The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-06-17, Page 2A TWO. 'ZION • Artniveriary services were held. on. Sunday: with •a good success' and big crowds, - We are sorry to hear. Mr. Jake EIunter .is • in Victoria Hospital, London• • • Mr. and Mrs', • Sid .Gardner and family of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Freeman, Mrs. Allan McDon- ,ald and Harold Gardner visited. with Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hunter on Sunday. Ken Gardner was in WIngham .Hospitat last Thursday having ibis : toe nail removed. . i31ir, and Mrs.:Chester. Ritchie of Detroit spent a few'', days with • Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritchie. and. other relatives. Mr. and ,Mrs, David Kirkland visited With Mr, . and Mrs. Gor- don Kirkland on. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Hunter and ' Mr. and Mrs. Lorne (Ritchie, Annabel and Mr.and Mrs. Dan Nicholson visited • with `Mr. and Mrs. Jim Minter on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs; John McKinnon. of Kin- cardine spent the week -end there, Mr. and Mrs. Bill: Humphrey T UCK;NOW I.UCKNOW, Charlie MacDonald and family] Mr, and Mrs, Keith Cranston, Mrs. Sam Reid, and Mrs. Clip+-- `perton visited with M•r,i acid Mrs; Peter ,Cook. , ONTARIO WEDNE A , JUNE 17thA 1959 Mr.. and Mrs. Jim MacKay of' Port Elgin with Mr. and Mrs.. Wes Ritchie. k ...Mr. and Mrs. Cliff,, .Murray, Mary :and Norma and; Mr, and Mrs. Donald Murray, and family, and Mr, and Mrs. Elliott Sandy. visited' with Ms.' and Mrs. Nelson. Raynard. Mr. and Mrs.• Andrew Ritchie and `family, Mr.' and Mrs. Gor- don Ritchie and- Mr. and Mrs., *Bill Ross . visited with Mr.: and Mrs:. Frank Ritchie: In the even-, ing Rev. Mr R Own `: of Brussels and . Rev. Mr; and Mrs: Kaiser and 41teith, . also . visited : there. - Mr. and Mrs. -Wilfred Quaid of Goderich and, Mr. and Mrs. George Westlake of ,Port -Albert, ,Mr. and Mrs. Mel ,Dickson, Mr. and Mrs Bud Quaid and, Mr. and. Mrs. John Quaid and family of Sarnia, Mrs; Millie • Montgomery and family 'visited Sua day with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Anderson.. Mr.. and Mrs;, Chester Hackett and family " and Mr. and Mrs, i arid Cliff and ,Mr: and Mrs. 11Viil- MAKE :DAIRY FOODS .DAILY FOODS!' i ONTARIO'; CRLAM ; PR0DUcERS'a: . = MARKETING. BOARD REPRESENTING. 50,000 CREAM PRODUCERS s4 • y.M..N+. -.. :FOR ANY ,$1ZE. :FLOWER OR' • VEGETABLE .GARDEN• { • 4,` , • Available (n 2 Models; The Heavy Duty" (illustrated) V a nd the•."Coon mercial" • 'More than halt, the world's tillers are built byChoremaster—because. they're best! A single pass does the work of plow, :disc, harrowprepares the ground for • planting, furrows for •seedirig,'cultivates at any stage of growth. Works•ground• 11",•22" and 36" Wide, digs any depth downsto 10",,.goes between narrow rows.- Makes• any garden, job a•breeze. ULL '1 YEAR .WARRANTN! • Sunday, &. Hol. PM 6.25 7.40 $ 20 8.40. 9.25 10.45, h Daily ,P.1Nf. 1,15 2.40 • Via A Poderich, 3,:45` 4.36 5.35 t' 8.10 Daily Ex, Sun. .& - Hol, • A. Effective June 25th Eastern Daylight Time Daily ,P.M. Friday Saturday Sun., Hol. P.M. Daily !: 6.30 'a7,10� .7:30 ,8.X0. 9.50' Lir, Owen Sound Arr. ,Lv. Kincardine Arr. a 4 Lv LUCKNOW Arr. Arr.. Wingl am LV. • Arra.. Clinton -Lv. • Arr: 'Stratford Ly. • Arr.. London Lv..• 6.10 4.40. •:• Via Goderich 3.40 ... 3.05 1:55. • 1.30 S, 10.50. 'S' . 9.20 S 8.40 . X 8.20`. 7.30 6.30 5.45' 11,1.5 10.3,5 10.15 • 90 .. ', 840 7.45 ASM: P.M. '. READ "DOWN. READ ..UP 4 F -Friday Only X -Friday, Sunday and Hopi S -Sunday & Holiday Only day: •� CLIP FOR READY REFERENCE Purchase tickets at COWAN'S LUNCH . before boarding coaches; fred Hackett and Mr. and • Mrs.. Alex .Hackett, Mrs Sandy Hackett visited with . Mr. an Mrs. Geo. Huntei:: • Mr.. and. Mrs. Jack Brad- ley and Mr. ' and Mrs, Wilfred Dreman visited therein the evening Mr.' and Mrs..'Lorne Woods visited Sunday evening with Mr. and. Mrs Jack Gardner:, Church will be at 8:00 'in • thte.. ;evening and. Sunday sehool ',at. 1030; /_ • BORN THOIMPSON. in 'Kincardine Hospital, on June 4, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Thompson, : R.R. 4 : Ripley, : 'a daughter, Sharon Elaine. ' ,l in `Kincardine :Hospital, on June 4, 1959 to Mr: and, Mrs: Gordon Finlayson;: R.R. 3, Lucknow, . a son. / COURTNEY in Kincardine Hos- pital on June 7, 1959,' oto• Mr: and Mrs. Leonard Courtney, R.R. , • 1, -Ripley, a' .daughter. • Port Colborne .visited with rela- tives here on Sunday. lir., Jos. Dwyer. •of St. Catha- rines wasa weekend visitor with his sister, M.rs. Don •Frayne and . family and phis : mother, : Mrs. T. .Dwyer. • Several members of the Holy ' Name ;Society attended the 'rally at St. Peters Church •in Goderich on Sunday at 3 p.m Mrs. • Jack • nney ;has returned to her home lin Detroit after. a two -weeks visit here: ''. KINQSBRIDGE Mrs. Martha . O'Neill, Michael O'Neill, , Mrs.. Cyril Austin, Mrs. Des O'Donnell and Mrs. ' , Fitz- Patrick of Wingham • attended tile' ;Graduation`,Excercises last week. of Kenneth : Fitzpatrick' at St. Jereme's college,. Kitchener. 1VMessrs. Cyril Austin and Frank Austin -were among the .•relatives;. who attended; the wedding:. of their niece Shirley (daughter of Mr.. • and; Mrs. Lawrence Austin) Detroit recently., ' Mr. Frank 'Sullivan; is visiting with ° relatives in Detroit, ` • • Mr. • Walter Kelly and friend Miss. Rosemary White of London, Arnold Marsman .of London, Miss Margaret Foley of Strathroy, Mr: arid Mrs. J. Fitzgerald of : Strat- ford, Mr.: Peter Murray and sons of Detroit, Miss 'Frances Gilmore of Ldndon, Mr. and .Mrs. Parker. of London, were among the week end visitors here: • Mrs- Jas. Johnston, and Mrs. Wm. Johnston; of Goderich visit-.' ed with their . mother, Mrs. .Ed- ward :Foley during the .past week. The •newly-weds, Mr. • and Mrs. Peter 'Vii. Osch have returnedto their home here • ,and we wish themsuccess in their new home. Mr.• Michael, O'Neill : and • his' Mother motored to Algonac, Michigan:last week for the Grad - 'dation of Miss Marge Moore (granddaughter). • • Mr: ' and Mrs. John • Ha•ckett of • hris. Sh•elton Phone 80 -- Lucknow SA DERSON'S Ladies' and Men's . Wear --85 Fashion Millinery BRIDAL GOWNS FORMALS On aro atten tion •Chu ...,cher. B.A., minis Gerd iedb gams# Art.",.. The Jenni caridl • .ON THE PURCHASE OF. A:.3QT. 4'UC:EPAN ' , ' BY GENERAL STEEL WARES, . Ii REGULAR.., 9.95 FOR .A LIMITED • TIME ONLY S . STAINLESS 'STEEL .stays•brilliant_even on the .bottom --without • the special cleaners you need for.soft metals! .• EXCLUSIVE HEAT-FLO CORE spreads heat fast and. evenly, throughout the utensil -gives better cooking results! a NEW INSULATED KNOB .AND. HANDLES AND HANG •• UP RING• • Piton 167W, Lucknow • V