The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-08-26, Page 4PACE FOUR p • THE LUCKNOW SENTINELS LUCKNOW, .ONTARIO • , ,• 1• FOR SALE FOR RENT fig ROUSER•FNT-in Luck - ow on "Standpipe Hill," avail- ble; September 1st. Austin Mar- in, R. 6 Lucknow, ;phone 117r19 SOUSE FOR, RENT--2•-bedroom ouse.' on Wheeler St„ all mod- rn. convenience's, 'heavy. wiring: apply tg .,Sandy' Rider, phone 1186R, Stratford, after,„6; 00 p.m. Johnstgn *Meat Market. FREE COLLIE PUPS --four pups to ,be given away to good: hoines. . `,Luek- John 1VIacR.ae, phone .27, now. HOUSE FOR SALE -,- in' Luck- glow, close to Main` Street. •Ap- ply to Wm,-1V1clnnes,• Walkerton, '5.56=W. ` Phone Collect. • '" • SALE 'florescent ' light FOR -two fixtures, four feet; long!, Mall's • Red 'and White Store; Lucknow • FOR SALE '-•'• 30 good ready to wean York-Landrace pigs. Leo- nard Chisholm, Dungannon, '' phone 13-r-2, Dungannon. FOR SALE -7 Tetra Petkus ' Seed rYe. Robert Purvis,' R.R. 2; Luck - now or., call by .phone. FOR ,SALE. -7.250 white Leghorn pullets, 4 , months 'old. Orland Bere,, Dungannon, 'phone 24-r-14. FOR ' SALE -electric ' hammer mill, No, 10;' two wheel'' trailer with "stock. racks, Fred MacGre- gor; R.R.- :3 ;.Goderich, Phone. 66=r-8 Dungannon. FARM FOR SALE -'100 acres, lot 4, Con.'' 12, ,W, D: Ashfield,:. black ream, good barn and house, spring water, hydro. Apply '. to (Gordon &Barger, 'R. 3 . Lucknow, phone. 654.-21, Dungannon FOR ' SALE -7.1954 Ford sedan V-8; in• ';exceptionally • ,good .;tori- clition; low mileage, . belonging: to the Estate of Gibson • Gillespie. Contact '. GarnetFarrier, • White-. >churdh ' '• ' MEAT FOR SALE Good beef or pork in large' or small ;.quantities. Meat slaughter ped on' premises inspected by the •Department of Health. Custom killing by .appointment... Cattle killed every day and hogs every.' Tuesday morning.; . RAYNARO ACKERT, ', Holyrood phones `24-28, .: Ripley, and 101-r-13; ,Lucknow • FOR SALEL-•several used . milk- ing 'machines of ..various • makes. Lot us install • one of these, or a r' new Woods,. in your barn ' on' trial. Prices. given: without 'obli- gation. Irving Keyes, Glamis; phone Paisley ,114-4--4., .. • CUSTOM BUTCHERING • cutting • and wrapping, meat sold. by . quarter. For'. appointment : phone 54, .Lucknow. ' BUTTON :' MEAT 'MARKET PULLETS FOR . SALE • 2200 Honnegar Leghorns, 12 weeks old July • 9th, will sell all or small numbers, .no less than 100 birds,' ask .for price on pick' up. Ray Fisher, .R.R. 6 Goderich, ' phone 30-22• Carlow.... PULLETS : ..Six to twelve weeks Red x Sus., S1.1.. x • Red, Red x Leg. pullets: Immediate ,truck delivery. Six weeks 55c' and .10c .more each • older ' week. 10,000.•' 'available, Also 3,000 Hanson• World Record ' Leghorns. From Gov, Approved breeders ' of highest production. KELTEIIBORN HATCHERY, , SEPTIC... TANKS WANTED.. WANTED -Young lady /or, full ;ince ' employment. Good salary �o right' person, Apply Lucknow ruit Market. 1VANTED--an old -age pensioner widow, who _Would* like a good some in return for a 'little help n. the :home. Must, be.'clean and idy. Apply the latter part of the week to Mrs, Wni..Murdie, `Luck-< sow. WANTED -• used 'windmills, pumps and pump. jacks as trade- ins. '• on electric pumps...Let. us giveyou a . free estimate • on roof - ink material and 'installing; , Irv- ing •Keyes, Glamis, -phone. Paisley 114-r-4. :. • OLD HORSES. WANTED Old horses. wanted at. 31/2e per lb.;,`dc:'adcattle at Value...If dead, phone at once to. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, phone • collect God- erich 14e3L4 LOST. S'RAYED to the residence of Jim McNaughton, ' : a : large collie type .:'male ' dog. The ' owner, • or someone wishing_ a : gooct.. dog,, phone. 155,. Lucknow... FOUND WATCH FOUND -on ,the. ' ,Main Street. in' Lucknow on Saturday evening Owner may. : have :same by calling at,n The Sepoy Store. • SERVICES AUC ION . SERVICE Aldan Maclntyre Licensed Auctioneer: Lucknow. shone 10-r-24.' Ripley S,ti:c . Tanks, cess pools, etc.,. purhped and cleaned, withmod- equipment.' od- e•quiprnent.' All work guar-. anteed. Louis Blake,' R. 2 Brun - ;•e14„. phone 42-r-6 Brussels. • FIELD TILE ; Dealer, for Martin's quality 4 -inch tile always on hand at' 6c, Free delivery on 1000 or over, 'Lorne Eadie, Holyrood, phone. Ripley 24.9. NOTICE. iVirs.. A. C, Agnew, teacher of piano and theory. Pupils pre- pared for . examination's if de- sired.: The Legion Auxiliary meeting will be held on Tuesday, Sep- tember ;1st at 8:30. The 'ladies in charge • are'' Laura. McNeil, Vera Purvis, K. Purvis, F. '•Reid, E. Reid.. 1Vlembers of the Lucknow 4 -EI. Calf • Clubwill meetat the farm carom Todd,. St. Helens, on, Thursday nigt of this • week, August 27th at 8.30 •sharp.: MUSIC LESSONS Pupils prepared.. for Toronto; Conservatory examinations if de=; sired. Mrs. C; :.Shaddick, Lucknow, We shave taken over the Web- • ser. and .MacKinnon coal build= ing and business and we hope to: continue to supply their custo- mers, as well as' our. own, 'with the same top; 'quality.: coal. Lucknow' District, Co-op. CLASSES OPEN FOR 'RETARDED CHILDREN ; The Wingham and District As- sociation, for Retarded Children, willcommence elasses in the new school situated at 'the . .forme"r Wingham Sawmill .property on Tuesday, 'September ath. 'Ali 'in- terested Parties) contact the teacher, Mrs. T. 6. .9;iusser, phone Wixi hain 183. MORTGAGE SALE • of ' •valuable •. FARM PROPERTY• Under •+and' by virtue of the. Powers' of Sale contained in a certain'` •Mortgage Which ' will be produced at the time ,ofthe sale, there will Abe' offered for .sale by Public :Auction:. on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 30: at 2:15, ►.m. at the .. said lands, situated ' on the 6th Concession of the Township "of Kinloss, ap- proximately ;5' miles 'north-east of Lucknow.. The Following 'Property, Namely Farm Lot 16 inConcession Six and Farm• Lot '16.• Concession, 5;. in the Township of Kinloss, .in the 'County of Bruce, containing Two Hundred. Acres of Land,: be the• same more or less:. On ;Lot' 16 Tri the -Sixth Con- ' cession of ,the Township' of Kin- loss . there is said to be situated • AUTOMOTIVE . a' one -storey' frame . house- and :Glass-SteeringBody:: Repairs Lubrication, etc. For • . Quality Service, . see DAVIDSON'S' TEXACO ..; SERVICE' Phone 320 '. Goderich No. 8 Highway ELECTRICAL;, - 'repair work, radios, toasters, irons,electric fences, ' anything in the electrical line; line; prompt service, reasonable prices; Lyons Radio .Shop, phone '84, ;Lucknow.,. • • WATERLOO' ' CATTLE • BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where: Better Bulls Are Used" • b nk ba •n and on Lot 16 in the Fifth Concession of the Town- ship of • Kinloss, • a ; two-storey brick house, and bank barn, and approximately 'twenty acres of bush: Terms Of Sale • ' • Ten per cent of the purchase .money to be paid down at• the time of the sale and the' balance thirty' :days. thereafter. ' • Far ' ..further , particulars • arid conditions of Sale apply to- R W. Andrew, Listowel, Ontario, ,Vendor's Solicitor. • Allan MaeIntyre, 'Auctioneer: Artificial 'Breeding Service, All . Breeds of Cattle .-. Member owned and controlled "- Cost Low -- Efficiency High. •-- Use of the best of bulls --j Disease controlled, Safety: „Fore service or mere;: informa- tion'. phone - for long distance.. Clinton Zenith 9-5650r Collect T<inc�ardine 460, between 7:30 and 9:30 ..a;rn, week days, 6:00 and 3:00 p.m. Saturday evenings. • Calls received. on Saturday ev e•nin will be serviced on Sun day morning. For cows in heat ,on Sunday morning; DO NOT 'call until Monday morning. , Better 'Cattle For. Better Living TIRES! ' TIRES! For best buys' in tractor tires and any other tires, contact',, Bruce MacMillan, Lucknow. USED' .CARS 1958,.Rambler custom 6,' .4 -door sedan, like new condition. •1.957 Chev' coach, A-1 condition. 1.956 Dodge Regent 6 sedan, push button transniission;.• very clean, 1956 Plymouth. Savoy 6, Club' .elan, 25,000 actual miles: 1955 Buick Convertible coupe; custom radio, 4-1 condition. 1954 Oldsmobile '•Super• 88, 4- . • door 'sedan, automatic trans- mission, like new.. t95 ,DeSoto Firedorne, 4 -door sedan.,. • • 1951 Plymouth, 4 -door sedan. Several other" models to' choose from. Good selection • of . new ' 1959. Dodge' and Rambler cars for im= 'mediate delivery. Get the . best deal of 'the year by:dealing right away, ;with: See The Complete Line For 59 Dodge -- Desoto Rambler at• • REG IVIeGEE and SONS Goderich, Ontario, • OPEN EVERY EVENING` TENDERS Marked, ' sealed tenders will be received until August 31, 1959; for the transportationof all pup ils from SS, No. 9,. Ashfield to U.S.S. No. 8, Dungannon, for the year 1959-60. Lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted, R. T. Kilpatrick, Secretary',•, R.R. 7, Lucknow, Ontario, 'WEDNESDAY, AUG, 26th, '1 959 Johnston Meat Market SPECIAL For Friday, and Saturday • , g9c PARE 'RIBS, . CARCASS OF -'PORK,, cut and wrapped for. freezer, LB. 29c CUSTOM .KILLING and 'BEEF SOLD BY THE QUARTER 'See us for price before you buy or kill! • • VE.. CUTONLY . RED •and BLUE BRAND.' BEEF. • PLEASE NOTE ''' CHANGE : OF OFFICE HOURS Until further notice J. A. Vickers, Foot': Correctionist; •will' be at the Queens Hotel, Wing- ham, each Monday evening. from. 7:30 to 10•:00 •p m., instead of Monday afternoon. ' Other' times . 481' 8th Ave.; Hanover, Phone. 500' N MEMORIAM in, memory of 'J. Edwin Gaunt who passed away. three years ago OnAugust ; 23rd in his '14th year.. Quietly, swiftly carne• •the call, Sudden parting grieved us .all. Without good-bye. you • fell, asleep Beauitiful memories: for us to keep. : • Ever' remembered . by' • father, mother, , :brother, sister and grandmother. CARD 'OF :T,HANK:S. We,.wish to; thank all . those who gave us gifts at the time of our • wedding ' and • afterwards: Your ;:G _oughtfulness and good wisheswill always .be remem- bered. • June and . Bobh C ilchris • I' wish • to, thank all who sent cards and treats to me while in Greers . Hospital and all the nur- ses who were so . good to,• ane' and also Drs. 'Corrin and Finlayson. Mrs. ' Emmaline, Cranston: • I wish to express my grateful thanks and .appreciation for the many' kind acts and : expressions of .sympathy` •extended by friends and neighbours, .during my .. hus- band's 'lengthy '.illness, and at the time :ofmy recent bereavement: Especially I should' like to thank' Dr..C9rrin, Dr. Finlayson and the telephone' operators, who were so •'kind ,in time of need. Mrs. Lorne . Johnston. DEAD STOCK SERVICES. • HIGHEST , CASH PRICES PAID FOR SICK, ' DOWNOR. DISABLED. COWS and HORSES Dead Cows .,and Horses ,At; Cash Value • Old Horses -4c '•per • pound Phone collect 133 Brussels BRUCE' .MARLATT 24 Hour Service STAGE: TOURNEY.... The Ladies' Auxiliary to the' Canadian .Legion held; a very successful bowling • . tournament on the Lucknow Greens' on Tues- day, .August .. 20, with 45 ladies bowling. Supper was served at the Legion by Auxiliary Ladies, •The ' door prize was ..won ' py 'Bertha Gibbs• of„• Kincasrdine. • The. District Sports officer 'is.Mrs. 'Margaret Bogdon .'.of..Walkerton and Zone, 'Sports, officers •are Mrs.. ' Eva. Black; .Mrs. Kathleen Forester of Lucknow. . • Bowling prizes : were : won th•e, following kinks: , 1, Isla ' Threnclyle, Walkert E. Green, Arthur; Mae Hunt Lucknow: ' 2, B:. Kronipp,.: Walkerton; Buckingham, Y incardu e Lanibrier, Palmerston. H. 'Bertha Gibb, Kincardine; Bertha '''Walker; Walkerton; Vera Pu7*vis, Lucknow. . 4, S Kersey; Walkerton; McNaughton; Lucknow L. G ,bops, Cov, 5, D, WrenighSoundt,.' Kincardine;. N Smart, Owen Sound; ;Joanne Hunter, 'Lucknow. 6; Marg,Gibbons,.Owen Sound; K. Forster, ' Lucknow, Doris Bol - ander,' . Palmerston. , Mrs.' ' Campbell of Wingh was the oldest lady bowling. S, b.:. an • Glen .:Martin is attending ' t Ontario . •:Athletic • Leadersh camp ` at Lake Couchiching representative .frorn Ripley.' ONTARIO FAIRS 1959 Bayfield, 49 Sept. `23, .Blythe Sept. '•22, Brussels• Oct. 1, Chesley.; '.Sept. 11,: Oct: Durham Sept, . 25,' Exeter Elmira. : Sept..:4, 5,. ' Oct,: 2; •Sept Hanover Oct..23: 2,•, Kincardine Sept; 17, Listowel Sept. 28,. London ,(Western Fair):.Sept:. he ip as • DEAD.STOCK SERVICE HIGHEST . CASH PRICES Paid for Sick, Down or • Disabled Cows• & Horses also .Dead Cows and Horses at : Cash Value Old horses ,4c per pound' CORDON TAYLOR Phone: 44-r-24; Lucknow R.R. 2 Lucknow, • ' 24-hour service'. .Dungannon Gorrie Lucknow ...•......, • Meaord' • Midland Mildmay Milverton Sept. •23, Sept.. 18, • Sept. 17 - Sept. .15, Sept. 25 24, 23 2 12 9 26 24 3 3 18. 29 .4- 24 19.' 19' 16 26. 30 19 15' 6' 25 23 12.. 24 12, Mitchell... . ...,t.:. _Sept. 29, New Hamburg . •....., 'Sept 18, Paisley . Sept. 14, ]m , Oct. 5, Ripley • . • Sept. 25, Seaforth • Se'pt. 2 i, Stratford' - Sept: 21- Ta'istoek ..............;.. • Sept. 11; Teeswater. Oet. 6,, Tiverton :... ' Sepf ' 23, Toronto .(CNE),. Aug. 25Serit Y Pa erston FURNACE OIL, STO'VVE • .01 KEROSENE, GASOLINE See Or Call • WM. A. "BUD'' HA'VIILTON' Phone 220-w Lucknow. District .Agent for Cities Servic