The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-06-24, Page 12. A ' PAGE TWELVE. THE' LITCRNOW I.,1.1CKNOW0 ONTARIO WEPNESPAY, *TUNE 24th, .1959 • F.111dren s W,ar wy-LoN DRESSES FOR AI4 AGES—IN 3 to 6x, Floral patterns, solid colors, and in a gold stripe pattern. Prices range from - $2,98 to $4.95. 8 to 14 yrs. NEWSTYLES AND PATTERNS—in pink, yellow, blue and white ... ,.„. ,,, .$4.95 and $5,95 CO',ITON. DRESSES FOR Molo AGES and in SUBTEENS, 'CRINOLINES—with, or .withouthoops 2 to 6x at $1 98 & $2 98 8 to 14 at '$2.98 and $4.95 • $LIM JIMS—by Popular request we repeat slim jims, in• • seizes 3 to 6x, in a good variety of bright plaids, only 79c. 'CARRIAGE NETS—Keep these flies away when it is So easy with a carriage net • , , , .,1391sINETS—al1 shapes; all sizes, all •colours for boys and 89c and 98c" B4M1NG SUITS AND SUNSUITS—See our 1959 models ,for the small fry. BEACH SETS , • 3 to 6x 11 d• SUITS—with matching beach coata. A style that 5 Pleases, enlY • • $3.5 set.' cOrrox SIAS-4 to (it sEL syTHE • • sENTtkft...,•• ....••••••••09.••••••••• THAT the Cleland fainily arriv- ed. without any trouble at their new home in Stillwater,, Okla- homa. Their address is 2011 Sherwood Ave., West, • ' . • , LADIES LADIES . . • HATS—A new shipment of 50 ladiessummer' hats in white and pastel shades for your aproval. •, • SUI‘ACKER HANDBAGSNew handbags and clutchbags in this week in the very popular slimmer styles and shades at •• • $1.98, $2.96 and $4.95 FO IAGENT ,R .KINCARDINE CLEANER$, Write Pick -lip and DetiVery. Monday and Tharadai, . . • . . • . . . . . LADIES'. and MEN'S WEAR THAT members of the: Evening „ newly organized. ;Molesworth Auxiliary were. also' guest at Auxiliary of • the Presbyteran, Church were guests of the winghttm GO -Roth, Auxiliary on Tuesday of last week. After • a buffet supper the 1goup • went through thenew addition ••to the Wind -Lam Church, whih. • is •nearing completion. The ,• meeting followed in the church parlour which is upstairs in the new wing. Members of the • this gathering of 'about 90 • • ladies. THAT the' property and house- hold' effects. ;of • the late Mrs. Williani McisIall were 'sold by ,OuctiOn•Satitrday. by, 'Alln. MacIntyr: The residence;;on • Stauffer Street; Was..purchased .by Oliver. Glenn, : • . • WITH PRICES FOR A FARMING COMMUNITY Is Our Motto At 'THAT .Mrs. ' J.' And,erson of Lucknow observed her 80th birthday •, on 'Thursdy, June • 18th. The day was spent quiet - 1 but .Mrs. Anderson:, was the • recipient of many cards from friend § who were aware of the oeasion and expressed their good wihes. THAT The Rival Cp-operatOr, June 16th issue. carried a pie • • ttuiorne. Grant se, former • Co-op budget Plan into opera - first branch to put the new Newmarket Co-op, which 'is the • manager of the"Luknow, Co- op. Grant is manager of the. • • THAT. Legion bingos'. :have lieen discontinued for the summer • months; but it is the intention t� resume them in September. • • THAT summer offiCially arrived: On Sunday, the 2Ist, 'bringing a warm Pleatant ,day; but • erally the'weather has been diS greeably Changeable,; arid •un- • Usually dry. There's an aburi. • dant Crop of hay,. due to plenty • • of *•.parly, spring Moisture,' and '.the harvesting 'of it. IS in full swing..• ••, ' ' • ' ' • •THAT. Ted Collyer, eldest son of • Mr; and Mrs. StuartCA:Myer; • commenced his duties on .M0114• : day as a Member of the local Bank of Montreal Staff. •Ted completed his Grade XII stud- ies at LueknoW District High *hoot and in his spare time had bbeh working at, Short's • I.G.A. store. ••• • THAT the 40KNX Barn /ame • will- be held in '.the I.iuknow • arena. this Saturday night June 27th' Under auspices of the Ag- ricultural Society. • , THAT 'a 50 -minute hydro inter- • ruption on Saturday morning was due to a pole'fire on the highp' ewerline between' Wal- kerton and Kincardine, , VIII. Wm. Macintosh Slit- •': fered brAises and •a • severe Shaking : up - when she • fell • through the clothes. stand on Monday. No. ,bOneS were •brok- Come In And Shop At Leisure Anywhere In Our Store DRY GOODS FOR ALL 'THE FAMILY (WE SPECIALIZE IN SHIRTS OF ALL KINDS) 1-4 ARICEI1 STORE luminer S1 ' Continues for 10 Days BARGAINS! •BARGAINS! ON TIMELY. SUMMER NEEDS SEE OUR BILL. SAVE ON. Mens Work Clothes Dry Goods China Wear • diftwate Toys - Mew S --- • ports Wear Boys Weir Childrens Clothing Paint Small Hardware SUMMEIi. STOCK REDUCT1014 ' At illilligilio!NOMM*0104,4111.0,0tiogiakaareN004104moindai*061101446411.1114.A10,441010. THAT a ineeting of the directors Of the Lucknow. Agricultural • Society. was 'heldlast week • to finalize plans for the Prize list • revision and the appointment of judgs. The collectors this SLIM UP! • REIWCElf• • Use A:yds safe, 'easy; haraless. ElinerUrnbach, Drugs. • TWO BOIS DIE•. . (Continued from page .1) Percy and Russell Barr, Douglas Lapp, • and • three neighbours, Doug and Floyd' Stanley and John Hodgins. Cousins acted as pallbearers for Eric, t..aS, Stanley, George. • Stanley; Bob/Irwiri, Bert 'Thomp- son, David Trafford and, Donald • Thompson. • Be.arerS of some of the many • floral tributes were abaut 24 • schoOlinates and Sunday school • associates of •the two bys. • David is survived by his father, • tvio ' brothers; Bill and, :Brian • a siter- Joan; and an aunt Mis.s Winnifteit Percy, who has been amther to the family since the death of Mrs, Percy, which occur.: • red ;about four years ago.• Eric is,survivd• by his Parents• , tiVee sisters, Erin% who teaches at Saletn; Mrs. Hugh lansn, • (Mrion) of Pine River, Sandra and a brother Wayne at home: • •AYUVIEW.C1-10ICE PEACI-145 Halves .15 AyLmEg FRUIT COCKTAIL LIBBY'S DEEP' BROWN BEANS f • g.,• • • • • s. • 'YLMER CHOICE CORN, 15 •8 for . IGACHOIC E PEAS, 15 . . fciF, LIBBY'S SPAGHETTI, . 15 oi. 7• fr.. ei .4, A AyLmgg FANCY TOMATO' JUICE. 8,..fm 20 oz. • ., Si:,WILLIAMSASSORTED JAM' . , . , • ...4. SOLO MARGARINE, 1 113 .• • 5 for $1. • 4 f9r $1. ST. WILLIAMS CHERRY PIE FILL, 'ALL FOR 20 oz. • 1.BETTY CROCKER PIE CRUST. , • . IGA FolLwRAO.., ..4 'for 41: • WHITE CR• 0 05S.TOILET•.TISSUE. . .. for 1 • . IGA DO4' HOUS*n DOG FPOD ;ig for $1 IGA •MILK,. 15 oz.. • • 8:. for. • • Prices effective June 25 to 30th • PHONE 20 WE DELIVER year are Gordon Kirklandand' „Re J. Watson, and they, have about completed their v.rrk. Anyone who hasn't 'been ap- 'proached and would like to give the Society a needed fin- • ancial boost, see either of these THAT again this week we have received late reports of meet- ,ings • held in the • area which • cannot be used at the expense of reports that were in on time. We 'again stress . that • meetings must be in ourhands • • the mine week as they occur. Use the Sfntinel letter drop • for added convenience. • THAT the "Sugar and Spice" , column starts in this weeks is sue, and may be found on page: five. EXcessive copy crowded • the column out of last wee's "Goas,ostepo•4111!oreilseviii,ompim000nieemiwomtvairombikou'immiamPorim4weelemikomoinso4ree e ettes • THE :FULLY 'WASHABLE CANVAS' SHOE: . . •• ,• • • • •-'< For . •• • • • WORK or:,.GASULMEAR • In • a 'Variety . Of -Color Combinationo and. Reek AlsoSee OurRe. Of CANVAS FOOTWEAR,... ,BOYS",' andCHILDREN'S SIZES RATHWELL Shoe Store .44 , , • '.1krisemireolimr7immii7eramoomoiminimeel;604feralfoinestel;miaemiliomiiiiiiele4.4 43.00 Lel •Riv Ti* • tion • Cprile ed Hu • Area, Consti • loo at tendez The • ; furnis total. 000. ' Con as from • The ing is weeks; as lam. as Os the fa • . :The drilled • been • plans • port sl The • classro • One Oi a 10• liesas • aecOinc school heat should • •quired. •• • 'Fa ,section • there :t • ising • ' last. we • al closi I The alrilpht.; the iin retrons recalle SUCCE AT Tp • The• • re • • ffaS. a:ti armSal°1 tret :arn:AlyilhhYtu.c:sRliu' ig1 te etsRdeve: Saturday th ae:11:1 1 week, a • • • monity • letthi 11 They tj • • Lucknol • ;RiieY; Lucknoi Dungan Amberl now; 1 Vick AILS. • .MAK • CLA IA A rite( • nual re( • Clan Itlik• D. A. • b3 the cess is c MacDona • settled b Donald • and Itehr rived fj arolifid Plans • noon peiving • commute • bigger