it was set for' the • nex:t night Tuesday. VILLAGE; .COUNCIL (Continued onpage3.) was possible at the• 'rear;, of bus- • iness ,places. On . the: north side west. of ,the river,;••access is not good, and Council discussed the future feasibility: (certainly, not. this year) ' of building a new de- livery road from Wheeler Street a block north, along the river: Abridge, over the river at,. this point is something that might re ceive future consideration, •and besides' providing. for an access road, would relieve ,heavy . traf- fic onnMain ' St.' This,' of 'course, is ' only a sub- ject of discussion' at, present. In the meantime Reeve George Joynt was "delegated• to contact, transport and truoperators in the ".big'" truck Bck lass, and seek their , co-operation to ' do what: they 'can to relie the highway relieve congestion. Endorse No .Drilling Council endorsed a resolution seeking' , to prohibit oil explora- tory drilling in Lake ' Huron, which is •claiined to be a threat 'to water pollution. BORN_. -T,-.. LE GRAND -to • Mr. and Mrs: Art LeGrand . (Ardonna John- stop) at •East General Hospital, Toronto, on October 1st, a . son. PAGE THREE 0 S �'fatS�OVE'S, Scarves Our hangers are bulging ' with gay, soft Fall and Winter Coats. Choose yours from a full range assortment in color, style and, size. HATS . SCARVES ; , ; . , . , ., , , GLOVES and BAGS . breezy,, leafyycolors to match, • • FREE ONE, with every coat.. • . . , .. :. ; . many styles Men's' Shirts Clearance $3.49 Work. $o, •' Caps: Overalls'. Braces- ' Work Shirts Latest Jackets , Orlon Pullovers . $3.49, Lisle Hose ......, . 75c New SlimsNanl Skirts Blouses ' and Sweaters Stanfield Knitting , Wool New, Wool Dresses s LADIES' .and MEN'S WEAR: FASHION .MILLINERY ENGAGEMENTS: •Mr. and Mrs. Rene •Tremblay, announce' the • engagement, of .their. daughter; Raymande, , to Mr. 'Robert Morton, son ',of Mr. and Mrs. Albert' Morton of Lucknow. The • wedding will take place' on Saturday, October 17th in the RCAF Chapel • ;at Moisie, Quebec. Dr. and Mrs. Austin C.' Car- Bert, of Elmira announce the en- gagement of ,their daughter,. 'Barbara Anne; • to Mr.. Russell James Alexander Barr, of Tor- onto; , son of Mrs: John Barr of Kinlough' and•,the late Mr. Barr. The wedding will , takeplace on "October,; 17th at 4 - o'clock at First United Chapel, Waterloo. SKUNKS `HAVING "FIELD DAY" STAGING `COLD WAR". Talk about cold wars—the ' lo- cal skunk . population which seems . to have increased ' sub- stantially—is having a field day literally petrifying ' the inhabi- tants. nhabi-tants, without starting ' a ' "shoot- ing war." There have been some pretty hair raising ,experiences, • from which one can draw only::a couple. of conclusions 'these skunks know they.. have the. 'up per hand., or they've shoat the, 'In midday last "week one, of the anirnals boldly' played -hide=' and;seek:. ar'oiund,the front steps of .a ..Havelock . St. • home. .Not far distant from this scene, a dog tussled "playfully" 'with :a. black • and white "kitten," with- out the usual iesults. ' • But. 'Bill . Webster's • exPerience• caps it all? -and he swears. it• is the truth. While sitting on. the window , ' ledge outside ,Mason's garage :recently, a ' skunk. came around the corner of the garage off ,Inglis Street, "hugged" :the front of the building and ambled unconcerned .. under Bill's legs While he . sat "frozen", • to • the • sill. The skunk meanderedout to Main Street and "swung" east up the sidewalk. • 'And, so the' stories , go:• These aren't just three isolated inatan; • ces. DAUGHTER ' OF FORMER CO=O'P. MANAGER •WEDS, A' double -ring 'ceremony was performed: by the Rev. ' A. W. • Meacham when Lynn Marie Stevens, Thamesford,' and Ed ward Lee Bradey, London;. ,ex changed marriage vows. The bride is the 'daughter oI Mr. and Mrs. Jack :Stevens, Thamesford, and • formerly . of Lu,cknow, ' The groom is 'the 'son of Mr. and Mrs.- Jack Bradey, • 1Vlarkdale. Mr. and Mrs:,: Bradey will re- side in Thamesford. The . bride :. is •.a graduate of 'Victoria 'Hos- pital School 'of . Nursing. Lyceum Theatre y .1NGHAI"I Two shows each .night First at 7.15 • Thursday,. Friday, Saturday, October 8, 9, 10.• •' Jerry Lewis . Marie McDohald in "THE ' GEISHA BOY"' Jerry Lewis, is cast as a bung- ling small-time.: 1 magician, and the action' centres 'around his;..: 'Misadventures when he joins a U.S.O.un, it to entertain troops" ' in' Japan. RK THEATRE Now Playing Bing Crosby, Debbie .'Reynolds . and 1 Robert Wagner, In. "Say One For Me" — In scope. i and. Color. 1 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, October 12, 13, 14 , I Deborah :1 o •London, to Paris, a romantic From, Hollywood,' comedy stacked with action and fizzing fun C.OUNT YOUR BLESSINGS' -- Scope. •& Color Thursday; Friday, FridSaturday, tur a' October cler, 16, 17 : George Montgomer"TaFandDavid . Farrar' Mines," The son of the'white' hunter of ' " King Solomon's now an adult, coniines the spectacular African adventure. . VVATUSl i• — In Technicolor 1 Coming --"The Mating Game'` Debbie Reynolds. and, I . Tony Randall. 000,40110q`1}.01Ny1111.0,11111►ti311.H•�.aad1/s1!.01011.r.0/0/16FI411■10O.1.1IaN(I1W..1•080.4Mi1,lnn016/0r0,60.10i . o. • s. a