The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-06-17, Page 4•s, _PAGE rouni ' THE. IfirCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO FOR SALE FOR SALE—ohild'S station wag- onpedal car, and several baby's 'hand knit sets: Mrs. Fred Ember - phone 194, • . • FOR SALE --;baby .carriage, rnod- :' ern ConVert4131e, 2 years old, Alight blue in eolour. Apply Mrs. Eu- nice Dainsmuir at Bill Helms. FOR SALE -.-4 ares of, standing hay, to be cul on shares, W. G., , MacKay, phone 159-J Lucknow. FOR SALE --50 • acres of standing 'hay. Henry 'Gardner, phone 69-18 Dungannori •GRUB FOR. SALEchild's •large size breVvn metal crib, with inner -spring mattress. Evenings only Phone 215, Norman ,Taylor. FOR,. SALE --,frame building with `Steel 'Iroof, 40 ft x 25 ft. Apply Robert Here, Dungannon, phone • FATHERS DAY* .CARDS,*' cern- • '4, • 'Pie* selection at Finlay Decora- tors and, Gift Shop; phone 21-8, • • I , FOR SA/T.4E car -top carrier; suitable for'carrying a boat..SaM Chislett,, phone 179, Lucknow. fL, '•.+•‘+••!. • HAY *FOR SALE —; 12 'acres of a -nixed' hay, Wm. G., Hunter,R..8; Luekriew, phone 69 -r -L ' FOR SALE -75 acres of mixed hay, Keith. Johnston, R. 7 LucliT riow, phone Dungannon '761r-11. SPECIAL :reduced price on Sun7 • beam Fry pans for a limited time Wm. Nfurdie and 6on. • FOR SALE --1 Jersey cow. Ap. . ply Ebner Vance, R.R. 1, Holy - rood, phone' Ripley 111-r-17. • FOR SALE—Coleman oil burner, • medium Size with new pipes .and . damper. • Stuart's 'Restaurant; Lucknow., FOR SALE -415 acres of choice hay, to be off by July 1st. Arnold .Alton, phone 67-1, Dungannon. • FOR SALE -13 acres of mixed hay. Will either sell or let on shares. Frank Moran, phone 82- • • r-5; Dungannon, . • . '•• ••••‘ • 40t • • , • •HAY -35 acres ..'of :standing hay .,• for sale or on shares.. Bob Camp- T-- bell, Phone 68-10, Dungannon. HAY „ FOR SALE -27 acres of • sthnding hay'. Roy Gibson, R. 3 Goderich, phone 80=17, Dungan- • FOR MI:wood-burning fur- . nace with sawdust burner, has metal casing and •register, etc. William E: Haldenby, Kiniough, phone Ripley 18-27. . • FIELD .Tnig , . Dealer for Martins quality tile. 4 -inch tile always on hand ;at Be: Free delivery on 1000 or , over, 'Lorne Eadie; liolyrood•, • , phone Ripley 24-9. , FOR SALE -2 -unit Woods milk- er, in excellent condition.. Priced to sell. 'Clarence Greer, 'phone, • 24-r-3 Lucknow. • REAR( SEAT SPEAKERS•.-- for your cat radio, $10 installed, speaker 4' x 6, dual' control,' Jim Lyons, Lucknow. , • : • V • • • I. • WANTED'. WANTIID—jobs that can be done in own home such as, washing, ironing, baby sitting etc., Norma Crawford; Havelock St; phone YOUNG 'MAN WANTED 1.0 Work . on farm for Summer' months. john • Austin,. phone 82- Dungarinori. • WANTED used Windmills; pumps and pump jacks ,as trade- ins on electric pumps., Let us giveyoua free estimate On roof- ing material and installing, Irv- ing Keyes, Glamis, phone.Paisley 114r -r-4. . SALES HELP .WANTED, MALE WANTED—Man for steady trav- el among consumers.. in. Town- ships Wawanosh: East and 'West. permatient'dennection With large mannfacturer... Only reliable hustler :considered. Write Rawleigh's Dept., E-271-131, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. ' AGENT ..WANTED • Agent' wanted for Culross • Mut- ual Fire Insurance Company..Ap- ply to either of the undersigned for particulars regarding 'eonim- ission, etc, Applications must be received. by not later ,thazi -June • 24th, 1959. • Melvin Rome, president, • Alex A. McKague, secretary. • '• Teeswater • . BOARDING HOMES WANTED. The Children's Aid Society of the County of Bruce, Walkerton, •urgently requires good boarding homes for children of all ages. Rates , according , to -individual child. '" Apply by written application or in person to:. Children's Aid Society; County Building,. ,Box • 270, Walkerton. - • • -•• - • FOR RENT " • • ROOM FOR ,RENT—for girl. Stuart's Restaurant. Lucknow FOR ,IL --two • heated apart- ments, furnished or unfurnished, available July ist. FOR SAIjE- 2 electriczefrigerators and 2 elec- tric stoves. •Albert phone 183 Lucknow.c FOR RENT—downstairs apart rnent, heated all conveniences Available August 1st, Art. Brec kles .'Lucknow. ' • • . LAWN MOWERS Lawn Mowers *sharpened and repaired, engines overhauled. See or call E. W. Rice, phone 211r31, R.R. 2, Lucknow. • • FOR. SALE—several used milk- • ing maehines of various makes. • .Let usinstall-,one of these, 6r a new Woods, in your barn: on , trial. Prices given without • obli- gation. Irving, Keyes, Glamis, phone 'Paisley 1144:4. • ELECTRICAL repair work, radios, .toasters, irons, electric fences, anything in the electrical line, prompt service, reasonable prices; Lyons Radio. Shop, phone 84, Lucknow. FORSAILE RUST PROBLEMS?: For a c. niplete stock fi-auto re pair panels-- • ' DAVIDSON Viso:dining & Collision.' iervic • • No. 8 Highway, •, • • Phone 320, Goderich , • MEAT FOR, SALE Good beef or pork .in 'large o small quantities. Meat slaughter ed on, premises inspected by th-, Department of Health. Custo killing by appointment. Catty killed every day and hogs ever' Tuesday morning. , • RAYNARI) ACKERT; Holyroo : Phones 24-28, Ripley, and 101-r-13, Lucknow MAGIC MARKERS Because of So many,t request we now have available the hand "Magic Marker". just lift th tap and it writes n anythin dries 'instantly. l'Or home, iorl and play, it, just can't be bea Available. in 8' colours, only $1.1 at The Lucknow Sentinel, phon 35. •. , • FOR SALE—Merry Tiller gard en tractors •and tiliers Doesn' powder the soil or kill the worm For safes or service, contac Lovell McGuire, Wingluun, phon 593 for demonstration or call shop. , TIRES! TIRES! For best buys' in tractor tIre ,and .any other tires, dontac Bruce. 1V1a0Millan, Lueknow. . . COMING EVENTS DANCE AT LAN,GSIDE' A dance will be held in the Langside Community Centre, 'Friday, June 19th, Tiffins Or. chestra. SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC The antra congregational and Sunday: :School- picnic of the Lucknow Presbyterian.' Church„ will •,be held g Kintail, Camp on Thursday afternoon; June 25th. A. bus .Will leave the Church at 2:30 p.m. Those wishing •trans- portation; or those 'having :room in their cars, are asked to notify Mr. .V. A. 1Viowbray,,, convenor...a: trarispoi.tatinn, bAsendny, June: LANGSIDE ANNIVERSARY • Anniversary services willbe held in Langside Presbyterian, :ChUrch. on Sunday, June 21st at 11:00 a.M.; and 0:00 p.m: Rev J. Greene of J3russels* will be guest speaker. ' • • - , • The •Ladies' : Aid Will hold an anniversary* social :on Monday evening;. June '22nd at 830 p.m. Right Rev. •Dr. Alexander Nini- 'no of.Wingliain will give an il- lustrated lecture i Everyone is welcOme. . BRUCE. COUNTY MUSEUM , • Bruce CoUntY. Historical 'Nfti&e.., Aim ,opens, Saturday,. MAY 16th,, 1959 Visititit hours :: .fer ' May 'and .June, 2 to 5 pm.; :`July and Aught,' 2 to 9 . p.m. daily. Student .and ' group tours by appointment with Curator, Mra. J.. F. Merton,: Southampton, phone. 118. - - WEBSTER PICNIC . . The annual Webster picnic Will be held - et Jewitts Grove, ,Bay- field; on : Saturday, • June. 20th. Ball ..•gairte at 2.30: between , the • North.' and .Smith. Basket lunch. • . • SPARE RIBS, .KRAUT , . • ' • ' '''' ' t'very Wednesday, Friday andaturdaY • - • ' . night at the • '. - ' Conunerelai :Motel, (Formosa - NOTICES. . The Annual Meeting of South Kinloss' Cemetery ' Corporation Will . be ' held. at. South Kinloss' Church . on • Wednesday, june. 14, " at 8.30 pm, D.S,T..A11./lot owners requested ' to be Present A Hughes,.pres.; Lloyd MacDougall, sec , The annual meeting of Kintail Cemetery Board .Will be held at the 'berme of Mrs. 'Colin ,Mac- Gregor , on Friday,June 19th at 830 Pm. • * ., . . ' Donald 1V1. Simpson, See.. . • .....___—. There will be a special meet- ing of Maple Grove L.O.L. 1044 Lodge at Zion on Thursday, June * 18th, 1959' to decide on hiring: a bus to . go, to St Mary's on July 11th, 1959. • The Royal 'Arch. De- ' gree -will also be conferred. Red Cross SWinutiitig Classes • i . Beginning July 3rd, Lucknow ' and, vieinity branch will ,provide transportation ' to the Lions pool ' in TeeSwater for children • wish- ing to. +learn to swim and take '. lessons in, water safety and life ' saving, All. "children must he ' registered in ;advance, . and must be 8 years Old in 1959 or older: 1 Cost of instruction, •$3.00 for ser- ies of 15 lessons.... .. 4*. The bus will leave 'the Town Hall every Tuesday and Friday at 8.30 am. Registration. Will be received - Saturday, ' June - 20th , from 2-5 p.m. in, the- Council Chamber of the Town Hall • • E. HOUSE FORSALE -- 7-roorn . . - insul brick house on Havelock ). St., corner double lot: 3 -piece bath, hardWOod, floois Ist level, new roof, double garage; closed , ..; in verandah. Apply to Mrs. E W. t Rice, RA. 2, Luoknow. , • ' S ABOUT 70 SUITES of fdrniture :I including Andrew Malcolm, Kro- ?, Oiler, and other suites, give you 1 Wide selection's at th p Godfrey Sehtlett ShoWrockini, Mildmay. Trade in your 'Old "chesterfield or g kitchen furniture. Use • the •time payment plan. Free delivery; '.• G. E. SCHUETT, 1Viildinay • . TENDERS TENDERS Will be received until June 24th for scheol.bus service to Huron West Township Area School. Vehicles must be passen- ger vehicles and *necessary in- surance must be fUrniShed by the owner., There are four routes and the first stop on any route shall not be made befoce '8.15 asm, Lowest or any tenders not nee- essarily accepted, For particulars on routes contact the Secretary - Treasurer, Donald R. Courtney, RM. 1, Ripley, phone Ripley 1554-20; , • TENDERS will be received until July 11, 1959 for transportation 'of all pupils of SS, 9 to US.S. 8 Ashfield Township School Area for. the 1959-60 term,. Lowest or any tender riot necessarily ac- cepted. • R. T.''Kilpatrick,* Secretary, R.R. 7, Lucknow, Ontario. . Notice To Creditors' In the Estate of Thomas' Robb All persons having, claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of, the Township of Huron, in the,County of Bruce, retired farmer, who died on the 21st day' of 'February, 1959, are required to , file proof of same with the undersigned on or be- fore the 27th day of June,, 1959. After that date the executors will proceed. to distribute the' es- tate having •regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. 'Dated at Winghani, this fifth day of June, A.D. 1959. Crawford and Hetherington Wingham, Ontario. • Soliciters for the 'Executors. •the Estate of Norma Maclntyre All • persons having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the' Township of . Kinloss, in the County of Bruce, widow, who died on .the 29th day of May, 1959, are re- quired to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 27th" day of June, 1959. • . After that . date. the. executors' will proceed to distribute the es- tate having regard only to the claims Of. :which they shall then have had notice.. • ,6 •Dated at Wingham, this fifth day of June, A.D. 1959. Crawford •and Hetherington • Wingham, Ontario. ,Solicitors 'for. the Executors*: - 'CUSTOM. BUTCHERING cutting and wrapping, meat sold by quarter. • For appointment phone 54, Lucknow. '• . • • BUTTON MEAT MARKET WATER WELL • DRILLING Need Water? write, or call. NiVater Well Drilling, R. It 1, Clifford, Ontario, phone R. H. Gadke, 123- Wl, Clifford.. USED CARS • 1957 Chev Deluxe' Coach, auto- • matic transmission with. • . tadio. • . •• 1 Volkswagen coach', leather, trim, radio, new. tires. 1956 Plymouth Savoy 6, sedan; one owner, spotless. • • 1956 Plymouth 8 cyl sedan, push • button transmission, like new. • 1956 Plymouth • Coach, 6 cyl., ) Real nice. 1956 Dodge Regent Sedan. 1955 Desoto Sedan, power stee- ring, radio, power brakes. 1955 Plymouth Sedan, like neW, • ' low Mileage. • . • 1955 Dodge Crusader ' sedan, , low mileage, like new. 1954 • 'Oldstnobile Sedan, autoniat- ic and radiso. •• 1954 Dodge Regent. ,See this 'car • it is spotless. 1953 Dodge Regent Sedan, a * • black beauty. Several other used cars priced tight. • ' ' . 1955 Fargo 1/2 -ton eicpress. , 1952 Chev. 1 -ton express. See. The Complete Line For 59 Dodge Desoto Rambler REG SlieGEE and SONS.. • • q&lerich, OntariO. 'OPEN EVERY EVENING • WEEMESP..A.Y, JUNE 17th, 1959 ••••~••••••••;••••~0;~~441~4,4 DEAD STOCK SERVICES HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR, SICKDOWN •OR DISABLED COWS and HORSES also Dead Cows and Horses At, Cash Value Old Horses -4c per :pound Phone „collect 1 3—Brussels BRUCE MARLATT 24 Hour Service DEADSTQCK 'SERVICE HIGHEST C?SH •. pmcEs. • • •Paid fot.Sick, • Down or •• Disabled ,Cows & 'Horses • * also Dead Cows and Horses. at .• Cash Value °' Old horses 4c per pound GORDON TAYLOR :. Phone 44-r-24, Lucknow • R.R..2 Lucknow . ' 24.11oUr service 4.4!..o.i.0•44,•••••••••,?4,444".•14,!0•4:4". 440.4...r.i•:.00#0.14.44,00,04kireva•••••••••••••••••2•-# VISIT THE REAL LIVING SANTA • June 19th to Thanksgiving • Fun For All The Family Children to 14 Tears Free 930 am. to 600 p.m. Sunday 1:00 p.m. to 600 P.m. SANTAS VILLAGE -.Bracebridge, Ontario. Is Your Subscription .Paidl• Canada .Department of Public Works TENDERS FOR • DREDGING . 'SEALED TENDERS, addressed totheundersigned and endorsed "TENDER FOR .DREDGING: KINCARDINE, BRUCE COUN- TY, ONTARIO.", • .. • . , will be received in the office .of the secretary until" 3, p,m. • • WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24,1959. Combined , specification and form of tender can be seen and obtained, at the office of the Chief Engineer (11. & •Otta- *a, . Ontario, also at the office "of the. District Engineer, Dominion Public Building, P.O. Box. 668, London,' OntariO. , • Tobe considered,each tender mustbe accompanied by *one. of t alternative securities, called • r in ' the tender documents. • Tenders must be made on the printed ' *formssupplied: by the • Department and in aceordance With the -conditions' set - forth therein. • •• Tenders' mus t include the tow- iwnogo! the plant to and from the rk,. ' The dredges and other floating plant ',which -are intended to be employed on this work, to be eligible Must (a) be of Canadian or United . • iKingclein registry, and (b). be of Canadian or United Kingdozn. make or Mann-. facture and, in the case of . Int, equipment, have been ' in Canada at least one yeapriorr t'enrcall .1,e date of the.' • Ottawa, jtine ,1,1, 1959. tender 110t necTehsesa'ireilwyeastc'eoeprtaer' Department of Public Works; ItOft.ER.T. FORTIER, • • Chief of AdministratiVe Services and' Secretary - MOE ,JNS Ep 'hai ,rabies r�n "Ra R • • Huron .Count • report 'weOks. Contac . dog, a • eft