The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-08-26, Page 6• • PAGE gix 'SILVER LAKE W.1. HELD • BIRTHDAY PARTY SOCIAL The Silver Lake • Womn's In- stitUte held their August meet- ing and Birthday party in the Orange Hall at' Kinloss, ,It was family night and a good crowd Was in. ,attendance. q'he presi- dent, IlVfr. George Young presid- :d for the bi:isiness Part of the Meeting. The opening Ode and Mary Stewart Collect Was re- peated in 'unison. •Roli. 'call was answered by:• members having • their choice of Saying. Singing br Paying. IHappy Birthtlay was sung' for nembers having a • :Orthday in Auust. Plans were fl&Ie for mernbers to 'be (hostes- ses on August 17th at the Log Cabin' at the Brice Cpunty Mus eurn at Southarripton. ,Ma. J., Me - Ewan was chairlaclY for. the pro- gram. Community singing was enjoyed, Linda and Heleri • Campbell played a duet, The 4-H Club „girls sang a 'chorus, an old favourite song. The Backimith's Boy !was sung' by, Mis. George • Young. Readings Were -given by • several of : the members. Mrs. Albert Young " gave "The Old. Wooden Tub." The high light .of • the , evening was an interesting ad ess 'grven by Provncial' Constable •Hath of the •Kincar- dine • detachment , Cqnstable Hatch, spoke on the. • Provincial THE LUCKNOW SEMItIEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • ST. HELENS Regular series will be re- sumed at the 'United Church next Sunday. Mr. Cliff 4ps a Clinton will be the` ,guest speaker at the Sep- teinber meeting. of .the Women's Institute to be held in the, Com- munity Hall on Thursday even- ing, September 3rd.. at 8:30, Dar. Epps will Show pictures ,Of Ids trip to Florida and will also speak on Fall Planting. Roll 'call will be a paper ;Product I enjoy using. Mrs. - Wm. PUrclen • will . have 'the motto, `The farmer feeds them. all," and. Mrs: Wm. Rutherford will have a 'display of her • oil painting. Everyone is Poliee,explaining the liariouq blanches of their work. The Frce -has* expanded and mckler nized in this last twelve ,years so much that it is now one of the ,largest and best e4uipped 'police fores in the World: He answer- ed many questions asked by. the audience. In conclusion he re- cited the Cremation of Sam .M-: Gee. . The • meeting closed withthe National Anthem, and Institute gace... A delightful 1unch Was served by the • comittee in e arge. Mrs. . Y�ung cut ' ,the Birthday cake which was 'made by Mrs. Elmer Bannerrhan and Mrs. Fred Mo . • invited to take this OPPortunity te hear Mr. Epps and the Mem- bers are asked to bring sand- wiches, • . Mr. .Andrew Gaunt and Mr. G. A. Webb are patients in the Winghain and District General, Hospital. Best wishes of their many friends go for their speedy recovery, . • . Little .1,3ul• Curran is, makIng slow recovery at his home here after .ibeing: a patient in the. Children's War Memorial Hos- pital, London. 'Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Todd and Andrew of Southampton were recent Visitors with Mrs. D. Todd and Mrs. McIntosh • •• Mr. and Mrs. Mel • Brown 'of 'Kitchener were visitors with Mrs. R. Woods last week and Mrs. •Brown is remaining for awhile; Miss Anna Stuart: returned te Toronto on 'Sunday after spend- ing a feyt weeks with Mr. and Mrsr George • Stuart', Mr., Charles. Stuart; returns to Rearm this week after a visit here.- • Mr: and Mrs: G. S. McIntyre cif Richmond Hill have been holidaying With Mr. and Mrs. W. 1.Mi11r. On their return home they were' accompanied by • Donald who has' spent the vacation here. Mr; and Mrs, j. 'W. Dean of In,lersol were' recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron. 131 114 LATE MODEL WEDNESDAY, AUG. 26th, 1959 1959.• . Pontiac Stratochief, sedan, standard gear shift, " fully equipped , ........... . .. 1959 Pontiac Stratochief 'with automatic transmission $3;095 1958 Chew Belair Sedan, automatic, fully eqUiPPed :...$2,695 1958 Chev. Belair, 4 -door haxdtop, V-8, fully equipped $2,695 Two 1958 Pontiac Stratochie sedans, automatic trans- • mission, fully equipped ' $2,595 Ilrwo 1958, Chev. Biscayne Sedans, automatic $2,595 • 1358' Pontiac luaurentian, autothatic, fully equipped $2,695 1958 Chey. Delray Sedan. ' $2,195' 1955 Chev. Sedan, fully equipped • $1,450 1955 Pontiac Deluxe' sedan,fully equipped. .51,450 1955 Pontiac Deluxe sedan, automatic transmission fully • equipped 51,450 1955 Chev. Deluxe Sedan 51,30 1954 Monarch sedan, automatic, fully equipped 1954 Chev. Deluxe Coach, fully equipped • TRUCKS! , TRUCKS! 1953 Dodge 1/2 ton Pickup • '• $595 $1,095 $ 950 ' • , insssels Motors Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealers . CASH, TRADE, TE1t1V1S — Open Evenings Until 10 Cities Service Dealer — • Phone 173, Brussels Your assport... o Better Living -.? • . . . . . . , • • • . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . n...,..:1.-...,...r.•:;.,•reesx,...,•c....%,...:......":•.x..n.,.nr.c...,:.....14.:.::•••:.::•:.144::.;•:•:%.:••••.pie•x•-....:4,....T2:Ptf.:.47:.....ti . „,4,,,;;,,,i,.:*,:,..;,,e.%.....,.;.e..k..,..f...., • .:.::44.1:.:'..,:.:,.:,..;.:::4•:•?...&4-4•..2f.l.'4•:4•••L'ove.;%•:4o44.44,•%. ' . . . e:m.:.e.e.::•••. ,, ..0,..:::',..:•••••:'..,:>..•.,..••;',.••••:'?,,,,:',.,;?:;.,...,.....,04, ...• le: •••:::. 'et!. Aeiee. . .:•:.:•.• • Ashfield iiresbytcrian:.W.M.S. Miss: Sadie Johnston , was hos- tess as well as leader for the August meeting of • the Ashfield W.M.S. which was, held, on Thursday, August 20th. * Mrs.; Reuben 'had the devot- . , iorial. and •chose the ..parable of ' the Sower. God's message is the • same to all and for all and what We do about it;and .hoW we, wiV. • ness for Christ is our ansWer to it. Barbara Lillian McKenzie arid Sharon ,Wst 'favored With 'a •duet.,Rell Call was answered by a "Harvest • tekt?.? Miss. Sadie Johnston led in a panel discus- sion on the' topic, "The Church's witness for a changing Caada." Mrs. Donald Simpson speke :of the problenis of ,the church 'in the cities wereexpan§icin is be- ing carried on. Miss Marianne Weft spoke of how the •church tried to help in these programs, of epansion. The lack of funds is a great draw back, aleng with a 'lack of trained workers in and for the 'liurch:• She 'spoke of "Evangel , and "Tyndal :House,"' horhes 'away from home. Mrs. Jack Campbell' gave a brief, account Of the DeadOneSs Train- ing. School. The dedicatory pray- er .ws given by Mrs. Dan 1,Vylds. Mrs. George IVIOncrief was ap7 • pointed •to take charge of lunch to be served :at the Sectional meeting which • is t• be held in Ashfield .church, possibly in September. Mrs. 'Jack'McCreight offered her • home for the Sep- tember meeting of the WAVI.S. Grace waS •sung and a social hOur enjyfel, There ,Were 29 members, six Vi§itors arid five teenager. ••••• • . • ,} • ' • .1,, • • 44. 4 4 Here's one very helpful handbpok that will hold the interest of every .member Of the family , . . a B of M.•. Savings Account passbook — which can be yourpassport to better living. It's the ideal, book for those who look ahead and plan . ;Gt the whole story by visiting your nearest • B of M branch.: Open a B ofM • Savings Account for each member of the family. today. - • . • . . , • • Likknow Branch t MILTON RAYNER. Manager WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK �F !AE BANK. OF MONiREAL jiike Say42g at 6.414.44 0Ozdt. 0,444 "MY BAN' 702201102024DIANSI B°111 Zion United Church W.M.S. Mrs. Jim Hunter held the Aug- ust 13th meeting at her, home with 16 ladies. and 13 children Presrit. Devotional Was given by Mrs. Fank' Ritchie with Mrs. Harvey'. Ritchie' reading the scripture. TO let 'the Programme for September Is Mrs. Gordon Kirkland. Visitors . for shut' ins are Mrs. William G." Hunter and: Mrs, Allan ,Ritchie. An .4hvita- tiOn was ."' read from Blake§ W.KS. to attend their bazaar on August 21§t. Thank you cards • were read from Mrs. Jake Hun-, ter:. The mney fOr the iength Of Your' shOes was handed in. A chapter of the ' study .bok Was Prepared. and. given by Mrs. Al- lan Ritchie. Mrs. Gordon, Kirk- • land gave' a reading.. Mrs. Jack Gardner sang a §plo and Nancy Kirkland gave a recitation.. The president Closed' ' with prayer.: The • September nieeting Will he held' at the home of Mrs. Char- -les . • cHECk THESE RATES SINGLE 45., .(wIth private. both). DOUBLE (wit, prlWatwbet11): • _on . 44 • Hotel EMPIRE ,Brpaciway'af 63rd PlItqf • • Ai. the 'Gateway to Tunes Sivare4 • 700 roottut'at suites—most with AIR- CPSIDITIOIsIlG, TV and radio • thiceltent Restaurant—CO(4e Shop---, . CocktailLounge . , • Garage adjacent to hotel PLUS many special Empire.conyenieneesuch. es Baby Sitters, l'hyscien,, Sightseeing Buses, Train & Plane Resrvations, Bado &TV Tiekne. NEW YORK 23 NX COlurrabus 5-7400 • SINCE 18:17 "blittoo DERICH Business .Colleg. .OPENS SipTEMBEK Sth Practical Instruction in all Commercial Subjctz; Qualified Teachers—Modern EqUipment—New Typewititerg Examinations set, markd, and DiplornaS issued by tHE BUSINESSDUCATORS' ASSOCIATION OF CANADA For several years Overy Seat has been filled, liegister now --- Tuition $22.00 Telephone daderich 428. or 172 eolleet 0