The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-06-10, Page 12mj E 141CKNO WW'SBNTINEX LUVitl`Taihr ONTARIO SHIRTS' TIES IELTS JEWELLERY pY JAMAS` swEArERS SOCKS- HATS, TETS pERWEAR SI ACKs SpOATSWEAR SUITS AGENT FOR. KI cARDINE CLEANERS` Free Pick -Up and . Delivery' Monday and ,Thiursday..: LADIES': and i MEN'S'.. WEAR, `THAT ',Major M:. C. Watson, a former 1.ucknowite„ ° was: in- sleeting officer at the ' Sea forth; cadet inspection held recently. Malcolm is; Command-,ing Officer No 6 ordnance �De :pot, London. • THAT the 1 Cowan>restaurant is currently. undergoing repairs • and redecoration, THAT ,Jas. Forster has returned home after .' twelve weeks in Wn gham Hospital with a bro- ken : leg. Mr: Forster,; who is 87, has made a remarkable re- covery. THAT : Hackett's United Church congregation purchased, a new Lowry organ from Carnet Farr rier at Whitechurch: Julia 1Q1� I958: 1'SEE BY THE SENTINEL THAT Leo Beauchamp is a pat-' • sentin • Wingham. ' Hospital, having suffered a severe heart attack.. Leo is :.engaged at car- penter.'work. and with him sidelined it',makes it just that.. ..much. more difficult to 'obtain '. workmen • at this 'seasonwhen their. servies 'are much in""de- mand. THAT; Glen Campbell ' of Belfast • returned home recently . from Victoria Hospital, London, where •he was a patient during 'the month • of May, , shaving un. dergone a 1 gallstone removal. operation. THAT Morley Mills formerly of • Huron Township, is CGF can-. didate in the `constituency'• of ,FrontenacAddington in the forthcoming provincial ele tion. He is, associated with' a Co-operative .farm in -Kingston district. THAT Miss Beverley, ' ;MacKen; zie. who is teaching' at Brant ford, . has accepted a position on the Kincardine Public School staff. Beverley is the daughter of Mr. and: Mrs. Dave • MacKenzie of •Kincardine . and formerly of Kintail. THAT . a reception was 'held` f in the ' Legion; Hall on Friday night for. MVrr. and Mrs. David Kirkland, • newlyweds. Doug Raynard read an . address of good wishes • ; to ' the young couple and Ross Durnin pre- sented • ' them' with a gift of money. Boy's:orchestra played :.' for :dancing:. unrmer - Togs Stunmer • is here, but keep.;the kiddies• cool and happy 111• `SHORTS, 2. to:6x : : , .: SWIM • and, SUN' SUITS, gay and cute $1..1:9 and $1.96 LADYBIRD STRETG Y SWIM SUITS . , $1, 00 : KIDDIES' JERSEYS, .light and.:airy, .only ".49c LADIES' :SWIM .St1ITS ,: ../. .. $4,95 LADIES' SUNDRESSES ..... �....:.:.. l3 95,. LADIES' COTTON SKIRTS .. .::. . . $3.9.5 LADIES' COTTON BLOUSES .. , :: 99c:,.' Make T ose Dollairs Go A Long Way! BOYS' PYJAMAS ---sae f orized broadcloth, 'assorted • colors`. and stripes, sizes" .8 to ::14 .` ... '.' pr. $2.49 • • • BO'YS' TEE SHIR'T'S -collar: sty le, neck and seams re- inforced with . nylon, sizes 8 to 14 : years•.. •. $1,29 MACKS tan* "Eversheen.tin satin drill; crease-. resistant, sizes 430; to 36 waist,:,pr, y . $4.95 MEN'S SWIM SUITS—small, .med., large. ,& extra large 'Nylon Boxer Style ..: .. :::. $3.39 ' . • 1'ophn .Boxer • Stye' ...:....:.. •... $2.98 Briefs i .. ;....:. ; ' • $1.98 • Ston .THAT Mrs.. Gordon 'Montgomery. • entertained a few close friends of Mrs.. Brock Clelands . on Wednesday' evening: During thia farewell get-to-gether, Mary • was presented with a costume jewellery set of ear- rings and: necklace. THAT the West ' Wawanosh Township School Area field day will be 'field at S.S. No. • 3 •,(Townshig ,,Hall School) on Friday, June 12th, starting at. 10.00 am. .. , • ,THAT Rev. Harold !Funston of Paisely `will preach this . Sun- day at :the'' Presbyterian ,Church here while Rev. ` Wallace .Mc- Clean conducts anniversary' ` services at Paisley. THAT. transpo-rtation tenders are being called for 'four routes to the new,..' Huron West : Town-.. ship Area School which is to bebuilt in „the' Reids Corners district. ,THAT ,we say thanks - to Mr. and. Mrs. Ted Dexter for •a 'genes- ous- piece of the wedding': cake made especially for their 60th wedding ` anniversary. THAT , a niece of Mr, and Mrs.• John NTfall, Mrs, Jack .Anthony of Guelph, recently won a new Pontiac in a car •bingy at 'Guelph.. HONOUR HIOCKEN' PLATERS (Continued .front. page 1) he had never be treated better. anywhere than ;in Lucknow, ' He mentioned some of the re- quirements of making a career of ,hockey, and stressed clean diving,the importance of educa- tion, and devotion, to the sport,•. the best of a youth, mentally and which is 'Strenuous and demands physically, . I He was introduced by • Gordon Fisher and thanked .by..Charles Short, . who presented Dennis with a gift on behalf of the Club. Itan..pi. :' THE PURCHASE OF THE FOLLOWING. 2 IVAN'' CAMP BEANS WITH. PORK 25 FREE 16 oz.... , .,, ; .. , .. STAMPS. 1.1VIODESS ' 100 FREE. STAMPS Regular 24 ' , . 4' REAL GOLD DRINKS - 50 FREE STAMPS 1 CHASE & SANBORN INSTANT .COFFEE, ' .... , , . , 50 FREE STAMPS. 1 BAYER'S ASPIRIN • 100s ... , 100 FREE 'STAMPS' 1 SQUIRREL• .PEANUT BUTTER. 16 oz, ..... , , 25 FREE. STAMPS 1 BICKS SWEET MIXED PICKLES : • 32 oz. ▪ ... , ., . , 25 FREE STAMPS 1 PREM LUNCHEON MEAT • 12 oz..'.. . . . . . . . . . . . 25 'FREE STAMPS 2 MONARCHMARGARINE :1 lb. , ▪ 25 FREE STAMPS 1 YORK BLANCHED PEANUTS ..'25 FREE STAMPS, 1 BETTY CROCKER CEREALS 25 FREE •STAMPS. 2 `ROBINHOOD CAKE MIXES , , :50 FREE STAMPS 1 SALADA TEA BAGS 60's ; • ,, :.. > 50 FREE STAMPS 2 .LEL -MONTE CATSUP / 11 oz.'" . 25 • FREE STAMPS .1 DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 48 oz..;: • • :.:..:.25 FREE STAMPS 1 DEL 'MONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL 20:oz.. .. . 25 FREE STAMPS I.' DEL MO .NTE FANCY PEAS 15 oz: ▪ ... ... ▪ 25 FREE :STAMPS PHONE 20 and were received by 'Donald. Fisher, Tommy O'Donnell, . Jack Mullin, .Gary Sutton and Bobby Mullin.. ..The presentations were made by ' Ernest : Button, Milt Rayner, J.' W. Joynt Lloyd Hall, -.Robertson!' . " and Gerald Ratihwell Bob e•Malntosh president: 'of 'the Recreational , Committee and Lloyd Ashton, • presented. the .cream coloured jackets with red. • and. blue 'trine to, the Juveniles:: The jackets; carried crests em bleinatic of the'.W.OA.A. champ- ionship and runner-up for the Ontario Juvenile :championship. ,Receiving, jackets were Floyd Stanley, Paul Henderson, Jerry" Mowbray, Thom Collyer, Gary Ritchie, Fraser Ashton, Bruce Baker,. An.. Petersen, Bob And- rew, Art Short, Art Howald and Bill .. Robinson who was absent, as well as team officials Harold Ritchie, Walter Arnold • and. Otto Petersen. The jackets were fin - _Most valuable and most ixn- proved player awards were made to Pee Wes, Bantams and Squirt; • t WE DELIVER anced by the Town Council, Lions and Legion. Jim °` Petersen replied on be- half of the boys, and manager, -. !' Harold 'Ritchie 'expressed •appre• dation of ithe co-operation they had received . during the success-, ful` season from the Recreational` Committee: BORN BOY�LF-In Victdria Hospital,: London on. Friday, . May 29th, to Mx.. and: Mrs: Jim': Boyle, Luck.. now, '•a •son. ('stillborn) CHIRSHOLM-at Wingham Gen eral Hospital on Wednesday, May 27th, 1959, to "Mr.. and Mrs. LeQ' nard .Chisholm, 'RA. ' 2, Aubtuln,. a' daughter, : Virginia ' Anne, a sister for Alex and Cohn. STEWART—At Alexandra Hos- pital, Goderich, on May Si, 1959, to Mr. and Mrs, William Stewart, giaRinei,coprtingrinean. .non, a • daughter, • Y Summer Foatv�rear Q�y 4 Are Here!_: And A Full. Range OfCool Footwear . No* . In Stock • , STURDY SANDALS. FOR CHILDREN For Dress or Play, Priced from .. :. $2,45 WOMEN'S AND GROWING GIRLS' SANDALS White or Beige. Sandals in Medium Wedge o1 Flat Heels A Wide Range of WASHABLE CANVAS FOOTWEAR '• For Every Member 'Of The Farinily HWE-LL•.........:Store . o, swU014�1i�o�ryNN�ii�liNl�/ii/i►�•��