The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-06-10, Page 7livEDNESDAY, J'UNiE' 10th, 1959 KNOW :SENTINEL, . L1.TUKI OW, TE LUG ANNOUNCING •Iv ars AR}E. NOW ON DISPLAY„ . AT'. Lucknow, Ontario REPRESENTATIVE ,FOR r:• • is a 2 i5 Teeswater Pontiac, Buick .:4u1 GMC : Dealer ' For .this Area Wide ,Selection at •all Times of GOODUSED CARS S` ' Mr; and Mrs. Lloyd ,1VIaaDou KINLOSS ".NE' • Anniversary Services Were held at South Kinloss Church on Sunday with Rev: A. Clements of Palmerston. ,'as` guest ` minister: ..Rev. Clements was minister in a neighbouring charge ' to:. Rev: 1Vlarslall in Ireland. Mrs:Wrn' Macln is, ihome.:. from Wmghatyre • m.. Hospital and Mrs Clark from Victoria Hospital, :London. • Jimmy, Lavis of London spent theweek-endwith his parent§, Mr.. and Mrs. :Harry Lavis.' 11tr. Bert Gibbings of Clinton visited Sunday with Mr. , and Mrs: Ira Dickie and boys. - Members ' of the . Campbell family, enjoyed a sumptuous din-' ner'at the home: of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Campbell •on Sunday: gall, ::Allan ' and Grace. visited Sunday with Mr.' and. Mrs:' W, Farrish of Ashfield. • Mrs.. Douglas :Graham visited recently with her uncle,.: Mr, R. G. Martin who is quite; ill, having suffered another stroke: • United. Church' U C h W.M.S. The . Afternoon . Auxiliary of the. 'W.M S: 'of the phited. Church met in the ,Sunday, School room on Tuesday, June 2nd. ' Mrs, R.• 'Cumming;., second vice-president, conducted the ' ' opening • excer- cises: Mrs. W. ' B. Anderson re- ported for the Supply Committee and also gave the treasurer's 're- port...Mrs. Brooks; as stewardship convener, ' emphasized Christian living' . arid' self-improvement as our daily aim, and that every PHO• TO CO-OP • REALTOR • 120 'Davis, St. Sarnia, Ontario: Repres nted By, UEOthis-district RGE" •TIEPIN, salesman for. dis c HOUSES IN • L' uckriow, Wingham, Teeswater, Whitechurch, Paisley. • PROPERTY ,in Clinton suitable site for '• new industry. ' COTTAGE•and 2 acres of lake property. near Tiverton. COT - NAGE' and LOT 100 ,Ift. by 60 ft at Point Clark near Light • house 15 vacant lots at Point '• Clark near: Lighthouse• lots all 100 ft.•by 60 `.ft. • ' • HOUSE and BARN and '5 acres of : land at Bluewater High- way.., igh-way., Land suitable . to build tourist cabins. • Short distance from Point Clark, House and 5 acres can -be .boughtwithout barn; FARMS, a number of good farms in. the surrounding community priced reasonable. Also. reasonable terrines• ori all property, For :more particulars and to inspect properties call, GEORGE TIF'FIN at 184W Lucknow p When you list your.property with us you can' start packing. iavJIIe'rj •Mc1��OshW r. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Bell, Telephone Building WALKERTON .�.. D. A, `H.UIv'I'LE'�w C.A. . Resident Manager - .. :Telephones: Business 633:;' Residence 106 7171,71 • ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN TO PAVE• PORTION, OF LAKE ROAD: .Huron, Township Couneil /let On . June lst, with all members Present. ' Approval was received • from the Department of Highways for the current 'road and .:bridge ex- penditures xpenditures totalling ,$55,000.00. Applications were received from Murray Walden and Arthur Messenger to have their assess • ments ahanged from • S.S, No. 1 to the'Huron-West.. school area. These were :accepted . and ,the Clerk instructed ' to .prepare the necessary , By-law to alter ' the • sections; • - ; Moved by Walden -MacKinnon; that we accept the tender of the County • of .Bruce to pave . the Lake road'frown 'Con, 10 to: Keyes' Hill and twb-tenths ,of ,a mile at the. Pine River .Cheese factory.' Moved by Lowry -Walden, that we accept the, garbage collection tenders: of o • David Moore ..for Bruce Beach and that, of William Wilken for Point 'Clark Beach.. Council ' passed a by-law al- lowing payment of claims to • Live -stock'and, poultry caused by. "wild animals" . as 'well as dogs, Also' passed ` a : • Supplementaryy .by-law • for paving . and extra snow removal totalling • $45,000: and sent same to Department of Highways , for approval. .• The fgllowinng accounts ,were ordered ' paid; 'Ivan: Pollock,. care of .'cemetery, $79.40; .McArthur Hardware,. cemetery supplies; 92.09; John `;S; MacDonald, care of: hall,- .19.00, John: H. „Elliott, Warble powder; 120' sacs :@ $6;45,. 774.90; Eugene 'Dunlop, Warble.. Inspector; 226.00; .Hugh • Cleland,' Warble ,Sprayer :operator, 126.44.; Mrs.- Ernest Walden,'., poultry kil- led, 28.25 Charles' Emmerton, valuator, • 3,50, H. Hagedorn; sprayer repairs,.' 20.00, Ernest. Walden, 1 bushel oats,: .1.25; Dr.,' W'. +G.''Bruce, 'School dental ser-, vices, • 27:2,50, W E: ' 1VIahobd,. lumber for picnic . tables, - 64.02;: Graham 'Cook, covering ` dump, 56.00; Leroy Walden, .1 fox boun- ty, . 5.00; Roddie • MacDonald, 1 fox. bounty; 5.00 Mrs: D. Thompson, nursing home care, 100:00 Hear-�' old . Courtney, grass , seed,, • 9.35,• A B. Walden, time to Toronto, 9.50:; W. R. Lowry,time oto •Tor. .onto,: 9.50; Earl Tout, - time . to Toronto, .9.50 William Harris, 5 sheep 'killed and' 5' Iambs injured, 200.00 Emile McLennan, valua tor, 3.50; 'Chester Emmerton, car and time, to Toronto, 36.80,• Post Office, unemployment • stamps, $13:52. Road _Accounts " Steve Trwi:n, - 'Superintendent; 328.40;. Ernest • Walden, grader' operator, 208.40; 'Gordon . Stewart, grader 'operator, 51.19, Johri; Blackett, labour,' 107.95;. Don•.Mcc- •Tavish, snow' ,fence, 7.50; H. 'H. Bannerman, truck tire,. 25.00, G. W. Crothers; Cat. grader repairs, 222.00 Lorne' Ernmerton, brush- ing. 6.25;,Ralph „Pollock, posts, 10.20; !Canadian :Tire Corp. • tools, 10.96; D.. G.;MacDonald, gear oil, 21.00; C.N.R. express,. 3.05; .Earl Tout, postage, 9:00 N. Barnard; hauling gravel, 50.40; .W. Mc: Lean, hauling' gravel, 99.60; G. Cook, hauling. gravel, 60.00, .Wm. • Kerripton, hauling gravel, 57.60; H. Coiling, hauling gravel, 97.95;, Hugh `Cleland, • gravel, 250.00; James McTavish, gravel, 296.30; Ih, Hodge, repairs, 67,80; W. T. Shantz; bulldozing, 936.45; Franks Garage, repairs, 37.15. J .Moved by Walden -Lowry, that we 'do :now adjourn to meet on July '6th. -EARL TOUT, Clerk day . is God's Day. Miss, Olive Webster acted as chairman for the programme. After the open- ing hymn pen-ing.hymn the devotional period was conducted'; .by kiss •Flora• Webster, Miss Margaret Rae and Mrs. J. W. Joynt pleasingly ren- dered a duet number, "My Jesus I Love Thee.", The study •book chapter on the Caribbean and West Undies was veryably given by MVtrs. Garfield. McDonald: A. dainty lunch was served by the Program •committee, kiss Olive Webster, Mrs, F. Gilchrist, Mrs. Cameron, and Miss Plora Web. sten . • 1959 Ford ;Fairlane, Sedan, automatic, 6 cylinder • $2,695 195,Pontiac; Sedan, fully equipped, ,automatic 52895 1958 Pontiac Stratoch of Sedan,; automatic' transmission, fully equipped : ' :, .,52,650 " Two` 1958.' Chev. Biscayne Sedans, autmatic, r ' fully equipped ° . ., $2,650 Two 1958 Chev. Biscayne • Sedans, , ; ,. , . „$2,450: 1956 Pontiac Deluxe Sedan, automatic, fully equipped $1,695 • 1956 Chev. Deluxe Sedan, automatic, fully equipped 51,69.5 1955' Chew. Deluxe Sedan, Automatic. , $1,550 1955 Chev. Sedan,' fully equipped' 1955 Chev. ; Sedan, with radio $1,395 1954 'Chev. Sedan " : ,...w 51,050: . 19,54: Ford,. Customline, with radio $1,095 1953 Dodge Sedan $895 $1,450 TRUCKS: ' TRUCKS; 1955 GMC "%2 ton Pickup $1,095 1956 Chev: % Toil Pickup $1,295 • Brussels Motors 'Huron . County's Foremost Used :Car Dealers CASH, TRADE, ' TERMS Open Evenings:Until 10 Cities,, Service `Dealer Pho>de..173, Brussels • • BI,LL HARIUS OF, RIPLEY' hopes . that you will . read the • following: announcement; carefully andthat it will assist /on to see that .compulsory marketing. is: not a good thing; . for :Ontario. and reasons for- him to discontinue' shipping• hogs for the. present.. •One' of the first and: foremost, ' responsibilities : of •Our reprep sentatives in Governlnent is to protect. the democratic •rights of °•every individual r •.. Since the ' , rights' and liberties .of free . enterprise thinking • people • are ,being threatened ,and violated _by compulsory ,market-,. ing schemes ::supported by enabling legislation and strengthened. by .amendments passed 'fromtime to time to head off, any opposi:, ' tion arising, repar less of rights or :reasons. Since it :would. appear that the' advocates of socialism .in . and out of the . legislature -can be more effective With , their, propaganda: .• than; if` they were running the 'Government, • ,Since no. definite •statement of policy, h s• been issued • h a y• either of the major parties as to whether: compulsion ''shall • con.- . tinue to ; replace free -enterprise. and individuals right.; to compete • for a. livelihoodin, the field" of his .choice' without being. dictated,•• • to. Since . the hog• producers of • Ontario are being -Saddled with .a compulsory:agency. marketing, scheme; ,Since''•such a' .schexr.e ' has been foisted , on the. Hog Producers. 'without the ; authority of a proper Mote. Since propaganda issued by t g ard hasbeen :a delib- erate .attempt to brainwash' arid, onfuse many Producers into.. believing that ;prices were no longer established by the : proven;, •system• of :supply'`•and demand. 'This theory being supported by a smear campaign ; (with producers • own .money) and intended . •.to create ill feeling .arnong, producers toward the packers, shippers, and truckers and confusion among .members . of th oard their -- selves. / Since marketing` with'.. the' absence of free' competitionn ca • only lead to laggard and'. stagnant trade.. ' ' , • Since the absende" of free enterprise can only .serve to under- Mine our democratic :warof life • and inevitably lead to socialism Since 'socialism and' democracy cannot exist 'side by' side, obviously one must make way ` for the other.. • Therefore :I have no other • alternative but to step aside• as ' a shipper of bogs•, at the present time, until •legisla•1ion is °banged so that compulsory direction., of hogs in Ontario be replaced. by competitive sales in this • manner. That all producers : of hogs m p .Ontario be granted . freedom in the marketing in, his hogs by being allowed to consign them to, (1). Processor'•of his choice or (2) ' Consigning them to any 'Co-operative agency, or. any . agency, , or agent of this choice. • That all '/agencies • must be self "supporting. and be allowed to level charges only on . business, done by them- selves for producers using their services, . Monday, June. 15th will •be my last shipping date •for market. hogs for the present 1 hope, •after a vote is takenthis summer that T. will be back in business again, selling rriy customers' hogs for whatthey are 'worth on a ;competitive •market::• In the' Meantime I will be fighting for the rights of all, free - darn loving people everywhere, who -should join with the Free Enterprise 14 g• Producers and. combat this . trend toward socialism, which after all is 'tieing propagated by• a -.very small percentage :.,y' of people, but which if not checked' promptly could result in. very serious consequenices. . `Ours sincerely, . ill Harris.