The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-09-02, Page 4PAC,rE FOUR. THE LUCKNO11ft ,SENTINEL, L•U''OKNOW, ONTARIO a r. 444 • ch Ck , FOR SALE POTATOES FOR SALE ••,app1Y to Simon de Boer, R. 1 Luck- now. . TYPEWRITER FOR SSALAP- ply at • ;Sentinel Office.' FOR SALE -3 -piece chesterfield in good . condition, phone' 22, Lucknow, HOUSE. FOR' SALE in. Luck now; 'close to Main Street. Ap ply ,to Wm. McInnes, Walkerton, phone '.556-W, collect. FOR SALE,- Tetra Petkus seed rye. Robert Fur"vis, . R.R. 2; Luck - now or call by phone, FOR SALE -250 'white leghorn pullets, ',4 dnonths,. old: Orland Bere, Dungann6n, phone, 24-r-14. FOR SALE . Lloyd baby car- riage, ;Beatty washing .machine. Mrs. Don McLeod, •Lucknow. FOR SALE -- Registered York- shire' Boar, ,born September 1958, from'A.. R. Breeding..:, Apply• Os- car `White, R:R:.6 Lucknow FOR SALE -seed wheat, ' Kent 'and . Richmond varieties. Harold C. Cooper, St. Helens, phone Lucknow 219-f-25. WANTED WANTED_ -Young lady for full time employment, , Good salary. . to right. person. Apply Lucknow Fruit • 11llarket. • WANTED would like good home for two pups • and year-old • collie, Mrs, George 'McInnes,. Elgin,aSt, just off Havelock St,; South: COOK "WANTED -for Lucknow Convalescent Home. Apply: H. 'M. Greer, phone 129-R. • NOTICE AT.' HOME TO' FRIENDS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lavin,. Lucknow, R.R. 5, will be at Home . to; their ,friends. from 2 to 4 p,m, and 7 to 10 p.m, on Tues- day, September 8th, 1959 on the occasion of their 25th Wedding Anniversary, . WANTED—girl or woman want- ed for house work, steadyem- paoynient, good wages. 'Mrs. Duncan' Simpson, phone 12-10, .Dungannon. WANTED ' used windmills, puinps and pump jacks as trade- ins on electric pumps.. Let us giveyou a'free estimate on roof- ing material and installing. ' Irv- ing Keyes, Glamis, phone, -Paisley 1'14-r-4.. PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF OFFICE HOURS Until: further notice J. . A. Vickers, Foot Correctionist, will be at the Queens 'Hotel, Wing - ,ham, each Monday evening from. 7:30 to 10;00 pan., 'instead ' of: Monday,' afternoon. • Other times = 481 6th Ave., Hanover, Phone 500 ATTENTION ' LAWN. BOWLERS All bowlers wishing to 'bowl in the Labor. Day•Men's Doubles tournament must inform the •sec- retary by Saturday; •Septernber 5th: Harold Ritchie, ,Secretary. NOTICE' RE ACCOUNTS Ail 'garage accounts owing to J. E. MacDonald•,; Lucknow,• are required to be paid by Septem- ber. 00th, 1959 Accounts may be paid at. , the .,residence, Havelock St., ..S'outh. • wilthimsmy, .SEPT.. 2nd, 1959' R I S ROOTS HAVE ARRIVED All those wishing GOOD NAMED VARIETIES. at 40c each.• Please' contact Secretary of ' HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Chas. Bristow OLD: HORSES WANTED Old .horses . wanted at 31/2c 'per' ib.; dead cattle at value. If dead, :phone ` at once . to Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, phone collect God erica• 103;4 or :,483J1. FOR . SALE—Young York 'sows, bred Englishyork, due"Septem. ber 12th and later,: Reid- Broth ers, phone ', -81-12 Dungannon. HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT— 'in ENT'in Lucknow, modern convenien- aes,five . rooms, available mid September. Elmer ; Johnston, Lucknow.'. WOOD ' FOR SALE -10: cords -of dry ,'elm and X10••• cords of . :dry maplebodywood from 18 to 24 . :inches, J. E. MacDonald, phone 51-3, Lucknow FOR: SALE Hereford bull a 'little better than two years,,01d, about 1,200 lb., • exceptionally quiet. First • $300 lakes him. Rae Watson, 12th West Wawanosh, R.R. .1, Lucknow. • • :FOR 'RENT HOUSE FOR RENT -2 -bedroom house .on Wheeler St, all mod ern conveniences, heavy..' wiring. Apply to Sandy Rider, phone 1186R, :Stratford, after 6:00 Pan.• REAL' ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE, Ila • Lucknow and '..District . . One -storey . Insul brick: dwell - Mg ' in.Lucknow, built-in cup- boards; /two bedrooms,large. living, room, new 3 -piece. : {bath, extra building lot. Full price, $3,000.00. Several ` farms in Lucknow .dis trict,. some with low down pay- ments. For your real' estate 'require- ments 'contact, William S. Reed, phone 292M. Real Estate Broker, Wingham. ... SERVICES .-. ....... IN MEMORIAM, 'GREER—in loving' .memory'• .of. Mrs', ‘J. ' M. ,Greer, who passed away :two years. ago, on August 3lst, 1957,. . :, • In our home she is 'fondly 're- membered, re -membered, , Sweet memories cling . to " .her. name;.' • : Thosewho loved her• in life• sin- cerely, ' ' Still' love her in death just the same. • Ever remembered by Husband and family. M'RTGAGE.: SALE::, of ':valuable FARM PROPERTY Under'. and ' by .virtue of the Powers of Sale . contained hi a• certain Mortgage` which will be CARD .OF THANKS Mr. and ' 1Vlrs: W 'A. Russell wish. to , thank .. their. Lucknow friends .who •so kindly • remem- bered • thein ...With ' cards, :flowers and •gifts. I wish: to express my sincere 'thanks to all 'Who 'remembered 'me with visits, cards, letters and gifts while. I was, in the hospital:, Thanks ;also to the nurses' and produced .at the time of the sale, staff of Wingham ,JIospita'l' and there will be offered for sale by • Doctors Corrin and F_infayson.: Public Auction: • Mrs,Gordon Brooks MEAT ESR . SALE Good beef or, pork in large or small quantities. - Meat • slaughter ed on premises inspected by the Department of Health. Custom killing by appointment Cattle killed: every day and hogs every Tuesday _horning: ' RAYNARD ACKERT, Holyrood Phones '24"-28, Ripley,'. and 101,-r-13 Lucknow --- FOR —FOR SALE -several used. Milk- ing machines of various; makes. • . Let us - install ',one of, these, :or a new Woods, •' in your, barn on trial. Prices given without obli- gation:Irving Keyes, Glamis; phone Paisley' 114-r-4.,. on THURSDAY, . SEPTEMBER 3rd. at 2:15' p.m.. at the- said lands, .situated on the, 6th = Concession of : the Township .of Kinloss, ap= Leo _Beauchamp wishes to sing cerely thank all ,who "so kindly remembered/. him ' in ,various ways '° while 'in the hospital and since .'returning ' home, , Special !proximately :5. Miles .north-east thanks to Dr Corrin,, Dr. Finlay - of' Lucknow. son and the • •staff of Wingharn The Following Property, Namely Hospital AUCTION SERVICE: Allan 41a,cintyre , Licensed/ Auctioneer .Lucknow; , Phone 281 • CUSTOM BUTCHERING cutting and wrapping, • meat sold by quarter. . For • appointment, phone .54, Lucknow.' 'BUTTON •.,MEAT' MARKET PULLETS FOR • •SALE: 2200..Honne.gar ' Leghorns,: 12 weeks old. July 9th, will sell all .' or .small' numbers/ no less than 100 birds, ask for price on pick up. Ray Fisher, R.R. 6 Goderich, phone 30-22 , Carlow.. SEPTIC TANKS Septic, Tanks, cess pools; etc., pumped and ;cleaned With mod- ern equipment. All work guar-. anteed, Louis Blake, R. 2 Brus ,.sell, phone 42-r-6 Brussels. ' FIELD TILE Dealer for Martin's . quality tile, 4 -inch tile always on hand at 6e. Free delivery on 1000 or over.' Lorne Eadie, Holyrood phone Ripley 24,-9... • Farm Lot 16 in Concession ix and :Farm. Lot 16 Concession," 5, in. the Township. of Kinloss, in the County, of ;Bruce, containing Two Hundred Acres of Land, be the same more or ,less. 'On Lot 16 in the Sixth Con- cession of the' Township of Kin- loss there is said to be situated a one -storey /frame house ;and • bank barn, and . on Lot 16 in the Fifth Concession, of the. Town- ship • of Kinloss,. a two Storey brick house, and ibalnk • barn,, and approximately twentyacres of .;.bush: Terms Of Sale Ten per cent of th'e purchase money to be paid down, at the time of the sale' and the ';balance. thirty , days thereafter. ' For ' further particulars and conditionsof sale apply to:- R. W. Andrew; Listowel, Ontario, Vendor's„ Solicitor. Allan lViaclntyre, Auctioneer, • ',Typewriter.' "ribhcns 'o:any make,ry of ma bine are now avail- able at the Lucknow' Sentinel. No • matter what the machine,'We have the ribbon" Phone 35, Lucky now:.' . AUTOMOTIVE Glass-SteeringBody Repairs Lubrication, etc. For Quality Service, see DAVIDSON'S TEXACO • 'SERVICE` Phone 320 , Goderich No. 8 'Highway ELECTRICAL repair' work, radios, toasters, " irons, electric 'fences, :anything •in 'the 'electrical line, prompt .service, reasonable prices; Lyons Radio Shop, phone 84, Lt cknow: WATERLOO CATTLE. • BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where • Better Bulls Are Used" • Artificial ,13reedii g,,Service .--- All ,Breed's • of. Cattle - •. Member, owned and controlled •-1 Cosi+ Low Efficiency High - Use of the 'best of bulls -- Disease' controlled, Safety. • For service or more informa- tion phone for long . distance. Clinton Zenith 9.5650 or . Collect .Kincardine 460, between' 7:30 9:30 a,m. • week: days; 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. - Saturday evenings. -Calls received on. Saturday evenng will 'be serviced.on-Sun- day morning: For cows'. in heat on Sunday . morning, DO .'NOT call until, Monday morning:: Better Cattle Por Better Living We''wzsih'' to express our grate- full thanks • and appreciation for the Many kind acts and expres- sions ofsympathy extended by our friends and neighbours dur- ing our Uncle's illness and at the time :of his death.; Especially we should . like to ` thank Mr'. and Mrs: J: L. MaeMillan who had been .so, kind to him, •. Clarence.: and 'James. Gibbons, • St. Augustine. MAGIC MARKERS Because of so many requests, we now have available the handy "Magic Marker".. Just . lift . the .'cap . • and- it writes cn anything, dries instantly. For home, work and play, it' just can't be beat. Available in 8 colours; only $11Q at The Lucknow' Sentinel, pkione 35 Have You. J enz ed Youl Sub- scription 9: T1R)i;SI TIRES! For best buys in tractor tires and any' other ,tires, contact, BruceMaeMillan Lucknow. SPECIAL- PRICES on all NEW CARS IN STOCK • and DODGE and RAMBLER: DEMONSTRATORS plus reductions 'on all used stock Here's . an example 1956 PLYMOUTH SAVOY ' Was . $1,545 NOW 51,375 • See The Complete Line For 59 Dodge - Desoto — ,Rambler at REG McGEE and SONS Goderich, ' Ontario. OPEN EVERY EVENING 1 he Lucknow Sentinel • has in stock • at, al. times counter' check. books and adding machine ' rolls; nhone 35' Lucknow. Johnston SPECIAit• .BONELESS MeatMarket For Friday and' Saturday Smoked' Picnics, 49c lb. BACON, per lb.' . 59c CUSTOM KILLING and BEEF 'SOLD BY THE QUARTER, Seeus for price before you buy or kill! ...WE CUT ONLY RED 'and BLUE BRAND BEEF 4 'Z a• o CCP, //' Something to sell? Soniett 8 to buy?' Phone 35, Lucknow.