The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-08-19, Page 8• • TRE wcwoW swrnIEL,. izromow, ONTARIO ..Books. •-• ahcr.:SUPPLIES • • ' for 1.00KNOW DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL 1959 - 60 - ••• • TEXT BOOKS GRADE12E, Magic CasementS, • Words Are kriportant, •Book 1. The•Merchant of Venice • Highroads Dictionary • • Classical ‘•Mythology in Song The Wooden' Horse , and Story, Part 1 Essentials of Business Practice J1.111i0x One- Act Plays 'of To- Geography For Today . day, 2nd• heries ••, '• • GRADE X choose Again • Twelfth Night Short Story Magic • -Mr. Standfast Words Are Important, Book 2 Premieres Annes de Francais Living Latin • New Course in Typewriting, Third Edition • General Shop Work , . • • • GRADE XI , . • • • Grass of • Parnassts • ' • Henry IV,. Part Arms' and The Man • - Maria, Chapdelaine'. ' • Learning To, Write • The Essence of Precis Words are InipOrtant, Book 3 Deductive Georn.etry and In- . troduction • to Trigonometry Modern Physics. For Second- ary Schools • • Cours Mayen de Francais,.. Part 1 • • ' Coutes, Plaisants Living Latin World' Ilistor From Ancient Times to 1760' General •Gedgraphy The, 'Canadian Oxford ...School Atlas • • New Course in., Typewriting, •• Third Edition ' • • GR4!DE'XII New Horizons 1 . , • . RiChard: '• • . • ' „•• Mayor of :„.Casterbridge PYgrnaliori .•• ' .•. • Learning To TO Write.. •• , • . Precis and .,Coinprehenslen. • Words., are .Irriportarit,•Book.:.4, A New Algebra; .• , • Chemistry .For' Secondary • • :SeliOola • • •••.• ' , • • • . • • • • • .. • ., • Exiperiment• iri Laboratory. Chemistry,:: Coins Moyen de Francais, • .,Part- 1 • , •Lecturis Variees Living Latin • Selected Latin Readings The Mddern Age Senior .Geography Basic Book Keeping • , ' GRAD. E XIII MacBeth•. Longer Poems, Grade 'XIII New Horizons Essays jand Short -Stories •The Bet= of the Native Murder in the Cathedral • Words Are irnportant, Book A Handbook in English Con position • Words Have Wings Elements of Trigonometry.- • and' Statics • A New• Analytical Gine Algebrai A Senior. Course • A Senior Physics For. High Schools 5 l rr ZIPPER' CASES Three Ring Binders Index • for Same • , LooseLeaf. Fillers , s • Pencil Pouth • . • • . Senior ,Chemistry , • A Laboratory Manuar of Gen- eral' Chemistry • • . General Biology • Cotirs Moyen de Francais," • Part 2 • •1. French Short Stories .. Latin/ Compositibn for Grade' 13 Latin. Poetry 'Selections for GrSde 13 • • Latin Prose Selections for •• Grade. 13. • •' North America and the Mod- ern *World • $2.95 to $12.00 Fountain Pens • Ball Point Pens' •• Typewriter Pads . • .• Mathematical Sets • 1 What We Haven't In Stock We. Will beIVIstiGlad to Procure • 'HEADQUARTERS FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES •• • THAT 'in renewing his Sentinel subscription, H. H. Malcolm of Glendale, California, '•recalls • that .a year ago he was visiting here to 'be at the Centennial.. . , THAT. a• `Bank of Montreal ad- .• vertisenient in this issue draws attention to the 'arnily Fin-, ance Plan which • brings • all personal' credit needs • under one roof with,' a low-cost, life - insured 'loan./ , THAT Mr. and Mrs,: Chris Shel- ton completed moving opera- tions, from Lucknow to'Han- over the Wednesday,- July 29. They have opened a power • tool distribution centre in Han- over, • adjoining the theatre ¶HAT Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mc-. *Donatali, 'Ross, Barry and: Rod.. dy motored to Kensington, P,.E.I., to. visit Mr, and ATM Murray. McDonagh. They went •by way of the States, :return- ing on 'the Canadiah Side. * • 'THATat 'a recent bingo in tees- • water $40 Prizes were won by three residents of this • com- munity, Markin MacLennan, Lochalsh; Mrs.' Solomon and • 'Georgina Griffin of Lucknow. THAT 'Harold Treleaven under- ' went major ;surgery for 'a stomach ulcer at Victoria Hos- pital,' London on Monday. . . • 'THAT Miss Margaret McLeod, Reg. N., of Parkhill, has: been • appointed to, the Huron County , Health.I.Tnit and will serve the • area 'of East and West Wawa - nosh, Ashfield and 'Colborne. • . TWO due to a :public school in- spectorate' transfer, Mr: and Mrs. • Gordon S. McIntyre and Donald have • moved from • Bracebridge to Richmond Hill THAT another in a series of railway breakins occurred' re- cently at .AYton, when the safe was smashed and $115 in cash stolen. ps.e.moettoom...4.4-41Pom" 1 SEE BY:THE - -SENTINEL THAT skunks are numerous and bold in the community, and some main street merchants have •been particularly. frust- rated of late by. their "goings THAT ` at the • Mixed doubles • tourna'ment at SeafOrtN •AWG • Lucknow rink.; were. in s the „ money. Mr. and Mrs. Jack • MacDonald , won second prize and .1Vjr. and • Mrs. Kenneth :Cameron Were fifth. THAT the bed • of, petunias and • canvas along the front of 'the Beatty Ladder factory, makes a spectacular. show,'and 'is de- serving of the favorable com- ments one hears,. • THAT Mr. and -Mrs. James Mac-, • • avish of. Olivet -in 'Huron T wnship Will move into the house now oaCupied. by "john • KreUtzweiser as soonas IVIr. • •and Mrs. Kreutzweiser Move •their. new home'..presently under 'construction. The house is owned ibY1VIrs.' Annie Jewitt. THAT Mr. and '1VIrs. Fred An-•. ,,derson. have moved frorn,Mis: John Carruthers home to the • W. J: Douglas residence. Mr. and Mrs. Trwin Carruthers are ecce part of his Mother's home until the 'first of Septern • ber ,when they obtain posses- •.sion Of a home they., have bought in, Goderich. Fred, Moore has rented :the portion of .the residence Which they • will Vacate. TIIAT•Lintla. and Lorraine Boyle daughters of Mr. and Mrs.• Jim Boyle underwent tonsilecto- mies' in Winghani Hospital last week: • ' , • THAT. Rev. C. B., WOotleyt former Ashfield • circuit mini: ,ster, has retired.from: the His last. charge' was at • obbinton Where Mr. and Mit. Woolley have bought a horne and are.' getting settled. THAT Bert Ward paid . his an- niVersary visit- 'to Greenhill • Cemetery, On August '2nd 'to Place flowers on Elliott graves of • Dr. A. , G. t who died in •' .1023, and. Mrs. Ward who died •in 1942, 'Not. once in 36 years since the Doctor's deathi, has Bert failed ;to pay these hi: Jbutes of. respect. • • . • THAT there was a comparative- ly. Small entry - for- the Joynt • Trophy bowling' tournament • at the local greens.. For the third • time in four years the trophy . was won. by 'the ring cOmpris- / ed of Harley Crawford, -.Mel 'Donahue and, Jack Porter, • THAT Mr. and Mrs Phiilip Ste- warfspent two weeks holidays in Montreal with Mr. and Mrs, Allan Stewart• 'arid ,girls; They also ,spent a day' at St.' Johns,. Quebec and also the beautiful zoo at Granby, .It was at St. ' Johns, Quebec that Phillip saw • AlYiner Aitchison for the last• ' time When they •were both there the Army during :World War 1. • • THAT. a • display of handiwork • the. junior group attending • the Tot Lot classes, has, been on display in the. window at Ritchie's -barber shop. The•. ' work includes some yery good facimileS of Main street store , THAT following the marriage of • Walter Reid and Donna. Mead in Ripley on August 8th, a re- ception was held in the Ripley. Hall. Elmer MacKenzie • Ove an address of best wishes to • the young couple and Don Thompson presented them with a gift of •rrioney. • .WEDNESDAY, AUGUST:19, 1959 SHREDDED WHEAT 18 Bisuit size , . PICNIC SWEET RELISH 16 •oZ. KRAFT CHEESE SLICES 8 oz. ...... , . PREM LUNCHEON MEAT or i bC I.G.A.5110EANS WITH PORK 2 for 27c •• Week . • • • ... 39c • I• • • • Prices effective August 19, 20, 21. , • . hort's I 7 -ROOM sTuccp HOME in ,St. Helens in excellent replair, priced to sell with small down payment. • SEVEAL HOMES in Lucknow, well located, with all • converfences,' immediate possession. SIX ACRES adjoining Lucknow with good homeand new stable, town water, priced for citifek sale, immedi- ate poisession. FARM FOR SALE on 86 Highway. This farm is one of the best, home has all conveniences, barn hi excel- lent repair, has water bowies and all other conveni- ences, possessi9n at 'time of sale. FARM FOR SALE in Ashfield TownshiP, brick home with all conveniences, good barn and. out buildings all in good repair. This is a real buy .at $8,900 with $3,000 down.' .` FARM FOR SALE in Huron To4nship, nearly all work- able, brick;horne has all conveniences, well located and can be bought worth the money as owner has other • Town and Business Properties •For Sale. Throughout Western. Ontario. List Your Property With, WARREN• L. STEVENSON Real Estate, 'Mount Forest , . Contact • • JOHN HALL, 'SALESMAN. Lucknow' • • 1 Summer, REDUCTIONS 1, • SUMMER. PYJAMAS Children's Lace Trimmed Baby Doll Pyjamas,2 to 6x, Now Only . .. '$1,15 Polo 'Style Jersey Knit Cotton, Now Only ;.. . , . 98c Patterned 'Plisse, Tailored Styles , $1.59• . Ladies 'Baby 'Doll Pyjamas, Nylon. Trim, Only . •$2.53 'Ladies ,Tailored. Plisse Pyjamas; Now Only . . $2.65' I. Ladies Smart, Chemise "Style Jersey, S. M. and L., Now Only ..y.; , •.• • Girls and Childrens Shorts, Jerseys, Playsuiti and Swim •Suits All Reduced. Don't Forget To See The • . . • BARGAINS 'ON OUR REMNANr COUNTER.. • BOYS' TEE1SHIRTS—Large assortment of colours, Sizes 2, 6 and 6x 49c, each or 2 for 88c • Sizes 6-14 ....... ,•69c each or 2 for $1,15 BOYS'• and YO HS Jeans, heavy weight drill, tan or • blue, sizes 28-36 waist, Reg. $3.98 . . . Now $2.69 pr. r The MARKET Store